Citizens Insurance Reduces Rates For Mobile Home Owners

October 9, 2012

State insurance regulators approved rate reductions of 1.2 percent for mobile homeowners insured by Citizens Property Insurance Corp. Following hearing and a due diligence period, the Office of Insurance Regulation approved a slate of mobile home rates that include a 2.6. percent increase for mobile homes that are rented out.

Combined, the rates affect 171,028 policies and will go into effect on policies renewed after January 1. OIR is also expected to approve a slate of commercial rates later this week for property owners insured by Citizens.

Last week, the state-backed insurer approved rate hikes on homeowners policies of 10.8 percent.

By The News Service of Florida


6 Responses to “Citizens Insurance Reduces Rates For Mobile Home Owners”

  1. Henry Coe on October 11th, 2012 9:11 am

    They should offer another discount if the trailer owner promises to not replace the trailer in neighborhoods with more houses than trailers.

  2. countywide on October 11th, 2012 4:55 am

    Pretty sad. I called all over p’cola for insurance and citizens only place can get insurance for a mobile home! Even the mortgage company won’t insure what they sold.

  3. shellyy on October 10th, 2012 7:45 am

    there will always be a catch. mobile home owners do not get replacement on their homes, they start looking at the year of your home to replace if it gets totaled. And, if you have land/home loan, they will pay off loan less what you paid for your land. So, you are required to hold insurance for the amount of your loan but they don’t pay off the amount of your land so you end up still owing mortgage co. even if your home is totaled. what gives…. On top of the fact that if you own a car, you have a five percent added to give back to citizens. We give but Citizens always takes even if you don’t home insurance with them….

  4. Robert Jackson on October 9th, 2012 10:34 am

    raise my rate 10.8%

    reduce rates on trailers

    oh yeah, this is a gubmint operation


  5. Kathy on October 9th, 2012 9:14 am

    No its not, then we pay all car insurance all homeowners insurance pay a extra fee to make up for the losses in Hurricanes and other storms. NO we shouldn’t have to covr losses that Citizens is afraid to charge.

  6. Jane on October 9th, 2012 7:32 am

    It is good news that any insurance company reduces costs!