Mitt Romney To Attend Public Rally In Pensacola Saturday

October 24, 2012

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney will visit Pensacola Saturday morning.

Romney will appear during a “Victory Rally” at the Pensacola Bay Center (formerly known as the Pensacola Civic Center) at 11:15 a.m. Doors will open at 9:15 a.m.

Tickets will be required for entry. For free tickets, visit

All attendees will go through airport-like security and should bring as few personal items as possible. No bags, sharp objects, umbrellas, liquids, or signs will be allowed in the venue. Cameras are permitted.

Pictured: Mitt Romney appeared earlier this year at the Fish House restaurant in Pensacola. file photo, click to enlarge.


59 Responses to “Mitt Romney To Attend Public Rally In Pensacola Saturday”

  1. LEO GUY on October 27th, 2012 7:46 am

    @Mark T,
    Yes it is really sad we don’t live in a perfect world, but when only 60% of the people vote, you get what you get. Sometimes you just have to do the best that you can with what got. Base your decisions on logic and not emotions. :-/

  2. Mark T on October 26th, 2012 9:18 pm

    @ LEO
    I agree that were all in the same boat.. It’s really sad in my opinion that the people
    of this Country don’t have a much better selection of candidates to choose from to lead this Great country into the future for the betterment of everyone!!! :}

  3. LEO GUY on October 26th, 2012 7:28 pm

    @Mark T
    Thank you for showing me that someone is paying attention to what I write. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, but I stand by what I say. You will now not be able to say why didn’t someone tell me about Barry. Brother you better believe me when I pray that I’m wrong about Obama, because we’re all in the same boat. :-/

  4. just tired on October 26th, 2012 7:22 pm

    @ Mark T, I couldn’t agree with you more and the people of Massachusetts must know the real Mitt because they are for Obama also. Kind of strange don’t you think ,considering he was “suspposedly” such a great Governer.

  5. Mark T on October 26th, 2012 4:30 pm

    After reading all the informative comments here about how bad Obama is and how great Romney is, I have decided that I’m going to vote for Obama!! Special thanks
    goes out to LEO GUY for his condescending attitude in really helping form my opinion!!!
    Obama/Biden 2012
    I’ve always voted Republican,but not anymore!!!

  6. JD on October 26th, 2012 2:58 pm

    Are children allowed to attend the rally? What ages?

  7. LEO GUY on October 26th, 2012 12:02 pm


    Another thought, I believe you when you say you work. Let me enlighten you on who the 47% really are. They are citizens who pay no federal income tax. Let me repeat that “no federal income tax”. I do not know how your tax filings work out each April 15th, but I hope and pray that you have the ability and wherewithal to one day earn more than you say. At this time, this country still gives you that opportunity, and one day if you pay taxes long enough, you will understand the 53%. One more thought, who would you want to invest your life savings, Mitt or Barry? Think carefully because this is America’s last chance. Just saying. :-/

  8. jcellops on October 26th, 2012 11:41 am

    these thoughts are for those who seem to have a great concern for romneys outspoken mormon religion- as for myself, his religion is of little to no concern to me, whatsoever- i look at the man, himself- he has most, if not all, of the moral values that i have- to name a FEW: extremely charitable, faithful husband, father and grandfather- and, a no-doubt- about-it love for our country- those qualities alone far outweigh any concern that i had (early on) about his religion, before i got to know more about him- BTW, billy graham and franklin graham have spoken with him at length and have not hesitated to publically support the romney/ryan ticket- just out of curiosity, i wonder if the infamous “reverend” wright will vote for romney/ryan this time around, seeing how pres o dismissed him, shunned him and threw him shamelessly under the bus back in 2008..

  9. LEO GUY on October 26th, 2012 10:40 am


    Wake up and smell the coffee buttercup. Any vote not for Romney is a vote for Barry. You can believe this or not, but if he goes in and when the stuff hits the fan, you will not be able to say, “Why didn’t someone tell me?!” You better think long and hard. This is our last chance. :-/

  10. Bob hudson on October 26th, 2012 9:53 am

    So any of you obams supporters want to try and explain what happened in Libya???

  11. Bob hudson on October 26th, 2012 9:26 am

    Since liberals , it seems have no moral compass, ( killing babies, with tax payer money, same sex marriage, clearly do not want God to be in their party) seems they are okay to have a government that lies to us, that in their mind it is okay to steal from the rich(or those who do work) to have a nation totally dependent on the government, to provide for all their needs, as long as you do what they say. Obama and all the liberals will not talk about his sorry record in office, and in true liberal form, it is always some one else’s fault.The real truth is , like I have said before, a lot of us, are now ex-democrats, the party has spit in our face, and is no longer worthy of our support. And this will not go away, 4 american’s killed in Libya, and every one know’s more about it than the white house. So those of you who support obams, clearly have no problem supporting a government that lies to you. Well I do. So obams can attack Romney all he wants to, but it will never change his sorry record of running this country. His record will be his downfall.

  12. Amy352 on October 26th, 2012 8:55 am

    I am sitting here reading all these comments. I am the 47% you speak of. I work. I make around $23k a year. I find it hard to vote for a man who belongs to a religious group that did not allow black preachers until 1978. This was only after the civil rights movement. Looks like mormons and Latter Day Saints thought heaven had a colored section. Not true. Sinners will all roast in hell equally. Have you read this book? The man had to look into a hat ?! Only he could interpret the book of mormon? Bah hah hah. Mitt Romney is a bloodless rich scumbag. He has never had to suffer through anything. This man actually said women should not have babies until they are married. This is America. Separation of church and state. I am not saying vote for Obama. I am not voting for this idiotic guy, either.

  13. LEO GUY on October 26th, 2012 8:50 am

    @Mark T.

    No, just guys like you. Come on down and I’ll be glad to sign you up for the police academy and you can show me how, yeah right. If all the libearals suddenly disappeared, nobody would even notice, but let the same happen to conservatives, and it would all be over in a day. Do you really think you can fool all the people all the time? Go Gators and Go Romney! :-/

  14. charles ries on October 26th, 2012 7:46 am

    to: huh. I have been a morman for many years and have known many in my life; hardest working people and honest and all you can do is point and make stupid allegations and falsehoods about a religion you do’nt know anything about. I do’nt mean to sound mad it just gets to me that people will know judge so I pray for this country because we need help, i drive by houses up for sale every day, knowing that they were just built, every thing is GOING DOWN AND WE HAVE OUR EYES CLOSE —NO PERSON CANTRULY BE AT PEACE WITH HIMSELF; IF HE DOES NOT LIVE UP TP HIS MORAL CAPACITY—-NORMAN COUSINS

  15. Duke of Wawbeek on October 26th, 2012 5:57 am

    I feel that a Pro Peace man such as Mr Romney would put more effort into cleaning up the middle east and adressing the muslim question, here and in the middle east. We need more bases and troops in that region and should try to establish alliances that can work together to cleanse the world of the few problem childs who are the root of world terror. Mr Romney knows how to raise and manage capital and will pay off the deficit in record time. Sure some of us may have to pay a little more in taxes but it is worth it to live in a nation and world that are in good order. I have to give Obama credit on those drone strikes and we need hundreds if not thousands more of those. I bet those drones would be good for dispersing aerosols like a crop duster?

  16. huh on October 25th, 2012 11:02 pm

    be careful what you wish for, the GOP will cut back all State funded jobs. Police, Fireman, the list goes on

    You can bet they will be cut back

    They believe in Welfare for corporations and their rich friends,

    People are already out raged at the Florida Gov Rick Scott for all his dirty tricks , what did you guys really expect from the GOP? Thats what you will get with Romney.

    You really want the Mormons in power over the USA?

  17. 429SCJ on October 25th, 2012 8:34 pm

    One thing that concerns me about both the Democrat and Republican parties, is the number and positions of persons who hold dual citizenship, in past and current administrations. I have to ask myself how can a person serve allegence to two masters?

    Google dual citizens in US government.

  18. Bamaboy on October 25th, 2012 8:03 pm

    I think it’s “time for change”

  19. Mark T. on October 25th, 2012 4:37 pm

    @ LEO GUY

    If LEO stands for law enforcement officer,,do you really think that those
    47% you are suppose to protect & serve are “snivlers and whinners”

  20. lawstudent1 on October 25th, 2012 3:23 pm

    Opening paragraph of The New York Times article “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” by Mitt Romney:

    “IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.”

    Why are you voting for Mitt? His lack of support for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for women? His ability to make enemies upon every visit to foreign nations (UK Olympics)? His experience in “running a business” that buys up companies, breaks them up, and sends jobs oversees to make himself profit? His ability to turn into a chameleon wherever he goes? His experience hiding money in the Cayman Islands? His distain for 47% of Americans who don’t pay taxes – military, young people, retirees – who can’t take responsibility for their own lives? Sorry, I just don’t see the appeal of Mitt Romney.

  21. Faithbe on October 25th, 2012 2:49 pm

    Anyone who’s been paying attention to REAL politics, NOT the FauxNews/Fascist propaganda channel, fully understand that Obama is not the one who failed us these past three years–it’s the No No NO NO NONONONONONONONONO
    Republican party!
    Guarantee you that IF, God forbid, Romney is elected, Deficits Won’t Matter–again.

  22. had enough on October 25th, 2012 12:49 pm

    Because Romney and Obama are led to be believed as the only candidates qualified for office, I feel I must vote for one or the other. Only because I feel like I will be wasting my vote if I don’t.

    Let me say this, If National Security is not at the top of your priority list, it should be. The Obama administration knew about the threats to the Ambassador in Libya. They also knew two hours later that it was a terrorist attack. Obama knew this man personally and did NOTHING, then LIED about it. Do you really believe he wants to help you? He doesn’t know you.

    The deficit is in the trillions, I just can not wrap my head around how the 450 million dollars of American money he sent to Egypt (aka the muslim brotherhood) was good for America. You can not blame that on George Bush.

    Realistically, if National security is not a priority all the rest doesn’t matter. Because when our military is decreased to the bare minimum we will not be able to defend our country and it won’t matter what your views are or what you believe in because someone will tell you exactly how to think and do everything.

    With that being said Romney has my vote. Only because the majority of people don’t even think other candidates are running.

  23. PSU1Earl on October 25th, 2012 12:31 pm

    jcellops… on the pro life vs pro choice issue… well, there was more pro choice prior to 2009, then pro lifetook a lead… but it has swung back to pro choice this last year… 49% pro choice, 45 % pro life…

    Just stating the facts… personally I am pretty torn on the issue… but I don’t like the governement telling anyone what to do…

  24. PSU1Earl on October 25th, 2012 12:24 pm

    jcellops, I believe businesses moved or imported good sform China because the hourly labor rate in China is anout $1.50/hr… Unless we are willing to work for the same amount, we are at a disadvantage… how many $1.50/hr jobs are you willing to work at to pay your bills? I don’t think they get much in vacation time either… ha ha… It’s all about the bottom line, it has nothing to do with anything else… Just like the trick down theory… If you give a person that owns a business making 50 Whats-its a month a tax break of $1million dollars… He isn’t going to make anymore than 50 Whats-its… because he knows he can only sell 50 of them a month, why make more? Its called demand…So, he puts the $1million in his offshore bank and doesn’t have to pay taxes on it… the world is perfect… If you give the same #1million out to struggling families that will almost have to spend it and therefore creating more demand.. then there’s a larger market for Whats-its and the factory makes more than 50 and maybe hire more people on…

  25. Gigi on October 25th, 2012 12:11 pm

    These issues are so complicated to wade through, I don’t think any of us can understand it all (even those who believe they are right).

    The one thing I AM sure of is that if you keep doing what you been doing, you’re gonna keep getting what you been getting.

    I’m not very optimistic that Romney is going to make much difference, but I will have to take that chance. I loved Herman Cain’s ideas but they kicked him to the curb from the start.

  26. Our Right on October 25th, 2012 11:38 am

    @jcellops– I know what I am talking about and I don’t spend my time googling everything like some do. Not everything you read on google is true, so don’t pretend to know every detail. However your are correct on somethings, i just didn’t get down to the nitty gritty on details. Making comments on here is not the time for a full breakdown debate. As far as the comment about China, Romney is ok with out sourcing our companies. He is ok for our companies to take their work over seas. Just like he does his businesses. You really should stop googling and watch and listen to him and his “speechs”. You will get a real laugh out of it. :)

  27. LEO GUY on October 25th, 2012 11:22 am

    To all you liberal snivlers and whinners,

    When you rob the 53% to pay the 47%, you can always count on being voted against by the 53%. LOL :-/

  28. jcellops on October 25th, 2012 10:53 am

    @ our right…gosh, you seem like a sensible person- just not up on the facts, though…..please look this stuff up on google, its not hard to do….pres o and the dems had total majority control of the house and senate for the first two years of his administration…that means that pres o could have introduced bills and budgets for approval and they would have sailed through easily….rather, he consumed his focus on pushing through OBAMACARE….thats how it managed to passed, in a totally partisan way- (partisan means ONLY supported by one side)…dont you think such a significant bill that dramatically impacts our ENTIRE US economy should have been agreed upon by BOTH dems and repubs? …so, to say that “hes been outnumbered by rebups since hes been in office” is just not true….hispanics are ticked off that during his first two years, he never introduced ANY immigration bills, as candidate o had promised….re:china…US companies head to china because of the increased regulations here and the unions…they just cant afford to do it here…unfortunately, the unions are tightly packed away in pres obamas back pocket- that is common knowledge….the president “owes” the powerful unions…romney doesnt want to stop trade w/china- moreso, to better regulate their cheating practices in trade…they need us and we need them- as for planned parenthood- it will NOT cease to exists if govt/taxpayer funding is halted or significantly reduced….private funding is the primary way to go for that agency………currently, just for the record, there are more Americans that are pro-life, than pro-abortion…..i dont expect you to change your electoral preference…but, just do some basic research before you comment…then, at least youll be going into the election w/your eyes wide open.

  29. PSU1Earl on October 25th, 2012 9:57 am

    jane, its the republican teapartiers that want to do away with medicare and SSI… the democrats really like them…a lot!… maybe too much… :\

  30. Our Right on October 25th, 2012 8:59 am

    I will be voting for President Obama, again. Since he has been in office he has been out numbered by Republicans and because of that most of his ideas he had to help our country didn’t get passed. I believe that he has us on the right path to getting back on track but its going to take time just like all things do. Example: If your trying to lose weight, you don’t lose your pounds in a couple of days and if you do it the right way you lose the right amount each week so that the weight stays off.

    Mitt Romney is not going to help the middle class or the low class families that work. He will be making us pay more taxes and taking income taxes away from those that it helps each year. And he’s going to stop the import of goods from China and I understand that it would be better for us to make our own goods. But over here everyone is trying to be come millionaires. Some items that we get from them only cost a couple of bucks will cost double that if we make it. He wants to cut funding for plan parenthood and alot of women and teenage girls use it and should be able to continue using it. I could go on and on about the reasons why NOT to vote for him. But its our right to vote and I hope that everyone who can vote will and dont be badgered to change your choice.

  31. Mike on October 25th, 2012 8:43 am

    @faithbe: if you have evidence of your charge, show us, otherwise can it.

    @Bam: Since you don’t know or don’t care, Ann Romney has MS too. So Mitt Romney certainly cares about that issue and continues to help if he is elected or not.

    @huh: it’s Obama and his Democrats who take $700 Million from Medicare in order to pay for Obamacare, the “Affordable Care Act”. So who’s robbing Medicare exactly? Look it up for yourself.

    @LawStudent: Don’t believe the ads from Priorities USA, they are lies and have been proven false, if you take the time to look it up you will understand. Romney saved his state, he saved the Olympics, he saved lots of companies that you shop at, he can help save the country.

    Please remember these two items:
    1. Capitalism pays for Socialism.
    2. Socialism is a nice idea … until you run out of other people’s money.

    Have a nice day.

  32. Jane on October 25th, 2012 8:43 am

    All I can say is research before you jumpt to conclusions or take gossip as the truth. Obama has already cut SSI and Medicare and will remove both if he can. He doesn’t want our military to vote, getting rid of their absentee ballots, and he has put our grandchildren and children in debt. He will cut jobs (or force employers to hire part-time workers) with the cost ot employers of the forced health care. Do your research before you vote, but no matter who you vote for…VOTE!

  33. tambo on October 25th, 2012 7:23 am

    obama!!!dont think hes going to get the woman vote like he thinks he is!!!!

  34. just tired on October 25th, 2012 12:35 am

    You know, in a way I hope Mitt Romney does win, so he can show all who are gullable enough to vote for him just what he’s all about. That man wouldn’t know the truth if it hit him in the face. But at least we won’t have to worry about him making a mess of the country though, because he will suffer a mental meltdown while in office. I want everyone to take note of this post, because you will REMEMBER it. If Mitt Romney IS elected president, my prediction is that he will go down in history as the first president to have a mental meltdown while in office and then Paul Ryan will have to finish his term. I mean no disrespect, but that man is not stable and I do not know why people cannot see it. You all don’t see the way he has to be led off stage by Ann after he has finished speaking? That is not how a man that is on top of his game carries himself. And also the crazy facial expressions he makes, I tell you the man has issues and it will come to light!

  35. TJ on October 25th, 2012 12:25 am

    rc, Romney was telling the truth about what he wanted for the car companies. He didn’t want them to just go away. He wanted a managed bankruptcy and then guarantee federal loans to get them going again. Obama was wrong about that and several other things. I’m sure if he didn’t know it at the time he was surely informed by someone in his campaign yet he is still spouting the same garbage today to anyone stupid enough to believe him. Check your facts here:

    Here’s some other interesting things for all you Obama supporters out there.

  36. Lawstudent1 on October 25th, 2012 12:10 am

    I’m voting for Obama! Forward not backward. Obama could cure cancer tomorrow and some of you folks on here would find a reason to hate him. I don’t want a cut-throat biz man running our country. Romney himself practically endorsed Obama in the last debate agreeing with all his foreign policy.

  37. rollingwiththetide on October 24th, 2012 11:58 pm

    Obama knew the facts about Benghazi attack! “He knew & did nothing”! Yet, that night, he slept. The next day obama still went on his campaign tour while four men laid dead! –a trip to Vegas, many shows and celeb spots. Blame a half-baked mini-video, slandered his opponent for calling it terrorism. Rice lied. Clinton lied. “O” lied. This was an attack on America, but yet the POTUS did nothing! We need a Leader and Mitt Romney is our only chance.

  38. huh on October 24th, 2012 11:45 pm

    Florida wont be tricked by this guy to give up medicare and social security . Florida citizens paid into it and no reason they cant use it. We spend trillions on wars and military needlessly.

    If he wants to fix the debt either cut military spending or raise taxes, pick one. In fact, i dont see why we can’t do both.

    If it were me i would cut military spending more than half and bring all troops home. I would stop the needless drug wars in other countries .

  39. bleeding blue and orange on October 24th, 2012 10:18 pm

    I love the military and our soldiers and want them to be safe also. To any and all who critize Romney of more conflicts and the risk of soldiers not returning home. Have you ever wondered what jobs the soldiers would come home to if they all came back? There is a shortage of jobs, the unemployement is at an all time high. There is a large amount of them that would be unemployed also! How is that an improvement in America?

  40. Mitchell Singleton on October 24th, 2012 9:08 pm

    I feel that Mitt Romney is the clear choice to run our country! America voted President Obama into office 4 years ago, and I don’t see a good clear reason to keep him! Romney will get this country back on the right track! I seriously challenge all voters to do research! Don’t be like “I’m just gonna vote for so and so because they look like they would be good” Look into it! Remember your vote could effect your children, your grandchildren, and even your great grandchildren! It’s is a serious matter! So remember your vote does count! So get out there and vote on November 6th!

  41. LEO GUY on October 24th, 2012 8:55 pm

    @Mark T.
    I can tell you why. He’s not Obama! We’ll vote for anybody but Obama!
    Go Gators and Go Romney!

  42. say_what on October 24th, 2012 7:26 pm

    Romney fixed the Olympics that was broke. He also fixed the state of Massachusetts that was broke. I truly believe that Romney is very capable of fixing the complete utter chaos and mess that Obama has made of this country. Just take a look at all the lies coming out of the White House concerning Libya!!! Obama doesn’t want this country to be a democracy – his plans are more socialistic / communistic. Romney/Ryan is the ticket for the United States to remain a democracy.

  43. E R on October 24th, 2012 6:53 pm

    WELCOME to PENSACOLA Mr. Romney !!!!

  44. Mark T. on October 24th, 2012 5:58 pm

    Mr. Hudson and others,, I can see that you don’t like Obama,,

    Will you tell me what it is about Romney that he has your vote ?

  45. Bob hudson on October 24th, 2012 3:39 pm

    Any way, in the real world this is what obama has given us, 16 trillion in ND, 23 million unemployed , lying to us about Libya, fast and furious , running guns to Mexico, war on all of our own energy resources, obamacare..Hey buy a ford if you want to support America. Hey he said that If he failed , we could fire him, so he really should just resign. But true to form we are going to kick him out of the white house so he can go on more talk shows and play more golf, since that is all he wishes to do any way. Funny how all of the enemies of the U.S of A. endorse him. And the biggest excuse of all ( Why it ’s G.W. Bush’s fault) Simple question ? Do we want to be a 2nd handed socialist country , or do we wish to remain Americans? Well obamas way is not for America .Romney/Ryan 2012

  46. rc on October 24th, 2012 2:46 pm

    What is wrong with corporate business men?

    Perhaps its been forgotten, but corrupt corporate policies are what helped get us into the housing market crash and unemployment hike in the first place. I lost my job due to outsourcing because was more profitable for American companies to send jobs overseas than keep them here at home where they are needed. Romney, to his credit, was correct in stating that companies to not get additional incentives for shipping jobs overseas. However, they do make larger profits and can still take the benefits of government tax breaks, that is the problem. I will not vote for any candidate who ran a business sending jobs overseas and making sure people in other countries were employed and businesses made bigger profits instead of making sure American workers had jobs. I will vote for a candidate in favor of cutting tax breaks for companies shipping our jobs over seas.

    He IS going to increase military spending. He has already said that. Why do we need more military investment above $670 billion already on the table if we are not at war? By comparison, $17 billion is set aside for space exploration, and just $24 billion for education, both of these areas are good for R&D, and also for educating future generations. Why would you want to further increase the gap there? It already seems to be very lopsided to me.

    Another thing to consider is this. We, as Americans, are only interested in instant gratification. This is a fact. Does it take longer to destroy a home, or build one? It took 8 years to DESTROY the economy. Give me an example of when it would take longer to damage something, than fix it. You can not fix 8 years worth of damage, in 4 years. Are we where we are supposed to be yet? No, I agree. But we are headed in the opposite direction now than we were 4 years ago.

    Also, if you want to help Americans get back to work… buy American Cars. Its very hypocritical to complain about unemployment levels if you are driving foreign built cars. Of course, Romney would have allowed them all to go bankrupt, so if that were so, more people would have become unemployed not less, and you would have no choice now but to buy cars from overseas.

  47. Bird on October 24th, 2012 2:01 pm

    I wont go to see him but Romney has my vote. America cant afford another 4 years of Obama, And for Romney being a business man, what wrong with that, we need as business man in the white house cause all we got right now is a president with a no limit budget that im going to have to pay for the rest of my life. We need to trim the fat and get the spending under control in this country. Romney/Ryan 2012

  48. jcellops on October 24th, 2012 12:43 pm

    romney is ALSO going to cut funding for PLANNED PARENTHOOD…the scam organization that is given millions of taxpayer dollars w/the primary purpose of terminating the unborn/unwanted pregnancies…the bit about breast cancer detection is a ruse….THEY DONT DO MAMMAGRAMS….just education, referals and manual exams….thats why the koman foundation tried unsuccessfully to pull out of the funding for planned parenthood….they recognized that they could disperse their donation $$ much more effectively elsewhere….id love to ask romney (if hes elected) does he plan to instruct his adminstration at the pentagon to declare the fort hood massacre a “terrorist attack”?….it needs to be called exactly what it is!!!!! obama would have you believe that a rabid muslim screaming “ala ak-bar” (sp?) before he shoots/kills/injures a significant number military members on a military base is work-place violence?????? GIVE ME A BREAK!

  49. Abe on October 24th, 2012 12:21 pm

    Careful what you wish for. Remember Rick Scott?

  50. LEO GUY on October 24th, 2012 11:38 am

    The “un-crowned King of FlipFlop-dom”? You are right in that opinion because we all know who the true king is. That old democrat John Kerry who was “against it before he was for it”. Remember? What a joke! You can smell the fear in the democrats so bad that they need to change their pants. Oh how I love to hear Ed of the The Ed Show and Chris Matthews freaking out on PMSNBC. I still have hope for this country. Romney/Ryan 2012!

  51. I Love America! on October 24th, 2012 11:31 am

    GO ROMNEY!!!!!

  52. Bob hudson on October 24th, 2012 10:26 am

    Rasmussen Poll, Romney 50% , obama 46%. Gallup Poll, Romney 51%, obama 46%.. Good deal. Now that we are learning that the attack specifically points to and Al-Qaeda terror group Ansar al sharia, claimed responsibility, with in hours of the attack in Benghazi Libya. Seems the White House has been caught in a cover up. War on Woman? Hey this current president is waging a war on America .I find it funny that the media will not speak of those of us who are leaving the Democratic party. Yes cut PBS, cut welfare, kill obamacare, and cut every other program till we get the budget under control, By the way , military spending improves our quality of life when it is brought to the private sector, and the best offence is a great defense.No I am not going to go see him, I’ll just give him a call when he is in the White house. Ex-bluedog democrat Romney/Ryan 2012.

  53. Roll Tide on October 24th, 2012 10:13 am

    Obama will not get my vote under any circumstances. Very proud I didn’t vote for him the first time.

  54. pete plant on October 24th, 2012 10:05 am

    Anybody but Obama !!

  55. rosepetal on October 24th, 2012 10:01 am


  56. rc on October 24th, 2012 9:55 am

    Yes this is very strange to have a victory rally before the votes are counted. I have watched all of the debates, Romney strikes me as a corporate business man, nothing more. He is only interested in advancing his own goals. He wants to cut funding for women’s health, PBS, education, and wants to increase military spending. If he is elected, we are going to see military action start up in Iran and Syria, when we should be bringing our troops home. Not to mention that his plan for everyone… well, we will ‘talk about the details later’.

  57. Bam on October 24th, 2012 9:21 am

    Another Bush W – “Mission accomplished”. I hope his drive by doesn’t interfere with more important stuff like the MSABC walk, of course he would say that’s a woman’s issue and not important at all.

  58. faithbe on October 24th, 2012 8:02 am

    My, how presumptive of the un-crowned King of FlipFlop-dom to plan a “Victory Rally” before all the votes are cast and counted!
    Guess he’s pretty sure his son’s controlling interest in the company that owns the electronic voting machines in Ohio has it ‘in the bag’ for him?

  59. PSU1Earl on October 24th, 2012 7:29 am

    “victory rally”? Don’t you have to win first? It would be like Notre Dame having a national title celebration next week! (note: I was going to say Alabama, but they would probably be right… Roll tide! lol)…The Civic Center mention is golden william! love it! ha ha