Commission To Review, Possibly Terminate Administrator Next Week

October 12, 2012

The Escambia County Commission could vote to terminate the contract of of County Administrator at their next meeting on October 18.

Calling it a “housekeeping” measure, District 5 Commissioner Kevin White introduced a motion during a Thursday morning meeting to reserve the right to take a termination vote October 18 after a public evaluation of Oliver’s performance. The motion passed 3-2, with commissioners Grover Robinson and Marie Young against.

Each commissioner has already submitted their own personal written evaluation of Oliver’s job performance. He was given a generally good reviews by Young and Robinson, but numerous issues and shortcomings were raised by commissioners White, Wilson Robertson and Gene Valentino.

“The policies he promotes are his, not the commissioners,” Valentino wrote in his review of Oliver. “Initiatives of commissioners were killed through his approach. He would not champion a commissioner cause unless he agreed.”

Valentino also scored Oliver poorly in his leadership abilities, community relations, administrative duties and economic development. “Feedback from the public and other county agencies found him to be arrogant and rude,” Valentino wrote. He also said Oliver had a “I know better than the commissioner” attitude.

“This is a tough job. Randy is not perfect but who can be with five bosses,” Robinson wrote in his evaluation, generally rating Oliver at or above satisfactory in all aspects.

“He does not seem to be open minded to other ideas,” White wrote, giving Oliver less than satisfactory ratings in supervision, community relations, administrative duties, economic development and intergovernmental relations.

White said that over time he has “developed less faith” in Oliver’s supervision as county administrator.

“You’ve shown great leadership and has helped the county in many ways,” Young wrote on her evaluation form. “It is my desire that your tenure will for many opportunities to help grow Escambia County and improve the quality of life for our citizens.” Young gave Oliver straight “outstanding” marks in all evaluation categories.

Robertson expressed concerns with Oliver’s performance in the areas economic development, county council relations, planning and administrative duties.

Oliver was hired as county administrator in September 2010.

Pictured top:  (L-R) Pensacola Chamber President Jim Hizer, Escambia County Administrator Randy Oliver, Century Mayor Freddie McCall and Escambia County District 5 Commissioner Kevin White discuss economic development during a tour of Century in 2011. file photo, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Commission To Review, Possibly Terminate Administrator Next Week”

  1. Safebear on October 13th, 2012 9:19 am

    I’m not from there but just reading the article here it sounds like Mr. Oliver is not a “YES” man and 3 commissioners are not getting thier you know whats kissed the way they want. Typical politics.

  2. Fed up Mom on October 12th, 2012 8:59 pm

    Wow this is so discouraging! Mr. Oliver is the best thing these Commissioners have going. Like always Marie and Grover trying to be fair while the other 3 crooks call the shots! Kevin is outta there thank god and shouldn’t even be speaking on this! I know for a fact Oliver won’t play Wilson’s games and that is good thing! Mr Oliver is for the County as a whole unlike those 3 who have their own agendas which are so far from what this County needs it’s scary! Mr Oliver is this comes to pass hold your head high and run from this crooked backwards good ol boy town..your better than that!

  3. PSU1Earl on October 12th, 2012 6:45 pm

    DeVanness, you got it right!

    tlad, you got it backwards… Mr Oliver is trying to fix what the employee that was assigned the job totally messed up (He didn’t know that previous interum was obivously a GOB lacky of Robertson…But doesn’t surprise me)…

    No Excuses, White got all his commissioner qualifications don’t on the county dime and now is quitting… Hope you had a great vacation on us (taxpayers) Mr White… Enjoy your pension on us (taxpayers) Mr White… you are what’s wrong with this county Mr Whtie… God help you Mr White…

  4. JOHN BODIE on October 12th, 2012 5:34 pm

    Maybe Hes trying to do a good job , and thats why They want Him gone. It seems to be the way in Escambia Goverment. I have seen that first hand . And dont squeal on the crooks , If You do….look out.

  5. No Excuses on October 12th, 2012 2:51 pm

    Kevin White was elected and I haven’t heard a peep from him since, other than negative press. I’m voting for the other guy. Who cares about personalities? I want someone who will get the job done for the least amount of tax payers money.

    The equestrian center is a potential goldmine if it is used properly!

  6. well on October 12th, 2012 2:25 pm

    So we can bring King George back if we terminate Mr. Oliver??????

  7. Gwen on October 12th, 2012 2:05 pm

    Yes of course we should value Mr. White and Mr. Robertson’s opinion of Mr. Oliver-after all they did vote for a used car lot to be put in the middle of five residential properties.

  8. DVanness on October 12th, 2012 11:51 am

    Mr. Olivers involvement in the Esquestrian Center debacle????? What about Wilson Robertson’s involvement? He should be brought up on charges for his involvement?? Do your research… People need to remember Robertsons involvement with this and other issues. Cast your vote for the other candidate. At least you will start with a clean slate…
    Thank you Molino Mom… I could not have said it better… Mr. Olivers concern is for Escambia County as a whole.
    Mr. Oliver does not receive any personal gain from his position… Can you say that about one particular commissioner who owns a credit card processing company that processes the Escambia County tax payments that are paid by credit card and collects a profit from taxpayers. Dont believe it?? Contact your tax comissioner and ask.. Demand that the county start using an independent credit card processing company that has no ties with any government employee.
    Commissioners who live in glass houses should not be throwing stones at Mr. Oliver when is he trying his best to be fair, unbiased and impartial…

  9. Dishearted on October 12th, 2012 10:55 am

    Everyone needs to remember the CONTRACT he was offered that the TAX payers are on the hook for. Remember if it werent for Tax payers there would be no County, the leaders need to rember that…

  10. North end on October 12th, 2012 10:39 am

    Its Funny how Mr. White is throwing stones at Mr. Oliver performance, yet he need to take a look in the mirror at his performance for people up here on the North end of the county…….

  11. tlad on October 12th, 2012 10:36 am

    Let us not forget Mr. Oliver’s responsibility for the on-going Equestrian Center debacle that continues to cost taxpayers as a result of his poor leadership!

  12. Molino Mom on October 12th, 2012 9:33 am

    Mr. Oliver seems to have done a good job so far. He balanced the budget, and probably has not run around assigning ‘Honey-Do’s’ at the commissioners’ requests. That is probably the problem with his tenure. He is not out n about in the public eye all the time, he is working and doing his job. Commissioners must have gotten their feelings hurt since he did not jump at one of their requests.
    Just sayin’ as a county employee….

  13. M&M on October 12th, 2012 9:18 am

    Mr. Olliver, seems to work for the county as a whole, not just for one part of it.
    I believe he has done a good job and not played favorites to anyone. He has
    tried to keep finances good and I don’t give a hoot about personalitiies. i find the public is very often the rude ones.

  14. PSU1Earl on October 12th, 2012 9:16 am

    dw, really? An accountant that owns a bar is more qualified than Oliver that went to MIT? Are you joking? Didn’t Steve Stevens get rejected by the state for lack of financial expertise when his name came up for a regulatory post in the Crist administration? Just will do anything to get another GOB in there…

  15. dw on October 12th, 2012 8:22 am

    As a casual observer, Mr Oliver seems rude, overbearing and not listening to anyone.
    He seems to act “large and in charge”. For me, he was not my first choice and appeared to be the choice that was left.
    Benjamin S Stevens would clearly have been the best choice, head and shoulders over Mr Oliver. Wile I don’t care for Mr Oliver’s performance, I Harbert no ill will toward and wish him well….just elsewhere.

  16. Sandra on October 12th, 2012 7:04 am

    The same could be said of those three. They clearly represent their own views and not those of their constituents. What comes around goes around.