UWF Finalizes Purchase Of Scenic Hills Country Club

September 21, 2012

The University of West Florida is celebrating a partnership between their property development company Business Enterprises, Inc. and the Scenic Hills Country Club.

BEI’s purchase of the 150-acre, 18-hole Jerry Pate designed golf course was recently finalized for about $2.2 million without using any taxpayer dollars. The purchase is expected to generate additional income for the UWF in the future while enhancing the educational experience for UWF students.


5 Responses to “UWF Finalizes Purchase Of Scenic Hills Country Club”

  1. Everett on September 21st, 2012 9:16 pm

    All this without using tax money. Lets send these guys to Washington in November.

  2. sonors on September 21st, 2012 1:12 pm

    @ Mike,,,,cmon,,, give em a chance man ! who knows maybe we can get two for the price of fore?

  3. people-r-crazy on September 21st, 2012 12:45 pm

    Rumor has it that UWF will be starting a football program in a couple of years! Glad they were able to buy the country club to make room for it!!

  4. Mike on September 21st, 2012 4:31 am

    Wow, what a deal, talk about a country club education. “$2.2 million without using any taxpayer dollars”. What did the buy it with? Pennies from heaven? Scenic Hills has not made any money in years with private enterprise running it. Is UWF joking to think they can turn a profit on, or is it that our esteemed educators can’t add and subtract? Maybe it’s that new modern math they are teaching our kids

  5. 429SCJ on September 21st, 2012 4:13 am

    Someone needed to take over management of the country club.

    I remember sitting down to eat and not being provided with a knife, none of the guest had knives. I had to run the blade of my Gerber over the candle flame to sterilize it and used that to cut my steak. A terrible place to hold a reception.