Strength Team Member To Speak At Molino Church

October 21, 2012

A member of the Strength Team will speak Sunday morning at a Molino church.

Andy Gavin will share his testimony during the 10:45 a.m. service at Highland Baptist Church on Highway 95A.

Gavin was an all-state baseball player in high school and played a year of semi-pro baseball after graduating. He currently trains to compete in North American Strongman competitions. With tremendous hand strength, he is one of the few people that can take a horseshoe and bend it into a heart shape.

His testimony includes details on staying away from drugs and alcohol and remaining pure to teens and young adults that are faced with peer pressure on a daily basis. Gavin has been an evangelist for over six years.

For an earlier story with photos of the Strength Team’s visit to Highland Baptist and Molino Park Elementary last week, click here.


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