Local Governments Begin New Budget Years

October 1, 2012

Monday was the first day of the new 2012-2013 budget year for local governments.

The Escambia County Commission approved a $356 million fiscal year 2012-2013 budget with no tax increases.

The Town of Century’s budget for the fiscal year is about $2.14 million less than last year. The 2012-2013 budget was set at $2,889,827. Last year’s $5,032,816 budget was unusually large for Century due to grant income and expenditures of $1,913,000. There were no ad valorem tax increases.

NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Local Governments Begin New Budget Years”

  1. Russ on October 2nd, 2012 5:44 pm

    Yes the county has a new budget and still nothing for the employees after about 7 years. Sure wish Willie Jr. was still alive because he would make sure we got something