Operation Clean Sweep Targets Molino

October 19, 2012

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office  along with the Mid-County Neighborhood watch, partner agencies and volunteers, worked to clean up in Molino Thursday.

The Operation Clean Sweep removed four tons of debris. Three people were arrested, and 11 traffic citations were issued out of 84 vehicles that were stopped at a checkpoint at Highway 95A and Molino Road. In addition, the ECSO Sex Crimes Unit made 20 address verifications, and Escambia County Code Enforcement initiated 15 new cases.

According to the Sheriff’s Office, the focus of “Operation Clean Sweep” is to work with neighborhood watch groups, residents, churches and business owners to control and prevent the damaging effects of crime.

The operation task force works closely with Escambia County Animal Control, Escambia County Environmental Law Enforcement, the military, Escambia County Roads and Bridges, and neighborhood watch groups to clean up neighborhoods and educate citizens on preventive measures that could be implemented to minimize possible crimes.

Pictured above and below: Deputies and volunteers plan their course of action before an Operation Clean Sweep gets underway Thursday morning at Highland Baptist Church in Molino. Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Operation Clean Sweep Targets Molino”

  1. Cantonment Resident on October 22nd, 2012 5:34 am

    Thanks to everyone who helped organized, and participated. Every area of our community can use a little clean up.
    I hope Moscogee Road can be on a future Clean up. I have nothing against the different levels of income in my area, but I think some f my neighbors can use some helping hands to get ride of ther yard waste and this program might be th help they need. Helping one another.
    Thanks for the info on the Mid County Neighborhood Watch meeting.

  2. countywide on October 21st, 2012 9:03 am

    It is a good thing they do. I live in an area where a house is falling down, a barn is caving in,trash is startingto be thrown out in ditches ect.. I have worked hard tokeep my property clean and neat,(not for sale factor) and I keep insurance on my vehicles. To protect myself, so that when a deer hits me I can get vehicle fixed. I enjoy pulling in my yard and seeing it. What I don’t like is seeing the trash on my way home or the junk on side of road, but unless someone keeps complaing to county nothing will change! I live in a area where hunting is a big deal, but if the trash keeps up people won’t be able to keep hunting or fishin,ect.. And NO I DON’T HUNT OR FISH!!!For all of you complaing why don’t you think of the kids out playing in an unsafe area or the drugs they got rid of or that person who is driving with no insurance. or the unsafe fridges that are laying around. Or maybe an older person who just needed a little help to get rid of something.

  3. Suuzzi on October 20th, 2012 11:28 pm

    Thanks to all who participated in our clean sweep in Molino!! It would be great if more of our community/communities became involved to make our areas a cleaner and nicer place.

    Thanks also to William for posting an article on 17 Oct regarding the sweep. All are invited to attend the Mid County Neighborhood meeting on Monday, 22 Oct at Aldersgate Methodist Church on Hwy 29 in Molino – 6:30 pm

  4. Mommy of 3 on October 20th, 2012 10:01 am

    I for one applaud all who was involved in this. To me it shows that many do care about our community and what goes on in it. I for one would have loved to see more people support the effort instead of putting it down. Obviously, you are the ones who don’t care for your community. I have lived in this community for more than 35 years and I have seen it decline over the years not only in looks but with people. Thanks to whomever put this together!

  5. Jane on October 20th, 2012 6:18 am

    Thank you to everyone who took part in the clean sweep! It will help rid this area (and other areas where they do this and have done this) of crime, people who drive with no registration, no insurance and no license. It helps get warrants and code violations issued faster and more efficiently. It has nothing to do with elections which have already taken place. The neighborhood watch groups help focus on problem areas. If you want to learn more go to the Mid County neighborhood watch meeting at Aldersgate church at 6:30pm on Monday (Oct. 22). Everyone is welcome and there is no cost involved.

  6. Andrae Pope on October 19th, 2012 6:10 pm

    To Resident:

    It’s better for them to go ahead and deal with the little bit of crime we have here now than to wait and let it grow to be like Myrtle Grove and Brownsville. I live here too and I don’t want that garbage living next to me! :)

  7. Thom on October 19th, 2012 1:44 pm

    to Marshall “You can tell it is election year”

    Elections have already taken place. If you are trying to suggest that this operation took place in order to garner more votes to win an election, perhaps you should review what you know about elections an operational law enforcement in general. I’m not trying to be mean or catty, just that what you said struck me as maybe you aren’t as informed as you think you are.

  8. Resident on October 19th, 2012 1:12 pm

    Why do they feel the need to do the clean sweep in Molino? Really? When Brownsville and Myrtle Grove are still infested!

  9. jcellops on October 19th, 2012 11:25 am

    i second EVERYTHING that scooby mentioned….my thanks, as well, to the ESCO, military and other various volunteers who are helping…i hope that they never stop these clean sweeps…it certainly maintains a vigilant impact on various communities in escambia county…AND, it promotes improved community relations overall…in the past, i participated in CLEA (citizens law enforcement academy)- they have 4 classes a year…meets at the sheriffs office on leonard street….very, very well worth my time!!….you have to pass a background check to participate though…i highly recommend this program to anyone..hope it never stops also.

  10. 429SCJ on October 19th, 2012 10:48 am

    M & M I do not mean to be out of line, but I am curious as to how you would distribute and focus manpower on these problems ? I am just curious about resource management and always enjoy learning of a better process.

  11. M&M on October 19th, 2012 9:58 am

    Shouldn’t have to have a clean sweep for this to happen.

  12. Scooby on October 19th, 2012 9:22 am

    Operation Clean Sweep has been going on for the last three years, so I do not see why your comment is necessary. If you have nothing to hide, then you should applaud the efforts put out by the ESCO for what they are doing. Twenty addresses confirmed for sex offenders is a good thing! How would you like to be hit by someone who has NO insurance and your vehicle is totaled???? Do you like having junk all in your neighborhood and it look trashy? Be proud that our sheriff does these clean sweeps so that this county might look a bit better for possible investors to come here to bring business! This kinda got started with Channel 3 News a few years ago when they started doing “Gulf Coast Eyesores.” Be glad that at least someone (or some people) in our communities care about how our area looks!

  13. Marshall on October 19th, 2012 8:19 am

    You can tell it is election year.

  14. Jane on October 19th, 2012 5:02 am

    Good job ESCO! Thankyou for all your efforts to the ECUA and the Navy guys who came out! Mid County Neighborhood Watch meets every 4th Monday at 6:30pm at Aldersgate Church….everyone is welcome. Together we can make a difference.

  15. SLS on October 19th, 2012 4:56 am

    I went thru check point chickie. Nothing on me. Good job guys.