Romney Bus Tour Hits Escambia County Monday

September 24, 2012

The  “Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class Bus Tour” will make stops in Escambia County Monday, with Congressman Jeff Miller and Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward.

The bus schedule is as follows:

Event: Stronger Middle Class Bus Tour – Built by Us Rally

Location: Blue Wahoo Park/Flash Community Maritime Park
449 West Main Street, Pensacola, Florida 32502
Program Time: 2:30 pm
Who: Mayor Ashton Hayward
Small business owners
Romney Bus

Stops with Congressman Jeff Miller were made earlier today at The Coffee Cup restaurant and Pensacola Christian College.

All of the events are open to the public. Romney will not be on the bus.


17 Responses to “Romney Bus Tour Hits Escambia County Monday”

  1. LEO GUY on September 24th, 2012 3:42 pm


    I am so tired of hearing you liberals whine about how the 47 percent who pay 0 percent income taxe say,

    “Even though those same people do pay other taxes then income taxes… Such as property tax, taxes on goods and services, gasoline tax, etc…”.

    The 53 percent pay those same taxes too AND pay income taxes to boot. Cry me a river.

  2. Marcus on September 24th, 2012 3:38 pm

    Centralized governmment is wrong.

    Government having its hand in everything is wrong.

    Collectivism is wrong.

    Who ever is going to cut the federal government in half will have my vote. Until then, its all the same hogwash, brainwash, rinky dink politicians.

    Big government needs to go away and let a civil society, free market economy with little regulations work itself out. Some government is good, some government regulations are great.

    Too much is no good! Lower taxes and hold government accountable rather than have them make more rules on the citizens.

    No vote for Obama, no vote for Romney. All the same. I see way to many brainwashed people supporting both candidates and its sad. Don’t just believe what you hear and see on the main steam media. Do your own research, learn history. Read. Can’t believe this many people are brainwashed with 47%, 1%, 99%….. you all feed on the distractions and nonsense yet government gets bigger and bigger right in front of your eyes and both the DNC and RNC have huge parties spend billions and parade around like celebritys laughing in the common citizens face. Shame on us.

  3. American on September 24th, 2012 3:29 pm

    You people are so caught up in “Blue, or Red” that you do not see the real person. Who is the best for our futures??? All I ever get is criticisms from both sides of the political spectrum. It is very confusing and frustrating as a young American to choose a candidate due to all the negativism by the general population all based on years of being taught to hate whichever party your background taught you to hate.
    Kathy, to the best of my knowledge Romney’s tour was at the Maritime park in downtown Pensacola today

  4. Roll Tide on September 24th, 2012 3:08 pm

    Look at the results after the election for Escambia county Florida and you will see a landslide for Romney. We have walking around sense here !! Obama hates Israel but just can’t say so publicly.

  5. PSU1Earl on September 24th, 2012 1:44 pm

    Actually Bama Boy, the Pensacola area is made up of a lot of retirees, working poor and minimum wage workers… all of which pay very little taxes or none at all… So, much more than half of the area is in that 47% category which Romney doesn’t represent… Even though those same people do pay other taxes then income taxes… Such as property tax, taxes on goods and services, gasoline tax, etc…Those of us that do pay middle class taxes income taxes under the Romney plan will end up paying more income taxes… It would be impossible for us not to, since he has already stated that the 1%ers will see a cut, and the military budget would stay intact, even after the wars are over… he has said he would cut intitlements, that’s SS and Medicaid folks… Just because you paid into it your entire working life, you should have been prepared is what the GOP mantra is… Its your own fault…

  6. LEO GUY on September 24th, 2012 12:34 pm

    Exactly 429SCJ, that is why Barry will win re-election. I am sorry but, I will not throw my vote away for a stupid 3rd party candidate. I bet you one million dollars against a doughnut that Ron Paul does not win. Barry loves you guys. Remember, anybody but Barry! Let’s not surrender and just give it to him. Just saying. :-/

  7. 429SCJ on September 24th, 2012 12:14 pm

    Exactly Leo Guy, that is why we need Ron Paul for America’s President.

  8. LEO GUY on September 24th, 2012 11:45 am

    Obama seems far too obsessed with pleasing the Muslims. I would think that an American president should be focused on America’s problems.

  9. 429SCJ on September 24th, 2012 11:19 am

    Romney seems far too obsessed with pleasing the Israelis. I would think that an American president should be focused on America’s problems.

  10. LEO GUY on September 24th, 2012 11:05 am


    A liberal democrat and a Bible scholar? No way!

  11. dgh on September 24th, 2012 10:33 am

    Be careful with that so called documentary 2016 for it is D’souza’s nuttiness at its worse. He goes so far as to save it’ll be the end of times if Obama is elected. What a crank.

    Anyone who understands Revelations knows it was about a Jews rebellion against Rome and its emperor, and has nothing to do with some end of times in our day and age.

    As to election; you may like Obama, but I can tell you that ole Mitt will do nothing for the middle class for he’ll do the same policies that have eroded the middle class for the last 30 years while enriching the top 5% with more of the wealth being created in this country going them.

  12. Darth Soetoro on September 24th, 2012 9:30 am

    @Kathy, The 47% is actually 49% and we have known about that for years. Almost half of our citizens do NOT pay income taxes because what they do pay gets refunded plus more for “deductions”. That is a system of re-distribution of wealth from the rich who already pay more in taxes to the lower middle and working poor. The Pres. said that he believes in redistribution. IN other words, the power of the almighty FEDERAL government TAKING money from the rich bank accounts and GIVING it to the poor. Like Robin Hood, the Pres. fills that role.

    Kathy and others, do you believe that those who have the need should receive free money from those who have the ability? If you agree with that, then you do NOT agree with George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. Instead you agree with Karl Marx. Don’t believe me? Look it up for yourself.

  13. LF on September 24th, 2012 7:56 am

    Watch the movie ” 2016″ and decide for yourself who to vote for. Obama needs to go!

  14. Bama Boy on September 24th, 2012 7:46 am

    Kathy I hope you are not as ignorant as you sound! This county is full of the 53% supporting the other 47 % who feel government owes them something. Let me see…….When Is Barack Hussein Obama coming to Pensacaola?? Oh thats right hes not hmmmmmmm with your logic that means the chosen one does not care about you………. Funny thing is a poor man who leaches off the government has never given me a job.

  15. Abe on September 24th, 2012 7:35 am

    The Romney logo RR looks like the Rolls Royce logo. How fitting.

  16. Kathy on September 24th, 2012 7:24 am

    Notice Romney doesn’t come to Pensacola!! Your the 47% he spoke about!! All you guys who work under the table so you don’t have to pay tax or child support! He wants a stronger middle class so you can work harder to make him more money on your backs. But you suck it up like the poisoned koolaid it is!!

  17. freedom on September 24th, 2012 6:34 am

    go out and ask jeff miller why he voted for the NDAA,…..just as soon as he starts to talk about economic freedom and liberty , ask why he voted for this law that gives the gov’t the power to detain and /or arrest any united states citizen WITHOUT DUE PROCESS, just like the terrorist in guantenamo bay facility, no warrant , no hearing ….they can kick in your door and take you away right in front of yolur family and lock you up for asd long as they see fit to do so . no bail or hearing this time, this is the NDAA, national defense authorization act, section 20, read it …….let jeff hear your complaints …let him hear your displeasure with him and the “representation ‘ he has been given us….and this is coming from a conservative republican who has voted for him everytime,..ask him why they had to pass this bill on december 31st!!!,,,,while no one is paying attention over the holidays , like in some back room good ole boys deal…..if most americans knew what was in this you would lose your mind!! i’m voting for anybody or anything otherthan who is in office,…. get rid of everyone……