Overnight Vandalism At Ernest Ward Middle School Under Investigation

October 25, 2012

Vandalism overnight Thursday at Ernest at Ernest Ward Middle School is under investigation.

Some “rolled” a portion of the football field with toilet paper and burglarized a storage building. Football equipment was scattered across the school’s stadium, and vulgar drawings were painted on the stadium grass. Other areas of the school were also egged.

The incident is under investigation by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. A crime scene unit was called to the school Thursday morning to document evidence in the case.

A reward is being offered for information leading to arrests in the case. Anyone with information is asked to call Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at  (850) 433-STOP or the Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Overnight Vandalism At Ernest Ward Middle School Under Investigation”

  1. ProudArmyParent on October 29th, 2012 10:48 am

    A little toilet paper is one thing. It goes away and no one is really hurt. But to egg and destroy is a whole other story. Homecoming or not this is not acceptable, get another hobby!

  2. 429SCJ on October 27th, 2012 6:13 am

    Yesterday I saw several homes on route 4 West that the entire front yards had been rolled with TP. I do not remember the homeowner that was killed chasing TP rolling perps, but I do remember the four girls that were killed when a homeowner pursued unknow individuals that were damaging his property. The girls would not stop and lost control of their SUV and wrecked, killing all four. The prosecutor charged the homeowner with manslaughter and wreckless endangerment? The girl’s parents were outraged with the homeowner. The homeowner had no idea who he was pursuing at the time.

    High school prank or malicous vandalism, in the end things can and often do end in tragic finality. Homeowners exercise restraint, kids be aware of the fragility of life.

  3. it want happen again on October 26th, 2012 3:46 pm

    this happens every year during home coming week. the school system knows that so why not put a night time security guard up there for homecoming week and then it wouldnt happen.

  4. it's all good and fun until on October 26th, 2012 7:08 am

    Do we remember the man that got killed when he went to chase students who had been rolling his house in Flomaton area a few years ago? I imagine all involved feel that was no longer harmless fun. Ask some of last year’s graduates about the time someone nearly got run over by a classmate as they were leaving from a home they’d been rolling. Another near miss relayed to me by a resident on highway 4 when students were attempting to roll house near a curve in the road in an area that is known for car wrecks. How about the man whose dog was fed something by rollers so that it wouldn’t bark – only to have it become very sick? . If you’ve ever had egg sit on a paint job – you know it’s ruined.
    What happens when a homeowner sends the dog out, or worse yet , shoots then asks? It’s not necessarily the actual ACT of throwing toilet paper (although that itself is an incredibly wasteful act ) but the things that can happen because those doing the act aren’t thinking about anything but their moment of ‘fun’. We rarely get the news here for something good – but now they get to come see our toilet paper draped community, complete with the trash trails from the ‘fun’ everywhere along the way. Generally, vandalism includes any willful behavior aimed at destroying, altering, or defacing property belonging to another. Call me no fun, but I’m going to continue to teach my kids to respect other people’s property.

  5. susan on October 25th, 2012 7:20 pm

    i can not say that i have never “egged” or rolled” a house…but never did any of us do vandalism. the egging and rolling are all good clean fun, it has been going on for many many years…as far as the vandalism, drawings, and breaking and entering…i blame the parents partially. i am 33 yrs old…and i am begging to believe that my generation was the last to receive punishment from our parents!! i have a nine yr old that gets the same as i did…i have never been to jail, nor have i ever done any drugs…punishing your children isnt gona kill them. i think parents should go back to the way they were raised and i would almost bet that drug use, and most crime would go down…

  6. Carol on October 25th, 2012 4:49 pm

    Hopefully, there is also an investigation of the vandalism that took place at Tate High School this week as well. There were racial,anti-religious and sexual wording and drawings on the building.

  7. rob g on October 25th, 2012 4:35 pm

    I agree with Molino Mom .

    Let them go to HER house and roll it and vandalize it and trash it. On a serious note, the rolling is just fun, but the destroying of the property is way too much. I rolled my fair share of houses back in the day, if you get caught you have to clean it up and that was the punishment.

  8. katmekanik on October 25th, 2012 3:51 pm

    I thought that is why a caretaker lives in the trailer onsite…to prevent vandalism such as this.

  9. mike carnley on October 25th, 2012 3:17 pm

    I think the law needs to talk to the schools about the dangers of going to people’s homes in the middle of the night. I have been burglerized several time, I hear something outside in the middle of the night, I’m going to the door with a weapon. If I happen to shot one of these kids thinking it is a burgler, the law will probably arrest and prosacute me!

  10. Molino Mom on October 25th, 2012 1:39 pm

    Its Homecoming week at NHS. This happens every year. I can live with someone rolling our yard just in fun (I know, some will react differently and thats ok), but to go as far as causing damages, breaking and entering and painting obscenities on a schoolyard….. I do have a problem with that.
    I know some parents that actually take their children to do the “rolling” to make sure everyone stays safe and doesn’t get out of hand or cause any damages. Now, I’m not really sure how I feel about that. Remember the kid that got shot rolling a house because the owner thought his house was being broken in to?
    I think its too dangerous these days to “allow” your kids to do these type of things, even if its all in good clean fun. Usually the kids know their house is going to be rolled because they are told ahead of time.
    I’m sure I’ll be bashed on here because I call this clean fun but I look at it like this-I’d rather a child be rolling my yard than getting drunk and killing someone on the highway or doing anything else illegal.

  11. parent on October 25th, 2012 1:13 pm

    Its not just kids anymore involved in rolling houses parents are driving kids to the houses even some parents that are teachers so dont just blame kids

  12. Agatha on October 25th, 2012 11:41 am

    Thats Is Wack!!!! I bet They Will Get Away With it Too! I Think It Was A Student Who Else Would Want To Vandalize A School! Kids Are Becoming Crazy And Out Of Control The Younger Generation Is Just Awful

  13. Me on October 25th, 2012 11:19 am

    I agree that this is bad, but when it is done to someone’s house all you hear is “Oh it is just Homecoming week”. These kids need to be arrested for what they did here and what they do to the neighborhoods.

  14. countywide on October 25th, 2012 10:49 am

    I went to school there and am sad that someone could do that. Life out here in the country should not include having a school egged or rolled,ect..Parents should know where their kids are and when the kids are caught don’t make excuses for them. Hopefully not only will the county punish but so will the parents!

  15. Citizen on October 25th, 2012 10:39 am

    Is this linked to the vandalism that went on at Tate High School a few nights ago?