Scott Asks Washington To Cover Local Isaac Damage

September 13, 2012

Florida counties affected by Hurricane Isaac would be eligible for federal grants under a request made this week by Gov. Rick Scott, including Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.

Escambia County leaders say Hurricane Issac left behind $13 million in damage to Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key. Of that, about $10 million is eligible for reimbursement from FEMA.

A preliminary damage assessment found Pensacola Beach lost 250,000 cubic yards of sand, which will cost about $8 million to fix. Perdido Key lost 180,000 cubic yards and had up to $6.3 million in damage.

Santa Rosa County estimates $704,000 in damages in the unincorporated areas — $4,000 to parks and $700,00 for Navarre Beach erosion.

The money requested by the governor reimburse local governments for debris removal costs and other costs related to damage to public facilities from the storm.


10 Responses to “Scott Asks Washington To Cover Local Isaac Damage”

  1. Abe on September 17th, 2012 7:59 am

    Not one single post defending Gov. Scott? Who voted for this guy?

    I have a feeling that if Romney/Ryan gets elected that they will have few defending their actions after a year or two as well; by then the damage will be done though.

  2. Susan on September 15th, 2012 2:24 pm

    I would think that Gov. Scott’s healthcare business that he was able to make millions would be delighted with O’Bama care. The company folks should be jumping up and down while waving the American flag over their good luck.

    So much for his campaign slogan “Let’s get to work”. Florida citizens voted for high speed rail and he rejected the 2.4 billion that would have put Floridians to work building, it would have substantially increased our tax base and would provide a fast means of transportation for future Floridians between cities.

    I am looking forward to the next gubernatorial election.

  3. huh on September 14th, 2012 10:16 pm

    Scott is taking government handouts? You don’t say, i thought he was against “socialism”

  4. dad on September 14th, 2012 8:23 pm

    Typical teaparty pandering hypocrit. We must make cuts to balance the budget they say, but when receiving tax payer money benefits them they always have their hand out.

  5. Bob on September 14th, 2012 11:51 am

    The real Scott normanly wouldn’t ask the Feds with a democratic setting president. He caught against healthcare for everyone. He want set up healthcare program to help everyone get insurance that’s required by the Feds. He wants to replace state ran healthcare for prisoners. But he’ll help get FEMA money to replace the sand for Rich people on the beach. Why should we keep helping by throwing money at sand on the beaches to protect the Rich.

  6. Hames Broel on September 13th, 2012 6:47 pm

    This goes against all that Tea Party poster child Rick Scott represents. How two faced of him!!

  7. bill on September 13th, 2012 3:47 pm

    Gov. Flim flam says to the Fed’s, “Please rebuild the sand bar that we have made out of our formerly self nourishing barrier islands”.

  8. Bob on September 13th, 2012 9:52 am

    The real Scott wouldn’t take that money with a Demorcrats setting in office. He want help with Medicaded implementation in Florida healthcare. Nor will he keep state run healthcare for prisoners. He cuts the budget for schools. Escambia one of poor performing and poorest counties in Florida and Scott wants to helP his rich buddies by ASKING FOR MILLIONS FOR SAND TO HELP HIS RICH BUDDIES ON THE BEACH.

  9. PSU1Earl on September 13th, 2012 7:48 am

    I’m sure, if the Feds approve the funding, that Scott will refuse to take it! ha ha… Florida has become a bad joke!

  10. Abe on September 13th, 2012 7:21 am

    Really? Why should the taxpayers in the other 49 states pay the majority of the cost for something that they will never benefit from? The cry from the right about the “socialist left” only applies to poor people I guess. The “conservatives” rant about the poor getting assistance but are the first to jump in line for a handout when it benefits them.
    Let me list some examples of where the real money is flowing (in the form of subsidies) to benefit the very rich: corporate agriculture, oil companies, defense contractors. We spend six times more on defense than China which comes in second for defense spending. The GOP will not entertain cutting defense, Romney has taken it off the table as a sacred cow.