Cemetery Vandalism Under Investigation

October 10, 2012

Authorities are asking for the public’s help in identifying suspects in the vandalism of an area cemetery.

Tuesday, the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s deputies discovered that gravesites had been vandalized at the Coon Hill Cemetary off Lee Morris Road in Chumuckla. Deputies found that 13 headstones had been knocked over, breaking one.

The cemetery has the been the target of numerous acts of vandalism in the past, deputies said.

Anyone with information about the vandalism is asked to call the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 983-1190 or Santa Rosa Crime Stoppers at (850) 437-STOP.

Pictured: Vandalism at the Coon Hill Cemetery near Chumuckla. Submitted photos by the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Cemetery Vandalism Under Investigation”

  1. Janice on October 11th, 2012 6:52 pm

    WHAT!!!!!! These folks need to haunt these sick, corrupted people!

  2. B Peterson on October 10th, 2012 4:11 pm

    Its a shame someone spent there time to fix it up then some one messes it up they would like it done to theres or there familys

  3. what?! on October 10th, 2012 12:48 pm

    why would someone do that?! that is entirely disrespectful to both the dead and their living relatives! stupid people living in this world, i tell you!

  4. S.L.B on October 10th, 2012 10:31 am

    It always saddens and angers me when I read things such as this. My husband’s kin folka are buried in this cemetery along with many of my research friends kinfolks.

    Whomever is in charge of the maintenance cemetery funding should consider purchasing surveillance cameras and discretely placing them in various trees so that next time, and I’m sure their will be a next time since they keep getting away with a crime that is apparently so exciting, their faces will be caught on camera and the perpetrator/s can be caught and punished accordingly. Since money most likely will have to be taken from the grounds keeping coffer to pay for cameras, part of the punishment should be requiring the criminals to keep up the cemetery grounds for 2 years free of charge along with replacing the headstones they destroyed and/or damaged. If neither one was performed, jail time should be the consequence.

  5. Lifendason on October 10th, 2012 9:31 am

    Without God, anything is possible. Praying for these lost souls.

  6. Angi B. on October 10th, 2012 9:24 am

    This is just pure rediculous!
    This sort of behavior, needs lots of punishment!
    It is disrespect to the deceased and to their families!
    Headstones are not cheap!
    Hoping that all will be found, and punished
    for their crime!!!

  7. Eric Wuesthoff on October 10th, 2012 7:51 am

    I have been in that area a few times since my daughters accident out that way and every time I pass by, the gates is closed and locked. I would not be willing to leave my vehicle sitting on the side of the road. How in the world do these people get out there? I have heard stories about teenagers going out there drinking and partying. I would only guess that they destroyed the graves to possibly try to offend the spirits to make their adventure more exciting. I hope these people are caught and prosecuted. Make them do a lot of community service at all the cemeteries around the area.

  8. JimD on October 10th, 2012 6:38 am

    This type of vandalism is inexcusable and should not be tolerated. Whoever the people are, and like John Jackson said…these are most likely kids; their parents should be responsible to pay for it. Either by placing a lien on their property, seizure of bank account assets, and if they are of college age, loss of any scholarship and with that if a college picks these kids of on an athletic or other university scholarship, that university should lose it federal funding. If they go in the military, that should also noted as a criminal record….most likely, they would not be let in. It time to stop wrapping kids in a blanket and make them understand that actions have consequences.

    If the Politian’s want to help the communities out, laws such as these should be passed.

  9. daughter on October 10th, 2012 6:02 am

    The person that did this should have to pay for the repairs. A head stone for a grave that is for husband and wife is between 4 and 7 thousand dollars. I know we bought one last year. That was the best price we could find. I think the person that did this should have to go to each person home and tell the next of kin what they did. I would hope that would have to see pictures of these people who have died hear stories of there life. maybe I would hope they would think before doing this again.

  10. 429SCJ on October 10th, 2012 5:08 am

    Inexcusable, If you could just catch them in the act.

    I can not imagine what they would say, but I am sure they would be thinking, I wish I could leave now.

  11. countywide on October 10th, 2012 4:55 am

    That is disgracefull! Both of my parents are dead and where they are buried I hope no one ever does that to their graves. That just shows a lack of respect!

  12. Bob on October 10th, 2012 4:04 am

    WHY???? What possible thrill could someone derive from desecrating a grave?

  13. John Jackson on October 10th, 2012 3:53 am

    Vandalism is not a strong enough word, this crime should be a felony! Originally being from this area, I know it is kids, but when I was a kid we were too scared to go to Coon Hill at night. Who ever did this has no respect for themselves, let alone anyone else. Wonder what they would say and think if this was done to one of their relatives graves. Disgraceful and disgusting!