Teen Struck, Killed By Vehicle

September 14, 2012

A teen was struck and killed by a vehicle Thursday night in Ensley.

The Florida Highway Patrol said 13-year old Jonathan Wright was running across the southbound lanes of Highway 29 at Barber Street at 10:30 p.m. when he was struck by a 2006 Dodge driven by 69-year old Frankie J. Brown of Pensacola. Wright was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital where he was pronounced deceased a short time later.

Brown and his passenger, 65-year old Shirley Brown of Pensacola, were not injured. Any charges are pending completion of a traffic homicide investigation.

Wright was a seventh grade student at Woodham Middle School.


21 Responses to “Teen Struck, Killed By Vehicle”

  1. FLD on September 18th, 2012 11:42 am

    When in middle school I had to be in before DARK!!!!
    I was a senior in high school and still had to be home by 10:30 but by 8 on school night, was allowed to stay out till 12 Prom night. As long as I lived in my Fathers house I had to abide by his RULES!!! I’m Ridiculed for raising my kids the same way I was. FOLKS SAY I’M TOO HARD ON THEM !!!!!!!
    Not saying nothing will happen but I have taken the effert to try to prevent it.
    If parents today would raise theirs the way they were raised 30 years ago, the compass schools would not be soooo crowed!!!!

  2. Alfred on September 17th, 2012 7:22 pm

    wow he road my bus and to think…he died

  3. Everett on September 17th, 2012 6:15 am

    For the “D” man

    There is always a homicide investigation when someone dies in a accident where another is involved.

    The investigation with the deputy is ongoing. Evidence shows the girl lied and both were in the roadway

    The driver has not been arrested or charged as of now.

    Both victims parents should be charged with neglect. The girl was out at 430am and the boy at 1030pm. No parental control.

    The deputy did not kill the girl. She died from being struck by the deputies car. You want folks to believe the deputy hunted her down.

  4. Rick on September 17th, 2012 5:46 am

    @The D man….There is Always a traffic homicide investigation when there is a fatality. When the police are involved the investigation is done by the FDLE. (not one of their own) Obviously you are a cop hater, and I guess that’s your business and none of mine. That said, when you spread false information to justify your attitude, then it becomes everyone’s business.

  5. susan on September 16th, 2012 7:35 pm

    I feel bad for the family of the boy but I also feel bad for the driver who will never forget the nightmare. It is very difficult to see someone at night dart across the street in front of you. A kid on a bicycle did that to me on Cervantes and I almost hit him. Kids need to be inside by dark. They are not old enough to make these judgement calls of crossing a major highway.

  6. The D Man on September 16th, 2012 10:09 am

    Prayers go out to both families.

    Pending traffic homicide investigation? What about that cop who just killed a teenage girl? Almost complete same occurance, but wait- the cop is cleared and its ok since he is one of theirs. And still being paid. He should also be charged with traffic homicide if this person is to be arrested and charged and go to court/jail.

  7. MRM on September 15th, 2012 11:22 am

    This is sad for all the families, the childs and the drivers. When bad things happen it’s human nature to find someone or something to blame but let’s not forget the parents might not have realized their child was out. I’m 58 and admit use to slip out window when I was suppose to be in bed, how many of you did this. Now before blaming parents or the child let’s remember we all have made wrong decisions in our life. Prayers need to go out to all families.

  8. MQ on September 15th, 2012 10:16 am

    I agree with G, but unfortuantely kids at that age think that “it won’t happen to them”. And it will continue. I am almost 60, and you’d think the kids of today would be smarter, wiser, and more careful than of my generation. Sad to say … NOT.

  9. SS on September 15th, 2012 9:49 am

    I know our law enforcement is very busy, but if every time one was passing down 29 and saw anyone (young or old) about to jay-walk, they would stop and start issuing tickets. How many people have to die in a 6 block area before something is done ?

  10. Joani on September 15th, 2012 7:50 am

    I agree with Everett….parental responsibility is a must. A child should not be out on a bike at 10:30 pm.

  11. Everett on September 15th, 2012 6:24 am

    What’s a 13 year old doing out on a school night at 10:30pm? Sorry he died but where is the parents responsibility in this?

  12. jdmorris on September 14th, 2012 8:56 pm

    Bill,,,,,,,,,,, to what little knowledge I have that is the reason for sidewalks being installed, for pedestrians to traverse on, the streets for vehicles to travel on. when the two are mixed pedestrians are going to lose every time. I am sorry for the family of the teen as well as the driver of the vehicle.

  13. u cant fix stupied on September 14th, 2012 8:33 pm

    its not the vehicle fault if the people had enought sense to stay out of the road this would stop.the same thang with the 2 girls that got hit by the cop car stay out of the road and where were the parents. its sad that they lost there life. but it could of been avoided if they would have been in the ditch not the road the cars did not leave the road way to hit the people.

  14. Bill on September 14th, 2012 6:31 pm

    It is not safe to walk anywhere in Escambia County except on a sidewalk.

  15. Tennelle Horning on September 14th, 2012 4:02 pm

    Prayers for all involved!

  16. fromflomaton on September 14th, 2012 12:44 pm

    I am so sorry for this families loss but why was he out that late? he should have been home not out walking the streets. I would never let my kids go out that late especially out walking around when they should be at home. we just need to keep our kids safe.

  17. G on September 14th, 2012 12:17 pm

    I am so very sorry for the families loss. It breaks my heart. About two months ago, I had to stop two young boys on bicycles going down Hannah street and ask them to PLEASE PLEASE stop playing chicken with the cars on Hwy 29. These two young boys (one looked to be about 12, dark hair, under 5′ and the other around 14 or so, dark sandy hair, tall, slender, no shirt. Both boys were very polite but just being typical kids not realizing the dangers) had darted across the Northboung lanes in front of traffic and then stopped briefly in the median where I was attempting to go across the South bound lanes and they just darted out again. I almost didn’t see them in the median with me as it happened so fast and I had to hit my brakes as I was about to pull across myself. It scared me so badly because as I told them, that would have been something I would have had to live with for the rest of my life. I AM NOT saying that this child was one of the four or five that seem to have made a game out of darting out in traffic across Hwy 29 in this area. Please know that this may have been totally innocent on his part. JUST DRIVERS please be AWARE that there is this group of young boys in the area covering from L & T Seafood all the way to Detroit Blvd that play chicken with the cars. It was reported but I still see them out there doing it pretty much on a daily basis still. PARENTS IF YOU SEE THIS AND FEEL YOUR CHILD MAY BE ONE OF THESE BOYS PLEASE PLEASE CORRECT THEM ON JUST HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS.

  18. anonymous on September 14th, 2012 12:00 pm

    Very sad indeed.

    Its a shame that all the money was spend on the new crosswalks and signals at many intersections around the area and this continues to happen because people aren’t using them.

    Someone is bound to pop up eventually and say this was the driver’s fault though.

  19. Brooke on September 14th, 2012 11:43 am

    What is going on with these parents allowing their children to roam the streets at night?? A 13 year old should be home, asleep preparing for school the next day. This is sooo sad and the poor driver, I am sure is just beside himself over this. Very sad situation for all. RIP sweet boy!

  20. mel on September 14th, 2012 10:45 am

    I’m really sad to hear this…but why was a 13 yr old out @ 10:30p.m crossing Hwy 29, not to mention a school night?? Isn’t this like the 2nd time this week?

  21. Flo on September 14th, 2012 10:04 am

    My thoughts and prayers for the families of both the driver and the young man who was killed.

    Why was he out at 10:30 PM on a school night? This is 2 times this week young people are out, then killed when kit by a car……..so sad.

    I have found this happens too often, people wearing dark clothing on a 2 lane road, drivers not seeing them until you are almost on them. I stopped driving the 2 lane roads at dark/dusk because of this reason.

    Thank you.