Century Upset About Gas Tax Hike, ‘Not Fair’ To North Escambia

November 20, 2012

The Town of Century says a four-cent gas tax increase approved Monday by Escambia County for mass transit is unfair to North Escambia residents and may force the closure of some Century businesses. And, for now, Century won’t sign off on an interlocal agreement with Escambia County and the City of Pensacola to allocate the tax proceeds to ECAT.

“All of us are upset about it (the gas tax),” Century Mayor Freddie McCall said Monday night. “They were not considering Century.”

“I am not prepared to sign an interlocal agreement at this time,” he said.

There are three service stations in Century, according to council member Gary Riley, and “the increase will really hurt their business mainly because of how close we are to the Alabama line”.

“Who wouldn’t drive across the bridge,” McCall said of Century’s proximity to normally cheaper gas — with lower taxes — in Flomaton, Ala. “We stand a chance of losing three service stations, businesses, on account of everybody going across the bridge to get their gas.”

Council member Gary Riley attended the lengthy Escambia County Commission special meeting Monday morning, pleading with commissioners to not overlook how the tax will harm Century, and how North Escambia residents have little or no access to use ECAT’s services. ECAT provides limited service to Century, Cantonment and Molino — with one bus making stops in the mornings as early as 6:15, midday and nights as late at 7:05. Residents in community such as Walnut Hill and Bratt have no direct transit service from ECAT..

County Attorney Alison Robinson said that, according to state statute, the gas tax must be implemented across the entire county with no way to exclude Century stations, or the lone gas station on Highway 97 south of Atmore.

Commissioner Wilson Robertson suggested that Century, or the local gas station owners, could seek an exemption from the Legislature prior to the tax implementation date in 2014.

Commissioner-elect Steven Barry (pictured), who will be sworn into office Tuesday, attended Monday night’s Century Town Council meeting.

“This is not fair for District 5,” he said of the gas tax hike to fund ECAT, “at our current level of service.

“A dedicated source of funding for ECAT is something that is necessary,” Barry told the council. “But it does not have to come on the backs of taxpayers as an additional burden.

McCall said he would meet with the Interim County Administrator Larry Newsome next week to discuss the interlocal agreement on the gas tax increase.

For an earlier story about the gas tax increase passage, click here.

Pictured top: Council member Gary Riley addresses the Century Town Council Monday night as council president Ann Brooks listens. Pictured inset: Newly elected District 5 Commission Steven Barry talks to the council. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


51 Responses to “Century Upset About Gas Tax Hike, ‘Not Fair’ To North Escambia”

  1. David Huie Green on November 22nd, 2012 7:26 pm

    “Think about this the President of the United States of America will spend 4 million dollars to go on vacation at the tax payers bill. “

    I’ve never understood that complaint. Those who think the president is doing a good job shouldn’t begrudge him such a small part of the amount he handles in a year. Those who think he is doing a bad job should be glad he isn’t doing more. Either way you should be happy with the president taking vacations.

    “The cost of gas is high because of corporate greed. “

    Corporations are ten times as greedy at $3.20 per gallon as they were at 32 cents per gallon? Me not think so.

    According to
    the taxes on gasoline in Florida amount to 53.4 cents per gallon (and soon to go up by four cents locally).

    Nonetheless, if you really think they are being greedy, you’re free to start your own corporation and undercut them. Thousands of others compete for gasoline sales. They’re all greedy but you aren’t so you can make a good profit and get all the sales by charging less than they do.
    Unless they aren’t really all that greedy or out of line.

    David for solutions

  2. 429SCJ on November 22nd, 2012 3:49 am

    @Charlen, it sounds as though you have some management experience or just good common sense and I like your ideas.

    I think that the county should have prepared a presentation, A Day in the Life, ECAT. to show the public a typical work day, interview the people who ride, show us their needs and opinions, show us statistical info as well, sell us, in other words at least kiss us first, before putting this upon us without public referendrum, after all at the end of the day, it is your job that is on the line, albeit four years down the road.

    We are not selfish heartless people, we are constituents, just ask us first, before acting.

  3. Helping others on November 22nd, 2012 1:27 am

    People your forgetting who this 4 cent tax will help. It is only 4 cents and tax takes effect in 2014. Think about this the President of the United States of America will spend 4 million dollars to go on vacation at the tax payers bill. The Blue Angles fly at at budget of 37 million dollars a year. Your complaining about penny’s to help people who can’t afford a car or can’t drive. The cost of gas is high because of corporate greed. Not because of a 4 cent tax to help PEOPLE. Your tax dollars are spent everyday on things that you don’t use. So stop complaining about helping others who are less fortunate than you, it makes you look foolish when you should be complaining about the Presidents cost to vacation.

  4. Gary Maher on November 21st, 2012 3:32 pm

    I dont like this entitlement tax any better than i like paying more income taxes for welfare,but you need to stop and think about what you are saying these store owners and employees are our neighbors and freinds dont blame them for what the county does. Support our local business then vote out the politicians,go to the county commission meetings call your commissioner, and aggivate them into seeing your pointe of view.

  5. David Huie Green on November 21st, 2012 2:04 pm

    “tax the working man so the non working can live.”

    Well, that IS where the money is.

    Like Willie Sutton when asked why he robbed banks was reported (falsely) to have responded, “Because that’s where the money is.”

    David wondering who else they COULD tax

  6. DOC on November 21st, 2012 1:20 pm

    I think it’s a bunch of bull that people have to pay for something they don’t use. I think it’s for them to put in there pockets to……..

  7. Charlene on November 21st, 2012 10:13 am

    The large buses should be down sized to small vans. Each route should be evaluated to determined the number of daily riders and down size accordingly. The larger buses are to expensive to operate and in most cases would probably not even be needed. Of course, this would require the use of common sense which is rarely used when dealing with the government be it Federal, State or Local. Taxing seems to be the buzz word now and in the future. If it moves tax it. If it dies tax it and if it inherits tax it.

  8. BTW on November 21st, 2012 8:10 am

    BTW, Wilson and Company, you just shut down every Escambia gas station within 5 miles of Santa Rosa County, and our Northern and Western borders of Alabama. Nice…

  9. Jimbo on November 21st, 2012 8:06 am

    What many don’t understand is that the CC held this vote on the very last day of their service. This transportations “system” has been foisted upon us by the federal government, then mandated that we pay for it. It’s so silly, I’ve never seen more than 3 or 4 people at a time on these 40 passenger buses. We should be able to vote to end ECAT and this silly boondoggle. This system isn’t working for 99% of the population.

  10. No Excuses on November 20th, 2012 8:22 pm

    I was pleased to see that Commissioner Elect Barry would have voted “No” for the tax increase. I don’t think a new tax is necessary. A better or more efficient way to run the system should be found and all options explored BEFORE recommending a new tax. No New Taxes!!

  11. smokey on November 20th, 2012 7:44 pm

    so most people who ride the bus around town pay $1.75 and people who come from century pay $2.35. People in century that drive to pensacola to work are going to use around 3 gal. if they have an economical car. How many people ride the bus from Century? Seems the riders should pay more. This bus system isn’t a help to near as many people as it is a leech to most. What ever happened to common sense? Oh yea, D.C. done away with that a long time ago and nonsense has spread through the entire country.

  12. JOHN BODIE on November 20th, 2012 6:24 pm

    Here We go again, More tax so some can get a free ride. This is truly a great country. free food, free rides, free cell phones, free wifi, wow.tax the working man so the non working can live.

  13. Carmen North on November 20th, 2012 4:07 pm

    What do we have to do to get a recall election for these idiots?

    I think that would get their attention, and probably solve the problem.

  14. Dixie Chick on November 20th, 2012 2:28 pm

    That would be awesome if Atmore took Walnut Hill in. Then the fuss over the Alabama kids in Flordia would be over!

  15. Calvin Cowpaddy on November 20th, 2012 2:17 pm

    In answer to the question of why gas is cheaper in Cantonment than it is in Century, the price of bulk gas is cheaper if you buy larger quantities, also it costs the same for a tanker to deliver half a load as it does for a full load. This is why Sam’s club and Walmart can sell stuff at retail for less than a small Mom & Pop store can buy it wholesale. Not only is there strength in numbers but there is economy too. Just a fact of life, capitalism works!

  16. LOULOU on November 20th, 2012 2:10 pm

    Gas is 3.22 per gallon in seminole alabama no 4 cent tax on it.

  17. Bob on November 20th, 2012 1:43 pm

    I’m against the tax too.
    But all of you will whining complaining and threaten to go buy gas in Alabama. But what you will all do is vote for republicans that raise the tax. In a month you’ll forget about the tax and stop complaining untill 2014 when it implemented as a tax then complain again. Then you’ll just pay the tax. If your vehicle got 15 miles a gallon and you drove a mile from home to save the 4 cent a round trip there and back would cost you 40 cent at $3.00 a gallon. Well probably never see three a gallon again. So you people are spewing nonsense. This isn’t just taking from the rich to fund the buses this if taking from everyone even the poor. My question is if this was already funded via property taxes then shouldn’t our property tax rate go down.

  18. David Huie Green on November 20th, 2012 1:24 pm

    “My question is… why is gas overall more expensive per gallon in Century, than it is in Pensacola? ”

    At a guess, distribution costs. Fuel comes in by barge for most stations and is distributed from Pensacola. Carrying it five miles is less expensive than carrying it for 42 miles. But again, that’s just a guess.

    David for low freight costs

  19. David Huie Green on November 20th, 2012 1:20 pm

    I know you can’t sue the Commissioner, it was rhetorical.”

    My bad, I just took it at face value. I’ve never understood the value of empty threats. Cry wolf and get people to ignore real threats.

    David the trusting

  20. geez on November 20th, 2012 1:01 pm

    If that 80 cents a tank is going to cause you to drive to AL to purchase your gas, then you have more problems then just the cost of gas. Might want to reshift your internet/phone dataplans to nil so that you can afford to buy gas where you want. Taxes are taxes folks. Get used to it. I don’t use ECAT either but I’m not crying about it. You are part a county wherever you go…if you don’t like it, pack up and move across the state line. But that 8 mile trip and the 14 trips later moving your things will cost you more than the 4 cents a gallon you’ll be paying.

  21. justsayn on November 20th, 2012 12:45 pm

    I know you can’t sue the Commissioner, it was rhetorical. I tell you what though, I can vote and express my opinion and part of that is every Commissioner that voted for this needs to hear from the public and not get voted for again.

  22. LouLou on November 20th, 2012 12:11 pm

    This is just another example of taking from the wealthy (folks who have steady pay ) and giving to the ones with less. The only problem with this policy is one day the ones who can pay a little more will end up like the ones they are helping. Which will put an even bigger strain on the system so even more will have to be helped by everyone else. And for those who have the best idea which is to raise the price of the riders of the buses now come on when have u know this to be the case? It will never be the case the government has set it up to be so that more and more have to depend on handouts . That way they can control them even more. It’s like animals they depend completly on others to care for them it survival of the fit. If u can not survive the government will always be there to give you a handout. And you keep coming and they keep giving till you no longer feel the need to try it any other way. So get us to it and learn to live with the fact you will always have more than one family to care for so buck up.. Or get smart and learn to live with only the bare essentials. Get rid of cell phones, satelite tv , dinning out, sporting events, vacations, anything you do not need to live and eat then if everyone would do this it would show government and businesses that we are fed up and will take no more. But you know what no one will do this because they put to much on material things. Good Day.

  23. S.L.B on November 20th, 2012 11:56 am

    Went across the bridge to get our gas before this tax hike, will continue to go across the bridge to get our gas after this tax hike. Whenever we drive into Pensacola, we gas up in Cantonment on our way back because it’s ALWAYS much cheaper than in Century.

    My question is… why is gas overall more expensive per gallon in Century, than it is in Pensacola? If they were to get more competitive on their prices, they might be able to have more customer visiting their stations. Just saying!

  24. marie on November 20th, 2012 10:32 am

    I say raise the bus fares, They have already been on strike for more pay raises and everything else. If I rode the bus I would pay a higher fare, but I drive and have to put gas in my vehicle enough without you people making me pay for your company. Not fair

  25. Just Thinkin on November 20th, 2012 10:15 am

    Most people are missing the big picture. The Commission already funds the ECAT system to the tune of about $3.2 million each year. Public transportation is an expensive function of local government. So your tax dollars are already being spent on something that most are saying that they do not use. This is not a new thing.

    It has been reported that the additional 4 cent gas tax will net the county about $4 million dollars each year. The commissioners have said that the funds are to be used to operate ECATS. This means that the $3.2 million currently budgeted for ECATS and the $0.8 million balance ($4 million – $3.2 million = $0.8 million) of the additional tax will go into the general fund to support any project that the commissioners choose. This equates to a tax increase for the general fund. The only good point is that a large portion of these funds will be paid by the many tourists that visit the area each year and must by gas while here; otherwise the commissioners would find a way to raise the entire $4 million from Escambia County residents alone.

    I think I smell a rat (or five).

  26. charlie w. on November 20th, 2012 10:04 am

    Be ready folks, when the baseball park starts to loose money, pensacola will won’t the whole county to help them pay for the scam. It was always about studers baseball team and maritine park was just a good name to fool the tax payers in the city to pay for it.

  27. Captain Willard on November 20th, 2012 9:53 am

    Why would anyone come to Pensacola and Escambia County? As a tourist I can just as easily go to another area for the same or better not too far from Escambia County, Florida. I will be sure to stay at places near a county border if I come back to the area. Last time I just went to South Alabama and did not notice a difference. Stay out of Pensacola all together.

  28. David Huie Green on November 20th, 2012 9:41 am

    “It’s the principle of the thing.”

    Naw, it’s the money and I will continue to buy wherever is most economical over all.

    David for truth

  29. me too on November 20th, 2012 9:35 am

    I think this is the dumbest thing the County Commissioners have EVER done. And they have done some dumb things! Notice, of course, all of this business came to light AFTER the election, but BEFORE the newly elected commissioners were sworn in.
    I don’t live in Century, but I do live on Nine Mile Road and can either go right over the line to the West in the AL or over into Santa Rosa County & I WILL. I can just plan my gas trips around my other errands. It’s the principle of the thing.

  30. CW on November 20th, 2012 9:18 am

    I don’t see how that little station in Davisville stays open. Their gas is already about 3 cents higher than Atmore, so now its going to be 7 cents higher?

  31. David Huie Green on November 20th, 2012 9:17 am

    “I’m thinking of suing the Commission for taxation without representation.”

    Can’t do it.

    When you get to vote on county commissioners, you have representation even if your favored candidate does not win and even if he or she doesn‘t vote the way you would prefer.

    What you have is taxation without personal benefit and that’s a common thing. Your taxes pay for roads on which you never personally drive, pay for teachers who don’t teach your children, pay for deputies who never go to your door and have already been paying for buses on which you have never personally ridden.

    David considering government

  32. Jane on November 20th, 2012 9:13 am

    I think I like the idea of Alabama annexing us…at least we might get a say in what happens to our County. Obviously since we can only vote for county commissioner in district 5 we can never get the good ol’ boys out! Let’s demand a drop in pay for the county commissioners on the next ballot! they can use that money for their pet projects!

  33. David Huie Green on November 20th, 2012 9:09 am

    “The many paying for the few. Sounds like communism don’t it.”

    No, that would sound more like monarchy.

    Communism would be all paying for all.

    David considering distinctions

  34. Ben on November 20th, 2012 9:03 am

    If a system will pay for itself, there’s no reason it should be public, or government-run. If it will turn a profit, the private sector should be doing it.

    That being said, it’s generally agreed that it’s in the public interest to have a robust school system, public transportation, law enforcement, and other services.

    We can certainly debate whether a service is necessary or not, but just because you don’t personally use it doesn’t excuse you from your civic responsibility.

  35. Ray on November 20th, 2012 8:50 am

    This is why we need at large election in Escambia county you think it dosen’t matter well think again.

  36. SCOTT LASSITER on November 20th, 2012 8:28 am

    I do not agree with this tax, but we should all get used to it. The many paying for the few. Sounds like communism don’t it.

  37. 429SCJ on November 20th, 2012 8:22 am

    The DELETED Station in Atmore has alcohol free and 93oct fuel, just across the line and I visit the town at least twice weekly. Rather than fuel on the outbound, just fuel on the homebound.

    I would suggest you simply vote the commissioners out in 2016, NOT a complicated proposition. I would further say don’t cry no tears as you people put them back in for another term. You got what you asked for.

    Barry sure dodged a bullet on this one.

  38. Bob on November 20th, 2012 7:54 am

    The whole problem lies at the feet of our illustrious commissioners. If someone made a move to lower their $100.000 a year job plus an overweight expense account they would go balistic. The end result belongs to the voters for letting the houligans get in for another term.

  39. justsayn on November 20th, 2012 7:52 am

    I’m thinking of suing the Commision for taxation without representation. When have you seen the transit up toward the north end? I wish everyone remembers this on the next election for some of these Commissioners cause I don’t want them effecting my way of life.

  40. Linda on November 20th, 2012 7:41 am

    I am against this gas tax. This isn’t fair to the to North Escambia.. We don’t ride the transit.. Why make us pay for it? Change the name to Pensacola County? That is STUPID!! Pensacola don’t care about us here in North Escambia.. All they want is our money. It’s always been about Pensacola, and they want.. I travel to Pace Fl. each weekend.. Therefore I will be buying my gas there.. Escambia is the highest tax county.. Even walmart is higher on their stuff than the one in Pace.. It’s the same distant for me to travel to Pace as is to Pensacola.. Go ahead Pensacola, charge the gas tax.. I’m going to Pace from now on.. YOU will lose!!

  41. well on November 20th, 2012 7:40 am

    Going to Alabama because you want to pay more?
    This will certainly not end the world and Century likes when the beach is taxed and spent all over the county.

  42. bewildered on November 20th, 2012 7:30 am

    The problem is that only a few people use the huge buses and ECAT absolutely refuses to see the writing on the wall. It reminds me of a time in Germany where a tour bus company offered trips from Nuremberg to the airport in Munich to board international flights. My son and myself were the only riders that morning and laughed about it. (I have a picture to prove it!!!) Supply and demand dictated and this service went out of business in a couple of weeks!!! But common sense does not rule in Escambia County, Lord knows I am still trying to figure out how a person making less than $28,000/year can qualify for a bank loan to buy a $189,000 house. The $10,000 incentive gift was also approved by the City of Pensacola. .

  43. sam on November 20th, 2012 7:29 am

    been posting on here a long time about how the north end gets the shaft on everything from the county and state. close schools, county tax offices, our small library, etc. now this tax on gas for a service that most people up here didn’t know existed. it never ends. secede and ask alabama to take us. their property tax and homeowners insurance is way better and you drive 14 miles to the court house. don’t even have to make an appointment or take a number.

  44. Have you ever.....? on November 20th, 2012 7:26 am

    Where people are not seeing the bigger picture is the local utilities bills with the ‘fuel surcharge/adjustment’ that WILL BE APPLIED to all of us with this TAX.

    And this union clown at the meeting that said “buses are public resources, just like the fire department”. Don’t know about any of you but, I’ve NEVER seen an ECAT bus at any fire at 3 AM or any other time. Never even seen one deliver the firefighters to the scene. I could be wrong, just never seen one.

  45. Barry on November 20th, 2012 7:10 am

    This is just like Amtrak. The government is forceing taxpayers to fund something that has never been, or ever will be profitable. If ECAT can’t sustain itself, then they should shut it down, or sell it to a for profit company.

  46. Lou on November 20th, 2012 6:21 am

    Haven’t you heard? They’re going to change the county name to Pensacola county.

  47. Fair? on November 20th, 2012 6:04 am

    It’ll be Alabama gas for a great many of Floridians. To be perfectly honest, this is ‘not fair’ to anyone that owns a car or makes loan payments, pays for insurance, tires, license, plates, maintenance, but most of all GAS. We too have to get to work to pay the bills and we pay our own way. Most all of us help others every day, but we shouldn’t be forced to support an entire county. I’m quite sure there are other avenues to raise the funds. Raise the fare, fair? Perhaps salaries should explored.

  48. Freda Whaley on November 20th, 2012 5:20 am

    I for one will be going to Alabama to get my gas. I refuse to pay a tax to pay for a service I CAN’T use. What were they thinking?

  49. MargieLu on November 20th, 2012 5:15 am

    Century and Mayor McCall are absolutely correct in using the term ‘unfair’ to describe the tax. I believe the tax itself is completely unfair to all Escambia County consumers and visitors. It’s nothing less than a government-mandated toll that provides welfare subsidies for folks who use ECAT. I don’t believe the commmissioners and ECAT riders would want to be forced to pay for something THEY don’t use. Why should we? Raise fares to directly cover expenses. It’s the cost of doing business the right way.

  50. Jane on November 20th, 2012 4:51 am

    Implementing a county wide gas tax to fund something primarily used in Pensacola is unfair. Let Pensacola pay for what they use. I think the northend should be a separate county but that is just a thought. We don’t use most of Pensacola’s services with the exeption of the library.

  51. m j on November 20th, 2012 4:41 am

    The Century town council approved everything else the county commision does. Fence ordinances, code enforcement, and closing a brand new school,but now all of a sudden they are crying wolf. The people of century didnt get to vote on the fence ordinance or the code enforcement, it was what the mayor wanted and he got it. So up them 4 cents or go across the bridge like the rest of us