Teen Arrested For Pointing Laser At LifeFlight Helicopter

October 7, 2012

An Escambia County teen was arrested after he allegedly pointed a laser light at a landing LifeFlight helicopter.

Nicholas Padilla, 14, was charged with public order crimes – pointing a laser at a driver or pilot, a third degree felony.

Escambia Count Sheriff’s deputies working an attempted suicide were waiting for Lifeflight to land and transport the attempted suicide victim when the Lifelight crew informed them that they would have to abort their landing and circle the area due to someone pointing a laser at the helicopter. Once they were able to land safely, a member of the flight crew and a firefighter questioned neighbors about the laser and where it originated. The crew member was able to locate Padilla and the fire department stayed with him until deputies could arrive.

Deputies said Padilla admitted to pointing the laser at the helicopters and apologized for his actions.

NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Teen Arrested For Pointing Laser At LifeFlight Helicopter”

  1. 25 yr old helicopter pilot trainee "mom" on October 10th, 2012 8:37 pm

    @ Dawnmarie

    my SON , once a pilot better not be put @ risk like this and decide to land to save you or ur family members. U R the joke. Guess what… the pilot did not sale this kid this item. please enlighten me…put my self and crew in danger to save someone that just tried to kill himself????? R U seriouse?????? Do you know how it feels just driving on land and have high beams blind you? Try landing in dark with un marked white lines….I don’t usualy post but this hit a nerve.

  2. cygie on October 9th, 2012 7:35 pm

    To DawnMarie: Crack cocaine is illegal also, but with your logic nobody should get in trouble for it because they shoudn’t be able to get ahold of it anyway. A 14 year old has plenty of smarts, since they knew enough to point a laser light at a helicopter

  3. sunshinegrl on October 9th, 2012 10:55 am

    The young man needs to give speeches to other high school kids to let them know exactly how serious a crime this is. Sometimes kids just read but don’t heed anything they read in papers. So if he is required to do this in front of other kids maybe they will finally take some seriousness into this matter.

  4. RobC on October 9th, 2012 2:09 am

    Here in SA it is deemed a terrorist offence and you get thrown in jail for 14 years!

  5. Lifefilght Supporter PDP on October 8th, 2012 10:39 am

    @Dawn, it was a best decidion by the Lifeflight to ground the flight, I am sure they had to think of the safety of themselves as well as the victim, fellow officers on the ground, as well as others citizens on the ground. If they crew had stayed up and the laser blinded them they copter could have crashed, killed the crew as well as people on the ground. Then add to this formula, if the crew had picked up the victim, taken to the air again, get blinded by the laser, add one more to the death count. Also the crew did not know if they were being targeted to be shot at. you never know with all the attacks that go on now. There was still and emergancy on the ground and maybe the decision was made to utilize ground transport., which was the safest method at the time.

    O.k. he apologized, but maybe a part of his punishment should be to know what lasers are actually used for, and the dangers of them and the dangers of breaching Homeland Security, and them be made to make the report in front of his classmates in an assembly, not only as a lesson for him but so that other teens can be aware of the danger.

  6. None on October 8th, 2012 10:29 am

    Just in case some of you don’t understand why he got in trouble, watch this video. Laser points can reflex on glass and make an piece of glass completely light up if they hit it just right. This is most common on curved glass like the front windshield of a helicopter. It is far less common on a flat piece of glass like at a house. So, if the laser was to hit the windows of the helicopter in just the right way the pilot could literally lose ALL visibility.


  7. BT on October 8th, 2012 9:20 am

    Dawn, not all members of the flight crew are involved in patient care. There’s a guy that sits up front who’s only responsible for flying the helicopter.

  8. DawnMarie Buerkle on October 8th, 2012 8:21 am

    Wow! Must have been a real serious emergency since after landing the life flight crew member had time to canvas the neighborhood for the laser bandit and apprehend them . Before taking the victim ” who obviously wasn’t attempting to live ” to a nearby hospital for treatment ! Sounds like it wasn’t that urgent emergency ! Escambia county ur a joke ! If it’s a 3rd degree felony to point a laser pointer at someone how about not selling them too kids !!!! There’s a thought ! And another thing he’s 14 if u think that a kid that age knows the consequences of a simple thing like that you’re crazy ! Lastly I just want to say that if this child gets in any trouble over this GOD help us all! We’re doomed as a species

  9. mel on October 8th, 2012 7:12 am

    The kid knew darn well what he was doing. He deserves what he got with only one exception. A good butt whipping by his parents.

  10. Matt on October 8th, 2012 5:46 am

    He didn’t know what he was doing?!?! are you kidding me? … He is 14 not 4… He should be happy that he didn’t get in anymore trouble than he did… Honestly I think he got off light! Anyone who is capable of picking up a laser pointer and using it correctly or incorrectly knows that you are not suppose to point it in the eyes of someone… it says it directly on the pointer itself (assuming this poor 14 year old who didn’t know any better can read.) Lets just hope this foolish kid didn’t cause that patient to not get the care he/she truly needed!

  11. CD on October 8th, 2012 4:28 am

    Pointing a laser at someone is serious business. Don’t think for a minute that the youngster didn’t know this. Kids are way smarter than we sometimes give them credit! His actions could have caused a lot of harm…..to the pilot, to those the chopper could have crashed into, for the patient who was in need of emergency care! He needs more than a slap on the wrist.

  12. Just sayin as well 32535 on October 7th, 2012 10:39 pm

    I understand that this boy must be accountable for his actions however did he even know that the lasar was blinding the pilot ??? He is a kid ! I am sure life flight turned around due to not knowing where the lasar was coming from and that very well delayed care however the boy proboly was not doing this to hurt anyone. Good grief.

  13. 2 Cents on October 7th, 2012 3:20 pm

    Doesn’t matter if he apologized or not!!! Ever had a laser pointed at your eye? It blinds your vison. What if LifeFlight would have crashed? Think an apology would help?

    He needs punishment for his actions, no matter how small you think the incident was.

  14. just sayin on October 7th, 2012 8:50 am

    It’s a shame that care was delayed to someone who needed it because of teenager (or anyone for that matter) attempting to be silly or cute or cool or whatever. I’m glad the boy appologized, I truly hope it was sincere. Charged with a felony at 14. WOW.

    Any information on the patient? Was help able to arrive in time? Sad situation there, I will pray for the family.