Oops: ‘Extra’ Lane Suddenly Added To Highway 29 Saturday

September 30, 2012

An “extra” lane appeared on Highway 29 in McDavid Saturday. A white paint stripe in the middle of an outside lane now stretches along several miles of a recently paved area of Highway 29 from McDavid to near Barth. The source of the paint was not immediately known. Submitted photo by Misty Lord for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


31 Responses to “Oops: ‘Extra’ Lane Suddenly Added To Highway 29 Saturday”

  1. Cliff on October 2nd, 2012 1:07 pm

    To be honest, just make it a bike lane. I don’t bike but it doesn’t hurt bikers if they wanna make a long bike trip.

  2. m.r. on October 2nd, 2012 1:19 am

    this is from the paint truck when it was towed off the job because of a equipment failure. a hose drug the ground as it was being towed, therefore wearing a hole in the paint line. we strive to make roads and highways safe for motorists to travel on but when a mistake is made or accidents happen all we hear is the blame game. never a thank you for all the 60 – 70 hr weeks we put it to try to keep people safe. people need to learn more next time before they comment on situations they have no clue about.

  3. john duke on October 1st, 2012 7:41 pm

    Why is the DOT’s fault? They did not do this. I believe it was a contractor that did this.

  4. Chris on October 1st, 2012 5:28 pm

    > Darn bicyclists! Give ‘em a shoulder, and they’ll take a lane!

    We’d happily settle for a well-marked shoulder or designated bike lane on Hwy 29 north of I-10. We’ll feel safer, and you’ll be less inconvenienced. This, however, might be a little much … :-)

  5. Concered and confused driver on October 1st, 2012 12:23 pm

    Can anyone explain the extra lane at the intersection from Hwy 97 at Hwy 29? Is it for bicycles, people or motorcycles? I am so confused!

  6. Bob cumberland on October 1st, 2012 11:05 am

    Seems to me the truck said gulf coast traffic engineer on the side not county not dot not transfield,

  7. country girl. on October 1st, 2012 11:05 am

    I just thought i was drunk. glad to find out different. this should have been on GOOD MORNING AMERICA. and NY think they have all the fun,

  8. Patriot on September 30th, 2012 10:36 pm

    Susan, highway 29, aka US 29, is a federal highway, not a state highway.

  9. Patrick on September 30th, 2012 10:11 pm

    Some of these comments refering to the competancy of the contractor involved and or the DOT are quite disturbing. This is an obvious case of a broken valve or hose under the paint truck as it made its way to job. Neither of which would be caught by the operators of the truck untill they stopped since it is in the middle of the truck and rear visibility @ centerlane of a paint truck is non existent. As someone with quite a bit of experience in dealing with the DOT I can assure you the traveling publics safety is first priority. If you are not a Civil Engineer who has combed through numerous traffic studies and accident reports, it is hard to understand sometimes why projects are constructed the way they are. There is a lot of effort on part of the DOT, Engineers and the Contractors to construct and maintain safe roadways. Please give these folks a break next time you dont understand or get frustrated in a workzone. We have a dangerous job as it is, we dont need everybody mad at us because they have to slow down, dont understand why or have to use an alternate route. What we do is neccesary, as our population grows so must the infrastructure and its maintenance requirements.

  10. old man on September 30th, 2012 9:49 pm

    that is the lane for the little green people and their spaceships i know because i saw them

  11. grannys girls on September 30th, 2012 9:05 pm

    I was on my way to Pensacola Friday and noticed a paint truck on 29…laying down divider lines on the highway…it really can be only one of two things…they didn’t know what they were doing…or they were not watching what they were doing….either way that extra stripe could cause some confusion and hopefully not an accident….

  12. TheSilentOne on September 30th, 2012 7:52 pm

    This might explain why the signs have been up on the side of the roads for so long for the speed limit to be reduced and caution to be out for road construction…….ahhh the joy of florida

  13. SW on September 30th, 2012 7:48 pm

    Just not getting as much road for the dollar these days.

  14. Greg in Molino on September 30th, 2012 4:18 pm

    It just matched the other mess they made on the “New And Improved” lane at Hwy., 97 and Hwy.29 by the Tom Thumb. Wonder what’s next???

  15. susan on September 30th, 2012 3:05 pm

    Hwy 29 is a state road, not county, so DOT is the owner whether they contract or not.

  16. David Huie Green on September 30th, 2012 11:57 am

    I was admiring it this morning, figured somebody left a valve open by accident.

    Nobody can honestly maintain McDavid lacks character.

  17. Devastating Dave on September 30th, 2012 10:57 am

    I wonder how many people swerve back and forth trying to figure out what to do when they hit that line?

  18. countywidw on September 30th, 2012 9:51 am

    Can the horse and buggy’s use this lane now? this is great!

  19. Perry on September 30th, 2012 8:58 am

    Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer went out and repainted some of the lanes to “improve” traffic.

  20. well on September 30th, 2012 8:54 am

    So who put the directions for use on the bottom of the can??????

  21. What? on September 30th, 2012 7:14 am

    DOT has nothing to do with it. All of Escambia county is contracted out so DOT doesn’t work there. It’s transfield services that handles all of escambia county.

  22. Scotty D on September 30th, 2012 6:18 am

    As a Bicyclist, I like it! lol

  23. JT on September 30th, 2012 5:40 am

    Someone was out of paint when they got to the job site this morning.

  24. just my words on September 30th, 2012 5:36 am

    maybe they added for the all the folks that need to text, now they can pull over and text their little hearts out.

  25. Certifiableacct on September 30th, 2012 5:27 am

    river ron… LOL!

  26. Certifiableacct on September 30th, 2012 5:26 am

    A perfect example of why you shouldn’t smoke the cronic before or while at work. Wow. Miles?

  27. river ron on September 30th, 2012 4:59 am

    Lane for Smart Cars.

  28. LAWD! on September 30th, 2012 2:33 am

    HMMMM…. I thought a high school education was required to work for the county!! Maybe the extra lane is for the roadkill! HA!

  29. Capt on September 30th, 2012 2:08 am

    DOT at its best!! Lol

  30. wd on September 30th, 2012 12:31 am

    The big trucks may not like that little lane. Lol

  31. deBugger on September 30th, 2012 12:19 am

    Darn bicyclists! Give ‘em a shoulder, and they’ll take a lane! ;)