Deputy, Suspect Killed In Shooting; Second Deputy Critical

November 24, 2012

A shooting in Baldwin County (Ala.) Friday afternoon left one deputy and a suspect dead and critically injured another deputy.

About 4 p.m.  Baldwin County deputies responded to 11830 Mallard Lane near Fairhope for a welfare concern over a suspect that acting aggressively toward family members. Deputies said the suspect, Scott Jansen, pulled out a weapon and opened fire, hitting two of three deputies multiple times.

Deputy Scott Ward, a 15-year veteran of the department, was pronounced dead the the USA Medical Center in Mobile. A second deputy, whose name has not been released, was in critical condition early Saturday morning. Jansen was pronounced dead at the scene.

The incident remains under investigation by the Baldwin County Major Crimes Task Force.

Scott Jansen


14 Responses to “Deputy, Suspect Killed In Shooting; Second Deputy Critical”

  1. 429SCJ on November 27th, 2012 9:13 pm

    His life appears for the most part to have been devoted to public service.

    A rich life cut short, the loss of a fine Gentleman, in the Line of Duty!

    My prayers and condolences to Officer Ward’s Family and Loved Ones.

  2. AL on November 24th, 2012 6:19 pm

    My prayers and sympathies for the family of Deputy Ward.

  3. kathy brady on November 24th, 2012 1:43 pm


  4. eeyore on November 24th, 2012 11:59 am

    …first, my condolences to the family of the fallen deputy for the senseless violence and death. second, how is the free love and the hippie thing anyway related to this violence? what i understand is that the hippies were for no killing…no violence…no exploitation of others…learning to live with nature than manipulate it? if fingers must be pointed, it should be for the gun-rights folks who continually allow mentally unstable individuals to continually own and buy guns because any infringement of these folks would greatly affect the rights of the second admendment?

  5. Delta Zelda on November 24th, 2012 10:11 am

    Disrespect for others and law is the fruit of “free love; if it feels good, do it; and let it all hang out.” How’s that “find yourself” and hippie thing working for you?

  6. Marcus on November 24th, 2012 10:05 am

    This sickens me. God Bless Deputy Ward and his family, friends and coworkers. I pray that the deputy in critical condition pulls through for a safe & speedy recovery! Please please!

    You are a coward if you inflict YOUR own pain on others. Whatever problems you have need to be dealt with by YOU and only YOU. If your suicidal or homicidal, take your own life, not anyone elses. Man up and don’t tqake the easy way out. I don’t care how bad it is. YOU are a COWARD for taking another mans life for YOUR own problems. Be a man, not a COWARD.

  7. Tony G on November 24th, 2012 9:12 am

    God bless Deputy Ward and his family. Our thoughts and prays are with his family and the wounded deputy. Local Hero’s and warriors who suit up everyday to protect you, me and complete stranges from the evils of society. God’s blessing and protect to all law enforcement.

    We’ll miss you brother in blue.

  8. well on November 24th, 2012 8:55 am

    Prayers for the officers and all the families involved.

  9. bgr on November 24th, 2012 8:41 am

    Our society has become so very disrespectful of human life…if you do not agree with the situation in which you are involved then it seem the most popular thing to do is produce a weapon…i.e. gun or knife…but keep in mind…for all of you intelligent readers out there…GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE…PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE…my heart goes out to law enforcement officers involved in this horrible avoidable and senseless crime…God be with your love ones!

  10. bewildered on November 24th, 2012 8:36 am

    People have not gone mad!!! They are taught from an early age that their actions have no consequences. If the police officer had not been killed most people on this site would feel sorry for the poor misguided individual and blast the aggressive actions taken by the officers. Well, we have to choose. No society can have it both ways.

  11. Jim Jordan on November 24th, 2012 8:31 am

    I had the pleasure of meeting Deputy Ward after Hurricane Ivan and I can tell you, he embodied the motto ‘to protect and serve’. He knew many of us in Spanish Fort by our first name. Such a tragic loss of a great man who always gave selflessly and always treated people with respect, victim and suspect alike. There is a great void that will be hard to fill. My prayers go out to his family and coworkers during this trying time. He was one of the ‘old-school’s law men, and the community will miss him…..

  12. NO-LODD on November 24th, 2012 7:54 am

    RIP Deputy Ward, thank you for your service. Un-named Deputy, my thoughts and prayers are with you & your family.

  13. atmore on November 24th, 2012 6:29 am

    What is wrong with people!!??? Has everyone gone mad? It’s so sad. Prayers for all involved. Such a senseless act. Thank you to our law inforcement that risk their lives every day. It’s getting worse and worse with people not respecting police officers. It’s scary.

  14. Janet on November 24th, 2012 5:59 am

    This is so sad to read. Two families and maybe a third, destroyed with such loss. Bless them all and may God give them His peace.