Deputies Raid Indoor Marijuana Growing Operation In Molino

October 18, 2012

An indoor hydroponic marijuana growing operation in Molino was raided Wednesday night.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit served a search warrant at a home on Wesley Circle, just off Brickton Road, about 6:45 p.m. Investigators reported finding 11 marijuana plants will a street value of $22,000 growing inside a garage and a separate shed behind the residence. Deputies also reported finding numerous lights and other equipment used to grow the plants indoors.

No arrests were made Wednesday night, but investigators said an arrest warrant is likely forthcoming in the case.

Deputies said it is unusual to find an indoor operation in the rural areas of North Escambia; indoor operations are more commonly found in urban areas.

Pictured: An indoor marijuana growing operation discovered Wednesday night in Molino. Photos for, click to enlarge.


75 Responses to “Deputies Raid Indoor Marijuana Growing Operation In Molino”

  1. David Huie Green on October 23rd, 2012 9:31 am

    NoWeed4me on October 22nd, 2012 11:09 pm
    “David Huie Green on September 16th, 2012 11:24 pm
    “We should give money to drug users…”
    “Sounds good, in fact why don’t we just give them the most potent drugs made? Surely that would be safer for us and cheaper as well since it would cut out the pushers and their inflated prices.” “

    Truth isn’t your native tongue, is it?

    You took a sentence which ended with a question mark, truncated it and replaced it with a period. In responding to the statement that we needed to give money to people on drugs or they would hurt us, I suggested we go whole hog and simply give them potentially deadly doses of dope and hope they killed themselves with it because we are cowed in fear.

    “ “if you keep benefits from those who might be taking drugs, then they will likely get desperate and turn to stealing from your home or committing a violent crime/robbery,”

    “We should give money to drug users because otherwise they will kill and rob us?

    “Sounds good, in fact why don’t we just give them the most potent drugs made? Surely that would be safer for us and cheaper as well since it would cut out the pushers and their inflated prices.

    “David for cowing in fear”

    David responding to twister

  2. David Huie Green on October 23rd, 2012 5:47 am

    “Make up your mind Dave…do you support illegal drug use or not? Is illegal drug use harmless or not?”

    Do I support breaking the law? No, I don’t.
    Do I think everything should be illegal? No, I don’t.
    Is breaking the law harmless? No, it isn’t.

    “I can twist words too…Dave”

    Yes, you can.

    You point out the consequences of breaking the law but not the understanding that these consequences are not inherently harmful in the action outside the fact that they are breaking the law. I have always said the laws should be enforced if they exist. I question if laws should be changed.

    Further, some people insist on being self-destructive. It would be better to let them destroy themselves if we could do it in such a way as to stop them from hurting others in the process. We are reminded of the experiment in which rats were taught to press a lever which would either give them cocaine or food. They starved themselves to death to get their highs. Some humans are like that and we waste our time trying to stop them. It would not be a waste of time to stop them from hurting others.

    That’s a different drug, but the thought is there.

    “ ““Daddy explained that kidnapping was illegal and he WAS taking her home” What the heck???”

    Yes, my father refused to allow a hospital to keep my mother in the hospital until such time as he paid her bill.

    David for untwisted truth

  3. NoWeed4me on October 22nd, 2012 11:20 pm

    Dave the flip-flopper at his finest:
    “David Huie Green on October 9th, 2011 9:30 am

    It’s good he is a non violent drug user, but that doesn’t mean he only hurts himself. You already pointed out that the consequences of his actions hurt his family members. They are hurt by shame, but loss of his companionship, by lack of support he might have been able to give them. Further, his purchases have financed violent groups who hurt others. In that way he has hurt others even if he never lifted a hand against his fellow man.
    Many drug users hurt others by stealing what they worked to own. I shall assume he isn’t one of the many who do such things, but it definitely is a major contributor to all property crimes.

    And you already pointed out, he hurts the taxpayer through the burden of caring for him while in prison. His actions have hurt us through the higher cost of law enforcement. It is all expensive. You could say, well they just shouldn’t arrest him or put him in prison until he gets violent, but our officials figure his actions have already led to violence and other crimes and that the only reasonable way to stop it on his part is to imprison him.”

    Make up your mind Dave…do you support illegal drug use or not? Is illegal drug use harmless or not?

    You should use your vast knowledge and ample amounts of free time between bus routes to try to clean up that cesspool you call home. Century is on the top of the headlines more times than not.
    Try these: “Dave for words not actions…”
    or “Dave for talking the talk but not walking the walk”

  4. NoWeed4me on October 22nd, 2012 11:09 pm

    David Huie Green on September 16th, 2012 11:24 pm
    “We should give money to drug users…”
    “Sounds good, in fact why don’t we just give them the most potent drugs made? Surely that would be safer for us and cheaper as well since it would cut out the pushers and their inflated prices.”
    Other quotes:
    “testing for drugs is considered unreasonable.”
    “Daddy explained that kidnapping was illegal and he WAS taking her home” What the heck???
    I can twist words too…Dave

  5. David Huie Green on October 22nd, 2012 5:26 pm

    “According to Dave, Willie IS a criminal“

    Of course he‘s a criminal and a national treasure, not unlike President Reagan who broke the law and the USSR.

    “How can you claim that President Reagan is your hero when you stand against everything he stood for?”

    Come now. President Reagan stood for freedom. He set the wheels in motion which brought down the USSR.

    “Reagan declared a War on Drugs and now you want to allow “legal” drug use?”

    We already have legal drug use. Asprin, Tylenol, many other drugs. The question is one of which drugs should be legal and which should be illegal.

    October 14, 1982 President Ronald Reagan declared illicit drugs to be a threat to U.S. national security and he was right, as usual. One way to end illicit drugs is to….
    Come on, guess. That’s right, make them legal unless they, themselves, kill or hurt people.

    “ We waste so much time and money due to what you call a harmless drug.”

    Actually, I haven’t said it was harmless, just that its use doesn’t seem to automatically lead to other drugs. But it’s good you admit you are wasting your time and money.

    “ Seems like you would prefer a lawless society, with drug users running wild through our unprotected streets.”

    Read carefully and see if I ever said I wanted a lawless society. In fact I believe unenforced laws are making it more lawless. They need to be enforced or revoked.

    “Dave: A true liberal flip-flopper.”

    Nope, I’ve been consistent. You’re just can’t seem to read what is actually written.

    David for literacy

  6. NoWeed4Me on October 22nd, 2012 11:03 am

    According to Dave, Willie IS a criminal:
    “David Huie Green on October 6th, 2012 5:51 pm
    If a person breaks the law, that person IS a criminal.
    Some crimes are worse than others, but we should recognize that simple fact.”
    Dave: A true liberal flip-flopper. Victory…

  7. NoWeed4Me on October 22nd, 2012 8:37 am

    How can you claim that President Reagan is your hero when you stand against everything he stood for? Reagan declared a War on Drugs and now you want to allow “legal” drug use? C’mon man.
    I actually administer and enforce a strict drug policy where I work (Full-time 40+ hour work week). We waste so much time and money due to what you call a harmless drug.
    And yes people are required to do what’s legal or suffer the consequences. Even the great Willie. Seems like you would prefer a lawless society, with drug users running wild through our unprotected streets. President Reagan would be ashamed…
    Now go catch a bus…Dave

  8. David Huie Green on October 21st, 2012 11:50 pm

    As my hero, President Reagan, said, “There you go again – - – “

    “I don’t elevate him to worship worthy status (like you)“

    I don’t worship him, just recognize that he is a national treasure.

    “he should be held accountable when he breaks the law.”

    Of course. The question is should that law exist.

    “I never said the dope caused his illness”

    What you said was, “And if weed is so good for you why has good old Willie been in and out of hospitals so often.” The man was born in April 1933 and you think he would not get sick if he didn’t use dope.
    Ask yourself if that’s reasonable.

    “ you and other dopers portray it as a wonder drug…cure all.”

    See there? You call me a doper even though I’ve never used dope. You also say I portray it as a wonder drug, which I haven’t done.

    “I’ll put my tax records up against yours any day because I actually have a job and pay my full share of taxes with no government assistance. Can you say the same???”

    Nope, I’m paid to drive a school bus so I’m on the public dole by your way of thinking. Further, I’m subject to drug testing at any time to prove I haven’t been using dope. Can you say the same?

    “Shame on you Dave for advocating the use of drugs…shame on you indeed.”

    If I did it, I should be ashamed. The problem is that I haven’t done it. I think many things should be legal which I believe people shouldn’t do — such as smoke marijuana. You seem to think people are required to do whatever’s legal.

    David for responsible adults

  9. NoWeed4me on October 21st, 2012 10:46 pm

    You should focus your efforts on someone who contributed more than a couple of catchy tunes 30 or 40 years ago…a few hundred??? Easy now. His early songs are attributed to the actual singers as much as the songwriter. I never said his art is bad but I wonder how good it could have been if he wasn’t stoned so much. I don’t elevate him to worship worthy status (like you) and he should be held accountable when he breaks the law. He’s a relic now…can’t even sell out Wind Creek Casino. I never said the dope caused his illness but you and other dopers portray it as a wonder drug…cure all. I’ll put my tax records up against yours any day because i actually have a job and pay my full share of taxes with no government assistance. Can you say the same???
    Shame on you Dave for advocating the use of drugs…shame on you indeed.

  10. David Huie Green on October 21st, 2012 6:28 pm

    Yes, Willie is a national treasure for his efforts in music, rather than his career as a nuclear physicist, neurosurgeon or economist.
    Crazy, Hello Walls, Angel flying too close to the ground, Blue eyes crying in the rain and a few hundred others. Those brought joy to millions and will continue to do so as long as good music is appreciated.

    You wonder wonder why a man around 79 might ever get sick unless the dope is to blame? I can’t think of another reason either. Does this mean everybody who gets sick is a stoner? That doesn’t make sense; I’ve never touched it and I’ve been sick.

    It’s good you are concerned about his taxes. I can only assume your tax returns would stand up to the most distrustful audit. You will be thrilled to know he has paid all taxes the IRS finally decided he owed.

    Is breaking the law good? No.
    Should our national treasures do bad things? No.
    Does the fact he has done bad things make his art bad? You seem to think so.

    David for the red headed stranger

  11. NoWeed4me on October 21st, 2012 4:05 pm

    Willie Nelson national treasure??? Why? Because he wrote a few good songs? How about a national disgrace. Tax evader, pothead, and he only supports farmers because he thinks they may grow weed in the future…you need to come from behind that thick cloud of smoke portrayed as truth. And if weed is so good for you why has good old Willie been in and out of hospitals so often. You assume too much… just because they are a celebrity does not make it true. Wake up.

  12. David Huie Green on October 21st, 2012 3:13 pm

    Nobody has forgotten that marijuana is illegal throughout the USA. The discusion is centered around whether or not it SHOULD be, if the cost is woth the benefit.

    I’m sure we all appreciate the law enforcement officers doing their duty.

  13. David Huie Green on October 21st, 2012 9:59 am

    Willie and others had other illegal substances and you assume they all had to belong to Willie. Shame on you. I assume he had what he admitted to .

    and yes, a national treasure

  14. countywide on October 21st, 2012 8:12 am

    pot is not legal! The cops were doing their job. Why not make it legal then the taxes could pay for renaming civic building. Then we could give raises to teachers and others. What everyone seems to be forgetting is POT IS NOT LEGAL AND COPS DID THEIR JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Bones on October 21st, 2012 12:14 am

    REGARDING:@David Huie Green
    While traveling to Ann Richards’ funeral in 2006, Nelson, along with his manager and his sister, Bobbi, were arrested in St. Martin Parish, Louisiana and charged with possession of marijuana and hallucinogenic mushrooms.Nelson received six months probation…you really don’t know him do you.
    He’s also a tax cheat…yep national treasure indeed

  16. David Huie Green on October 20th, 2012 9:17 pm

    “@David Huie Green
    How do you know Willie Nelson isn’t on other drugs? Do you personally know him?
    And how will legalizing pot make it not profitable? Oh yea, get the Democrats involved, they will eventually kill any business.”

    Sadly, no, I don’t personally know the great Willie. I consider him an American treasure, though.

    Are you assuming he must be doing crack, meth, coke, horse, acid and various and sundry other chemicals because everyone is guilty until proven innocent? His longevity and ability to perform is his proof.

    How would legalization make it nonprofitable? I wouldathunk that was obvious. The stuff is a weed. It grows easily. If people could legally grow the stuff, the price would come down to near the price of hay. Dealers would not like the profit margin equal to growing and selling hay, otherwise they would already be growing and selling hay.

    David for seeing the obvious

  17. Mike O. on October 20th, 2012 8:53 am

    All I can say, from experience, is weed is not a gateway drug. Its just the easiest to come by. It may give users a better chance of meeting people who sell cocaine and heroin, but it doesnt make people want to do other drugs. Thats just absurd. I used to sell coke and heroin when I was younger. I seen first hand how it effects someone and those around them. It wasnt because of the weed. If anything, the only reason coke and heroin addicts use marijuana is because it helps to calm them in certain situations, or to ease theyre cravings until they get there next fix (coke/heroin). Marijuana is less addictive than all these pain meds the doctors hand out like candy. Look at how people on pain meds are, and not the ones who use them correctly. But the ones who abuse them, they are far more likely to do coke or heroin or crack, especially when they cant find their dope, they go for the next best thing, or should I say stronger thing. And believe me, weed aint it. And to the other guy Mike who said people get stoned and go drive and kill people, I would like to see that story or those figures. I have never heard of anybody smoking weed and getting behind the wheel and killing anybody. Drunk? All the time. You people only say what you have been told, and truly know nothing of it. Comparing apples to dirt clumps. Open your eyes and broaden your knowledge, and see the truth. Its right in front of you.

  18. tw on October 19th, 2012 3:47 pm

    @Someone Who Knows, are you and these lawyers, cops and judges that are high on this weed driving home from these parties???

  19. CitizenX on October 19th, 2012 3:41 pm

    @Someone who knows it all
    Regardless of who smokes it, it is still illegal. What you said is like saying that cocaine and crack are ok because Charlie Sheen and Whitney Houston do (did) it…Because someone in your mind is important and smokes pot that makes it all ok. Is your life so terrible that you need to get high and escape from it?

  20. Someone Who Knows on October 19th, 2012 2:43 pm

    @Citizen X ….You are so out of the loop, it’s just crazy at how stuck you are in the mind set of the 50’s or something when people knew NOTHING about weed. Weed is NOT a gateway drug, the feeling you get when high on weed is no where near like cocaine,meth, or any of the other major narcotics in that class. The feeling you get from weed is like that of a relaxant you would get prescribed from a M.D. People who are high on weed are not violent but just the opposite. Citizen X you would be shocked and i mean SHOCKED to know the amout of physicians i have got stoned with. Surgeons who do major operations, but i do need to say that they were not high when they were working, just to clear that up. But i mean lawyers, cops, and even judges have been at parties with me and been high on weed. So when you think people who get high never amount to anything you are so wrong it’s not even funny. A great majority of Americans get high and it might not be tomorrow or next year but soon and i mean real soon weed WILL BE LEGAL and you and those that think like you will just have to accecpt it.

  21. tw on October 19th, 2012 1:00 pm

    @Doc, ARE YOU SERIOUS??? A man with so much potential but yet he chose to do something illegal. RESPONSIBLE hard working people don’t go around breaking the LAW. Again MARIJUANA IS ILLEGAL in the country. So don’t go blaming law enforcement because your friend chose to be a dumb responsible hardworking convict. He takes all the credit for that.

  22. hog jowl on October 19th, 2012 12:40 pm

    I have been smoking pot for 45 years or so and the only adverse effects i have notices are a decrease in my bank account and possible jail time. If pot is a gateway drug than alcohol is the key to the gate…

  23. CitizenX on October 19th, 2012 12:09 pm

    @David Huie Green
    How do you know Willie Nelson isn’t on other drugs? Do you personally know him?
    And how will legalizing pot make it not profitable? Oh yea, get the Democrats involved, they will eventually kill any business.

  24. David Huie Green on October 19th, 2012 11:45 am

    “and Romney wants to do away with Big Bird?”

    Actually what Governor Romney said was that he wanted to consider if public support of that program justified borrowing money from China to pay for the program. Either you think we SHOULD borrow that money from China to pay for it, or you don’t figure it matters.

    Caring for a government requires adult decisions.

    In fact, life requires adult decisions. Our government has decided to baby us by protecting us from ourselves and our unhappiness. An example is deficit spending. Another example is outlawing personal actions which might hurt the individual rather than outlawing those which harm others.

    It’s legal to get drunk. It’s not legal to drive drunk. That is sensible. (Getting drunk isn’t sensible, but as long as others aren’t harmed, it falls under personal responsibility with the individual paying the price.)

    As it stands, we are making it profitable to traffic in marijuana and other drugs.
    If a thing is profitable, people will do it.
    If it is NOT profitable, they will not do it.
    If you want to stop drug trafficking, stop making it profitable.

    It’s the adult thing to do.

    David for adults
    making responsible decisions

  25. MaryJane on October 19th, 2012 10:23 am

    I suppose its a lack of desire and ambition. Everyone is not like that. I know well todo, hardworking, prosperous people who use herb but doesn’t let it control them. One who owns a million dollar business. These aren’t kids,they’re adults.You are correct in your statements and some people are like that and never used herb. There is good and bad in all things. I’ve seen both sides. The bottom line is it is illegal and far less harmful than some thing legal.

  26. CitizenX on October 19th, 2012 8:50 am

    Mary Jane
    How do you explain the turnaround/downfall after the introduction of pot? I rarely see anyone who has excelled while using pot except in flea markets and music festivals…and unemployment.

  27. MaryJane on October 19th, 2012 8:39 am

    @ CitizenX

    Sorry everyone can’t manage priorities and responsibilities. I have seen the same you are talking about with some folks I know(typically younger folks). But if a person has the drive and motivation to be something they will, weed or no weed. I think age, maturity, and mistakes corrects a lot of lifes problems. If one is destin to be lazy and sorry, they will be regardless.

  28. CitizenX on October 19th, 2012 8:08 am

    @Mary Jane
    You just clarified the problem…Priorities??? That’s the problem, people who smoke pot make it their priority…over everything else. I’ve seen it more often than not. I have good friends who were intelligent great people and then started smoking pot and went downhill. They are now a waste…everything they do centers around smoking weed and getting high. I don’t even hang around them anymore because they can’t go a day without smoking or trying to score some weed. Pot turns good people to losers, slackers…dopeheads.

  29. Doc on October 19th, 2012 8:00 am

    Here is a grown man with so much potential. Very responsible, never been in any legal trouble, isn’t a dealer, just minds his own business and pays his bills. Now be charged with a felony over some marijuana. Which will make it hard to even get a job with it on his record. Congratulations law enforcement for taking a responsible hard working man off the street. You should be proud, now you can stop wasting time and get back to chasing the real criminals on the public streets.

  30. art on October 19th, 2012 6:08 am

    had my eyes opened by a former dea agent, guest speaker, at a lions club meeting a few years back. he said the war on drugs was a dismal failure and it was time to legalize marijuana. talk about a waste of taxpayers money. and romney wants to do away with Big Bird? the government and law enforcement needed to wage this war costs billions of dollars. just think of all the cash our farmers could make growing this stuff! it is a weed for goodness sakes!

  31. 429SCJ on October 19th, 2012 3:42 am

    Good or bad, like it or not, Pot was here before the hand of man and seems to be enduring man just fine. I suspect it will continue to flourish long after man is gone.
    Like it or leave it, that is how it is.

    Can 12,000,000. Americans be wrong about pot, maybe maybe not. The one thing I am certain of people will smoke, people will deal and people will grow. Some people get rich, some a little pocket change and smoke. Some get busted and pay fines and in reality, at the end of the day the judiciary has made no profit, the world is not safer but it continues to turn.

  32. mcdavid resident on October 18th, 2012 11:24 pm

    How about trying something thats not illegal that basically Gives you a high or Rush like hunting. You get a rush, you get food, and you lower the animal caused accidents a little.

  33. Just me . on October 18th, 2012 9:11 pm

    Back in the 70,s we used to say , Man made booze, God made grass, Who do you trust . ?

  34. honestly on October 18th, 2012 9:10 pm

    As an adult if it were legal i would smoke sure would help with anxiety and other issues i have instead a dr wants to give me xanax. But as a teenager growing up it was a mistake. I do understand why people say its a gateway drug. Pot smoking lead to me being introduced to other drugs and yes ive tried other stuff but im very lucky to be able to say it didnt ruin me. But it did make me miss out on life. As a kid its all about the high and hanging with friends. As an adult it would be relaxing but honestly doesnt matter if its legal or not people will get it if they want it but it would keep a lot of jail cells empty for other criminals if it were legal.

  35. jcellops on October 18th, 2012 8:55 pm

    cant say that i have NEVER smoked pot (i have, as a young person)- usually had some alcohol along with it, as well….trying to get that “buzz”…i must say, that God was most certainly watching over me during my “stupid” period in life…today, i can actually see this socially controversial topic from both perspectives…to me, there are valid points on each side- because there are so many strong opinions on the legalization of pot or maintaining its illegal status, i believe that it should be decided by the voters of florida….that would (or should) settle it….majority rules…i do think its probably time for a reasonable compromise…..however, i really do not want to be like california….brings back memories of cheech/chong…. (we need a soloman?)

  36. just me on October 18th, 2012 6:57 pm

    I think they should do away with the spice and bathsalts but there’s nothing wrong with pot I don’t smoke it but id feel a little safer

  37. Sargent Friday on October 18th, 2012 6:17 pm


  38. bill l on October 18th, 2012 4:54 pm

    The only way cannibis is a gateway drug is because your supplier may be selling other drugs. For every 1 person who dies from drug overdose, 75 die from alcohol. Ask any police officer who makes a house disturbance call his choice of alcohol or cannibis user and it will most likely be the pot smoker than the drinker. I don’t use either one and don’t care since they are both drugs.

  39. Mary Jane on October 18th, 2012 4:24 pm

    @ Citizen X

    I take drugs prescribed by a Doctor and dont get high but they in time will have adverse affects on my body, so just cause it’s legal doesn”t make it healthy. I currently don”t smoke weed cause it”s illegal and I have a job and a future and am very responsible however i used to burn it it man and get the giggles as you say with ignorence. Weed doesn’t make people robbers,rapist, or killers. Never seen a smoker get disfunctional and uncontrollable like like the drinkers and druggies.

  40. LEO on October 18th, 2012 3:47 pm

    Ok here is my “revision” for those of you who need clarification…
    Please use that “common sense” to understand the EXAGGERATED examples of what COULD happen.GOOD GRIEF – I never said that everyone in these proffessions would abuse drugs, but it would only take ONE case to have serious impact on many others….just as abuse of alcohol has in so many instances. Yes anyone can pop a pill or drink and drive…..that being said , let’s not give the ones that would abuse it another impairment tool.

  41. NO Excuses on October 18th, 2012 3:42 pm

    @ Ex-Military LEO

    You stated, “You can’t legislate morality”. Oh, but we do! Every law we have has some basis in morality. Don’t speed. Why? Because you could KILL someone! Don’t smoke pot. Why? Because you do stupid things when you are high and you might HURT or KILL someone. I challenge you to find some law that does not reflect upon the 10 commandments in some way, however minor it may seem. If that isn’t legislating morality, then I don’t know what is.

    I am also LEO – like many of my counterparts, I don’t use, but I do think that marijuana should be legalized and heavily taxed just as cigarettes and alcohol are.

    I don’t like marijuana – it makes lazy slugs out of our high school kids and that continues into adulthood unless they see the light before hand.

    It’s illegal people. Until it’s legal or at least de-criminalized, expect to be arrested and charged with a crime if you have it.

  42. Trish on October 18th, 2012 3:34 pm

    Thanks everyone, this has given me a good laugh for the day. Love the different point of views (that is American isn’t it??). Some of you I can see the steam exiting the computer and some of you have a great sense of humor.

    To David Huie Green: love your reference to Willie

    To LEO: How in the world are we supposed to know that your initials stand for Law Enforcement Officer??? I have a hard enought time with LOL and BFF. Maybe we have to be LTBB’s to understand what the LEO is. By the way my LTBB means LEARNING TO BE BAD.

  43. Jerry A on October 18th, 2012 3:20 pm

    @ Citizen X. no you lose. I have been smoking pot since I was in high school, through college and now even in my adult life. I have never even desired to try anything any stronger. So I can name at least one, myself.

  44. CitizenX on October 18th, 2012 3:10 pm

    “LEGALIZE IT For those that understand, an explanation is not needed and for those that DON”T understand an explanation will not do…….”
    I’ll listen to that explanation…that is if you can mumble through it without a hundred “mans” and giggles???To those proponents of dope you can’t explain the negative aspects of weed to them because they are too high. Would you continue to use it for “medicinal” purposes if they took the high away? And I will be willing to bet that you cannot name 1 person who smokes weed that has never tried any other drug? Nope, you can’t. You lose…

  45. Jame arnette on October 18th, 2012 3:07 pm

    LEO – That has to be one of the most ridiculous examples of why marijuana should not be legalized. By your example then if Pot became legal everyone would suddenly start smoking. Does everyone drink alcohol? How about crack? Or Meth? Or Heroin? No? I know you guys (LEOs) have a cynical eye. But not all of us are evil drug users? The income that legalized weed could produce as well as jobs would be a boon to society. Keep an open mind you may find yourself occasionally enlightened.

  46. Ex-Military LEO on October 18th, 2012 2:57 pm


    Instead of smoking a MJ, all the proffessions listed can today pop a pill or drink alcohol thus resulting in the same results in your scenerio.

    However, the majority of those people in those proffessions have enough common sense to understand that there is a time and a place for everything including consuming intoxicants, just not at work.

    So your argument is pointless.

    You can’t legislate morality.

  47. kevin enfinger on October 18th, 2012 2:48 pm

    I’m not a user never even been on drugs but let’s look at this. All the ramble about alcohol and cigs tobacco causing cancer and death but never had anything done about it. Never seen a death due to pot. I think if its inside your home then its your business and your persona space. Why not be free in your own home you bought paid for and yes pahy taxes on

  48. C.Meyers on October 18th, 2012 2:02 pm

    This is in response to LEO

    I can honestly say that your potential scenario of things that could happen if marijuana was legalized and taxed is one of the most foolish, embarrassing, uneducated, and baseless things I’ve ever heard anyone say on the issue.

    You are implying that people who wouldn’t normally smoke marijuana will be incorporating it into their normal daily habits to no end. Almost as if they don’t have a choice. The reality is that the people who currently use marijuana will continue using marijuana, with the added benefit of regulated quality product and limited chance of legal repercussions. Those who currently choose not to use marijuana will more than likely continue on there life free of using the substance. However you may see a few curious or socially apprehensive individuals begin using it you will certainly see no spike in usage across the board. All jobs that currently prohibit a worker from coming to work under the influence of alcohol will prohibit a worker for turning up to work under the influence of marijuana.

    As an individual who has lived in two different “medical” states and has always chosen to abstain from using marijuana I can attest that the quality of the communities I lived in either improved or stayed the same after the laws were passed. Not to mention, the law enforcement in those areas still participated in numerous raids on the illegal grow houses and all other illegal drug crime. The measures taken by the state insure quality product to the consumers and drive in unspeakable revenues.

    I can’t recall ever feeling like things had actually “changed” in those states other than there being a more relaxed dialogue and social perspective on the plant. I can only hope you don’t truly believe that the whole state will be getting stoned and slacking off if it’s legalized. Realize that the government makes plenty of revenue off the cigarette smokers and alcohol drinkers today and you only have a portion of people misusing those substances. Same can be said for marijuana. If it’s legalized the same stoned slackers will be giving the money to the state that they would otherwise be giving to the blackmarket. They aren’t going to stop, the drug is not going anywhere, and plenty of research proves marijuana to be no more dangerous, intoxicating, or harmful than cigarettes or tobacco. Might as well make a few million for the state and free up law enforcement to focus on the violent drug crimes, robberies, and other thick and notorious behavior in this area.

    - Charlie Meyers

  49. Mary Jane on October 18th, 2012 1:07 pm

    LEGALIZE IT For those that understand, an explanation is not needed and for those that DON”T understand an explanation will not do…….

    It doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not, smoking MaryJane is here to stay. GeorgeWashington smoked Hemp in the peace pipe with the Indians. Clinton did inhale and Bush used it medically for glaucoma. Quit fighting it. Tax it.

  50. Football Mom on October 18th, 2012 1:04 pm

    LEO – I was quite entertained while reading your comment. Thank you for that LOL! BTW……….I had #7 and #8 happen to me. I took it to mean the officer just really didnt feel like worrying or doing anything about my missing items. Good to FINALLY know, he was just high.

  51. MSC on October 18th, 2012 12:25 pm

    If marijuana was a gateway or “starter” drug, I’d be doing far worse things. It should be legalized…period.

  52. Sane American on October 18th, 2012 11:49 am

    @ LEO,
    By your assumption, all teachers and bus drivers and cops are alcoholics. You have assumed that if it’s legal, everyone does it when and where they want. Your assumption is horribly wrong. I hope you reconsider your statement and issue a revision. If our teachers, bus drivers, and cops aren’t working while drunk, what makes you think they will work while high? Let’s all use a little common sense please.

  53. Potheads ranting amuck on October 18th, 2012 10:54 am

    Regardless of whether pot is legalized or not, i do not want to meet another impaired stoned driver on the highway. At least with legalized prescription drugs, there is some sort of control to limit abuse. I don’t want to see pot growing in every yard in the country and a meth lab in every backyard shed. Potheads and dopers need to grow up !!! I know quite a few life long dopers and I see there life wasted on the pursuit to stay high. Pot is a addiction. Quit lying to yourself.

  54. cody on October 18th, 2012 10:48 am

    God for bid anyone do anything wrong in a FREE country

  55. LEO on October 18th, 2012 10:48 am

    Okay for all the proponents (supporters) of legalization of marijuana ….
    Let’s imagine for a moment , our society for one day
    1. Your child gets on the bus…..the bus driver is high, because he/she had a couple of joints with their morning coffee.
    2. The bus driver notices a plane flying erratically, OH he’s flying high too.
    3. By some chance your kid arrives safely at school….where all the faculty and administration are all high (they came in early for a meeting where donuts, coffee and a marijuana cigarette were served)
    4. Didn’t get the mail today?? Where is my check?? OOPS mailman was high…didn’t get around to it.
    5. Kid actually makes it home from school safe—WOW–no homework–everyone at school was sleeping.
    6. You make it home after a hard day at the fast food store—wonder when that better job will come through—(did I smell like pot during that interview?)
    7. Man, can you believe this….my lawnmower is gone—CALL THE COPS
    8. Cop arrives 3 hours later?? Guess What—he doesn’t care—gets out of his car laughing —asks if I have anything good to munch on…. says go by another lawn mower LOSER—–as he leaves I notice he lights up a joint…..

    Is that what you REALLY want?

    For all you potheads out there—LEO means Law Enforcement Officer

  56. David Huie Green on October 18th, 2012 10:43 am

    “– when pot is not enough it leads to Meth or heroin…that is where addiction starts.”

    So why isn’t Willie Nelson on meth or heroin? Hasn’t been smoking long enough yet?

    David not using but wondering

  57. lindsay on October 18th, 2012 10:34 am

    It doesn’t matter what your opinion is on the subject, the fact of the matter is it IS ILLEGAL..whether you think it should be or not it IS. People drink and drive which is ILLEGAL and if pot is made legal it will be easier for morons who don’t think about anyone but themselves to get ahold we really need MORE accidents because of people neglecting to respect themselves and others?! There is no reason to make this drug legal. Pot sucks. People who smoke pot are dumb, literally. End of story.

  58. Really? on October 18th, 2012 10:29 am

    Hey Idiots….Tina is absolutely right…

    Long-term studies of high school students and their patterns of drug use show that very few young people use other illegal drugs without first trying marijuana. For example, the risk of using cocaine is much greater for those who have tried marijuana than for those who have never tried it. Using marijuana puts children and teens in contact with people who are users and sellers of other drugs. So there is more of a risk that a marijuana user will be exposed to and urged to try more drugs.
    There is a medical use for the drug, however the is no medical benefit when smoked , it is only the concentrated pill form of the THC that provides the medical benefit.
    Marijuana is illegal because it has the ability to IMPAIR you. It affects memory, judgement and perception. Marijuana has serious harmful effects on the skills required to drive safely: alertness, concentration, coordination, and reaction time. Marijuana use can make it difficult to judge distances and react to signals and sounds on the road. The vast majority of traffic accidents (other than sleep) are caused by an impairment of some sort.

    And yes let’s compare it to alcohol….it was once illegal…..look how that turned out!

    Any DRUG used improperly becomes a danger….One thing our government has done RIGHT is keeping this drug illegal.

  59. Adam on October 18th, 2012 10:17 am

    I really do not understand why anyone would want to use drugs or alcohol. I cannot stand for anything to fool with my senses. Living is enough “buzz” for me. It is not a religious or moral thing with me, I just don’t like the feeling.

  60. paul on October 18th, 2012 10:02 am

    Sugar, Caffeine, gateway drugs, let’s make them illegal too so people won’t want to smoke an herb..

  61. Jerry A on October 18th, 2012 9:58 am

    If marihuana is a gateway drug, why isn’t more people in countries where it is legal, such as The Netherlands hooked on harder drugs? It has not been proven scientifically that marijuana is a gateway. So Tina before you jump to conclusions, please research the topic. I agree that there are articles out there that lay claim that marijuana is a gateway drug, however this are not very reliable sources. The truly reliable sources are backed by scientific fact and not theory.

    Holland is a prime example. When mj was legalized, the addiction to harder substances such as heroin and meth actually dropped. I lived in Holland when all this was happening and got to see the results first hand.

  62. Michelle on October 18th, 2012 9:39 am

    I dont do drugs but I KNOW that pot should be legal ! I dont understand how you can buy alcohol and take prescription pills ( BOTH CAN KILL YOU ) and you cant smoke . You cannot overdose on it and it helps the medically needy !! Not to mention all the $$ that the government could make off it by making it legal and taxing it !! WAKE UP AMERICA !!

  63. Trish on October 18th, 2012 9:30 am

    Just looking at it from a different view: None of you have even mentioned the money marijuana has made for the junk food industry. Just think of the people that have been able to keep their jobs because of the pot smokers doing their thing and then can’t find enought to eat – munch munch munch. So there is an up side to almost anything. And hey, how about the addiction to alcohol??? Oh sorry there are so many alcoholics out there we don’t want to offend them and take away that revenue (fines, lawyers, tow trucks, new vehicle sales, car salesmen, liquor stores, etc. etc.). So in reality this person was stimulating the economy. I would not do it but then I would not ride a motorcycle without a helmet either (but in reality a good law because of all the insurance business, lawyer business, doctor and hospital employees income). We can all be “holier than thou” but I will admit I am addicted to diet pepsi, oh my gosh will it lead to hard core pepsi and not the diet alternative……… (just think of the people I am keepting employed). If I remember correctly coke (the drink, was illegal at one time, yes I know it was the ingredient so I am not a complete bozo ). Just saying….

  64. Richard on October 18th, 2012 8:48 am

    Pot would have been legalized a long time ago, but all you potheads where to high to get a high school diploma, register to vote, get a real job……..

  65. Mike on October 18th, 2012 8:45 am

    We have enough problems with driving while intoxicated on Alcohol. People, innocent and guilty, are being killed every day due to drunk driving. If pot is made legal then you will be adding another substance that people will use to get high and get behind the wheel. We tell people not to drive drunk, but they still do. We have laws against driving drunk, but people still do. So you can tell people all you want to not drive when high on pot, but people still will do it and people still will get killed because of it. Then who is going to administer this legal or decriminalized “drug” grown from a plant? No. For public safety reasons, I am against legalizing pot anywhere. Medical use, maybe in tightly controlled conditions, but not just anywhere. I suffer from some chronic pain too but public safety is more important than my pain. I also don’t insult people who disagree. Have a nice day.

  66. Shawn on October 18th, 2012 7:53 am

    Asprin is a gateway drug

  67. Mary Jane on October 18th, 2012 7:10 am

    Cannibis has been know to have many medical benefits dating back hundreds of years. In the average kitchen in an American home there a cooking spices that can harm you far more than Cannibis if consumed in the quantities that cannibis is….
    Unfortunately it is illegal and it is a gateway to other drugs by the younger generation.

    MaryJane for the legalization and taxation of Marijuana

  68. Maggie on October 18th, 2012 7:01 am

    I agree cliff. Disagree with Tina. The gateway drug theory has always been a falshood in majority cases to me. If you follow that logic, then rx meds that make you feel better are the real gateway drug and/or alcohol.

  69. Matt on October 18th, 2012 6:45 am

    Tina,you haven’t a clue of what you’re talking about.The government uses that addiction card but really the actual addiction starts with the individual.Weed is not a gateway drug as you and many others think.IT’s not the same kind of drug as coke or meth or even heroin.It is however illegal in our society ,for the most part,I guess my point is is that one is going to do the much harder drugs whether they start with pot or not.Pot has been proven over and over that it’s addiction properties are not near as strong as the other harder drugs.You can stop smoking pot and little of anything will come of it.But try stopping doing coke or meth or any other drugs thats legal even,and the withdrawls are sometime life threatening.

    The government keeps pot illegal so it’s a constant stream of revenue for their precinct.If it was decriminalized(not legalized),we could pull out of this debt in less than 5 years.

  70. smokey on October 18th, 2012 6:44 am

    No Tina, not true at all. Pot does not lead to anything else. You believe what others tell you.It’s not the great satan that its been made out to be. Legalize! Just say NoW!

  71. Mommy of 3 on October 18th, 2012 6:05 am

    Be careful you never know what goes on in peoples homes behind close doors. My kids never go outside unless there is an adult because you think you know your neighbors but really in truely we don’t.

  72. sniper on October 18th, 2012 5:34 am

    addiction actually starts with any uncontrolable habit…so for that matter candy could be the start of it all

  73. Avis on October 18th, 2012 3:17 am

    Tina, you have been misinformed.

  74. Tina on October 18th, 2012 1:57 am

    Cliff when pot is not enough it leads to Meth or heroin…that is where addiction starts.

  75. Cliff on October 18th, 2012 1:17 am

    Better Pot than Meth or Heroin.