Still Time To Enter NHS Homecoming Parade; Lunch Available Friday

October 23, 2012

The fourth annual Northview High School Homecoming Parade is this Friday, and a lunch will be available prior to the parade.

The parade will line up at 12:30 p.m. and travel from Bratt Elementary School to Northview High.  Entries are being accepted now; there is no cost to enter. For a printable entry form, click here. Contact Perry Byars at (850) 327-6681 ext. 248 for more information.

A $6 meal prepared by Archie’s Catering Smokehouse will be available from 10:30 a.m. until noon from the football concession stand consisting of a BBQ pork sandwich, chips, soft drink and dessert. Tickets are available for pre-purchase at the school.  All proceeds will benefit the Tommy Weaver Scholarship Fund.

The Northview Chief’s homecoming game will kickoff at 7 p.m. on October 26 against the Vernon Yellow Jackets.

Pictured: A float in the 2011 Northview High Homecoming Parade in Bratt. file photo, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Still Time To Enter NHS Homecoming Parade; Lunch Available Friday”

  1. Equine Realist on October 25th, 2012 6:12 am

    Horses are NOT ’suddenly’ out of the parade. The horse bound mascot , on crowd proven horse, did ride in the parade at one point. There are MANY parades that do not allow horses in them due to liability. If a horse gets out of hand – imagine a spooked 1000 lbs worth of upset animal going through the crowd of elementary school kids – things could get ugly. Many horse owners have not ridden their horse in a situation where they are exposed to large crowds, fire engine sirens, a band, floats, etc. Nobody is trying to take away from these kids , but there are some realities and this is supposed to be a safe and fun event for everyone. There are plenty of opportunities locally for these kids to show off their wonderful horses. Horses are a wonderful way to keep kids busy , out of trouble & teach them responsibility. If I also had a nickel for every time I’ve heard ‘he’s usually such a great horse, but such & such set him off ‘. Just a thought, perhaps the kids should have done their research about whether or not the riding of their horses would be allowed in the parade before parade week. That might have saved their months of planning, or they could have had time to make a case for their side of things in a way that may have been listened to.

  2. TMB on October 24th, 2012 1:59 pm

    I am also VERY unhappy about the fact that, all of a sudded, this year, the horses are not supposed to be allowed in the parade. Northview Chiefs have always had the fitting mascot of the indian on a horse. From the day the doors opened, the horse &rider entertained the hometown at football games. That was GREAT!! I hated to hear that had been cut out, but there was still the parade to look forward to with the students that were allowed to participate with their horse. These girls have talked about & planned this for months. They went so far as to get paint and feathers for these horses. I think it says something about these students, who are spending time with these beautiful animals instead of doing what so many kids these days do——-NOTHING. LET THEM RIDE!!

  3. pcolafire on October 24th, 2012 1:15 pm

    To bad that Ms. Weaver will not allow the students to ride their horses in the parade. Alot of disapointed students who spend their spare time tending and training their equine instead of running the streets and up to no good. This would be a great way to show their team spirit as well as their horses. Why not have the parents sign a release of responsability to the school? Let the kids ride !!

  4. wantstoknow on October 24th, 2012 9:38 am

    Is candy allowed to be thrown at this parade?