West Florida Beats Tate

September 15, 2012

The West Florida Jaguars beat the Tate Aggies 56-7 Friday night in Cantonment.

The Aggies were unable to cross midfield until the second quarter against a strong West Florida defense, and West Florida held a 42-0 lead at the half thanks to a strong offense. WFHS quarterback Joey Baker had just over 300 yards and touchdown passes of 15, 46 and 26 yards plus a 1-yard keeper.

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Pictured: West Florida beat the Tate Aggies Friday night in Cantonment. Submitted photos by Hope Bonucchi  for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


30 Responses to “West Florida Beats Tate”

  1. Dale K on September 20th, 2012 10:18 am

    Bear, you are absolutely right

  2. bear on September 19th, 2012 9:53 pm

    Im Telling y’all and know one is listening it starts at theta top like Carl Madison and Ralph Godwin They worked together for a strong team now they work against for just a mediocre or terrible team . Shackle must go, Trade him for Sherrille at Escambia Sherrille will wont winners, I promise .

  3. Dale K on September 18th, 2012 8:12 am

    truth whatever the 70’s & 80’s is what made tate high school so .people like yourself was prob. a band member or whatever but if u didnt go to our school u really dont need to talk about it cause u just dont no what it is all about yea i’m 51 and can strap em on i still love it thats what u gotta have to win ,coach madison always told me and everyone that played for him you gotta have pride and a big heart in what u r doing so why u downing the 80’s people.

  4. thetruth on September 18th, 2012 1:33 am

    Aggies: My last point is this, West Florida puts academics first, and quite frankly it is the only priority at West Florida. They still win. Despite what you think you can co-exist with great academics and athletics. Tate did it for several years. If you do not care about athletics at all then why are you commenting on a sports story ?
    Tate needs to move on out of the 80’s, that is everybody’s first reaction “well back in the 80’s. Those 80’s “kids” are rapidly approaching their 50’s. You need to adapt and move on.

    “Aggies”- I am starting to believe that you think becoming good in athletics automatically waters down a schools academic rating ? In 2000, Tate was rated one of the best high schools in the state of Florida Academically. That same year they went to the state semi-finals in football,baseball, and softball. It can happen and co-exist. Good coaches can be great teachers. Don’t just give them the short end of the stick because they coach.

  5. ALSO AN ALUMNI AND AGGIE MOM on September 17th, 2012 12:17 pm


  6. Dale K on September 17th, 2012 11:38 am

    why dont they select some of 80’s players to coach

  7. ALSO AN ALUMNI AND AGGIE MOM on September 17th, 2012 11:35 am

    AMEN DALE K!!!

  8. Dale K on September 17th, 2012 11:19 am


  9. ALSO AN ALUMNI AND AGGIE MOM on September 17th, 2012 8:24 am

    Deck, It sounds as if you never played under the Friday night lights! The coaches we have,MAYBE good leaders but everyone is not cut out for coaching and I think that is one of our problems. We have people coaching that just don’t know how to do it!!! Get some MEN in there that know how to coach and want to be there to win and not just to receive a pay check

  10. ALSO AN ALUMNI AND AGGIE MOM on September 17th, 2012 8:16 am

    Alumni, I agree with you completely! So sad we have MEN not BOYS who played at Tate in the 80’s who so bad want to be a part of this program right now and principle will not give them a chance. They are at other schools right now— with a winning record the last two years. I hate that our children will not have the wonderful experience we had when the TATE TRADITION was still around. You had to be at Tate to understand the Tradition that goes along with it! Our Principle has no clue of what the TATE TRADITION is because he is not one of us. Therefore, he isn’t going to work to get it back. I’m very proud of the academics we have and I’m sure MOST of the teachers work hard for that. But, no doubt you can have great sports program and great academics at the same time. Sure you have kids going to other schools but you have a good number of great athletes there now and coaches justt don’t know what to do with them. Actually, your freshman and jv team have some great talent coming up. Clean house now so maybe those boys will have a chance at something good. Baseball is already making a come back. Would love to see the football program do the same.

  11. Sunshine Smile on September 16th, 2012 10:02 pm

    Why would anyone want to bring in a Ensley coach sure they was super last year but it was the players that did it this year will be diffrent for sure as it has already started.

  12. alumni on September 16th, 2012 8:35 am

    OK…last comment about this. Obviously there are other people that agree with my comments and others that do not, so I’ll define my meaning here. For starters a winning football program does not define a school academically. There are very good teachers and very good people working there. It is not the boys on the field either…..example. The Long kid has great ability and is a tough runner but he has no blocking. Their are several kids here that are good athletes with outstanding parents and a Quarterback club that supports the program.

    Examples in the county you can see every year. Everyone’s program is improving except Tate’s. There is nothing wrong with having a winning football program and excellent academics to co-exist. The fact is that if winning football would return at Tate you would see a swell of fans on Friday nights and financially other programs within the school and community would benefit from it. Again this is about school and community pride nothing else.

    I ask……where’s the problem? Mickey Lindsey (Pace) does it every year with average players, tell me how that happens. Don’t say pay scale, or something about a different situation because it’s not. I’ll tell you where it is…..LEADERSHIP!

  13. Aggies on September 16th, 2012 12:50 am

    A former student and player at Tate seems very ill informed to be any authority on what it takes to run a school and always put education first. Sour grapes indeed.

  14. thetruth on September 15th, 2012 11:51 pm

    Stats , I never said Tate did not offer a great education, They do offer a great education. They have higher gains in math and reading than West Florida because there are higher gains to be made at Tate in Math and Reading. If you need the stats go look at the ratio of reading teachers at Tate compared to West Tech . And I could really care less about a student population of 2000, because if thats the best product you can put on a field with the highest student numbers in the county then you just proved my point. and also stats if you have ever been around Rick Shackle, or worked for him, or know somebody around him then you would realize that he is the problem at Tate, not the students. Also, if you practice standardized testing as much as Shackle makes them practice at Tate, hence the FCAT home rooms in the spring then you will get higher ACT scores. Im not here to argue with you. I am a Tate grad and played sports at Tate and hope that they get athletics turned around at Tate.

    Bama: I dont think all of the players quit on the field, I think attitude reflects leadership . It is hard to keep playing hard and fighting when you have been kicked when you are down like Tate has the last couple of years. I applaud the players that fought until the very end.

  15. Aggie on September 15th, 2012 11:41 pm

    Bear, first I am not an Aggie man…I am an Aggie lady!!! Second…you mention leadership, maybe it should start at home!!!??? Believe me when I say…I know the coaches are leaders in the classroom and on the field!!! It really doesn’t matter what I say, you are not going to see things my way and that’s ok!! NO it’s not my mentality that has caused the Aggies to have poor seasons…I am probably one of the strongest positives and leaders the kids see from day to day!!! I will continue to be a Tate fan by showing my support and respect to the teachers, principal, coaches, players, etc. YES…Catholic and West FL have good ball clubs, but HOW do you think they actually get all of the kids that are suppose to be at Tate??? They offer them things…so yes for years now they have had winning teams. If Tate had the money to pay the coaches and offer kids a way to come to their school as the ones you mention do, then I’m sure things would be different. As a parent of many kids, I am thankful that Tate has and will continue to offer my children a GREAT education!!! They have all excelled and have been very successful!!! I have been at Tate for 10 years now, I remember having winning seasons…maybe you need to look back a few years!!! I have a son who played college ball after leaving Tate. I can name many kids in the past 10 years who have gone on to play college ball and a few who play for the NFL!!! It’s all good…I will be there Friday night cheering as loud as I always do with a smile on my face. Have a great weekend!!!!

  16. Stats on September 15th, 2012 7:16 pm

    Here’s some truth. Tate offers all there students an excellent education. So stats. More AP classes then any other district high. Highest gains in math and reading. Highest ACT scores. Multiple career academies and highest certification scores in those. A student body of over 2000 (despite losing many students to WF to help that smaller school skew it’s numbers). But if all we need to judge a schools importance to the community it serves is how it’s football team performs then I guess Tate isn’t a very very good high school….which it is. Oh btw students come to Tate for more then football.

  17. bama on September 15th, 2012 6:47 pm

    I agree with the truth . But there are a handful of players that didnt give up firing off the ball hard every play .

  18. Thetruth on September 15th, 2012 6:38 pm

    The truth of the matter is this. Every defensive coach at West Florida graduated from Tate and coached at one point at Tate before Principal Shackle ran them out of town. They are all highly qualified teachers. The kids are not coming to Tate anymore because Tate doesnt win. Why does every kid want to go to Catholic and now West Tech ? because they win. Bringing in Ensley and Cantonment coaches isnt going to change anything. There are coaches out there that are qualified to teach as well(reality) Fact – Tate is not the best school in the district. All stats point to West Tech being the only A school in the county. So Aggie faithful, keep pointing fingers at Catholic and West Tech, when in reality you need to look in the mirror. Not only did the players give up in the 1st quarter last night, the coaching staff did as well.

  19. Reality on September 15th, 2012 5:37 pm

    High school football coaches are teachers first and coaches second. How exactly do u recommend they clean house? Once done, where do u recruit a whole new coaching staff? What classes would they teach during the school day? Would they be certified to teach classes that would help the schools academic mission? Which is after all the main reason these players go to school. I can understand and appreciate the frustration but it’s not just simply firing one coach or two or a dozen and then going out and picking through the dozens of high quality college level coaches that would be lining up to coach high school ball

  20. lazytown on September 15th, 2012 5:12 pm

    Go Aggies !!!!!

  21. Bear on September 15th, 2012 3:53 pm

    Aggie, First off the mentality that you have is the exact reason Tate has one 2 games in 2 years.Leadership brings talent all that talk about this school does this ,that school does that has gotten old. Do you really think Catholic gives scholarships to kids ,I know for a fact they don’t ,maybe some of the low income kids. You have got to have leadership and quality coaching to get the talent. There has not been anyone there in years. Now you have Blackman in there trying to get that mess straighten out but it will take him 3 years to compete every year. So what is the answer, Its about like Alabama you hire average coaches you may go 5 5. You go get a good one you reload. I personally think that whole program needs to be flushed and start over and go find a good coach.I am not saying the guy doesn’t work hard or other coaches they just do not know how to win. And Aggie man it has been a long time and to many excuses to many years blaming it on everyone else except the program. There needs to be some serious soul searching in Aggie land. It has been embarrassing for what 10 years now including baseball . If a CEO of a say Gulf Power produced employees like that he would make it what 6 months and then you clean house and straighten out. The excuses are running out Aggie man and I think the people are finally getting tired of the excuses.

  22. parent on September 15th, 2012 2:00 pm

    Aggie no one said the coaches are not giving 100 percent. But evidently its not enough . Tate is a great school and whats sad is they have the players to win . I will continue to support my child its just hard to sit and watch that . Some people are just blinded by whats going on

  23. Aggie on September 15th, 2012 12:47 pm

    Dear Discusted Parent, Alumni and Bear,

    Why do you blame the coaches and principal? The issue of kids in the Tate district going to different schools for sports has been going on for years. This is NOT Tate High School’s fault!!! Other schools can make offers, recruit, and offer scholarships to these athletes. Yes, write the school board, but STOP blaming the coaches and principal!!! The football team does not make a school! The whole community makes a school!!! How many of you attend the Tate Quarterback meetings or pay membership dues? How many attend other school events and show support to the student body? I know for a fact that the coaches give 100% PLUS to the program, with very little compensation!!! Some of our coaches are the coaches who had winning teams from Ensley and Cantonment. Give them a few years to work with these kids, you will see!!!!! I think you really need to get your facts straight and educate yourselves before commenting!!! Tate has a GREAT group of kids and coaches!!! Tate has a wonderful acedemic record!!! Tate has some of the best kids in the state!!!! Everette I’m with you, win or lose…Go Aggies!!!

  24. Jim on September 15th, 2012 12:40 pm

    In order to have a winning football team, you have got to have the coaching. Just look at the other school’s in our area. The boy’s are all about the same size, they all have about the same speed, and they all have good acknowledgement of the game. So why it that every year, Tate can seem to pull off a winning season. In my opinion, it all comes down to coaching. I sure hope Tate gets it act together, because I personally would like to see them boy’s come away with a winning season.

  25. Deck on September 15th, 2012 12:12 pm

    Sad for the kids? Principal indifferent to same anicent football legacy?….I’m really baffled… When exactly did a small percentage of the student body playing a game on a Friday night come to define a school, it’s faculty and most importantly its main mission to students? I’m sorry but as someone that better undarstands what a schools mission is in educating children then those who only think football makes a school great, I’m so very tired of those who attack or second guess ‘what’s going on at Tate’? I will tell you, it’s educating children. Would it be nice to see the Aggies win? Sure. Does it make Tate a better school? No. What makes Tate the best school in the district is excellent students, caring and skilled faculty and some of the best test scores in Escambia county….not Friday nights score.

  26. disgusted parent on September 15th, 2012 11:51 am

    As a parent of a player its hard to sit and watch this take place . These kids practice as hard as every other school in the state . Tate has the athletes to win those are the same kids that one championships at ensley and cantonment year after year against the same kids that are playing at other area high schools. In what league of football do you sit back and let the qb pick u apart. Tate never brought pressure with 3 downlineman and sometimes 2 . The coaches had all week to work on blitz packages and chose not to . I hope sometime soon they get it figured out they are hurting these kids chances to play college ball when no one comes to these games

  27. April Stout on September 15th, 2012 11:38 am

    I also as a Parent would like to know about what is going on with the program.

  28. Bear on September 15th, 2012 11:20 am

    How pitiful is it to go watch a Tate High School Sporting Event, That good ole boy stuff has got to stop or they will never have a Program. It is a travesty to let a Principal and AD turn there heads to all that is going on at this once great school. Absolutely Disgusting. Makes you feel sorry for the kids.

  29. alumni on September 15th, 2012 10:53 am

    Tate football has become the laughing stock of the area. They are the team people schedule for homecoming. What happened to this once proud and power house program? So sad to see this. Do the people there try and do anything about it. Does the principle not care about his legacy have any school pride. It would be nice to see Tate return to the days when they were feared and always a threat to win district each year and perhaps challenge for a state championship.

    SO SAD!!!!!!!!

  30. Everett on September 15th, 2012 6:18 am

    As an alumni of Tate I still support them win or lose. I don’t understand what going on with the football program. Would love to hear any input from any insiders or fellow alumini.