Sheriff Releases More Info On Fatal Deputy-Involved Pedestrian Accident

September 13, 2012

New information was released Wednesday about a deadly accident Monday in which an Escambia County deputy struck two pedestrians, killing a 16-year old girl.

Deputy Ty Brewton, 41, was westbound on Mobile Highway at the New Warrington Road overpass at 4:10 a.m. when he hit 16-year old Aaliyah S. Howard and 16-year old Louise Johnson. Howard was pronounced dead at the scene; Johnson was treated and released at Sacred Heart Hospital for minor injuries.

A report released Monday by the Florida Highway Patrol said the girls were walking side-by-side in the inside westbound lane with their backs facing traffic. But in interviews with local television stations, Johnson and family members claimed the girls were walking in the median when Brewton hit them.

Sheriff David Morgan said Wednesday that an investigation by his department also determined the teens were walking in the roadway when they were hit.

“This fact was determined through the evidence at the scene to include the in-car camera in Deputy Brewton’s patrol vehicle,” Morgan said, adding that the FHP determined that Brewton’s vehicle was in proper working condition, including headlights that were on at the time of the crash.

Deputy Brewton remains on paid administrative leave pending a final outcome of the investigation.


48 Responses to “Sheriff Releases More Info On Fatal Deputy-Involved Pedestrian Accident”

  1. tomtom44 on September 14th, 2012 8:33 pm

    I know someone might have done asked this but i have to ask as well.. WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THESE KIDS DOING OUT OF THE HOUSE THIS TIME OF THE NIGHT????

  2. 429SCJ on September 14th, 2012 12:06 pm

    To the famalies and community of these unfortunate young women, this is a terrible tagedy and I know I would be devastated at the loss of a family member.

    I feel there is no conspiracy to conceal neglegence as there clearly is non, other than two young women who had exercised wrong judgement by walking on the road as I have done myself when I was young.

    My prayers and condolences for the Howard and Johnson famalies. Prayers for Deputy Breton, I am sure he did all that was humanly possible to avoid this.

  3. Jane on September 14th, 2012 6:18 am

    Let’s try another tactic here; a vehicle is bigger than you are, therefore, stay off the road and make yourself visable if you are walking along a road at night. Take a flashlight, wear something reflective or white so cars can see you.

  4. SW on September 14th, 2012 6:00 am

    You are all wrong!

    The po-lees are riding around just looking for people to run down.

    Sarcasm intended.

  5. Sane American on September 14th, 2012 12:05 am

    If any of you know anything about body language, you can tell the survivor of this accident is lying. She shows no emotion, will not even look at the camera, and her tone of voice reflects that she’s lying. I’ve studied the subject a little bit and have tested some hypotheses. This girl is clearly full of lies and is just too scared to tell the truth. Shock of the situation is leading her to do this. Once that wears off, she will tell the truth and say she’s sorry for lying. I’m just sorry she’s having to go through this.
    However, I’ve come close to running over people in the very same area as this occurred. These people walking the streets at night think they own the road. Maybe some of them will wise up from this and walk in the grass or sidewalk. The roads are built and maintained for vehicular traffic, not foot traffic. If they were designed for us to walk on we wouldn’t bother paving and striping them.

  6. just sayin' on September 13th, 2012 10:26 pm

    JC stated:

    but if any of the other scenarios were true then the girl that lived would have said so but she didnt she lied

    Um, if she didn’t tell the truth when first questioned……WHY would you believe anything else that she might say? Whatever story she’s concocted so far has been false so we obviously can’t depend on her statements to clarify anything.

    I didn’t dispute the girls having been in the road. The only things I was disputing were all the added “details” that those commenting had thrown into the mix when the facts simply don’t show us that.

  7. Red Dirt Raising on September 13th, 2012 9:38 pm

    Florida Uniform Traffic Statute 316.130(3)

  8. David Huie Green on September 13th, 2012 8:07 pm

    “maybe a little consideration is needed here instead of BLIND JUDGEMENT!”

    Is it really judgment — blind or otherwise — to wonder what you’re not told?

    Yes, we hate the girl died.
    Yes, we hate the other girl was injured.
    Yes, we hate the deputy has to live with what happened.
    Yes, we hate he was accused of what it seems he didn’t do.

    Nonetheless, wondering isn’t judging, it’s wondering, wishing to know more to understand such a human tragedy, wondering how it could be avoided in the future rather than just deciding we shouldn‘t consider such things.

    David for fewer tragedies.

  9. b.a. on September 13th, 2012 7:49 pm

    It still does not add up and I don’t believe anything law enforcement says until the video is released to the public. If the officer was cleared through their investigation, why is he still on paid administrative leave and not back on patrol.. If he had been driving the speed limit, (with his lights on) wouldn’t he have attempted to stop or at least slam on brakes? Hopefully the individual that lived will speak out and give her side of what happened. The speed had to be a factor for an individual to be killed by the impact of the car.

  10. SMaxson on September 13th, 2012 7:02 pm

    So knowing what is on the in car camera video we can assume the surviving girl was less than truthful when she said they were walking in the median? Hmmmmm imagine that!

  11. What? on September 13th, 2012 5:04 pm

    I spoke with a deputy who has already seen the in car video. The video shows Ty driving almost exactly 35 mph. The girls were approx. 3-5 foot from the left hand white line which puts them almost dead in the middle of the left hand lane. The supervisor was behind Ty when the accident occurd. The supervisor had to slam on brakes and turn to the right to keep from hitting Ty’s patrol vehicle. This is no speculation or rumor it’s fact.

  12. James on September 13th, 2012 4:15 pm

    [quote]@ just sayin’ —- on September 13th, 2012 12:43 pm It’s also possible that the deputy WAS passing another vehicle or WAS about to make a left turn. The story doesn’t give us that information.

    Please, everyone, stop jumping to conclusions and putting your own spin on things.[/quote]

    The article also doesnt indicate there was a supervisor following behind the deputy when the incident occurred. His in-car camera was also activated. Nothing in the report indicates any additional traffic was present at the time of the incident.

  13. Trey on September 13th, 2012 2:21 pm

    I see your comment to “still confused”. It seems as though this person is wondering how everyone else seems to think THEY have the higher level of knowledge of this whole situation. I don’t see in their comment where they stated they knew more about the situation than anyone else. I, apparently along with “still confused”, am wondering how you can turn to the idea that “those girls must’ve been up to no good being out and about at 4am”. Someone is dead and that’s the first thing you think about? Wow! I dont automatically think the officer is to blame either bc I wasn’t there and I, like yourself, have not seen the video footage. I’m just outraged that you can’t wrap your mind around the fact that someone has died and that maybe a little consideration is needed here instead of BLIND JUDGEMENT!

  14. JC on September 13th, 2012 1:18 pm

    @ just sayin – no I wasnt there and neither were the rest of any of these people commenting, but if any of the other scenarios were true then the girl that lived would have said so but she didnt she lied and the only conclusion that can leave is that they were in the road. Plenty of people have been killed on Hwy 98 this year by the same kind of accident and no one probably heard or cared about half of them and that is because none of them involved police officer’s. I was just pointing out the obvious that if you are walking in the road and get hit by a car its not the driver’s fault.

  15. David Huie Green on September 13th, 2012 1:10 pm

    “State law says the left lane is for passing and passing only, if the deputy had been obeying the law, the young girl would still be alive. Why was he in the wrong lane?”

    Actually, it doesn’t. (see below)

    Further, how do we know he wasn’t passing?
    The family can order the release of the video and we can see.

    It’s also possible, considering the location that he was dodging a possum, a hooker or a drunk on the edge of the road. In those instances, he is supposed to pull to the left.

    He could have been preparing to make a left turn.

    316.081 Driving on right side of roadway; exceptions.—
    (1) Upon all roadways of sufficient width, a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the roadway, except as follows:
    - – -
    (3) Upon any roadway having four or more lanes for moving traffic and providing for two-way movement of traffic, no vehicle shall be driven to the left of the centerline of the roadway,

    Please note that the inside lane is still not past the centerline of the roadway, since the road way includes both sides.

    Therefore, unless he is holding up traffic by driving in the left lane (which would just mean somebody else was about to hit them), he definitely is not out of compliance with Florida state law.

    David for actual Florida laws

  16. Roll Tide on September 13th, 2012 12:46 pm

    OK folks, step back, take a deep breath and think of the victims. We have three here. The girl that is deceased, her friend and the policeman. Please have respect for them and offer condolences for the one that has passed and support for the friend and the policeman as they have witnessed a tramatic event that will forever change their lives. We all have our opinions about what we think may have happened. But that is all they are…opinions. The truth here is that these folks will need support from friends and loved ones to deal with this tragedy.

  17. just sayin' on September 13th, 2012 12:43 pm

    It’s also possible that the deputy WAS passing another vehicle or WAS about to make a left turn. The story doesn’t give us that information.

    Please, everyone, stop jumping to conclusions and putting your own spin on things. I’m sure that the deputy and the family have enough on their minds right now without a lot of supposition and inference of things that are NOT in evidence at this time. Wait until you get that info before you start spouting it as fact.

  18. just sayin' on September 13th, 2012 12:40 pm

    @Jennifer Colbert,

    Perhaps I missed something but I didn’t see where you stated that you knew these two girls or were present during the situation being discussed. If so, please enlighten me because I fail to understand how you can state that “They are arrogant and thought they had a right to be walking in the middle of the road and thought that whoever was approaching should be looking out to avoid them when instead they should have been the ones using caution and looking out for cars.”

    While that would seem to be the most likely scenario, there are others that are equally plausible, especially considering the time this occurred. Perhaps they were crossing the road and didn’t realize how close the deputy’s car was. Perhaps they were inebriated and didn’t even realize they were IN the road. Perhaps they misjudged and thought that the car was in the other lane.

    While they shouldn’t have been in the road and shouldn’t have been out at that time of the morning, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there was an attitude of “I’m invincible and you must get out of my way”.

  19. mike on September 13th, 2012 12:17 pm

    State law says the left lane is for passing and passing only, if the deputy had been obeying the law, the young girl would still be alive.Why was he in the wrong lane?

  20. FLD on September 13th, 2012 11:31 am

    Just a note to all that work in or with the public………..there are cameras every where!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I work for the BOE in transportation and if you have a job that has any kind of Silent camera service on your vehicle, hope that it backs your word up like in this case with the FHP. When you have kids out at 4am and one says the opposite of the truth you have your camera to back you up. Also the so called witness that also to where out at 4am what were they doing? Just REMEMBER it’s always your word against theirs ………UNLESS THE DASH CAME BACKS YOUR WORD UP. And that’s where the people that try to scam Ins. co. and such also need to remember. THERE ARE CAMERAS EVERY WHERE !!!! Sad that this had to happen but why lie about what you were doing and where you were walking unless you are going to try to cash in on a death and that makes me SICK!!!!.

  21. Sunshinegrl on September 13th, 2012 11:05 am

    @ Jennifer Colbert
    I agree. I was always told to walk while facing traffic so you can see what is coming not what was going. Also it gives you enough time to move out of their way

  22. Walker on September 13th, 2012 10:57 am

    I’m going to finally chime in here. I see pedestrians blatantly disregarding basic safety rules ALL THE TIME. I see people walking/jogging at night, wearing dark colors, on the wrong side of the road (walking with traffic rather than against), crossing against the red, walking/running IN THE ROAD, while wearing headphones, and sometimes all of the above! Yes this is a tragedy, but I have very little sypapthy for those who blatantly violate basic common sense and endanger themselves and others. I will echo the sentiment that there are SOME who seem to think it is their RIGHT to walk in the roadway and that is everyone else’s responsibility to watch out for THEM. I could make some speculative comments but will refrain. However, I am sure others have witnessed this behavior… often.

  23. David Huie Green on September 13th, 2012 10:05 am

    It might also help reduce confusion to realize the median is not west-boutnd or east-bound. Only lanes are west- or east- bound.

    David for the English language
    (or our approximation thereof)

  24. Jennifer Colbert on September 13th, 2012 10:00 am

    I have to comment on this because its just so outrageous to see some of what is being said. The reason this accident happened is simple. It was their attitude and way of thinking. They are arrogant and thought they had a right to be walking in the middle of the road and thought that whoever was approaching should be looking out to avoid them when instead they should have been the ones using caution and looking out for cars. I have seen and heard more than one person use the term “pedestrians have the right-of-way”. Know the rules of the roadway before you repeat such an idiotic statement. Let me, as someone who understands and respects the rules of the roadway, explain to you what that term means. It means that a person has the right to cross at crosswalk when it is permitted time to cross (that doesnt mean whenever you want) and that oncoming traffic has a duty to let the “pedestrian” have that right of way. Too many people these days choose to make what they want of the rules and thats just not the way it is. I have seen this problem on the road ways alot lately. This accident would have happened regardless of the time of night or if it was a police officer or regular citizen driving. The fact is that those two girls were walking in the road and knew that a car was approaching but assumed that car would see them and move out of their way. That didnt happen cause the person driving most likely didnt see them until it was too late. This is exactly why they have the rule of staying out of the roadway. If they would have been using proper caution and been out of road they wouldnt have been hit. Plain and simple.

  25. Gembeaux on September 13th, 2012 9:48 am

    @ STILL CONFUSED – Yep, agree with your user name – you still are confused. Read more carefully – and explain also, please, since you seem to have the upper level knowledge in this, what these two young girls were doing walking the streets at 4:10 AM in the first place.

  26. BBunny on September 13th, 2012 9:47 am

    @ still concerned

    We are all sure the girls were in the road because that is what the in car camera shows as stated by FDLE investigators report. No rocket science there sweetie

  27. SMaxson on September 13th, 2012 9:42 am

    @ Bob sounds like you’re very unbiased(sarcasm).

    Fortunately for the American people,everyone is allowed to their own opinion even if no one else agrees with it and just because your opinion is different from someone else’s doesnt mean they’re in the twilight zone.

  28. William on September 13th, 2012 9:35 am

    >>I’m even more confused now. The story says the Florida Highway Patrols report states the girls were in the median which is NOT in the roadway

    No, the story does NOT say the girls were in the median. It says:

    “A report released Monday by the Florida Highway Patrol said the girls were walking side-by-side in the inside westbound lane with their backs facing traffic.”

  29. STILL CONFUSED on September 13th, 2012 9:33 am

    I’m even more confused now. The story says the Florida Highway Patrols report states the girls were in the median which is NOT in the roadway and Morgans report states they WERE in the roadway. But what confuses me the most is all of the ppl that have commented seems to know just what happened as if they were there. I’m NOT insinuating that the policeman was in the wrong, I just want to know how all of these people are so sure that these girls were in the middle of the road, I’m wondering how many of you have seen the video and know what happened and are sure enough of yourself to be making these accusations…….which would be none of you.

  30. David Huie Green on September 13th, 2012 9:29 am

    “A 2012 Florida law prohibits the release of video without a court order since it depicts a death. They are exceptions that allow the family to see the video.”

    So the parents can have it released if they want the truth shown.
    We can expect that soon.

    “Did the Florida Highway Patrol report state that the two girls were in the median, as in NOT in the road at all or were they IN the road as stated by Morgan’s report?”

    From the article above:
    “A report released Monday by the Florida Highway Patrol said the girls were walking side-by-side in the inside westbound lane with their backs facing traffic.”

    Since the median is NOT a lane, it is stating they were on the road closest to the middle.

    “Why do people have to be so judgmental? Please stop and put yourself in all of the involved situations.”

    Most people believe events have causes and that the discovery of the causes of unwelcome events can help us avoid such unhappy events in the future if we care.
    For example, showing your children that lying is okay can lead to lying.
    Showing your children that stealing may lead to their arrest in the future.
    Showing your children that women are punching bags may lead to domestic violence.
    Teaching your children to ignore the law by word or example may lead to your children being arrested or killed for breaking the law.
    Leaving your children at home alone at night may lead to their fiery deaths.
    Using drugs may lead to your children dying of drug overdoses.

    All kinds of dangers need to be addressed, not glossed over.

    David trying to be helpful

  31. Bob on September 13th, 2012 9:18 am

    You people treat this like it’s twilight zone move a death occurred.
    With a lot of pointing fingers and assinging blame. You can’t trust or let two Florida law agency’s finish there reports without there being some paranoid blame. Let them finish there reports.
    Sorry for the family of the girl. I believe and hope that it was truly an unavoidable accident. If the girls were in the road and breaking the law doesn’t void that officer from paying attention and do his job and making them get out of the road. That’s his job. But if he was like some drivers that doesn’t pay attention or affected by telephone computer or text he should be cited for the death and injury of thoes teens even if they were not supposed to be there. The law has the responsibity to serve and protect the public even from themselves. If I had hit thoes girls and had been on the phone or text and they new they wold cite me for thoes teens no mater what they were doing.

  32. Getagrip on September 13th, 2012 8:36 am

    There is no doubt these people will try and sue for this and it’s sad. I am glad the cameras caught the truth. I feel for the family because I am sure they have had a lot to deal with over the last few months. A young girls life is over and that is sad. But don’t blame an innocent man for the mistake the girls made. I pray the family finds peace and other teenagers learn from this.

  33. William on September 13th, 2012 8:25 am

    >>The teenager Victor Steen was struck and killed by a Pensacola police car not too long ago and that in-car video was provided to the public. So there are exceptions

    Victor Steen was 2010. The law I cited in a comment below went into effect in 2012.

  34. JB88 on September 13th, 2012 8:21 am

    I am a 25 year old female. When I was 16 years old, I was overly infatuated with my boyfriend at the time and “in love”. Nothing could keep us apart. I grew up in a nice house which happened to have not only window chimes (would double beep every time the window was opened) but door chimes too. I would prop the door open before bed and sneak out of the house on not only school nights but weekends as well. I would get in my car and drive 15 minutes across town to my boyfriends house, see him for a few hours, and then drive home at 5am to get ready for school before my sister or parents noticed. That was almost 10 years ago and I just told my parents 2 years ago I used to sneak out at night. THEY HAD NO IDEA. I was a dumb teen and I see that now, but back then I was hard headed and on a quick path to disaster. Pray for those involved, it could have been YOUR child.

  35. Perry on September 13th, 2012 8:19 am

    We seem to have a problem in this area with pedestrians walking in busy roadways – often with their backs to traffic. This tragic event is another example. I have witnessed pedestrians in the road countless times on Kingsfield, Chemstrand, and even Highway 29. Several months ago I emailed the sheriff’s office suggesting they at least issue warnings (if not tickets) to pedestrians who are in the road. Never got a response. What many of us were taught as kids (don’t walk in the road, face traffic, etc.) has obviously been lost along the way. Something needs to be done to raise public awareness of this issue, not just for the pedestrian who could be seriously injured or killed; but also for the driver whose life will be changed forever if they hit someone.

  36. No Excuses on September 13th, 2012 8:13 am

    The teenager Victor Steen was struck and killed by a Pensacola police car not too long ago and that in-car video was provided to the public. So there are exceptions to publishing the video especially since the family is throwing the sheriff under the bus.

  37. leggrizer on September 13th, 2012 8:12 am

    I went by the accident scene and low and behold SIDEWALKS are on both sides of the roadway !

  38. Concerned on September 13th, 2012 8:04 am

    Why do people have to be so judgemental? Please stop and put yourself in all of the involved situtations. Most everyone wants to blame it on the parents. Well I don’t know what this situation was, but do you get up out of bed every night and check to make sure your kids are in bed? Kids do sneak out at night. Not everyone can afford an alarm system. This is my first time ever commenting on a situation, but I read all the time comments that people write. And yes sometimes I jump to conclusion about things, but then I try to stop and think. First of all I don’t know the WHOLE story behind what is going on. Then I try and put myself in their shoes and ask how I would feel. Everyone of these families need prayer. From the policeman who hit them to the families of the girl that was killed, to the friend of the girl and her family that was involved in the accident all the way to the policemen and emergency workers that worked the accident. It is not easy on any of them. Instead of words that hurt and dig into your heart let it be words of encouragement and prayer to those involved because one day God forbid you may have to eat your own words.

  39. BBunny on September 13th, 2012 7:32 am

    BUT, why did she have to lie about what really happened? SHE SHOULD BE SOOOOO ASHAMED.

    A. because she didn’t know about the in car cameras B. the truth isn’t worth as much as a lie when the parents sue Escambia county for the injury of one child and death of another C. you don’t get as much attention in the media if you were simply out at that time of the morning walking in the street

  40. SMaxson on September 13th, 2012 7:22 am

    But interviews with local television stations, Johnson and family members claimed the girls were walking in the median when Brewton hit them.

    Of course they were(sarcasm)! Saw that train wreck coming a mile away. Thank goodness for in car cameras.

  41. William on September 13th, 2012 7:11 am

    >>The sheriff’s office should release the video from the patrol car’s camera system

    A 2012 Florida law prohibits the release of video without a court order since it depicts a death. They are exceptions that allow the family to see the video.

  42. Christie khune on September 13th, 2012 6:48 am

    IN-CAR CAMERA…don’t lie… I hate her friend died,,,, BUT, why did she have to lie about what really happened? SHE SHOULD BE SOOOOO ASHAMED.

  43. Flo on September 13th, 2012 6:36 am

    I am sorry for the families. As a mom, my question is what were 2-16 year old doing out on a school night and at that time of the night? Prayer to both families plus the officer and his family. He has to live with the fact of this for the rest of his life.
    I have lost a daughter you ever get over it. You just learn to live with it and keep on going with the test of your family.

  44. PensacolaEd on September 13th, 2012 6:27 am

    What on earth are two 16year old girls doing walking down Mobile Highway at 4:00 in the morning? Whatever happened to parenting?

  45. Jane on September 13th, 2012 6:21 am

    People here seem to walk in the road alot. And they don’t carry flashlights or wear light colored clothing so you can see them, they are on bikes, too, with no reflectors. I almost hit a guy on a bike because it was dark, (no street lights) he was in the road with no lights/reflectors, in dark clothes. All of a sudden there he was and I had to swerve to miss him. It was very scary to me. I am sure this deputy didn’t want to hit these girls and must feel very sad that it happened.

  46. Confused on September 13th, 2012 5:45 am

    I’m a little confused by the story. Did the Florida Highway Patrol report state that the two girls were in the median, as in NOT in the road at all or were they IN the road as stated by Morgans report?

  47. No Excuses on September 13th, 2012 5:33 am

    The sheriff’s office should release the video from the patrol car’s camera system. This will stop all the doubters and the public can see right down to how fast the officer going at the time of the incident.

  48. JT on September 13th, 2012 4:43 am

    Thank God for the in car camera. This will prove to all the conspiracy theorist that this officer wasn’t driving 100 miles an hour, with no headlights, trying to mow down teenagers in the median for fun, and lying about it. Maybe reviewing the tapes will help refresh the memory of the involved. I’m tired of everyone going after the officers in every situation. Take personal responsibility for your actions!