Century Man Arrested Yet Again, Ordered Held Without Bond

October 7, 2012

A Century man with a lengthy arrest history was arrested again Friday morning, but this time he will remain behind bars.

Ronald Berlan Newton, 51, was charged with felony stalking — his third arrest in the past month.

Friday afternoon, Judge Gary Bergosh granted a request by the State Attorney’s Office to revoke Newton’s bond and hold him until a further court order is issued.

Newton was released from state prison on April 2 after serving a 22 month sentence for aggravated stalking, stalking and violation of an injunction against repeated violence charges. On September 12, Newton was released from jail on a $25,000 bond after allegedly attacking his brother with a steak knife.

While out on bond, Newton was arrested again for aggravated stalking one of the same victims from the 2009 case that sent him to prison.

In the latest case that landed Newton behind bars Friday morning, the victim reported that she found a Whitney Houston CD case on the windshield on her vehicle. Inside, she found $50 in cash along with a torn piece of paper with the name “Ronald Newton-Marcy Project”. The victim has a domestic violence injunction that stipulates Newton must stay at least 100 feet away from her vehicle. According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Newton’s fingerprints were on the CD case.

His arrests since 2007, according to court records, included a long list of charges that were dropped or dismissed including aggravated assault, criminal mischief, battery, lewd and lascivious behavior victim under 18, indecent exposure, disorderly conduct and contempt of court.


9 Responses to “Century Man Arrested Yet Again, Ordered Held Without Bond”

  1. GatorBoy#GatorNation# on October 8th, 2012 6:53 pm

    This man has honored our country,and yet they have not got this man any help the judge should admit him into a helpful place.all they want to do is keep putting him back and forth in jail he pay taxes to.So please know your facts before you make a comment.

  2. Just Saying on October 8th, 2012 3:49 pm

    This guy has gotten away with so much that he thinks he is untouchable. The State of Fl has got to step in and take control of this situation. Have you guys read what this guy has been convicted of not acusations or hear say convicted????Women and Children and even his own family are not safe and I pray that he stays in jail and away from all the innocent people. He is dangerous and this needs to stop….

  3. Darko Sladovic on October 8th, 2012 9:19 am

    State Hospital (Chattahoochee) or State Prison: would the System just choose one! Obviously, free in the community ain’t workin’!

    Must we say more?

  4. joe on October 7th, 2012 11:01 pm

    if this man chooses to act like an animal he should be treated as such.
    if he is routinely found competent then he should be put away. if the judges continue to let him walk, they need to be put away, or in this case, done away with (voted out)

  5. MQ on October 7th, 2012 3:07 pm

    @huh, I do NOT know this man, but if jail is not the answer, and programs aren’t available or he doesn’t qualify, what is one suppose to do with someone who keeps breaking the law? I have to say until there is something or soemone to help him, and to protect the innocent, IT IS ABOUT TIME he is NOT let out on bail.

  6. c.w. on October 7th, 2012 10:28 am

    This guy is asking for a meeting with Sam Colt. Someone is going to punch his ticket if he continues to do the things he has in the past.

  7. Too Much Already on October 7th, 2012 8:41 am

    No, this guy needs to BE LOCKED UP in either a mental institution or a criminal institution. No program is going to protect innocent people from the likes of him. How would you like to be continually stalked by someone like this? That only puts the innocent victim in a prison (and terror) of their own. I myself am tired of seeing his face and hearing about his stupid repeated harassments in the town.

  8. huh on October 7th, 2012 5:35 am

    Jail is not the answer for this man, time and time again this guy has mental health problems and needs to be in a program.

  9. Say it ain't so! on October 7th, 2012 1:46 am

    He needs to get what he wants……life in prison. Some people have it better inside – no responsibility……no work……warm bed……3 squares.

    They need to build a new prison to send all felons like this man and make them plant a garden and eat only what they reap. Ease the burden on the tax payer.