Woman Gets Three Years For Bratt Home Invasion Robbery

October 29, 2012

A 31-year old woman was sentenced to three years in prison for a home invasion robbery at her mother’s home in Bratt.

Jacqueline Bernice Morris, who told authorities that she was homeless, was found guilty of felony home invasion robbery and sentenced by Judge Jan Shackelford to 36.3 months in prison, with credit for 87 days served.

Morris was accused of entering her mother’s mobile home on C.W. Caraway Road, just north of Highway 4 near Northview High School on April 28 and snatching a bottle of about 90 Xanax out of her mother’s shirt.

Investigators said the victim was sitting in her living room watching television when Morris, her daughter, entered through a storm door. Morris grabbed her mother by the arms to restrain her, reached into the pocket of her shirt, grabbed the bottle of Xanax and ran away.

A nearby witness attempted to catch Morris, even giving chase for a brief distance along Highway 4 after Morris jumped into her Saturn and sped away.

The day prior to the incident, Morris had been trespass warned by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office to stay away from the residence as she retrieved her personal belongings from her mother’s trailer.

The mother was not seriously injured in the incident.


7 Responses to “Woman Gets Three Years For Bratt Home Invasion Robbery”

  1. David Huie Green on October 30th, 2012 9:43 am

    Actually, if you have a Saturn, you aren’t homeless. Your home is simply small and with too many windows.

  2. family member on October 29th, 2012 7:21 pm

    I hate it for ya jackie.. but hopefully now ya can get the help ya need!!! I have seen first hand the pain you inflect on our family! We love you, just glad you are in a place that ya can get help now.

  3. highschool on October 29th, 2012 6:00 pm

    I knew this girl in highschool and she always had an “attitude” back then. I hope that she can get some help and get off the drugs and that she can make peace with God about laying hands on her mother. They say you have to hit rock bottom to build yourself back up, so I have to wonder – is physically restraining your mother so that you can steal her medications rock bottom? I pray it is.

  4. mnon on October 29th, 2012 11:41 am

    Wow how low can you go. she should have gotten charged for elder abuse for restraining her mother. crazy how people can act towards the one that brought you on this earth.
    druggies have no sense at all.

  5. unknown on October 29th, 2012 10:32 am

    well i know this women and she needed this time to get clean an think about all she has done to hurt her mother an everyone else that was close to her may god be with her.

  6. JimD on October 29th, 2012 7:11 am

    All you would nee is dueling banjo’s playing and it would have been a scene out of Deliverence.

  7. RC on October 29th, 2012 6:42 am

    Well dang she got more for being on drugs in breaking in her mamas house than some folks get for murder and rape.