Teen Shot And Killed By Stepfather

October 14, 2012

A teen is dead and his stepfather jailed following a fatal shooting Saturday night in Escambia County, Ala.

Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s deputies responded to a residence on Pleasant View Drive near Nokomis, Ala., where they found 17-year old William Ray deceased on the floor.

Authorities said the suspect, 54-year old James Allen Bethea, was still inside the residence. Deputies called for backup from the Atmore Police Department, Poarch Creek Tribal Police and other agencies. Bethea exited the residence unarmed and was taken into custody without incident.

Investigators said the incident began as a domestic incident between Bethea, his wife and Ray. Bethea remains in the Escambia County Detention Center in Brewton without bond on a charge of murder.

Further details, including the circumstances surrounding the  incident, have not been released by the Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Office.


44 Responses to “Teen Shot And Killed By Stepfather”

  1. brit on October 17th, 2012 4:53 pm

    how was TWO lives taken??
    the kid lost HIS life at 17yrs old…. the old man is still alive in jail… he gets 3 meals a day & to see his family, he has it made after KILLING a kid!!!!
    so stop claiming you’ve lost him when its clear the only one who died was the son… I could NEVER allow someone to be rude much less abusive towards me nor my son!
    its sad it got that out of hand… praying for the family who lost their son!
    as for the man in jail… I say let GOD be your judge because even if he gets off here.. he’ll be judged by a far greater judge!!!

  2. Peggy on October 17th, 2012 1:11 pm

    I do not know any of these people; but I have been in the situation; not with a husband, but a boyfriend. He became disrespectful and thought he was going to be abusive. My son, who was 19 at the time, came to my defense immediately. I guess the difference in the two instances is that when the boyfriend turned on my son I picked up my phone and ended the chance for things to get out of hand…AND the boyfriend was never allowed back at my home or anywhere near either of us. If the situation was that the stepfather had the gun to the mother, chances are that this was not the first time for violence in this house. The comments say what a wonderful man he was, non violent and such. My stepfather was the same to outside appearances. Everyone loved for him to come to cookouts, church, etc; but they didn’t know the man we lived with. He was very different at home. There is nothing stronger than a bond between mother and child; especially mother-son or father-daughter. The son, William, defended his mother without hesitation is what it sounds like. Too bad she did not call 911 before she lost her son. I pray for the families of both men; as they all lost ones they love, but the stepfather’s family can still visit him. William’s friends and family do not have that luxury. Right or wrong….I will not pray for anything but the death penalty for him.

  3. Brittney Wallace on October 16th, 2012 11:12 am

    William was a wonderful person to have in your life. I remember when we had Rotc at Baldwin County High School we went to the beach one Saturday and he picked on me and played around with me. He made me laugh. Smile. He was an amazing friend to me. I haven’t spoken to him since then because we never walk past each other in the hallways or no classes together. So I haven’t seen him since. We all miss you very much! We love you William! Gone, but never forgotten!

  4. RONALD on October 16th, 2012 10:16 am

    i am pretty sure everyone that reads this can see the picture to see which James Bethea it is ! Everyone needs to beware of the name for the future and put a name with a face. My heart goes out to the boys loved ones, what a painfull experience for loved ones to have to endure over domestic violence.

  5. 429SCJ on October 16th, 2012 6:36 am

    Began as a domestic incident. If someone ever attempts to harm my mother they had better be quick with that pistol or they will preceed my arrival.

    Mr Ray was a brave young man, who gave his life for to defend his mother from a monster. May justice be served and with swift finality

  6. ANGEL GORUM on October 15th, 2012 8:34 pm


  7. Patriot on October 15th, 2012 8:18 pm

    Wilma Gibsonwilma said: “Too many own guns who do not need to.”

    Wilma, who should decide who “needs to”? You? Me? A Government entity?

    What would your response be if he killed him with a car, or a shovel, or a rock? Should we regulate those items also?

  8. RIVER RAT on October 15th, 2012 6:29 pm

    My son was friends good with the child and he will be missed I think he died a hero as he was taking a bullet for his mom ! So yes Mr. James may u rot and burn in hell!!

  9. countywidw on October 15th, 2012 5:23 pm

    Everyone can voice what they want. It is your right in the USA, but we haven’t seen all there is to see. Yes,a kid died and yes someone was arrested, but you can’t just decide “guility” and sentence him. I do not know whole story or any of the family and my prays are for everyone! RIP,kid.

  10. Wilma Gibsonwilma on October 15th, 2012 4:58 pm

    I do not know any of the people involved, but a man with a gun took the life of a 17 year old. Had there not been a gun in the house, a disagreement would have been settled and a kid would be alive today and a man would not be in jail. I know there are many who will say the man killed him, but he used a gun. Too many own guns who do not need to.

  11. sabrina on October 15th, 2012 3:04 pm

    This man deserves to be put to death for killing my friend William A. Ray. BCHS is not the same with out him… He did not deserve to be killed over something so little. This man should have no mercy from any one for what he done. But no matter what anyone has to say it will never take back time to bring william back.I have no given respect for James Bethea and his actions.
    Their is several times that i did not talk to him. but we were still friends, we rode the same bus until he started driving to school. This has been a very emotional time for me and several of my friends.. We all agree that this man is nothing to us for doing what he done. But we all know that W.A.R. is FLYING HIGH. He was friends with several people but the one’s that knew him.. Knew that when you was around him you couldn’t stop laughing. Today i thought i was going to go to school and everything was going to be fine. I have took this tragedy very hard but their is a few people who took it badly as my friend talked to me on the bus she said ” i just keep thinking that i’m going to wake up and this all be a dream.” But then reality hit me in the parking lot this morning and i noticed that it was all real, and that William was really flying high.. But i know now that their is and will always be several people that Love and Miss him very much… and until that day when i leave and walk the stair case to heaven, i will always remember how his personality was and the way he loved to wear his boots, blue jeans, and a t- shirt, the way he was so simple made him stand out and it always will..
    Fly High William A. Ray… we miss you a lot already!

  12. ashley on October 15th, 2012 2:29 pm

    this man is my uncle yes its sad n upsetting i hate it went down like this but nobody know what happen the only ones knows is my uncle the boy the wife n GOD idk why ppl always gotta say this n that happens until we know the truth then u can talk

  13. Debbie on October 15th, 2012 2:29 pm

    I feel the same way as Barabara H. I went to school with James and so I have known him almost 50 years, this didn’t sound like the James I know. It’s such a tragadey. Domestic Violence often leads to someone dying, we as people really need to work against it. I pray for both families, this is an extremly sad situation. God says we have to forgive to make it to heaven.

  14. Unknown on October 15th, 2012 1:25 pm

    Maybe the whole story isn’t in the paper just yet!!
    Anywho Praying for both familys …two people were lost that night.

  15. Neighbor on October 15th, 2012 11:09 am

    This is just heartbreaking, while outside with my kids having a hot dog and marshmallow roast, we hear a gunshot and hope it’s only someone shooting an armidillo and then later hear the ambulance, and police sirens and know something bad has happened! This situation was way more than I expected!! As for the word coward and some not liking it, let’s just call him a Child Murderer, that’s seems to fit the Facts!

  16. lee on October 15th, 2012 9:54 am

    William was my cousin and he did not deserve this he was just a kid. I saw him last weekend and he was so excited about his truck and wanted to show me the motor. I couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm. He deserves justice and that james should do more than fry they need to bring back hanging for him. I’d love to say a lot more on whay i think about him but I’m sure I’m not allowed to. My heart goes out to my Aunt janet and to his brother dustin.

  17. Nmae Withheld on October 15th, 2012 9:11 am

    I had a teenage stepson that exhibited a violent nature toward his mother. Many times I just wanted to beat the everloving daylights out of that boy. Instead, I tried to have legal intervention and when that did not help, I made the boy leave home to live with his biological father. The boy became a good man and I am proud of him. I said all that to say this, killing this teenager was wrong. There are always alternatives when it comes to dealing with troubled teens. Not for this teen though, all his opportunities are gone, gone with his life. The stepfather in this case surely needs to remain incarcerated for the rest of his life.

  18. Tonya Jordan on October 15th, 2012 8:12 am

    Praying for all, so sorry for the loss of this young man i don’t no him but my heart goes out to the family and all so James and his family I have known James for years and this is so hard to belive that he would do this, But I am praying for all…

    so sad ..

  19. Mandy Warren on October 15th, 2012 6:59 am

    James was a coward. And anyone saying anything different is a fool! This child died protecting his mother. It’s obvious that this man had a problem. Anytime you pull a gun on someone other than self defense, you have a problem. The sad thing is nobody saw the problem. But rest assured, this young boy is flying high with the angels today. He will never again be in any pain. I feel so sorry for the mother. I can’t imagine losing a child. I honestly don’t understand how anyone can sympathize with this monster that put the gun to this mother, the child died as a result of defending his mother. I don’t understand how anyone, kin to him to not, can sit here and honestly defend this man’s integrity. He was a coward. And he’s in jail because of his cowardly ways. And one day when he meets God, he will answer for what he did!

  20. deb on October 15th, 2012 6:29 am

    we can never know what tomarrow holds and we ourselves have family members in this same situation or our selves two families have lost in this may God in heaven forgive us for the things i have read here my heart aches for these famlies none of us could possibly know their pain a coward no evil no just a horribe dicision now Two lives are lost judge not lest we be judged.

  21. OMG on October 15th, 2012 5:57 am

    How can you people say this man was not Evil, or a Coward, or even a Bad Man?
    The way I see it, when a grown man pulls a gun on a child he is all of these!!!
    And when he pulled the trigger, he Is Dang sure all of those names plus a lot more that I can’t post on here!!!
    This is so sick!!
    This “Good Man” as some has called him, needs to FRY, forget about the needle…

  22. Joani on October 15th, 2012 5:55 am

    To Barbara H.

    ” But all it takes is a heated word, a smart remark, or a slap, or walking in on what you think might be an arguement. It only takes a second.”

    Do you really think these are justified reasons for killing someone? A gun is not the answer… the step-father nor you can justify taking the life of a teen.

  23. concernedcitizen on October 15th, 2012 12:57 am

    Poor William (the only victim) ur flying high now baby..his life had just begun and it was taken away by what we all see as a (coward) that just couldn’t stand the fact that this young man stood up to him..don’t down grade the mom she lost her child very tragically..but I agree if any man or woman thinks to mistreat my child or hurt him they wouldn’t have the chance..this hurts my heart tho I didn’t know him..its another life taken..r.I.p William…if this man felt threatend he would’ve called the cops but by grabbing a gun and using it he done exactly what he wanted to do! JUSTICE SHALL BE SERVED!!

  24. dan-o on October 15th, 2012 12:12 am


    “the James I know would not hurt anyone. Especially a child.”

    “He is not a violent person”

    “He is not a violent man”

    Really? Did you not read the title of the story? I would venture to say that if one person shot and killed another person, (a child in this case) an EXTREMELY VIOLENT act had been committed by that said “non-violent person”. My thoughts and prayers are with you all…

  25. wth on October 14th, 2012 11:51 pm

    You people defending this James man are NUTS! You don’t pull a gun on anyone during an argument unless they are endangering your life or the life of someone you love. Furthermore, you don’t threaten a CHILD with a weapon EVER. I don’t care if this man was a saint, it was a very cowardly move and he made the dumbest decision by shooting a child and he should pay the consequences. He could have just called the cops if it was that serious of an argument. That’s what they are for. What an idiot. I hope he rots in jail and I don’t even know these people.

  26. nieghor on October 14th, 2012 10:52 pm

    james was like a brother and william was like my son…. good kid or bad kid ….bottom line WILLIAM IS DEAD……

  27. WalkingByFaith on October 14th, 2012 10:42 pm

    William was a wonderful person. He was very respectful and a very good person. He was a wonderful friend to all. I just seen him Thursday and it seem so unreal to know that he is gone. I just wish this was a bad dream.

    I do not know his stepdad but I do know that one mans selfish cruel actions took the life of a 17 year old boy that has his whole life ahead of him. So I would say that James bethae is a very cruel person because nothing gives anyone to take the life of anyone at all.

    William you did what any boy would, protect your mom. You are and will be greatly missed!

  28. Darlene on October 14th, 2012 9:42 pm

    This so breaks my heart. I m praying for all the familes..

  29. Barbara H. on October 14th, 2012 9:00 pm

    This is a tragedy for all, family, and friends. I’ve met William’s mom when James introduced her to us. He introduced her to all his friends. He was proud to have a wife that he loves. Her and her children .He even told us he now had another son. He loved William. They had there differances. As all teenagers and parents do. What happened was not meant to happen. James is no coward. It’s sad what has happened. My family and I had tragedy happen in our lives when my sister was murdered. It’s been 4 yrs. We should all remember God loves each and everyone of us. Sometimes things happened that are not meant to be. And it hurts all of us, not just afew. The pain runs deep. Its easy to say ” not me”, ” I wouldn’t do that,” or ” i’ll protect my children”, or “my mom.” I’d run that stepfather off”. “Or Mom should have done something”. But all it takes is a heated word, a smart remark, or a slap, or walking in on what you think might be an arguement. It only takes a second. And then its all blown out of control. Someone pulls a gun, someone tries to stop it, and then someone looses there life. I know in my heart that no-one there intended for anyone to get killed. Especially not a 17 yr old young man. He’s Mom nor James. And as I have wished a thousand times over that I could change the out come for my sister when she lost her life. . I know William’s Mom , and James have prayed they could change what has happened. Right now what they all need most is our prayers, not judgementnot nasty comments., .. So beleive in God, believe that all the truth comes out. Peace will not come from hatred. Please believe me when I tell you, Peace only comes from having faith in God…. Barbara H.

  30. kat on October 14th, 2012 7:23 pm

    William you were a wounderful friend and a great person. Your gone way to soon. You will forever b in my heart. We will forever love you and miss you. Your gone but will never b forgotten. Love and miss you.

  31. Atmore friend on October 14th, 2012 7:13 pm

    My thoughts and prayers go out to all involved. I have known James for quite a few years and have never seen a side of him that you people are talking about. He is by no means a coward nor is he a evil or cruel person. The James I know would give you the shirt off his back and bend over backwards to help someone. I have also known William and he was a good person. It’s such a sad sad situation. Unless you were there, you can’t possibly know what the situation was. I don’t blame him for standing up for his mother, but the James I know would not hurt anyone. Especially a child. There will be all kind of stories and rumors going around, but the good LORD knows the truth. People please keep an open mind and please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers!

  32. Bama1971 on October 14th, 2012 6:54 pm

    William was a good family friend. He will be missed by our family very much. William was a good kid. He never bothered anyone. It’s a shame that his life was taken from him at such a young age of 17. He was trying to protect his Moma from being hurt by this coward of a stepdad James Bethea. I think James should get the electric chair are the same thing done to him.

    William we love you my friend. You will be missed.
    Prayers going out to Williams family.

  33. Amberly Merritt on October 14th, 2012 6:40 pm

    James Bethea is my family, and a coward he is NOT!!! He is not a violent man and until everyone on here knows the whole story please do not judge, Everyone on here needs to realize that there are 2 sides to every story and need to realize that he has a family that is grieving too. All the would have, could have, and should have are in the past now and like I said if you don’t know the story DO NOT JUDGE!!!!

  34. Randomfriend on October 14th, 2012 5:58 pm

    James is a coward and for the ones saying he isn’t make sure you know the story first! William was a awesome friend and person and I knew him well. He was not doing anything wrong he was protecting his Moma. So I personally think that James deserves life in prison and never gets out or electric chair. James isn’t innocent and James never liked William. Grown man got to live his life and take a kids life I bet he feels good about himself!

  35. sad on October 14th, 2012 5:34 pm

    Prayers for all involved..i have to agree with the coward comments tho..if this 17year old did not have a gun and was trying to inflict bodily harm then I say this man should recieve the most intensive sentencing there is. Who knows what will happen with our corrupt court system.

  36. Bama3369 on October 14th, 2012 5:23 pm

    William was a good kid and our family loved him. He did not deserve this. We are praying for his family.

    You will be greatly missed by this family.

  37. kathy on October 14th, 2012 4:53 pm

    whats ashame is the mother, more than likely knew the son had a problem with his stepfather and never tried to meet in the middle for her son , her son should always come first. i dont know these people but , theres noway i would let anyone kill my child , stepfather would be gone a long time ago.

  38. Jennifer on October 14th, 2012 4:52 pm

    Teens can be hard to handle sometimes, but there is no reason, what-so-ever, to pull a gun and take their life no matter what the situation. I am sure there were other alternatives other than taking a childs life. I have read statements that this man is not a coward, I strongly disagree.

  39. Mary Neal Blair on October 14th, 2012 4:20 pm

    James is my cousin, and he is no coward. He is not a violent person, and is no career criminal. My heart goes out to this young man’s family. This is a tragedy for the victim’s family as well as James’.
    Father God help us all thru this.

  40. Close Resident on October 14th, 2012 4:11 pm

    This is such a terrible thing to happen to a child. It takes a very cold human being to kill a loved one or anyone for that matter what an extent to take and espeically a child, this is heart breaking. Praying for the family and loved ones of this young man and may justice be served on earth however there is a higher power we all must answer to in the end. So sad.

  41. chasity on October 14th, 2012 3:44 pm

    the man invold is my uncle. yes its sad the someone was killed. but he was not evil or a coward. i know him better then that. no its not rite or fair but please also remebmer he has a family hurtn also. two lives were taken

  42. alexa on October 14th, 2012 2:32 pm

    thats good that he is in jail without bond … cause william was a GREAT friend he was just trying to save his mother… and if that man is evil enough to kill him then he should have the same thing done to him :)

  43. Becky on October 14th, 2012 2:26 pm

    Praying for all, this is so sad.

  44. barbara on October 14th, 2012 2:22 pm
