Voter Purge Ruling Being Appealed

October 9, 2012

A legal battle about whether Florida can purge possibly ineligible voters from the registration rolls is headed to the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta.

Plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit quickly gave notice that they will appeal a U.S. District judge’s ruling that would allow the state to continue its controversial effort to remove non-citizens from the rolls until the November election.

Judge William Zloch rejected arguments that federal law prevents such purges within 90 days of an election. Zloch wrote that Florida Secretary of State Kenneth Detzner “has a compelling interest in ensuring that the voting rights of citizens are not diluted by the casting of votes by non-citizens.”

The plaintiffs, including two individuals, a labor union and other groups, did not provide details in the notice of appeal filed but said they are appealing Zloch’s order.

By The News Service of Florida


8 Responses to “Voter Purge Ruling Being Appealed”

  1. David Huie Green on October 9th, 2012 7:45 pm

    “No vote is diluted by another’s legal or illegal vote.”

    So you have no problem with — let us say Republicans throwing in an extra million illegal votes? You would still consider your vote to be undiluted?

    David for better education

  2. David Huie Green on October 9th, 2012 7:41 pm

    “That is until I lived in Palm Beach county for the 2000 election. These guys were pros! They used every trick in the book and some I’d never heard of before. Police roadblocks in black districts, democratic districts, entire voting machines disappearing, bad ballots, some pretty blatant stuff. ”

    It’s always possible that you’re right and that the elections officials in Palm Beach County were working to sway the vote.

    I doubt it, but then I wasn’t there and you were.

    Nonetheless, the supervisor of elections was a Democrat and unlikely to be intentionally taking votes away from the Democratic candidate. That would certainly square with the fact that Al Gore got 62.27% of the vote despite the fact that many used their butterfly ballots to vote for Buchanan.

    Still, considering the fact that the people in charge were fellow Democrats, it is a simpler explanation to assume they were simply incompetent.

    As to the police road blocks, again I wasn’t there and you were, so if you saw road blocks trying to keep you from voting, we will trust you. There were those, however, who simply feared the police and considered themselves blocked if there were any anywhere around the polls. We can blame that on guilty consciences.

    David for fair voting
    and a clear conscience

  3. Realy on October 9th, 2012 3:03 pm

    No vote is diluted buy a legal vote! Huh! Hear we are in the make believe world of the liberals and the Hollywood crowd. Who thinks if they say it over and over again people will believe it. When your eyes are closed you can not see what is in front of you.

  4. David Schwartz on October 9th, 2012 11:34 am

    I’m from Chicago and grew up there during the Daley years in the 60’s. Some of the stereotypes were true back then. I thought I knew every way there was to steal votes. That is until I lived in Palm Beach county for the 2000 election. These guys were pros! They used every trick in the book and some I’d never heard of before. Police roadblocks in black districts, democratic districts, entire voting machines disappearing, bad ballots, some pretty blatant stuff. Today, as then, there are virtually no cases of vote fraud by impersonation, certainly not by non-citizens who have nothing but deportation to gain from it. (Seriously, folks, who buys that one? It doesn’t even make sense.) Today, the name of the game is voter suppression and the GOP has raised it to a fine art and they don’t care who knows it. The things they are doing in Ohio and Pennsylvania are shocking. The only really documented fraud today in actual ballots is in absentee ballots. Democrats vote early. Republicans vote absentee. That’s why the GOP has fought so hard to restrict early voting, including the Sunday “Souls to the Polls” days when the black churches load up the buses and head to the polls. It’s so painfully obvious that the only real vote fraud is being done by the legislature. The can cancel out 1000 votes for every one true fraudulent one they can point to. Last election, over 100,000 votes were cast on the Sunday before the election in Ohio. No wonder the GOP wants it to go away.

  5. 429SCJ on October 9th, 2012 11:31 am

    Whats to hate, you are either a citizen or you are not. I passed through O’hare years ago by the way.

    I have seen enough of Chicago to wonder how in the world Rom Emanuel was voted in as mayor, but then I suppose a lot of those Chicagoans cannot vote and a lot of them don’t even bother to, so whats the diff.

  6. Kathy on October 9th, 2012 9:17 am

    No vote is diluted by another’s legal or illegal vote. It’s a sham. Chicago, hun you know so much about Chicago, ever been there? Or is it just more ignorant hatred?

  7. Walnut Hill Roy on October 9th, 2012 7:39 am

    The dead vote early and often in Chicago! What a city.

  8. 429SCJ on October 9th, 2012 6:09 am

    If they are going to allow the illegals to vote, they should allow the dead to vote as well.