All Escambia Employees Get 3 Percent Pay Raises

November 16, 2012

The Escambia County Commission voted Thursday night to give a 3 percent raise to every county and constitutional office employee that has not received a raise this year, but exactly where the money will come from is yet to be determined.

After a motion by Commissioner Kevin White, the pay hikes passed 3-2 with Commissioners Marie Young and Grover Robinson against.

The move is expected to cost the county between $3.1 million and $3.5 million, according to Amy Lovoy, the county’s budget chief.  The raises are contingent upon corresponding cuts to the county’s operating budget.

“It’s not new found money,” White said. “Other cuts are going to be made to give the increase.”

White originally pushed for the 3 percent raise for only county employees under the Board of County Commissioners, not those under constitutional officers. That motion drew fire from Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan as he stood up for his deputies and employees.

“I take great issue with us singling out, when it’s been hammered into me for the last four years, that a county employee is a county employee,” Morgan said forcefully, pointing his finger at a commissioners. “If anybody gets a raise, the Sheriff’s Office is going to get a raise, or we will go to Tallahassee. And I’ll make good on this statement, you will treat everybody equally and equitably. That’s how we play fair. So if you are going to vote a raise tonight for any county employee tonight, I better see the Sheriff’s Office on this raise too.

Commissioner Grover Robinson said he did not support last minute raises for any employees, “because I don’t know where we are going to find the money”.

Valentino said he supported the raises, even if it meant dipping into county reserve funds, but for all county employees.

Commissioner Grover Robinson said he did not support last minute raises for any employees.  “I can’t support either one at the particular time. I don’t see where we’ve got the money,” Robinson said.

The commission will determine at a later date where to make the cuts in order to make the raises a reality.


52 Responses to “All Escambia Employees Get 3 Percent Pay Raises”

  1. goodforall on November 20th, 2012 4:32 am

    @ To gator on the bus system:

    You are right about alot of people using the bus system. However, I believe the increase should not have been directed at all tax payers. The increase should have been redirected at the people who use the bus system. Like you used to for example. Either you had a bad situation and couldn’t afford a vehicle on a firefighters salary (which I totally understand being a fellow county employee) and/or it was cheaper for you to ride the bus than operate a motor vehicle. Either way, the tax payers pretty much paid for your ride because the fare to ride the bus never has and never will pay for the bus itself, not to mention the fuel, repair and maintenance cost and for the driver of that bus. This leads to only one conclusion. UP THE FARE ON THE DANG BUSSES TO PAY FOR THE SERVICE YOU ARE GETTING AND FOR THE COUNTY TO QUIT TAXING THE HECK OF OF US.

  2. goodforall on November 19th, 2012 10:38 pm

    @ RANDY
    It is basically a cost of living adjustment Randy. We haven’t had an accross the board raise in years. Even welfare reciepients get their checks adjusted for inflation. To say why a raise????? is a little rediculous. Tell your boss the next time he is fixing to give you a raise or cost of living increase that you dont want it, that the government needs is more than you, so they can afford the welfare reciepients food stamp increase due to inflation. It is a basic right to be able to feed your kids when you hold a job and work hard like most county and state law enforcement officers do. I chose this career to serve the public and put my life on the line daily in order to secure a retirement and provide for my family after retirement.

  3. randy on November 19th, 2012 5:30 pm


  4. David Huie Green on November 19th, 2012 12:56 pm

    “it stil isn’t equal to today’s inflation rate.”

    Inflation: a means by which the government reduces the value of money to take from all people who own money such that you might have ten dollars but it will buy what you once could have bought for nine dollars, for example.

    Of course, it’s hard to figure exactly because things which once cost a thousand dollars can be bought for fifty dollars. (think electronics) Other things which once went for ten dollars now cost a thousand dollars. (think acerage)

    David in a dynamic world economy

  5. goodforall on November 19th, 2012 12:01 pm

    I realize we are in somewhat of a financial crisis as a nation and a county, but I would not support a raise for employees who have not received a raise only . What about the employees who have worked hard to support their families by working their tales off to gain a promotion that includes a raise? lets just slap those people (the ones that worked their tales off) in the face and tell them we cant give you a raise due to your hard work, never mind the inflation crisis that we all are going through. And as a bonus, lets tell those that worked their butts off that when the other employee gets a promotion in the next month of so, that they will be making more per paycheck than the one that has 20 years experience and gained the last promotion over them.

  6. Molino Mom on November 18th, 2012 7:29 pm

    A Reminder folks, The 3% is NOT a raise. It is for cost of living due to inflation. Even with the 3%, it stil isn’t equal to today’s inflation rate.

  7. JamTown on November 17th, 2012 9:20 pm

    I think it’s very ironic that the pay raise amounts are just about equal to the amount of the 4 cent a gal tax increase….HUmmmmmmmm

    When is the meeting for the gas tax?

  8. Klondike Kid on November 17th, 2012 9:05 pm

    I had to leave a job I loved with the Building Inspections Dept. because of the lack of pay raises and the cost of living continued to rise. 3 years and counting without a raise and 1 family finiancial crisis, I ended up as a contractor in Afghanistan. Most people that are in these County jobs live paycheck to paycheck and should get raises to keep up with the cost of living. Also pensions are based on the 5 highest years salary, if you go 3 or 4 years at a time with no raise, your retirement check amount does not go up. The lack of raises has a long term effect (permanent) on the employee.
    The Kid still stuck in Afghanistan

  9. To gator on the bus system on November 17th, 2012 8:42 pm

    I am a county employee (firefighter) that at the time (2008) lived in the city of penscacola and worked in Century. I used to take the bus 5 days a week to get to work to save money on fuel. So to say that every one that uses the bus is a drug addict or a nonproductive member of society is ignorant. Plenty of hard working people count on those buses to get to and from work, from family events, and from grocery shopping. Public transportation is a very good thing, but the way they pay for it needs to be adjusted.

  10. LEO wife on November 17th, 2012 3:24 pm

    You missed the part about the amount the county having to pay into the retirement system being reduced . Because of that reduction, the county saved a lot of money. What are they doing with that savings? Why aren’t they talking about that savings?

    And my husband did leave the sheriff’s office because of the low pay.

  11. trouble on November 17th, 2012 12:36 pm

    I am glad the police are getting a raise! They are there when you need help.(break-in’s, rape, accidents,shooting’s ect.) Ya’ll getting the picture!! No, I don’t agree to E-Cat getting my money, The bus still doesn’t come by my house!!!I live in northern area of Escambia.

  12. curious on November 17th, 2012 9:47 am

    @ Sandra, I do not know if you were just talking to LEO’s wife or not but the Dept. Of Corrections employees did notice a change on their paycheck & not only is it is being fought in court as you say and probably get it back, well as of right now their still taking it out of paychecks, and it was supposed to have went for their retirement not general funds, now when someone hears that it kinda sounds like all those people working and earning the right way paying soial security then Joe Blow comes along hadn’t worked a day in his life or worked under the table & needs disability because his back may hurt & he thinks oh well now I’ll use the system & sit home & collect on some of Mr. So & So’s hard earned money. Well alot of us don’t take it too kindly when # 1 they take our money when it was 1 of the benefits to go to work for state & not put it in our retirement but put it in general funds for somebody else. Also if some didn’t get that benefit don’t hate the player you should have went to work with state unless you had made bad choices & couldn’t be hired with state. Why take the money when you don’t even know if your gonna win & co ntinue to take the money. That is when someone is just alil too sure of themselves . A few words of advice is don’t count your chickens before they hatch or don’t let your mule get too far ahead of the cart.

  13. 429SCJ on November 17th, 2012 5:08 am

    That which is good for the congressman, should be good for the county employee as well. They seem to have no problem with voting themselves pay raises.

  14. WHY 850 on November 17th, 2012 12:56 am

    Agree that raises should be given to those that actually desire them. I, myself have worked in the Law Enforcement and understand all aspects of the field. ” Under paid and over worked”. The reason I left is the type of people that are in that field, seem to think its a game and usually don’t realize everyone ones life is on the line at any time, and just don’t take it serious.

    However, ECSO, in my opinion are some of the worst. I have had to rely on them (unfortunately) in the past year and they were no help to me. Just an idea..

    – My home was burglarized (twice) filed report and provided all necessary info.
    * come to find out only 1 was documented
    - Numerous calls regarding harassment which lead to a shooting, etc…
    - A judge not listening, basing his ruling from a % not facts.
    - Neglected to give me information after the incident to further help.

    All of this could of been taken care of with minimal damage/harm if someone was doing their jobs, thinking it could of been them or their families and how they would of acted then. * Do unto others as you want done unto you.*

  15. rob g on November 16th, 2012 11:01 pm

    Does this mean buddy George T will get 3% as well? So he can retire in 6 months with a 3% raise too, man I wish I were a good old boy.

    They need to drop him to help defray the cost for LEO.

  16. REF on November 16th, 2012 10:00 pm

    I for one think that our county workers need a raise and alot more pay. cut some of the top paid worthless commissioners pay and give it to someone that actually helps us out.. Do you see any commissioner spending time away from their family on holidays or coming to your house in the middle of the night when you have a problem, or medical issue or a fire, NO and will not ever see one either.. Try this on for size a 3% increase but not to worry the county employee will not see this money due to a 5% increase on their insurance you do the math…

  17. chad williams on November 16th, 2012 9:37 pm

    40 new Trucks converted to Natural Gas for all county Supervisors was a big waste of County Dollars! Cost of Natural Gas spiked once they were bought. Where is the savings for making that puchase other that the LOOK OF BEING GREEN! County Equiptment is in very poor condition and the mural is in the septic tank! You get what you pay for!

  18. Mark T on November 16th, 2012 7:43 pm

    Should have been 10% !!!

  19. bigbill1961 on November 16th, 2012 7:33 pm

    Cheers to Morgan for standing up for what is right and fair. The ECSO deserves a raise. Those who don’t agree should put on a uniform and put themselves in harm’s way before they make such a statement. Why force experienced officers to consider leaving because of pay? What then? Save money by hiring twice as many rookies? I’d rather keep the experienced officers around to train the newbies. Think people, think.

  20. Sandra on November 16th, 2012 7:01 pm

    @LEO wife

    As I recall the county took the hit for the 3% that you were mandated to pay into the FRS . It did not impact your pay one bit. On top of that, with the 3% pay being challenged in court and probably going to lose, you will get that three percent back on your check with retro. I’m with henry, yes our leo’s need a raise but by God find a way to pay for it first.

  21. tc on November 16th, 2012 6:32 pm

    Just remember this when they are up for re-election again.

    The commission imposes a tax on people who don’t use public transportation specifically for the purpose of paying for public transportation so actual riders don’t have to pay more for the service they use.

    Then they approve a pay raise for county workers. I am not saying this was a bad thing at all. It makes more sense though to have a plan to pay for something before you commit to it… just like they did with the gas tax mentioned above.

  22. 3% Retirement on November 16th, 2012 6:19 pm

    Take the 3% that you pay into your own retirement and subtract it from your total gross, and see how much your actual loss is.

  23. LEO wife on November 16th, 2012 2:46 pm

    You are all forgetting the changes to the retirement system last year that made all members have to start paying in 3% and also reducing the rate the employer (the county) has to pay into the system for each employee. This freed up a ton of money in the county budget for other purposes such as this raise.
    William ask the county how much they saved due to the change in the retirement system.

  24. Randy on November 16th, 2012 2:29 pm

    1. Once again the Commissioners spend money that the county does not have….

  25. Ben Thar on November 16th, 2012 1:08 pm

    I gotta agree with Henry Coe on this one. If you’ve been around, Henry is not exactly what you’d call a hard-line conservative.

    The commissioners have acted irresponsibly, promising pay raises that they haven’t figured out how to fund yet. There is no shortage of applicants for any position at the county, including the Sheriff’s Dept.

    It’s one special day that I find myself in agreement with Henry Coe and Marie Young.

  26. David Huie Green on November 16th, 2012 12:39 pm

    ” I would rather have seen the county skip the raise and put more people to work with those payroll dollars that they don’t have.”

    No, Henry, you’re thinking too small. Cut all employees’ pay in half and employ twice as many. Better yet, cut all employees to a tenth of what they were promised and employ ten times as many.

    Done right, you could end all unemployment — especially after the workers all starved to death.

    David seeing light coming at him in the tunnel
    and it ain’t an opening

  27. David Huie Green on November 16th, 2012 12:31 pm

    “We will give all of you a raise and figure out how to pay for it later.”


  28. Thank You on November 16th, 2012 12:12 pm

    Thank you very much.

  29. William on November 16th, 2012 12:09 pm

    >>> Is the radio correct? and why is that North Escambia has not reported on this?

    The meeting is Monday morning…it’s on the gas tax increase proposal. We reported about it one week ago:

  30. County commissioners on November 16th, 2012 12:06 pm

    The radio says the County commission has moved there meeting to Monday or Tuesday morning. Why is the County commissioners having the meeting on the $.04 per gal of gas tax in the day time instead of a night? Is it because the ones who pay the tax or have to buy the gas to get to work will be at work? No one will be against it. Is the radio correct? and why is that North Escambia has not reported on this? Or have i missed the posting. I hope the radio is wrong.

  31. Facetious Bob on November 16th, 2012 11:27 am

    I have never met Henry Coe, that I know of. I picture him as one of the 99% who hang out down town, using the free electricity, and wi-fi supplied by the government, and wanting to change things “for the better.”

  32. Concerned on November 16th, 2012 11:27 am

    @Kevin Enfinger

    You are exactly right. I am a county employee and so is my husband. We are both law abiding, pay our bills and taxes on time and have been willing to make sacrifices to reach our goals. But despite being responsible and not living above our means we are finding that our paychecks are no longer stretching as far and we are not able to put as much in savings. Yet, someone with no job will report that while they were out at the club last night someone broke into their brand new car and stole their $400 Coach purse, which had their $200 Coach Wallet $300 cash and their EBT and Medicaid cards. I have no problem helping those that need it but I have seen firsthand people taking advantage of the system. My husband and I work very hard to support ourselves and we would like our pay to reflect that.

  33. SCOTT LASSITER on November 16th, 2012 10:59 am

    Kevin – I agree so much. I had a friend, notice I say had, who always had something smart to say about my ” too generous” state retirement and benefits being a burden on the taxpayer. At the same time this person delayed getting married until his future wife got a free education from us the taxpayer. Not to mention all the w.i.c. food stamps and free childcare they get. On top of all that is the fact his wife doesn’t even work cause it would cost them too much (in handout) money for her to utilize this free education she received. He is the first to say cut pay and benefits, more money for their handouts I guess. Now, who is the real burden on taxpayers ? At least I go out and work everyday to receive my so called generous retirement and benefits.

  34. worker on November 16th, 2012 10:58 am

    To all who asked:
    henry does not work. But he does collect food stamps.

  35. Henry Coe on November 16th, 2012 10:56 am

    I never said those who deserve a raise shouldn’t get one. I was talking about across the board raises for all county employees. The article may show a picture of Morgan, but it isn’t only about LEO’s, still, even if it was, getting a raise shouldn’t be an entitlement. Especially when it isn’t paid for. That’s how deficits are created.

    My comment about holiday pay was in regard to national holidays across the country. If those wasted payroll dollars of paying people for not working were not paid and treated like an entitlement, it would not only help relieve government budgets, but it would help small business owners as well. If you have never owned a business, then you really don’t get the what it is to pay someone or hundreds of someone’s for a day of doing nothing. If any of you commenting claim to be a conservative and disagree with the economic of what I’m saying, you might find something other than “conservative:” to call yourself.
    While it is typical of greedy Plutocrats and Corporatist to get all the money they can, even as a self serving entitlement, I question whether you can be against entitlements for your neighbor but want them for yourself?

    Again to reiterate the point, I’m not saying that if someone deserves a raise, they shouldn’t get one. By all means, take care of valued employees deserving of raises. But, what is the incentive for a good employee when they don’t have to work for a raise that is just handed to them? And, how is that any different than the entitlements campaigned against by conservatives?

  36. Kevin Enfinger on November 16th, 2012 10:05 am

    Henry do you work? Or are you one of the many people sucking up our tax dollars when your perfectly capable of working? I bet if you worked for the county you wouldnt be complaining. U want to cut government spending, then cut out the cheaters using our tax dollars

  37. ECSO-DEPUTY on November 16th, 2012 9:49 am

    TO HENRY & ALL LIKE HIM: Tell me how would you feel if you work nights, weekends, holidays & miss ALOT of your family functions? Then on top of that break bones, have a surgery and a dozen visits to the emergency room due to your job. Get shot at 3 times, see the worse in people, death, rapes, stabbings, shootings, crime on kids etc… Not to mention working 5-6 days a week 10-18 hrs a day just to live pay check to pay check. And only a 1% pay raise in the last 10 yrs. Yep sounds like fun..Well this is what has happen to me over the past ten years as a deputy. Oh did I fail to mention I only make $36,500 a year? SO I NOR ANY DEPUTY WILL NOT APOLOGIZE FOR WANTING NO DESERVING A 3% RAISE. WE ARE UNDER PAID AND OVER WORKED. So now the County Comission have finally gave the OK ( No thanks to M. YOUNG & G. ROBINSON ) after 10 years for a raise you want to complain. Yet you will be the 1st to call us to help you when you have a problem. Here’s a thought why don’t you do a ride along with us then decide. Get a 1st hand look just at what we do deal with on a daily basis. To everyones else that supports us, THANK YOU!!!

  38. Molino Mom on November 16th, 2012 9:39 am

    Well on,
    Look at the bottom of your tax bill. There is a tax for the SO. If the 4% gas tax hike gets approved at the special board meeting on Mon. 11/19, there will be another MSTU for ECAT. I personally think this is a bad idea. The city pulled their money out of ECAT a few years ago. Why should the county bear the burden for mostly empty busses driving around town. At least the reason the county would pull money out of the library budget is because we have no say as to how the money is spent or the hours the library is available, which has been a cause of dissention recently.

  39. Doug on November 16th, 2012 9:34 am

    Most county employees have not recieved a raise in years. Tax revenue has been down due to the decrease in property values, so funding was not available. Even though this vote was rushed, a raise is long overdue. The housing market is improving (slightly), so maybe that will help. The employees who have decided to stay have done their part to help the county’s budget. With insurance, gas, and other living expenses continuing to rise it’s time they get an increase.

  40. Molino Mom on November 16th, 2012 9:28 am

    It is my understanding that the 3% would come out of budget money already allocated for this fiscal year. While I fully understand what the sheriif is requesting, let’s face it, deputies/first responders could never be paid enough for what they risk or do. This 3% would mean that the departments would have to ‘tighten their belts’ if this were to happen. The sheriff has stated that there is no money in his budget for a 3% cola (cost of living). We will wait and see what happens. My thinking is this may come thru before Christmas, making all look like heroes. Some deservedly so. This said as a county employee.

  41. Sandi on November 16th, 2012 8:38 am

    @Henry – would you want to work more than 40 hours a week and holidays and not receive adequate compensation? County employees are leaving left and right because they can get better salaries and benefits elsewhere. Paramedics, EMTS, Firefighters, and LEOS all put their lives on the line every day to help the people of this county – they do it because they like helping people. But at some point they will leave because they are tired of working two jobs and long hours to support their families and then never getting to spend time with their loved ones. They are being nickel and dimed to death with higher prices for almost everything and no increase in pay for several years. If you eliminated all overtime then the number of employees the county would have to hire to cover that time would cost more than the overtime to begin with.

  42. well on November 16th, 2012 8:35 am

    Has anyone ever considered putting the S O on a MSTBU? Then they would not have to go to the commision to argue about money.

  43. LEO on November 16th, 2012 7:26 am

    @ Henry Coe…Your statement is incorrect! There are deputies leaving left and right because of the pay.

  44. SCOTT LASSITER on November 16th, 2012 7:11 am

    To Henery Coe- So what your saying is a law enforcement officer, putting his life on the line for yours on Thanksgiving or Christmas, away from his/her family should not be compensated for that ? These county employees WORK for what they receive. This is not an entitlement as you call it. An entitlement is sitting on your rump and getting a check from those who do work. People like you get my blood boiling. I bet you probally have spent every Thanksgiving , Christmas and Fourth of July with your family.

  45. curious on November 16th, 2012 6:58 am

    @ Henry Coe, all I’m gonna say to you is, you would do just as good as Rick Scott. This is where we all throw our heads back and laugh.

  46. curious on November 16th, 2012 6:39 am

    I wouldn’t say get rid of ECAT, but I will say raise the ticket for the ride instead of raising tax. I don’t mind helping people but that is a lil much, if whoever don’t want to pay the cost, let them get their own vehicle then they might just understand why everybody else don’t want to pay for the extra tax, because it’s not helping once or twice it’s constant paying for people who don’t appreciate or thinks somebody owes it to them, now about the 3% raise it may be coming from the peopl who gets 3% taken out of their paycheck, I don’t know who all had to do that some people might get more or less taken out, I don’t know all I know is my husband gets 3% taken out, it was supposed to be for retirement but guess what now people can’t or won’t say except for its going into general funds, not only have they not gotten a raise in I could not tell you, unless they get promoted, they lost 3%, as for the raise anybody who does they’re job needs a raise including LEO’s , but there’s also gonna be some that don’t do their job & others take up the slack, along with others work for Dept. Of Corrections, so not only they didn’t get a raise they lost money, but lo & behold I don’t mean to step on Toes but a lil after that medicare people got 3% increase, maybe not all but I know for a fact some did & now all Escambia county employees get a 3% raise plus eveybody in Escambia has to pay the 4% gas tax. Tell me now who’s getting scr__ed.

  47. 429SCJ on November 16th, 2012 6:20 am

    I strongly agree Jane,

    If only there were something we could tax. A previously untapped, new source of revenue?

  48. mickey powell on November 16th, 2012 5:54 am

    Right after the election? Good timing, bad judgement. Remember who did not support this.

    Mickey Powell
    Flomaton Al.

  49. Jane on November 16th, 2012 5:02 am

    I am proud of Sheriff Morgan for standing up for his officers and employees. We need everyone of our LEOs and more if we could get them! We probably need ECAT but it doesn’t run when and where we need it, so NO new gas tax! What we don’t need is underpaid LEOs and overpaid County Commissioners who can’t seem to agree on much of anything or encourage new businesses.

  50. Henry Coe on November 16th, 2012 4:47 am

    How sad. With unemployment still high and government budget problems, this raise or any raise is irresponsible. it’s an employers market. It’s not like the county is having a problem with employees leaving and now they are declaring raises without knowing how to cover the additional payroll cost? From a management perspective this makes no sense. I would rather have seen the county skip the raise and put more people to work with those payroll dollars that they don’t have.

    We should also be getting rid of federal holiday pay & holidays off or working at time and a half until we are out of deficit spending. Raises and holiday pay as entitlements need to stop. We could take half the money we save from that and put some more people to work.

    I’m disappointed in BoCC for making this decision and for doing it in such short order. This needed more discussion before not doing it.

  51. Gator on November 16th, 2012 4:17 am

    I could not agree more with Sparkler, really no need for those buses, especially when a good amount of people use the transportation to go to court, parole officers, buddies house to buy drugs or what not… Give back to the employees who protect this county…Sheriffs department, Fire departments, jail employees, school teachers God knows they need it. I know of another thing they could cut on, some might hate me for it but the street sweepers, we dont need them out there every night supposedly cleaning up the same streets from the day/night before. We need more police, fireman, teachers to help this county get it back to the way it use to be…SAFE, fire protection/education, more teachers where there aren’t so many students in a class that may not be getting the help an resources they need to better themselves and make something out of their education!

  52. Sparkler on November 16th, 2012 1:53 am

    Well, lets get rid of ECAT. That would free up enough money. Me personally, my safety and the safety of my neighborhood, family and the safety of those officers on the streets as well as in the jails should come before anything else. This towns going down the drain and you got 180 holes in the county jail that can be filled with employees. Havent heard what the count is for the officers on the road. Mostly because no one wants to work in that kind of danger and not be paid for it. No raises in at least 5 years while taxes on gas get tacked on whenever. Look around people, more protection or more public transportation.