Crime Rate Increases In Escambia And Santa Rosa

November 5, 2012

Overall crime was up in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties during the first six months of 2012, according to a report just released by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

In Escambia County, the crime rate jumped 12.3 percent, with an increase in every major crime category except robberies. In Santa Rosa County, the crime rate was up 5.9 percent, with a increase in all categories except burglaries.

Here are the latest numbers from the FDLE’s Semi-Annual Crime in Florida  Report:


  • Overall Crime: Increased from 7,679 to 8,620 (+12.3%)
  • Murder: Increased from 3 to 9
  • Forcible Rape: Increased from 83 t0 98
  • Robbery: Decreased from 264 to 242
  • Aggravated Assault: Increased from 665 to 894
  • Burglary: Increased from 1,590 to 1,798
  • Larceny: Increased from 4,752 to 5,222
  • Motor Vehicle Theft: Increased from 322 to 357
  • Percent Cleared: Increased from 25.2 to 26.8


  • Overall Crime Increased from 256 to 271 (+5.9%)
  • Murder: No change, 0 to 0
  • Robbery: Increased from 0 to 2
  • Aggravated Assault: Increased from 2 to 11
  • Burglary: Decreased from 64 to 49
  • Larceny: Increased from 187 to 202
  • Motor Vehicle Theft: Increased from 3 to 7
  • Percent Cleared: Dropped from 25.4 to 17.3


26 Responses to “Crime Rate Increases In Escambia And Santa Rosa”

  1. Don on November 8th, 2012 8:46 pm

    That’s it Sheriff Morgan made those people commit crime… LOL Sounds like someone has an axe to grind!!

  2. ROBERT VAUGHN on November 7th, 2012 3:29 pm

    I believe that they should bring back the ROPE… make it public and set some examples. That would definitely make these criminals think twice before they do the crime. some people say its harsh but look at our world now. We as positive citizens should save ourselves before these people get out of jail and do it again. I am definitely for the rope, firing squad, anything to keep these people from striking again!!!!

  3. Dale Parker on November 6th, 2012 9:41 pm

    I will note that the Jurisdictional (Escambia County Sheriff) Clearance Rate according to FDLE is NOT 26% but 20.1% which is the LOWEST in the State of Florida.

  4. Dale Parker on November 6th, 2012 3:10 pm

    The problem is that Morgan lacks the training and experience to run the sheriff’s department. Having been a private investigator, shipping clerk and base security he has no clue what to do to prevent or solve crime.

    Under his administration, he has over 1000 fewer arrests per year and a pathetic state low clearance rate of 20.1%! That means 4 of 5 crimes are unsolved! Also, I believe that with over a 1000 fewer arrests per year leaving an addional 5000 criminals on the street you might conclude what is driving crime up.

    Sheriff Morgan puts every resident in Escambia County at risk. He puts jobs at risk and economic development at risk with our out of control crime and his lack of ability to do anything about it. He is a failure in every part of his job.

  5. Ron on November 6th, 2012 8:15 am

    Well it looks like the clean sweeps are working great. (not) but voters must be buying it for more than what it is, a political smoke screen to make people think he is doing his job. Maybe voters should have educated themselves with this information before they voted.

  6. citizen on November 6th, 2012 4:41 am

    Well, you can’t say you weren’t told about Morgan. He kindly got Powell arrested and out of the way for all things, campaign violations. That’s such a violent crime. I hope all of you that voted for this moron are happy and feel safer in your homes and businesses? I moved out of that county because of all the crime and the lack of enforcement. Seeing this article makes me feel better knowing I don’t have to rely on your Sheriff for help. You all enjoy the next four years and take your gun with you to the store. Thanks Officers for doing what you can with what you have to work with. David Huie Green for Sheriff, 2016

  7. David Craig on November 6th, 2012 3:57 am

    Unless you extract the crime stats for the City of Pensacola from the countywide stats it’s invalid to point your finger at either the city or the county as having an increase or decrease in any crime statistic. For example I believe that at least half of the murders are in the city which has a much smaller population than the county. If you ask people who are active in crime prevention programs (like neighborhood watch) they will tell you that progress is being made where they live. If you want crime to decrease in your neighborhood than become a member of your neighborhood watch, or in the absence of a group you should get one started. Neighborhood watch works and you can drive criminals out of your neighborhood safely and effectively by working with law enforcement. For more information or to start a watch group in your neighborhood call ECSO Community Policing at 436-9281.

  8. dick tracy on November 5th, 2012 9:50 pm

    Probaly most complaining on here voted for 5 star.

  9. truth on November 5th, 2012 5:48 pm

    these are the number of reported crimes not how many were arrested. so all everyone heard was how crime was down looks like we were lied to again. BTW number of people arrested every year is between 12000 -17000 .. So when you see that aggravated assaults are up what you are seeing is the difference between number of crimes reported the first 6 months of 2012 compared to 2011. Crime is up again people.

  10. David Huie Green on November 5th, 2012 5:02 pm

    “Numbers represent the number of crimes committed,”

    Or at least the number reported. Many crimes aren’t reported in the first place.

  11. Wendy on November 5th, 2012 3:58 pm

    This is what’s reported. I wonder what and how much is not. I thought crime was down? That’s what was all over these pages a few months ago.

  12. William on November 5th, 2012 3:00 pm

    >>At the risk of revealing my ignorance, I need some help with these statistics.

    Numbers represent the number of crimes committed, not the number of arrests.

  13. Rick on November 5th, 2012 2:32 pm

    At the risk of revealing my ignorance, I need some help with these statistics. What, exactly, does it mean when is says aggravated assaults increased to 894? Is it the number of people arrested for that crime? Or is it the number of people filing complaints of that crime? Or how about forcible rape, up to 98. Is that people arrested or is that people reporting they have been raped? Guess I could read the report, but I thought some of our more knowledgeable readers might know.

  14. cygie on November 5th, 2012 12:22 pm

    @Jane: Don’t blame crime on criminals? If criminals were not commiting crime, then who would? Understaffing of LEO only matters whn criminals are present.

  15. David Huie Green on November 5th, 2012 9:39 am

    “It would certainly be interesting to see a demographic perspective for these crime statistics.

    “Is that consider politically incorrect, is it still allowed?”

    Nope, not allowed, sorry.

    But to be honest, you can’t run the demographics unless you know you have a representative sample. With only 26 percent closed, the majority are unsolved and it is possible the ones being closed are only those stupid enough to get caught. (No offense intended if your loved one was one of those stupid enough to get caught.)

    Nevertheless, I would venture to guess few of the criminals were currently in the working class other than a very few police and politicians.

    David knowing they’re all great guys
    and the Lord has forgiven them
    and we aren’t supposed to judge
    and it’s all society’s fault anyway

  16. 429SCJ on November 5th, 2012 9:20 am

    It would certainly be interesting to see a demographic perspective for these crime statistics.

    Is that consider politically incorrect, is it still allowed?

  17. Stumpknocker on November 5th, 2012 8:46 am

    I find it hard to believe that the economy has everything to do with the crime rate going up.If this were true that would mean that the honest hard working people that has lost their job,homes,vehicles are out doing crime. Stop and ask a deputy just how many of these type people they arrest,i think you already know the answer.Fact is once an animals find a big hole in the fence they tend to use it over and over again.Don’t take this as a deputy bashing because it is not,they do a good job and it is a tough job, a job that most people say they would not want.

  18. Jane on November 5th, 2012 8:44 am

    Oh please, don’t blame it on the criminals, or the bad economy, blame it on the understaffed sherrif’s office and LEOs! I would not want to try to do the job he has even with more officers! If you think you can do better, go run for sherrif next time.

  19. chris1 on November 5th, 2012 8:28 am

    Cue the ones blaming it on the sheriff/LEO, while forgetting about the influence of gangsta idolization on TV & internet, deterioration of morals, single parents households (about half now) , good jobs sent to chindia.
    Its crumbling folks.
    LEO’s simply pick up the pieces after all.
    Throw more money at it, wont change a thing.

  20. PSU1Earl on November 5th, 2012 7:05 am

    Crime goes up when the economy is in the toilet… So, when do we get to work Scott? I guess he didn’t create enough part time jobs with no benefits yet… You know you can get two to one that way and maximize profits!

  21. citizen on November 5th, 2012 6:42 am

    Jane, it’s not the holidays dear, it’s that fine Sheriff that you all wanted back in office. He has no clue what to do. He didn’t want these stats to come out prior to the primary election. These are stats for the first 6 months of this year [Jan/June], the holidays aren’t here yet. Hang tight, it’s only going to get worse. He’s got so many of the wrong people in charge down there. You have Patrol shifts working eve’s that only have 4 officers on them. They’ve been holding calls for over 4 hours every night they work. Eve’s are the busiest shift at the department. But we have taken the time to make sure every one is well trained down there. While we are all up here dealing with if it’s safe enough to go to the store, the Sheriff is sending people [Chief] to the FBI Academy so he can use it on his resume to run for Sheriff later. In case you didn’t know, we are footing that bill. You need to look at the clearance rate too. It jumped way up over 26%. Wow, that means we have an outstanding investigative unit, doesn’t it? Not, they couldn’t find a suspect if he/she went to that 2 hour lunch with them. I just hope every one’s happy with there lead crime fighter of the county. As I’ve stated all along, he’s a great speaker just like our current President. Do I need to say more.

  22. Joseph on November 5th, 2012 6:28 am

    Impossible…Sheriff Morgan said crime is down. At least he was saying it while he was competing to keep his job. Now the truth is revealed when its too late. Typical Escambia politician.

  23. KAPN on November 5th, 2012 6:18 am


  24. Jane on November 5th, 2012 5:11 am

    Crime tends to go up as holidays approach, and with unemployment up crime goes up. Be careful and be aware of your surroundings and the people around you.

  25. Jane on November 5th, 2012 5:09 am

    Clean sweep has very little to do with garbage/trash being picked up. That gets done by ECUA/volunteers. It has to do with traffic violations (how would you like to be hit by someone with no license/insurance?) warrants being served, arrests being made. Get your facts first!

  26. Everett on November 5th, 2012 3:26 am

    Yea but we got the cleanest neighborhoods in the state.