New Poll: Florida Presidential Race Close; Nelson Way Ahead

October 12, 2012

The presidential race in Florida is too close to call, but Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson holds a commanding lead in his re-election race against Republican Connie Mack, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll.

Among likely voters, President Obama leads Republican Mitt Romney by a margin of 48 to 47 percent, which is within the margin of error.

The poll was conducted Sunday to Tuesday, after a nationally televised debate that Romney is widely believed to have won. A poll released before the debate showed Obama ahead 47 percent to 46 percent.

With the November 6 election less than four weeks away, the new poll shows a more clearly-defined Senate race in Florida. Nelson leads Mack, a southwest Florida congressman, by a margin of 52 percent to 39 percent, the poll said.

By The News Service of Florida


13 Responses to “New Poll: Florida Presidential Race Close; Nelson Way Ahead”

  1. Bob hudson on October 16th, 2012 10:08 am

    And about the God thing in our liberal democratic party we don’t need him, wait yes we do, oh no we don’t , well we will put him in any way , if we don;’t we look like a bunch of Godless socialist, and lose votes (even thou we do not mean it) Yes the democratic party believes in separation of church and state, They want God out of government and out of the states and this country.( Note this is my opinion of the liberal party) This opinion is based on how they act and what they have done, and upon their expressed agenda ) If you do not like it there is nothing you can do or say. That will change my mind or of those who I know (ex-democrats) This is why Obama will fail in this election.

  2. Bob hudson on October 16th, 2012 9:52 am

    And the only thing wrong with Planned Parenthood, is we just need more tax payer dollars so we can kill more babies, got to get the population down, and yes we need the death panels in Obama care to thin out the elderly, 10,000 retiring a day, to many. Who care’s if we smuggle a few guns in to Mexico and get an American Agent killed and a bunch Mexicans , nothing to great to force gun control . Yes just as long as you believe in our liberal agenda , and what the White House says , we’ll be fine, but if you do not , it seems you know tea party member, and conservitives are the real one who wish to destroy America . Just trust us, the liberal party knows what is best for you.

  3. Bob hudson on October 16th, 2012 9:42 am

    Now every one in the liberal world knows those 4 Americans got them selves killed , it was their fault, that’s not important, and those 23,million out of work why that is their fault to, and Eurpore’s, fault, Oh and that 16 trillion in national debt , that was 10 trillion when he took office, well we all know that is still Bush’s fault, and we had to grow government 25% to bring down the national debt, right? Oh and Obama care , well even thou 68% of the American public do not want it , well they are stupid, and do not know what is good for them. And that GM bail out, well they will pay us back—-when ever, And those broken solar green energy firms, got to break a few egg to make a omlet (90 billion worth.) And the rich do not need their money, We need to give that to those who will not work and all the new illegal immigrants .What we at the White House are trying to say is ( Nothing is our fault) just as us.

  4. 429SCJ on October 16th, 2012 6:17 am

    I have to agree with Bob. The strategic importance of Libya is far too important to the global community to allow it to fall to the muslims.

    Bob what do you say that we start at Morroco and just work our way east to the Kyber pass, nuking every population center over 5000. We can contract Blackwater to mop up the crossroads and stragglers.

    My advice , “don’t do it without the fez on” you might need the protection.
    My question, what was that strategic importance? I seem to have forgotten.

  5. Bob hudson on October 13th, 2012 10:50 am

    Way to go Kathy, blame the 4 dead Americans for getting killed, Why the WH is never wrong, sure we know the president of Libiya is lying, I mean he said it first, we know the State department is lying under oathe about the bad security Yep ever one in this country know that the WH is only going to tell the truth. I find your remark offensive and demeaning to those who serve this country. All in the name of protecting your so called (chosen one) I hope Mrs. Clinton gets fed up with this and rolls over on him, and tells the truth. Obama does not deserve a second term and has just proven it.

  6. Kathy on October 12th, 2012 6:43 pm

    The White House is too polite to say that the truth of the matter is the good Mr. Stevens never should left Tripoli for Benghazi. He knew full well what his security detail was, he knew full well that Benghazi was in turmoil with terrorists, conflicts between parties and even some Al Quida. But he still went anyways. What would you call that? Of course you parrot what you hear from your Republican leaders, you don’t think you just parrot. All one can say to you is “polly wana crackers, errr, Polly wanna cracker. You guys just fall in line a march to a tune they playf or you. Its like your all brain washed.

  7. Mark T on October 12th, 2012 1:53 pm

    My[ AMEN BROTHER!!] Was for what 429SCJ said..not you Bob,sorry !

    I left the Dem.& Rep. parties a long time ago!!

  8. Mark T on October 12th, 2012 11:43 am


  9. Bob hudson on October 12th, 2012 10:42 am

    I hope they do a poll that ask, are you leaving the democrat party? They would really be surprise how many of us are.

  10. Bob hudson on October 12th, 2012 10:40 am

    So when will the white house come clean and admit that they lied about the terrorist attack in Benghazi ? It was not about some anti-Islamic film, it was an and attack against us that was on 9/11, some body needs to tell Joe Biden also. So we have a sitting president that does not have a problem lying to us. And par the course , it is some one else’s fault. The state department just testified that there where request to beef up security. And it takes 11 or so days for the white house to hint that it may have been a terrorist attack? This just goes to show what Obama will do to win, How can any one believe any thing that comes out of the white house?Now the Obama supporters can call Mitt Romney a lair all day long. But our sitting president seems to think we are all fools, if he will lie about Benghazi, he will lie about any thing else that he thinks will help him.

  11. 429SCJ on October 12th, 2012 8:19 am

    Those that have interest in swaying public opinion and manipulating US foriegn policy, would have you believe that Romney is in the lead, just as they would try and have you believe that Ryan won the debate.

    The US and the world have had a gut full of those people, Romney can promise them all the wars in the world, but the American voter will ultimately decide the outcome of Election 2012.

    I do not need one of those people to tell me what is happening and what to think. I can see and think for myself.

  12. Bill Clinton on October 12th, 2012 7:28 am

    Not too worry all you Obama supporters.
    This one is in the bag, just stay home and relax on Election Day.

  13. The DOER on October 12th, 2012 6:22 am

    The Tampa Bay Times 9/Miami Herald poll, which was just published six hours ago, gives Romney a major lead.
    “The survey conducted this week found 51 percent of likely Florida voters supporting Romney, 44 percent backing Obama and 4 percent undecided. That’s a major shift from a month ago when the same poll showed Obama leading 48 percent to 47 percent — and a direct result of what Obama himself called a “bad night” at the first debate. “