Thousands Worth Of Equipment Stolen From Disabled Adult Employer

September 16, 2012

About $4,000 in equipment was stolen last weekend from ARC Gateway’s manufacturing division, which provides a variety of employment opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities from assembly, concrete manufacturing and subcontract maintenance work for the I-10 welcome station and weigh stations.

Items stolen consisted mainly of landscaping equipment including a lawn mower, trimmers, edgers, blower, lawn batteries, a compressor and a variety of tools.

“It’s disheartening to have something like this happen when our people are so eager to work and so willing to share what they have,” said Donna Fassett, executive director for the agency. “It is a hardship for the crew as they are without their regular tools and they miss their personal items that were taken as well.”

ARC Gateway offers a variety of products and services to provide people with developmental disabilities with job training, meaningful work, and the opportunity to earn their own income. In addition to providing work for disabled persons, businesses that partner with ARC Gateway are also helping to provide the agency with revenue that sustains programs for more than 850 children and adults in our community.

To help ARC Gateway, visit click here for their website and look for the “Donate” button.


5 Responses to “Thousands Worth Of Equipment Stolen From Disabled Adult Employer”

  1. bill on September 17th, 2012 7:54 am

    I’ve been buying surveying stakes and concrete products from the Pollock center for 40 years and the kids are really great. They remember you, even if you don’t come by for years; they are always happy to help in anyway they can. I love to go there and see them working like bees. It always lifts my spirits. The people who stole from these people should suffer some heavy karma.

  2. Jane on September 17th, 2012 5:39 am

    OK let’s try to catch these bad guys…if you see or hear anything that might lead to the arrest of these thieves call Crimestoppers at 436-9620. You don’t even have to give your name and you could be eligable for a reward. Stealing from the disabled is disgusting!

  3. t2 on September 16th, 2012 8:49 pm

    How low can you get. Shame on these low lifes. And this is real low. I hope they get put under the jail for a long time.

  4. downtown don on September 16th, 2012 9:47 am

    put the pawn shops on alert. I don’t think the scums who did this were looking to start a landscaping business. Once caught make them cut grass and trim bushes everyday for a year rather than letting them sit in jail.

  5. Laura on September 16th, 2012 8:41 am

    I hope they rot in hell. If you just have to be a dreg of society and steal from businesses, then at least find one that isn’t going to hurt the already defenseless, innocent people that depend on this place for employment. I’m appalled at what this world is coming to. Shame on these people.