University: Florida Consumer Confidence At Post-Recession High

September 26, 2012

Florida consumers are emerging from the post recession doldrums and are more optimistic than at anytime since the crash, the University of Florida reported Tuesday.

UF’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research found that consumer confidence rose in September to a post-recession high of 79 compared to the revised August reading of 76. The improved ranking was across the board as all five categories tracked by the monthly survey showed improvement over the previous month.

Brightening expectation were led by a three point surge in the national economic outlook over the next two years. More Floridians said they planned to make a major purchase and more felt their personal finances were improving.

“The last time Florida consumer confidence hit 79 was in October, 2007,” said Chris McCarty, the Survey Director. “

Gov. Rick Scott cited the report as an indication that Florida continues its trek back to economic vitality. “The fact that Florida’s consumer confidence is at a five-year high is more good news and evidence that our state is moving in the right direction,” Scott said in a statement.

By The News Service of Florida


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