Frontier, Verizon Customers Report Widespread Telephone Outages

October 18, 2012

There was no immediate word Wednesday night on the cause of communications problems in the North Escambia area that left many residents unable to make or receiveĀ  phone calls.

Frontier Communications customers from Molino north through Walnut Hill and Atmore into Monroe County, Ala., reported that they were unable to make phone calls outside of Frontier exchanges and unable to receive phone calls from non-Frontier customers. Numerous Verizon Wireless customers also reported problems making and receiving calls or text messages, particularly in the Molino area.

In previous similar Frontier outages, residents also reported that they were unable to call 911. However, test calls made Wednesday night from Walnut Hill confirmed that Frontier customers were able to reach 911 emergency services in Escambia County.


18 Responses to “Frontier, Verizon Customers Report Widespread Telephone Outages”

  1. robin on October 21st, 2012 4:38 pm

    its all the robocalls and unknown callers…they dont disconnect after hangup…
    i had dialtone but couldnt call out or receive calls after such a call. my daughter freaked out and showed up at my house at 1 am and scared the crap out of us…we were sleeping soundly….even the dogs…

  2. Caraway Bandit on October 19th, 2012 5:22 pm

    I thought I was the only one complaining!!!!

    I was in a constant battle with our local manager, Cereal Daniel for over a year and a half over speeds. It was always the same old excuse over and over and I finally got tired of it and started contacting the CEO of frontier. I emailed her a minimum of once a day for a week when she finally got back in touch with me and assured me the problem would be solved. This was about a month ago and the speeds are FINALLY where they should be. Do not deal with our local manager for to long as it doesn’t seem to get you anywhere. Go to our area general manager, Mike Sims. If you live in the Bratt area and subscribe to MAX your welcome for the tripled speeds ;)

  3. Molino Mom on October 19th, 2012 7:40 am

    FYI, I have Cox everything and I had trouble last night. Phones did not work And frozen screen on tv.

  4. Tired of no good dsl on October 19th, 2012 6:50 am

    I also have had Dsl max for serveral years same thing we pay our bill why can’t they fix it we have called them they will replace the modem however that don’t work….So guess what we disconnect service tired of the junk service they offer we all need to do the same and then they will fix it hopefully I see they got the money to ride around in brand new trucks????? But no money to fix the problem to make alot of Happy customers. That’s crazy!!!!!

  5. Kathy Vo on October 19th, 2012 5:18 am

    Cell phone is Verizon. No screen at times lost data and no service. Got run around on phone with verizon. Also computer thru frontier. Again service in and out. Have to reset modem and connection MANY times.

  6. COOLMAN88 on October 19th, 2012 12:53 am

    and to let you know i have seen on some forms for areas that they are upgrade aka (frontier) they have had an outage or 2 or 3 while upgradeing the hubs and stuff

  7. COOLMAN88 on October 19th, 2012 12:49 am

    ok frontier is upgrade areas william it would be great if you could find out if they are upgrade our area but i know my line can hold more than 1334down and 190 up i know it can hold the full 3.7 mbps and the 500 to 800kbps upload i pay for come on frontier we all need good internet….

  8. Another Frontier User on October 18th, 2012 10:55 pm

    @Josh, what area are you in? I suffer from the same issues. I’ve checked and the signal is good enough to support far more then the 1344kbps I’m currently getting but as you stated, the local POP is so old it can’t support more. Curious if who you talked to. I did chat with a Frontier customer service. The individual said Frontier was updating all the central offices and changing what type of DSL we get so maybe we’ll actually be able to get speeds up to 24Mbps, even out in the country.

  9. Tom MIlbank on October 18th, 2012 11:05 am

    Frontier got my service back up. Thank you. The nice young man in the truck was very nice and set my boxes on my porch for me and helped me in the house. Then he put the hose on the driveway away. Nice to see young people with manners, seems like a good young man from our church. Thank you Frontier.

  10. Josh on October 18th, 2012 9:50 am

    Well it seems that all my hard work and annoying phone calls paid off, I get up this morning and I am no longer a 1meg subscriber. They have upgraded us and my provision speed is 3712 kbs. Strange thing is I was never informed that they were even going to try and update. For those of you with similar problems try and contact Frontier and have them escalate to the highest manager they can, and if that don’t work try and get the number to the regional manager over your area.

  11. Molino resident on October 18th, 2012 8:30 am

    My Verizon service was out last night. We could not use our cell phones, nor the MiFi. It is a shame, though, that as expensive as my Verizon bill is, I am not able to get 4G in Molino……even though I am paying for it. It is time Verizon upgraded the system to get the 4G here in Molino.

  12. glad to have it on October 18th, 2012 8:01 am

    i live in the country and have 1 meg service with frontier. my neighbor has att and has begged them get dsl out in there area for years and told over and over “it will never hapen”. just to much money. ATT or any cable company that wants to can come in your area , NO law against it.Frontier can not stop it. they dont because you live in a rual area and there company will loose money to do so. i no frontier has some issuses but iam glad i live in the middle of no where and didnt move in here 1 address over where att is, i wouldnt even have 1 meg speed. my service has only been out 1 time in the last year due to a lightning strike , cant blame any one for that. glad to have what i got.

  13. Oh please on October 18th, 2012 7:39 am

    I had issues with frontier all the time with DSL I dropped the and is my smartphone as a modem and I can say it runs a lot faster than frontier could think about! If every DSL customer would call more than once and complain that should make them update then if not disconnect. They are using the monopoly fact that , they are the only carrier for this area which forces you to have their service and you just settle for what you are offered. Everyone should work together to stop it!

  14. K on October 18th, 2012 7:17 am

    I remember when Alltel had the best service in the north end of the county.
    Verizon bought them, service went down, and continues to do so.

  15. Northender43 on October 18th, 2012 6:30 am

    I agree Josh. I thought that the Federal Gov’t mandated that companies could not have a monopoly. Frontier is creating a monopoly by not allowing other companies to use the lines. There would be plenty of people who would get their internet and phone service if they would upgrade their hubs. Our hub is such a mess that if they fix one persons phone or internet they end up messing up someone else’s. I haven’t figured out how they can justify all of this. they do know they have us by the tails because we have to use them for telephone and DSL services.

  16. Mike Stuart on October 18th, 2012 5:35 am

    That goes without saying .I have had trouble with Frontier for years,phone and internet.

  17. Tina on October 18th, 2012 2:04 am

    I am struggling to be able to work and have my son homeschool on the DSL it is terribly slow. I really wish we could get ATT Uverse out here.

  18. Josh on October 18th, 2012 1:15 am

    Yea figured this would happen, we are talking about Frontier. Not only is the phone service bad so is the internet. We have been paying for DSL Max for a couple of years and are only provisioned for 1344 kbs when it should be provisioned for 3000 kbs. The problem lies in the equipment, our hub is a 1mb hub and is 20 years old. Frontier refuses to update it to allow us to get the higher dsl speed because there are to few people here to justify the cost of the new equipment. I currently need more speed than what I am getting for the type of work that I do and they refuse to upgrade our HUB or let another company like ATT to come in and provide services.

    Do you see anything wrong here?