Mitt Romney Rallies Pensacola (With Gallery)

October 28, 2012

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney rallied thousands of supporters in Pensacola Saturday morning.

“We’re going to win this, you know that,” Romney said at the Pensacola Bay (Civic) Center. “We’re going to win this thing.’’

With thunderous support from the overflow crowd, the former Massachusetts governor told the crowd “the president does not have a plan”. President Barack Obama “is shrinking from the magnitude of the times,” Romney said. “This is not a president who has been able to stand up to the challenge of the times.”

For a photo gallery, click here.

During his 24 minute speech, the Republican nominee detailed his five-point plan for America — focusing one energy, trade, education, relaxed business regulations and the repeal of “Obamacare”.

“The president says he can’t change Washington from the inside,” Romney said. “He can only change it from the outside—we’re going to give him that chance soon.”

Romney promised if elected to “build bridges” with congressional Democrats.

Mitchell Singleton of Molino may not be old enough to vote — he is just an eighth grader at Ernest Ward Middle School — but among the thousands of pro-Romney fans Saturday in Pensacola, he heard what he thought was a clear message for American’s future.

“As United State Senator Marco Rubio pointed out, Mitt Romney knows about the free enterprise system because he lived it,” Mitchell said. “Mitt Romney is the clear choice for this great country.”

“We are ten days away from the most important election we have ever seen and we are going to win,” Rubio, who spoke just before  Romney, said.

For a photo gallery, click here.

Pictured top: Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney speaks to supporters in Pensacola Saturday morning. Pictured bottom inset: Naomi Fanjoy, 4, shows her support for Romney. Pictured below: Romney is welcomed to the stage by Sen. Marco Rubio and Senate candidate Connie Mack. photos, click to enlarge.


67 Responses to “Mitt Romney Rallies Pensacola (With Gallery)”

  1. joe on October 31st, 2012 9:29 pm

    Carter was a solid man. I would never say he was the worst. perhaps the worst for you in your life but not mine. I met the president in 1978 in DC. in my opinion he has done more in and out of office for good than many other presidents combined. remember the hostages…
    this man put citizens befor his campaign and his ellection. he cared about the citizens and still does. he really earned his peace prize unlike the phoney that currently resides at 1600 pennsylvania ave.

  2. Roz on October 31st, 2012 8:36 pm

    Jimmy Carter should be proud because he will no longer have the title in history books as the “WORST President in American History.”
    Obama will be considered the worst leader ever to live in the White House.
    He was never qualified and was not prepared to take office.
    Libya is a prime example of this. My prayers go out to the victims of this tragedy.

  3. jesse on October 30th, 2012 7:59 pm

    Regarding BUSH BUSH BUSH
    I heard bush was in the back pockets of the oil company for eight years. Gas was a $1.83 cents a gal. Now it is $3.50 a gal, Is president Obama in the back pocket of the oil company? Like one person said, on day you will find out how much The dem. care about them. If you will check History you will find out that the Rep. are the ones that stopped the KKK in Tn. that was started by the Dem. after the Civil War.

    Everything in your post is wrong. Gas was $1.09 a gallon when Bush assumed the presidency and it went well over $3.00 a gallon while Bush was in office. It did come down for a few weeks as he went out him of office I think that was a republican stunt to get McCain elected. I think Obama is a joke and will not vote for him, but think that Bush was just as big of a disaster. He took a booming economy and bankrupt it to serve his and his partners financial interest. As far as the KKK goes, it was not started by either of the political parties that exist today. Do your research before posting. If you think the KKK is no longer in Tenn,. that you are really out of touch.

  4. Bird on October 30th, 2012 5:20 am

    Im so tired of people blaming Bush for Obamas mess. Last time I checked bush only raised the deficite to 6 trillion in debt not 15 trillion in debt. Quit voting for a certain party people and vote for cause. This is way bugger than us people and if we dont fix what is broken my kids can forget about a future. Throwing money at broken stuff will not fix it. People need to quit complaing and forget about Rebublican or Democrate. And it cracks me up how the president can try to cover up americans dying and yall will still vote for him. Sounds like a good leader.

  5. Mitchell Singleton on October 29th, 2012 8:20 pm


    Thank you for taking the time to comment, it means a lot to me!

    God bless,

    Mitchell Singleton

  6. Doug on October 29th, 2012 3:53 pm

    I can’t wait for Romney to win, so he can do the same for this country as Rick Scott has done for Florida. Please do not come crying when he deregulates the insurance/banking industries so rates/fees can skyrocket; cuts educational/research/environmental programs in the name of balancing the budget no matter what the cost; and eliminates federal jobs by contracting them to the lowest bidders just to save a few dollars.

    You all begged for Scott and look what you got. Please save the belly aching when Romney and company take you out to the woodshed. From what I can tell, North Escambia is way to “broke” to claim to be so Republican. Happy voting!!!

  7. joe on October 29th, 2012 2:11 pm

    In my opinion he is still the lesser of two evils even though he is a vietnam draft dodger. (seems he was stationed in france during the war)
    I would rather vote for him than the other guy.
    either way the outcome will upset many and make this country more tense than it already is.
    It is important for everyone to cast your vote, no matter who it is for. this is our country, we need to take it back.

  8. jcellops on October 29th, 2012 10:54 am

    MM i totally agree w/your assessment …my daughter and i were so happy to have participated in the romney/ryan rally as well…i didnt see the plane gimmick overhead though…..glad we went!!

  9. J Mc on October 29th, 2012 10:53 am

    We must learn to put our trust in God and not in man. God will guide us by the day and the night. The promise land is there, but not everyone will walk in it, because they depend on a man to get them there. The walk is not a easily journey, but yet it is a safe one. The way has been made.

  10. country boy on October 29th, 2012 8:41 am

    If we spent as much time praying for our leaders (republician or democrate) as we do bashing them things might be different. I go to church and listen to people who claim to be christians bash our leaders. Does it not say in the bible to love our enemies and pray for the ones that persecute you. I just feel that we should pray for our leaders that God will move them to make the right choicies for our country Dem. Or Rep. If you want to change our country look in the mirror it starts with YOU first.

  11. MM on October 29th, 2012 8:40 am

    A few observations from the crowd of over 10,000:
    – well behaved
    – well dressed
    – lots of veterans
    – no one objected to anything when the pastor opened the rally with prayer
    – everyone cheered after the black man sang the National Anthem
    – no one cared about the plane flying around the Civic Center pulling the sign calling the GOP racist and sexist

  12. Marie on October 29th, 2012 8:03 am

    For all you people who want to make this a communist country go right ahead and vote Obama. You can not see the control this man is trying to take, he fooled alot of us when he got into office, thought he was the best thing for this country, now look all he wants to do is take away our rights, talk about going backwards. I am voting Romney

  13. LOOKING UP! on October 29th, 2012 7:37 am

    “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”.
    American is in the shape it is in because she has turn her back on God. We need to pray and seek God’s guidance in this election. While I’m sure each of these men have their flaws, we need to vote for the one that has the greater Godly morals. We need a president that will lead us away from of abortion, same sex marriage, condonement of a homosexual lifestyle, these are all SINS and we must REPENT. We need to return to ONE NATION UNDER GOD, not a false god but JEHOVAH GOD CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH; the God that our forefathers founded the constitution upon.
    Once American gets back on track spiritually, God will take care of everything else. Look to Him not to man to save America!

  14. Jimbo on October 28th, 2012 10:38 pm

    Thanks Duke, We are in this together. There is a nation founded upon the principals of freedom and love. Our forefathers gave it to us an placed the responsibility upon us to maintain it. For now, it ’s still ours. This election could take all of what our forefathers fought and died for away forever.

  15. Duke of Wawbeek on October 28th, 2012 10:14 pm

    Shalom Jimbo, you are so absolutely right about Obama alienating Jewish voters. James We are all so very happy to have you and Reggie and of course Mrs S. among us. You have, since discovering your roots, made us all proud. Shalom Jimbo and Romney Ryan 2012. Talk with you soon.

  16. huh on October 28th, 2012 7:34 pm

    “With thunderous support from the overflow crowd, the former Massachusetts governor told the crowd “the president does not have a plan”.”

    Brought to you by the person that doesn’t have a plan, because if its the same as the GOP party lines… Well were remember during the Bush era when the recession started. We haven’t forgot that trickle down doesn’t work, and tax breaks for the rich do nothing to help the economy

  17. Kathy on October 28th, 2012 2:59 pm

    Good Luck with your candidate of choice.

  18. EJ on October 28th, 2012 2:54 pm

    @1:37….Excellent post Karen

  19. Jimbo on October 28th, 2012 2:19 pm

    RobbieO, never before in history has a candidate so well alienated themselves from a voter block as has Obama with the Jewish S. Florida voters. Obama chose to go on TV shows rather than meet with Israeli Leader Netenyahu. We’ve seen what Obama is about, instead of talking about his policies (failed), he talks about how Romney is a dunce, a BSer, and a flip flopper. Obama supported the Defense of Marriage act, then he comes out in favor of Gay marriage. (like these issues have anything to do with 8% un-employment)

    We can’t borrow ourselves into prosperity funding giveaway social programs and foreign aid anymore than I can get rich by spending every dime I have, then borrowing more!

    This is the legacy of Obama. He’s made us dependant on foreign oil by keeping exploration and drilling at a minimum here in the U.S. He gave Venezuela $80 billion dollars to enhance THEY’re production of oil to sell to the U.S.
    The truth is that the big Purple Dinasaur BARNEY could have done a better job as President than Barack “Smoke and Mirrors” Obama has done.

  20. 429SCJ on October 28th, 2012 2:05 pm

    Obama or Romney, it does not matter who goes into the white house as the system is most probably, simply beyond any fix short of a miricle. I have read in many postings of the inevitiblity of the 16 Trillion $ deficit and see it’s effects everyday, the prices are up, servings smaller and for goodness sakes make the loaves shorter as opposed to the slices smaller in our bread loaves. I can think of nothing that has not increased in cost to the consumer.

    I can only speculate as to what will happen when government becomes insolvent at all levels. I hope Mr Chertoff and his planners at the Department of Homeland Security have a plan to deal with the civil unrest, such as the riots that are occuring in Europe as I type.

  21. Faith in God on October 28th, 2012 1:49 pm

    Go Mitt, real Hope and Change!!! Never argue with FOOLS, it’s biblical!!!

  22. Karen on October 28th, 2012 1:37 pm

    I’m sick of all the blame Bush mess, Obama inherited his and Joe Biden’s own mess they were both in the senate and did the voting for the mess we have. People don’t seem to realize or are to lazy to pay attention that the Democrates took control of BOTH houses in 2007. Do some research and find out for yourselves when the country started on the deadly spiral we are own. Does anybody remember Obama’s famous words about “fundamentally changing America”, well he has kept his word and we almost can’t recognize America. Anyone ever hear of Saul Alinski or Cloward & Piven? If not turn off your reality shows and quit playing your video games and do some research and actually do something to help educate yourselves so you can help save this country for your children and your grandchildren. If you keep turning a blind eye you will one day be telling those children how life in America use to be when she was a free country and people could actually practice “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

  23. Billy Gates on October 28th, 2012 11:44 am

    I am getting more confused by the day. When Gov. Romney is president does he inherit O’Bama’s mess or George Bush’s? Y’all better wake up and smell the coffee or roses and not the malarkie. VOTE ROMNEY/RYAN your and your childrens future depends on it.

  24. Marshall on October 28th, 2012 11:04 am

    Seems a lot of the Obama Supporters have forgotten a couple of things….

    One is Obama’s statement…IF I CAN’T FIX THIS IN THREE YEARS, THEN I AM A ONE TERM PRESIDENT! And…here is hoping that holds true…One Term and gone. After adding over 5 Trillion to the National Debt! More than multiple presidents together have ever done

    Another is Obama’s statement…THIS WILL BE THE MOST TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION EVER…but yet he COVERS UP for AG Holder in Fast and Furious where 2 American Agents and over 300 Mexicans were MURDERED with the walked weapons. Then LIES and COVERS UP the Libya Attack where 4 more AMERICANS were MURDERED!

    And his GREEN ENERGY DEBACLE…Over a BILLION Dollars given to companies that most ended up Bankrupt after paying their Executives big bonuses!

    That’s Enough…Everybody knows the truth! Obama has to GO…We can not afford him! And we can not stand for anymore cover ups where Americans are being MURDERED!

    VOTE ROMNEY – RYAN to turn this country POSITIVE!

  25. Henry Coe Jr on October 28th, 2012 10:48 am

    Mitt Romney is a manipulative liar and he is counting on support from people who are not informed.
    The President didn’t say we don’t use bayonets. He was saying we use less bayonets than we did in 1916 like we have less boats/ships. Here is the full quote from the debate. “”But I think Gov. Romney maybe hasn’t spent enough time looking at how our military works. You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military’s changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines.

    “And so the question is not a game of Battleship, where we’re counting ships. It’s what are our capabilities. And so when I sit down with the Secretary of the Navy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we determine how are we going to be best able to meet all of our defense needs in a way that also keeps faith with our troops, that also makes sure that our veterans have the kind of support that they need when they come home.”

    “And that is not reflected in the kind of budget that you’re putting forward because it just doesn’t work.”"

    Again I say, Mitt Romney is a manipulative LIAR. He’s just using a sales pitch to try to win, promising with plans that aren’t plans and using math that doesn’t add up and using rhetoric that amounts to lies with no context.
    He’s counting on his supporters being uninformed, which unfortunately, they are.

  26. molino jim on October 28th, 2012 9:49 am

    I wonder how many of the Romney/Ryan supporters have read anything except the sound bites for this twosome. How many jobs did Romney create for AMERICAN workers while he was “running” companies? What would they do to balance the US budget. What did Romney do for his state while he was governor? Ryan has stated a number of times that there should be deep cuts in the budget that will effect every one. How about cutting crop programs plus school lunch programs. There is a very long list of programs that they both would like to cut. As to Obama— he did inherit a mess. The banks, car companies were failing and the administration had to act. The loans for the most part have been paid back with interest (some of the companies Romney was involved in did file for bankruptcy and took a tax write off), our troops are leaving combat and returning home from another mess that George got us into and on and on. Could the country be in better shape—yes. Hopefully it will improve. The President, no matter who he is can only do so much—Congress needs to help and forget about always having their personal hand out.

  27. LOL on October 28th, 2012 9:27 am

    People talking about welfare, healthcare etc. This is a non factor like some of you everyone needs help at some point in time or another so dont judge others, but mind you I pay for my owm healthcare plan but there is not need to judge others.
    Smoooches again….

  28. Roz on October 28th, 2012 8:52 am

    Kathy I was referring to USA’s comments.(The name does not match the rhetoric.)
    Kathy I totally agree with you. We see the way things are going. I couldn’t even get a health insurance policy for my teenage child. To save money I attempted to get an individual policy on her instead of carrying the family plan thru my employer. My insurance agent said I couldn’t do it and looked at me and said ” you can thank your president for that.” I pay my way and I don’t need anyone taking away my options.
    We are heading down a path that will just get worse if Obama gets another 4 years.

  29. EJ on October 28th, 2012 8:35 am

    “As United State Senator Marco Rubio pointed out, Mitt Romney knows about the free enterprise system because he lived it,” Mitchell (Singleton of Molino) said. “Mitt Romney is the clear choice for this great country.”
    Thank you Mitchell, you give hope for the future of AMERICA. I bet if you get an allowance, you must do something to earn it. Best of luck with your future.

  30. Duke of Wawbeek on October 28th, 2012 8:32 am

    PGR I resent your racist comments in regards to the good people at FOX. In recorded history never has a news agency endevored to tell the truth the facts fair and balanced as Fox News has excepting William of course. You need to go read some more of that racist conspiracy garbage maybe it will occupy your mind.

  31. Duke of Wawbeek on October 28th, 2012 8:24 am

    You people bashing Mr Romney he is a good man and all you feminist hollering about Mr Romney being insensitive I say who could care more about women than a Mormon Gentleman. I am hearing you people bash former President Bush he was a great man who loved this country and I feel was the greatest most brilliant mind to walk into the oval office aside from Henery Kissinger and Paul Wolfowitz. This world has problems that require major fixing and all you people can worry about is what is happening on your dirt road or backyard. You need to try and comprehend the big global picture and stop complaining. Try doing something to make the world a better place.

  32. Duke of Wawbeek on October 28th, 2012 7:54 am

    Mr Romney was electrifying. I was never so moved in my life. Pound those plowshares boys, the world is on the brink of a new golden age in 2012. Smite the Phillistine Mr Romney save Keliah and blanket the world with their dust.

  33. Fed Up on October 28th, 2012 1:40 am

    Listening to the news media does not educate anyone on the true efforts and accomplishments of our political body, if you can call it that, everyone needs to research the facts for themselves….everyone knows the news media whitewashes and glorifies the politician of their choice. If you want to understand Obama, and what makes him tick, then you need to see Obama2012 its a documentary, and will help you make the right decision

    I had already made my decision and after seeing that documentation, I knew that the knowledge I already had and my instincts proved my decision was correct.

    If you are a God fearing American, you also will know where to place your X on the ballot

  34. tomtom48 on October 28th, 2012 12:40 am

    If Any one out there is better off now then you was 4 years ago I want to hear your story The Goverment is BROKE and so are we ( the average people)

  35. HomeFry on October 27th, 2012 11:09 pm

    Better get the New Man in the White House and change all the junk that has been but in place over the last 4 years. I know from experience Obama care stinks. I am ran into several issues since his changes have been sneaking into effect. When I called my Insurance Co. about these extra charges I informed that I must thank the President for them. Next my adult kids have seen a huge increase in there Insurance within the last two years again thanks Obama…………..Let’s send him home soon!

  36. ABC on October 27th, 2012 11:00 pm

    American By Choice, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have been on the road to socialism and that is NOT the American Way Been in high finance most of my life, and I can tell you with all honesty, if you want our nation put back on its financial feet Romney is the man to do it. I dont want to be told what doctors to see, nor do I want a handout, a mans honor is in his ability to care for his family and assist his friends, and it is a womans honor to….to be independent, and free to make their own decisions for their families……… we have had the freedom to work and improve our lives if we really wanted to, not to be told what doctors, medical facilities we can use, since Obama Care, there has been a rash of doctors leaving practice across this entire nation. We the People, are supposed to be in charge of our lives and our choices are supposed to be ours… fining a citizen who doesnt sign up for the systems choicel, is an unAmerican act……. and the only way to absolutely understand all these rules and changes takes a lot of time and investigation, listening to comentators tell you what was said in a debate is not the way to go, everyone should investigate all the facts for themselves. we are not a people to be led around by our noses. We are Americans.

  37. Mark T on October 27th, 2012 10:58 pm

    Republicans are right about one thing,,,,Republican economic policies will be good
    for the U.S. economy…But the problem is that it’s only will be good for the few just
    like it is now,,good for big business and corporations, and the wealthy..Most the
    hiring be part-time & temp workers to further hold down wages and benefits..The
    middle class workers that will see things improve, will be few and far between!
    Outsourcing jobs,blue collar and white collar alike,has got to stop!! It is sickening
    to me the way that very profitable companies have destroyed so many peoples
    lives just to make a small percentage more in profits!

  38. kathy on October 27th, 2012 10:06 pm

    I like Bush! You don’t spend to get yourself out of debt!

  39. Charlie on October 27th, 2012 9:56 pm

    God Bless Mr. Romney.
    The house was full and many people out side.
    Mr Romney is the right person to Vote for….. So go and Vote for Mr. Romney.
    Mr Romney is the kind of man you would have over for supper in your home.
    Mr Romney is A Family Man.

  40. just tired on October 27th, 2012 9:53 pm

    If Romney is elected, he will be twice as bad as you all say President Obama was and even worse than Bush Jr. I just can’t wait until he starts adding to the deficit and making a mess. I bet all you Romney supporters will be tight-lipped like you were when Bush was running the country into the ground. I cannot wait because I know it’s going to happen.

  41. Kathy on October 27th, 2012 9:53 pm

    I work and pay for my own health insurance as well! That is how I was raised. I said skin color was not the issue!

  42. Bill on October 27th, 2012 8:57 pm

    Roz I couldn’t have said it better. Many people have their hands out waiting on a bailout. That’s what is wrong now with the current administration. Most Americans want to take care of their own families without the government telling them how to do it. I will vote for Mr Romney

  43. Roz on October 27th, 2012 8:45 pm

    Are you really claiming skin color is an issue? I love it when someone attempts an intelligent argument. Wake up it’s 2012 and their is an african american in the white house. Racial discrimination isn’t even a factor in this discussion. Maybe you are the person who has an issue with his skin color? Obama is a failure as leader of this country. It doesn’t matter what color he is. He has to go!
    He has been in office for four years and can’t run on his own accomplishments. Because he has none. He tries to take credit for killing Osama, when it was actually the navy seals that done it, and when he boasts about it in a debate he never even commends them for achieving that goal. Perhaps you should google obamacare?Personally I will provide insurance for my family. Yes I will choose my plan and I will pay for it MYSELF. That’s the way I was raised. Don’t even get me started on the
    Libya tragedy. The next time you decide to “smooch” at least get your facts straight!

  44. bin on October 27th, 2012 8:07 pm

    sad i missed it, but hope to see him sworn in!

  45. Team For more years on October 27th, 2012 7:35 pm

    Team Obama! I love government and their spending!

  46. BUSH! BUSH !BUSH! on October 27th, 2012 6:49 pm

    I heard bush was in the back pockets of the oil company for eight years. Gas was a $1.83 cents a gal. Now it is $3.50 a gal, Is president Obama in the back pocket of the oil company? Like one person said, on day you will find out how much The dem. care about them. If you will check History you will find out that the Rep. are the ones that stopped the KKK in Tn. that was started by the Dem. after the Civil War.

  47. Mic Hall on October 27th, 2012 6:27 pm

    Some day minority Democrats will find out the really horrible way that they have been USED and taken advantage of by that party. Kept as poor as possible and dependent on government programs. Taught to keep a mentality of victim-hood so they can be manipulated. The Democrat leadership wants to control everyone they just hide their racism. They think of our current President as a puppet for them to manipulate.

    Remember Lincoln was NOT a Republican. The push to STOP slavery was by the GOP with the Democrats fighting them all the way. Through the Civil War the South was almost EXCLUSIVELY Democrats and continued to be until the 50’s.

    Republicans want freedom and a fair shot for everyone.

  48. melissa on October 27th, 2012 6:14 pm

    I would vote for my hair dresser before i would vote for obama. Do u people realize that food stamps, disability benefits, and walfare had all gone up drastically under obama. Unemployment is through the roof. And worst of all he slowly taking away your rights wake up people. If he get four more years we might not ever get our country back

  49. Time for a REAL change on October 27th, 2012 6:00 pm

    Obama is a disgrace to the presidency and MY COUNTRY. He doesn’t care anything about middle class or lower income citizens and he sets a sad example internationally. He needs to go! He was hired to do a job and he has falied miserably. If we as American citizens were as incompetent as him we would be fired. Fire Barack HUSSEIN Obama ! Romney/Ryan all the way,

  50. huh on October 27th, 2012 5:51 pm

    Which Romney was he? The old liberal Romney or the Fake Conservative one?

    The old Liberal Romney would have made a good president , after all Obama modeled the healthcare after his healthcare plan.

    I think he is just playing the politics game and doesn’t believe or will do the stuff he says. In way, he might be more liberal than Obama

  51. Kathy on October 27th, 2012 5:47 pm

    Anything is better than Obama! Romney all the way! It has nothing to do with the color of skin! It has everything to do with knowing what, when and how to do the job! Not playing 100 plus games of golf and taking soooo many vacations! Run our country and I don’t mean by spending our money!

  52. Anybody but Obama on October 27th, 2012 5:44 pm

    Obama is the worst President in the history of this Country!.C’mon folks. Look at this man’s record. I think he is in the tank with the terrorist. Could care less if this Country falls or not! Let him have four more and none of us will survive.

  53. Roz on October 27th, 2012 5:42 pm

    Obama and USA should not even be in the same sentence. Romney/Ryan all the way! Don’t worry Obama lovers I’m sure he will still go on talk shows…..that’s the only consistent thing he has done. We will just need to change his name to HOLLYWOOD OBAMA. It rolls off the tongue much better than his current title.
    President Barack Hussein Obama…..That’s so disturbing.

  54. BOGIAN on October 27th, 2012 5:33 pm

    Romney was Obama before Obama was Obama.

    If you aren’t voting for a Libertarian, you are voting for four years of them same thing.

    I haven’t met a single person who is better off now than they were four years ago. How about you?

  55. Christine on October 27th, 2012 5:32 pm

    I was thrilled the He came to Pensacola. He is an awesome person and he seem’s genuine when you meet him. I am sick to death of Obama and his supporters they are as bad as he is shifting blame and being nasty to everyone else except looking in the mirror. All I can say is all the way Mitt to the White House. Your gonna give us something to hope for again. Time for a change. Time for a Real Man to become President instead of a little boy.

  56. My Opinion! on October 27th, 2012 5:15 pm



  57. USA on October 27th, 2012 4:24 pm

    Team Obama!!!!!!!!!!

  58. USA on October 27th, 2012 4:22 pm

    Stop throwing out blames!!!! you wanna say Obama messed up the country but no one is throwing the blame were it should be thrown.. On Bush it took him 8 years to mess thing up but you expect Obama to straighten things out in four, how fair is that. Personally I can careless who you vote for as long as you make your vote count. Republicans are for the rich and if you think Romney cares about your middle class self you have another thing coming. People want to make jokes about Obama care but what really funny about all americans having affordable health care.. I think nothing, But when your down on your luck and need affordable health care Romeny would have already took that away from you and then and only then you will be looking crazy… I really think that people should stop looking at a person skin color and judging then based on that. Just like you voted Rick Scott in and now complaining, youll be doing the same thing later… Dont cry then cause he’s gone have four long years to messsss it up…


  59. eeyore on October 27th, 2012 3:58 pm

    …oh yay! another “prep rally”…kind of redundant isnt it? according to the comments here and other local media sites, most people are going to vote for this guy and party anyways…whether he has a sound economic (backwards to the same plan that got us in the recession in the first place…), domestic, and foreign plan doesnt matter to these folks…its not like he is trying to reach out and convince the undecided and the opposition…

  60. jesse on October 27th, 2012 2:51 pm

    Lee: I hope you are right, I hope Romney will win the election. I am not holding my breath.

    Robbie O:You too should not be so sure of your self. Their is alot of bug money in South Florida and Obama has hurt them bad.

    This election is too close to call. While I am supporting Romney I do not know that he is what the country needs. Robbie O makes a real good point that George W. was as disastrous as Obama. I am not so sure that Romney will not also be bad for us. I do know that Obama is bad for us, so I will vote for Romney in the hopes that he will not be another disaster.

  61. MolinoMomma on October 27th, 2012 2:45 pm

    I agree with Michael A. Patriot :) …..Romney/Ryan will b a HECK OF alot better than Obama!! Hopefully people will have had enough & vote to get our country back to a Great Nation!!!

  62. Lee on October 27th, 2012 2:40 pm

    Romney was great ,and he is honest, he will be are next President…

  63. Sam L on October 27th, 2012 2:36 pm

    Romney as the next president of this great nation will put an end to politics of division. The democrats have been promoting class warfare and dividing people on basis of gender, race, sexual orientation, income etc. etc.
    I hope Americans reject politics of division.

  64. Joani on October 27th, 2012 2:31 pm

    robbie O

    glad to know you are in such great shape under Obama. The country, however, can not survive another 4 years of Obama.

  65. PGR member in molino on October 27th, 2012 1:58 pm

    The only TV station to cover this live was FOX News. I wonder if this would have been the case if it were Obama?

  66. robbie O on October 27th, 2012 1:51 pm

    Pensacola folks always vote against their own interests. Wonder why RMoney
    is here. Kinda wasting time since he will win Pensacola like Bush, and see what
    that got us!! Pensacola vote will never overcome the down State vote, which
    Obama will win.

  67. Michael A. Patriot on October 27th, 2012 1:47 pm

    A great local event with the next Leader of the greatest country on the planet. A full house, and a tremendous amount of positive energy and patriotism. We wish Mr. Romney and Ryan well. Get out and vote for the leadership that will get this economy and country back on track!!