Obama Asks For Four More Years Of Change

September 7, 2012

CHARLOTTE, NC — Trying to rekindle his connection with the American people after four years of recession and a slow recovery, President Barack Obama promised a better future if voters reaffirmed their commitment to an agenda he said still offered hope and change.

In a speech to a crowded hall on the final night of the Democratic National Convention, Obama conceded that his administration wasn’t offering a quick fix to problems “that have built up over decades” and would require years to correct.

“But know this, America: Our problems can be solved,” Obama said. “Our challenges can be met. The path we offer may be harder, but it leads to a better place.”

The speech marked a stark contrast from the situation Obama found himself in four years ago.

Then, he was a change agent running from the party out of power, the first major-party black presidential nominee, who drew such large crowds that he decided to hold his acceptance speech in a football stadium.

On Thursday, he spoke for about 40 minutes to a packed Time Warner Cable Arena, the night’s festivities having been moved from nearby Bank of America Stadium because officials said the weather forecast was too unpredictable. And Obama was in some ways arguing that a steady course would produce its own kind of change, or at least preserve the change that his administration had made over the past four years.

Obama himself acknowledged the shift in his position during the address, noting that the presidency had in some ways changed him from the young state senator who set the convention on fire in 2004 as the keynote speaker and the presidential candidate promising a fresh start in 2008.

“But as I stand here tonight, I have never been more hopeful about America,” he told cheering delegates. “Not because I think I have all the answers. Not because I’m naïve about the magnitude of our challenges. I’m hopeful because of you.”

The president also delivered a set of promises he said could be delivered if voters would give him a second turn. Obama pledged to create a million manufacturing jobs, boost exports, begin weaning America off foreign oil, rein in college costs and make deep reductions in the federal deficit.

But, much like GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s promise at the Republican National Convention to create 12 million new jobs, Obama offered few details on how he would reach those objectives.

“He offered more promises, but he hasn’t kept the promises he made four years ago,” Romney campaign manager Matt Rhoades said in a statement issued before the speech had ended. “Americans will hold President Obama accountable for his record — they know they’re not better off and that it’s time to change direction.”

Obama also used the speech to needle Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, over their differences on the issues. In a segment that seemed pointed at the senior citizens who could play a major role in deciding which candidate gets Florida’s 29 electoral votes, Obama took aim at the GOP’s plans for Medicare.

“And I will never turn Medicare into a voucher,” he said. “No American should ever have to spend their golden years at the mercy of insurance companies. They should retire with the care and dignity that they have earned.”

Obama’s speech capped off a night that featured a brief speech by former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, a Republican-turned-independent, and appearances from Hollywood stars like Eva Longoria and Scarlett Johansson. Democrats highlighted Obama’s achievements — including authorizing a bailout they say saved the American automobile industry and ordering the operation that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden.

The message implicit in many of the night’s speeches: Obama has earned one more chance.

“We’re on a mission to move this nation forward — from doubt and downturn, to promise and prosperity,” said Vice President Joe Biden. “A mission I guarantee you we will complete.”

By Brandon Larrabee, The News Service of Florida


64 Responses to “Obama Asks For Four More Years Of Change”

  1. Bob on September 11th, 2012 4:21 am

    @George on September 10th, 2012 8:34 am
    Your comment didn’t help me understand why I should vote for Romney and Ryan.
    I saw Romney from his own mouth say that he never ment he was going to do away with health care completely and thats a lie he’s always said for a year now that he was going to elemenate the Affordable Healt Care Act. Also I saw Ryan from his own mouth with George on tv say he didn’t want to talk with George on tv about there policies. George called it secret policies. Then Ryan wanted to announce there policies under public view. What better view to the public than on public national t network. This guy is a slime ball by what he said.
    Now can anyone tell me why I should vote for these guys without bashing Obama and the debt that’s will help the majority. The debt has gone up since the great depression

  2. huh on September 11th, 2012 12:49 am

    People haven’t forgot how Bush was president 8 years and ruined the economy. It was crashed before Obama took office and now we want to let the same group try again? What happened in those 8 years? People have not forgot so easily

  3. George on September 10th, 2012 8:34 am

    Oh Bob – you are so pitiful! How can words from Barry’s mouth be miss understood. I am only relating WHAT HE SAID! He will make changes beyond fixing if we are stupid enough to re-elect him. People like you are going to be our downfall!

  4. LEO GUY on September 8th, 2012 7:15 pm

    Sorry it took so long to respond bob, but I was outside “working” today. My best advice is “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Especially after he drinks too much kool-aid. :-/

  5. Bob on September 8th, 2012 6:09 pm

    My stupid tank is full again. It’s all it can hold for today. Again i ask for tomorrow for someone to explain to me how Romneys polices will help the majority without bashing Obama and no comment about us debt. The debt has increased every year since the great depression. Make me understand.

  6. Bob on September 8th, 2012 5:56 pm

    @George on September 8th, 2012 1:12 pm
    I here your rant with no justification for what your saying other than your paranoid about some big conspiracy. I ask everyone the same question. What is Romney going to do to help the majority of citizens without bashing Obama. What is Romneys policy that will help the majority of citizens. That’s the real questions.

  7. Bob on September 8th, 2012 4:54 pm

    @American on September 8th, 2012 2:49 pm
    “A vote for this liberal, is a vote against everything I believe in!!! He is judgement!!!”
    Now I’m really confused. Ther are different kind of liberals. Who is “this liberal” ?Again what is your party doing to help the majorty of citizens? And. Why should I vote for Romney based on his policies that’s going to help this country and citizens without bashing Obama? Who is “He is judgement” what do you mean by that comment?

  8. American on September 8th, 2012 2:49 pm

    A vote for this liberal, is a vote against everything I believe in!!! He is judgement!!!

  9. Bob on September 8th, 2012 2:10 pm

    @ LEO GUY
    I still didn’t get any understanding from you what you party nominees is going to do to help the majority of citizens. Bob Sikes was a long time ago he died in 1994 and was remanded for using his office for personal gain like development of bridges and a pass at St George’s Island development he was replaced by a conservative democrat Hutton in 1979. I no what the term Blue Dog Democrat is a group of 44 moderate-to-conservative Democrats in the House of Representatives who believed their opinions were “choked blue” by their party in the years preceding the 1994 congressional election. But I don’t no what the term “red dog is. other than a name calling that serves no constructive purpose today. I can understand the term liberal and concerative. You say this is the last chance to save thiss country and you agree with your nominees. My question still remains. What is your concertative nominee going to do to help the majority of citizens?

  10. George on September 8th, 2012 1:12 pm

    Did any one notice when he told Puton “just wait until after the election – I will have more lee way?”? He is not American and he hates America. Michelle stated, “I have never been proud of America until now”, after Barry was nominated the first time. I could go on and on but it is pretty evident how the man HATES America and is doing his best to destroy it. Why can’t we wake up and see. He is trashing the constitution. What ever happened to Congress? They just want to get re-elected, and don’t c are who they do it!

  11. LEO GUY on September 8th, 2012 12:04 pm

    You are right in that I am in 100% in agreement with my nominees. In fact, I am just like you except, I am on the other side of the fence. I have never voted for a democrat presidential candidate. The last democrat I voted for was the Old He Coon, Bob Sikes. I would vote for a “red dog” before I would vote for a democrat. One difference though, I will not pretend to be interested in liberal ideas. I do give you credit though, at least you don’ t sound like a “moderate”. Please get hot or get cold, but don’t be “luke”. This is what I think is our last chance for this country.

  12. Bob on September 8th, 2012 11:39 am

    @LEO GUY
    It sound like you and your nominees have the same view. Can anyone help me understand what Romney and the republican can do if elected to help the majority of citizens have a better future without bashing Obama. I’m really trying to understand your view and what Romney will do to make it better for everyone.

  13. LEO GUY on September 8th, 2012 10:43 am

    Sorry bob, there is no helping you and you know it. You would vote for a “yellow dog” before you would vote for a republican. So do not pretend you are inrerested in conservative ideas. Just saying. :-/

  14. Bob on September 8th, 2012 9:54 am

    Im back to get my stupid Tank filled again. Is there anyone out there that can explain to me what Romney is going to do to change and help the US in any category without using Obama as a escape goat. I trying to find out exactly what Romney would do to help all Americans. Leave the us debt out it always goes up every year since the great depression. How and what can Romney do to help us have that dream.

  15. LEO GUY on September 8th, 2012 9:15 am

    Other than showing what an elitest you are, what is your point, Barry or Mitt? Correct me if I am wrong, but I am thinking it is Barry.

  16. Jeff on September 8th, 2012 2:01 am

     Many of you make me laugh–in despair. You keep hoping for the great puppet behind the curtain.
    Nothing like pushing your own platform. Nothing like turning a blind eye to facts or reality.
    I attribute most of it to ignorance–and in case you don’t understand–that is not an insult. Ignorance is a different beast than stupidity. I don’t believe most folks here are stupid–but there are unwilling to educate themselves and are content to consume and regurgitate things they hear or read without bothering to check the facts.
    Hanging on to old prejudices is easy and growing one’s mind is hard. Most people are lazy–and I don’t mean the ones that want to stay on the dole.
    It’s very hard being someone who has seen a lot of the wide world and understands that the myopic vision of people who have never left their own backyards is necessarily limited.
    But ultimately it is on you to understand that your version of the truth is not the end-all, and you limit humanity by insisting that everyone else subscribe to your tunnel vision.

  17. Bobodaclown on September 7th, 2012 10:22 pm

    It’s true, we’re not better off that we were 4 years back. We’re much worse. My taxes and my property insurance are much higher. So are many other bills.
    I wonder where all this will stop.

  18. joe on September 7th, 2012 10:08 pm

    Dear Voters,
    please do not punish the citizens with 4 more years of Obama.
    Say No to “O”
    Average Joe

  19. Todd on September 7th, 2012 7:59 pm

    If you truly believe Obama was born here,ask yourself why is Obama using a stolen social security number from someone who is dead,why did he using that number to get into collage,wouldn’t he have his own number? You can’t hide that fact.It has been proven over and over but it keeps getting swept under the rug by the media.Years from now when the truth comes out everybody will be saying” I knew it “

  20. bigbill1961 on September 7th, 2012 5:21 pm

    Just imagine the additional damage that will be done if obama gets re-elected.

    No other president that I can think of spent his entire first term blaming his predecessor, bowing to foreign leaders or playing golf on Memorial Day.

    Shameful and embarrassing for this great country.

    I truly believe that obama hates this country, and will do whatever it takes to hasten it’s demise.

  21. Big B little ill on September 7th, 2012 4:46 pm

    It’s funny how some of you blame congress and forget that anything congress send to the senate they turn it down. Like the budget that congress comes up with every year and the democrats in the senate turn it down but never come up with one. Funny Ain’t it.

  22. MQ on September 7th, 2012 4:37 pm

    @ sktmax – I am NOT pleased with the Romney/Ryan ticket either. BUT am less pleased with the Obama /Biden ticket. I say change in November, we can’t be any worse off than we are now. At this point in time, I think both teams running need to have Pinocchio noses attached – at least we’d know right away if they were lying or not. It is a very SAD day in America. In the end, God knows the truth, and each will be judged accordingly.

  23. sktmax on September 7th, 2012 4:03 pm

    As someone who is non party affiliated, it is my opinion that Romney and Obama are the worst possible choices for their respective party.

  24. Bob hudson on September 7th, 2012 3:23 pm

    Well people with common sense , can see we are going in to a crash and burn economy if we do not cut government, and do not reduce spending. And this is going to effect every one . Even if Romney/ Ryan win it it is going to be a very tough year. May God save us, please pray for this country like you have never prayed before.

  25. smokey on September 7th, 2012 2:25 pm

    Well one side says i know whats going on I read so and so. The other side says no you’re wrong you need to read so and so. It’s propaganda on both sides . Stop reading that crap,and just look whats going on around you. Both sides are tainted,but you got to get rid of the imediate problem and thats Obama.I haven’t sat down and read anything on these guys,but I watch the actions and words of Obama and can see he is not good for America,hell, I think he hates it and is trying to trash it. He’s got to go.

  26. dgh on September 7th, 2012 1:29 pm

    Wake up? First Obama isn’t a socialist, fascist, or a Muslim, or African born, and these types of criticism show a mind set that is troubling. The last two are very troubling due to the taint of racism, but then again we have nut jobs like David Barton, pseudo-historian and Dinesh D’Souza with his fear mongering ‘end of times if we elect Obama’ nonsense, and all the other misinformation it is no wonder we can’t have a intelligent dialogue on real policy issues; which ones work, which need adjustment and which to toss. As to Mitt, I suggest everyone read “The Price of Inequality” out now in book stores; it doesn’t shy away from some criticism of Obama, but the more important thing is the problem with the GOP’s economic policies and their notion of what some have called trickle down economics. It is a fool’s gold to believe this will in any way improve the middle class when these policies are the very ones that have been eroding the middle class for the last 30+ years. And wrapping this in God and flag is just veneering it over to get a larger segment of the population to agree to vote against their own self interest.

  27. Bob on September 7th, 2012 1:19 pm

    Im taking a vacation my stupid tank is full. I’ll get it refueled tomorrow. Obama for four more years!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. LEO GUY on September 7th, 2012 1:01 pm

    Hey, don’t be so hard on @Bob! If you and I were getting a government check, we would be voting for Barry too. :-)

  29. mc on September 7th, 2012 12:37 pm

    all this gloom and doom. you people need to get your faces out the the tv sets and get out more. you’ll see a whole bunch of people working and buying things. I know there are jobs out there and free education and training. you’re right Doug, congress has/had nothing to do with anything. all you can do is go vote for who you want. otherwise (unless your really rich) you live your live as best you can, love everybody and you might go to heaven.

  30. fed up on September 7th, 2012 11:17 am

    I’m voting for Romney! ONLY to be voting AGAINST Obama.

  31. MolinoMomma on September 7th, 2012 11:08 am

    @Bob…where have u been for the past 4 years??? Can’t believe someone would be stupid enough to vote Obama back in. WAKE UP people, if you want our country to survive you better make a CHANGE & vote that dictator OUT

  32. smokey on September 7th, 2012 10:54 am

    Liberals or democrats all the same, if you don’t agree with them then you ‘re ignorant or greedy. Just because we don’t want to work and support them. I think an IQ test would be pretty embarrasing for them.

  33. Neighbor on September 7th, 2012 10:51 am

    As I see it, the Republicans and Democrats are forgetting the most important element for our country to be the greates that it once was and that is God! God once blessed our nation because our leaders followed Him. Read your bible and find out what happens to those who turn their back on God. He let’s them suffer and turns them over to their enemies until they return back to Him. We need to get away from the two parties and be ONE nation under GOD! Do I think we should reelect Obama, NO! He has more than once showed that he does not believe in God and as for the democrats, they support a lot of issues that goes against God’s teachings. Also, thwe republicans support such issues too. I just pray that our entire country will get on their knees and pray for God’s guidance!

  34. Doug on September 7th, 2012 10:35 am

    I think I am going to start blaming Obama for every thing that happens in this country – whether he is even remotely responsible for it or not. Is that not what a lot of us “Americans” do anyway? We need a scape goat – why not Obama. Congress has had nothing to do with the problems we’ve had over the past couple years – right?

    For practice, I’ll spout out a couple things I will be blaming on Obama from here on out (not to mention shouting it so everyone can hear no matter how ignorant it sounds). First, Obama made TS/Hurricane Issac come to the gulf coast. No, I don’t know how – but I’m sure he did it. Next, I was right there at Winn Dixie when that lady bought the million dollar Powerball ticket but Obama sent a Muslim to get me so I had to get out of line. I was right in front of her to by my quick pick. I know these are not that good, but heck – they’re no worse than the other nonsense.

  35. Atmore G on September 7th, 2012 10:15 am

    I don’t think this country that I love can stand four more years or this fiscal insanity.. Basic economics 101.. You cannot keep on spending yourself out of debt.. We face tremendous challenges for the next four years, and regardless of who is elected, there will be some tough choices regarding our economy that must be made, because the money will simply not be there to continue the present course.. Remember that only 50% of our people actually pay any taxes, and that number is falling.. I love the United States of America, and pray that we can find a good solution..

  36. raresteak on September 7th, 2012 10:11 am

    Republicans, Democrats, Martians…I don’t care. I hate party lines and the stupidity that comes along with it. All I know is for the past 4 years, I have had to literally rely on found change (coins) in my house countless times to buy groceries or fuel. The thought of going through another four years is depressing beyond belief and as far as I’m concerned, Obama has lost his chance for redemption and certainly lost his chance for re-election. The wasteful spending on his entourage, including Michelle’s vacations and security details is also unforgivable. I think Romney is the better choice, but he’s still a politician having to work with a bunch of crooks in Congress. I’m skeptical of any President-elect’s capability to help out, but frankly, I don’t think it can get much worse. Obama has made America a joke in the eyes of the world, apologizing to anyone and everyone but the American people for his and our mistakes. Under his presidency, I would be ashamed to admit I’m an American if I ever could afford the opportunity to travel outside the country, and I have always believed myself to be a pretty staunch patriot.
    People talk about various groups feeling “entitled” and not having to work to make a living — they are trying to insult those of us who are scraping by just at or above the poverty level and trying to make anyone who admits they are struggling appear as if we are all drug dealers, “birthers”, and too lazy to get jobs. Well, the ones who truly think they are “entitled” and don’t want to truly work for a living are politicians. If they just say the right things to the right people who have money and they have job security and benefits, all on our dime, without having to even show good attendance.

  37. Bob on September 7th, 2012 10:06 am

    I think there should be a IQ test for all before they vote. I believe most making comments on this site fall between 40 and 84 and shouldn’t be allowed to vote because they are swayed by the 130 and above scorers because of there disability. Also if they score over 130 they shouldn’t be allowed to vote because of there higher intelligence. They tend to be greedy, selfish and try to sway the vote of people that score 40 to 84. That would give the average majority of people’s view of what they expect from Govt.
    Intelligence Interval Cognitive Designation
    40 – 54 Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers)
    55 – 69 Challenged (2.3% of test takers)
    70 – 84 Below average
    85 – 114 Average (68% of test takers)
    115 – 129 Above average
    130 – 144 Gifted (2.3% of test takers)
    145 – 159 Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)
    160 – 175 Extraordinary genius

  38. smokey on September 7th, 2012 9:59 am

    I don’t know about you ,but I’m so not better off. I have never in 28 yrs. had the trouble finding work as the last 2.5 yrs. and I’m in the construction industry. When construction’s not good ,nothing is. And the only thing Oduma wants to change is the country we love and he seems to hate into a communist,depend on the government for everything so they can control you more, type of country. I will not be voting for him,it’s a no brainer for me. Obviously there are a few liberal types who hate so much they would risk the fate of our country for their own selfishness. It’s in Gods hands,you know the same one libs booed the other night.

  39. Bob hudson on September 7th, 2012 9:47 am

    More expense for fuel , how many millions if not billions has Obama wasted on FAIL green tech, solar, cars, We need to switch ever thing in this country for now to natural gas. We are sitting on billions of cubic ft of it. Religious Freedom, haven’t you heard ? the Dems’ or most of them do not want God in government or in their party. The new battle cry for the far left,(Lets kill those babies.) and do it with government Funding, That’s right ladies and gent”s, our tax dollars. Yes that makes me very angry. Don’t guess some of you have ever been in the place where the medical profession tried to pressure you in to killing a unborn child, even though they had no clue what they where talking about.(been there , done that) And he is coming home this week end. Gotta go.

  40. wild once on September 7th, 2012 9:41 am

    Change thats all I have in my pockets now is CHANGE…. i SAY CHANGE IT BACK

  41. Bob on September 7th, 2012 9:34 am

    I don’t understand that you Repubs think 1 man is to be the cure for all your issues of the last 2 years. If the majority of the house are Repubs and 50% of the public is in favor of a bill then I believe that 50%+- should vote for that bill. Not 100% of the Repuds majority against because of a pledge to say no to everything and pledge to make Obama a one term president. So what did that Repubs party do they went on vacuation for 2 years then blamed Obama. The problem with this country is the hous members need to be replaced that will work for the people. Obama four more years!!!!!!! You people need to stop watching thoes fiction movies it will make your mind warped.

  42. Bob hudson on September 7th, 2012 9:27 am

    Saying Obama has made some mistakes , is the same as trying to turn on the stove, and end up burning the house down.

  43. 429SCJ on September 7th, 2012 9:19 am

    Who will be elected captain of a sinking ship? and it has been a long time sinking.

  44. dgh on September 7th, 2012 9:17 am

    Obama has made mistakes but we seem to forget he is trying to work with a Congress that doesn’t know the meaning of compromise, and a GOP who is more intent on getting him out of office than on solving problems. And anyone who thinks Mitt & Co., Inc. will create jobs forgets they are more focused on the bottom line for large corporations (who do not create most new jobs), and that sometimes entails going to cheaper labor markets overseas. The other thing on Mitt is his promise on total independence from foreign oil; he may be able to do it but it will cost more at the pump (the new discoveries will require more intensive pumping methods) and we have to accept more pollution, more contamination of fresh water and more policy ignoring alternative energy systems.

    The disturbing issues is Ryan’s complete denial of global warming, the extremism in the party looking to destroy the principles of all are equal in the eyes of the government, true religious freedom, and discussions on contraception that are primitive and asinine when viewed at the over population of the world.

  45. Bob hudson on September 7th, 2012 9:17 am

    National Debt Under G.W.Bush. Jr. 10,626,877,048,913.08 as of !-20-2009.(Total under all presidents) Obama, nation debt in 4 years,and going up 16,015,769,788,215.80 , so when G.W left , it was just over 10.5 So Obams has increased the debt by roughly 5. 4 trillion in just 4 years. And its a new world record for sitting presidents in this country. And no Bob, and Kathy, it is not a lie, these are real government figures. So he has manage to almost double our national debt in 4 years. The figures do not lie. That simple fact is enough to fire him.

  46. Big B little ill on September 7th, 2012 9:09 am

    Some of you need to do some fact checking, both sides lie but action speaks louder than words. If you can’t see the facts that Obama is ruining this country then I really don’t see no hope for changing you mine on who you vote for in Nov. but do yourself a favor and go check factcheck.org. You could learn something. After all the people that run fact check are liberals and favor Obama most of the time. But they do point out some things that lots of you are wrong about.

  47. boat captain tom on September 7th, 2012 8:53 am

    I think if this country is dumb enough to re-elect Dictator Obama, I’ll find some Mexican and trade ID’s with him and I’ll move to Mexico. At least you know what to expect from the drug lords………..

  48. downtown don on September 7th, 2012 8:51 am

    We just need one day of change…the day we change presidents.

  49. Bo on September 7th, 2012 8:50 am

    Well after watching the DNC last night , I think I need to see a doctor. I was already sick to my stomach by the way the Democrats reacted to putting God back in their platform. The way they spun the truth, made me dizzy, and by the time Biden and Obama got thru, I am sure I need a caner screening because of all the smoke they blew up my butt. Best part of the whole convention , Was Kathy Gifford, (a very, good God loving, Blue dog.) say the Pledge of Allegiance.Face it ,the democratic party has turned in to the a socialist anti-God pro-abortion, same -sex,marriage Platform. . They force God back in to it, much to majority dismay. (as seen on national T.V.) No one will ever forget that.

  50. Gary on September 7th, 2012 8:40 am

    Let’s look at Obummers record: Democrats controlled the house, senate and White House for the 1st two years. He got everything passed he wanted. Promised to reduce the deficit, but increased it over 5 trillion dollars.

    Promised transparancy but has his Atty General hold back the most important documents for Fat & Furious.

    Had no problem with Princess Pelosi telling republicans they have to pass Obamacare in order to see whats in it.

    Now the job numbers are in today. 96K ‘new’ jobs created in August. Yes, unemployment now at 8.1%. Only because millions of Americans have dropped out of the workforce.

    Keep drinking the kool-aid…

  51. Bob on September 7th, 2012 8:31 am

    Romneys putting out new tv ads designed for each states Repubs lies to keep the discontent in his base. He tells so many untruths Romneys got to make one up for each state to try and keep his greedy base together. Obama four more years!!!!!!!!!

  52. JEA on September 7th, 2012 8:25 am

    Let’s not forget all the military people who are now sitting on or attempting to get unemployment because he decided we needed a ‘leaner’ military.
    And Bob, I know I went to Tate and all, but if Bush 2 was at 5.6 billion in 8 years and Obama is at 4.0 billion in 4, wouldn’t that mean he’s only halfway done with his debt?

  53. rosepetal on September 7th, 2012 8:10 am

    I forgot to tellm u he will not when re-election!!!!

  54. rosepetal on September 7th, 2012 8:06 am

    Dont let him fool u with his words and his passion that is not americas!Go watch 2016 at a theater it will blow ur mind!! and if u still cast ur vote for a man whos own brother says he was not even born he !!who is all about telling the american people what they want to hear!!hes the master of that !u have that right !just remeber u will be held acountable for what u have done!!!!!

  55. Bob on September 7th, 2012 7:48 am

    Good job Obama and speech. To the brainwashed and misguided. He never said he’s going on vacation but your Repubs in the house has been on vacation for 2 years, get after the problem not the cure. To the sad hopeless greedy people unless your a millionaire all you have is change and Romney will take that change from you.
    You must be the most uninformed about job growth I’ve see, more new jobs was created in Obamas term than was created in 8 years by Bush 2. Also the debt has increased every year since the great depression. Do your research before spewing lies. It’s all at your fingertips. Debt by president +-2 trillion Regan 1.6 billion, Bush1 2.0 billion, Clinton 1.4billion, Bush 2 5.6 billion and Obama 4.0billion. So guess who’s policies have caused the greates debt in history is Bush junior not Obama. Stop spreading lies.

  56. Big B little ill on September 7th, 2012 7:14 am

    Four more years of vacations and golf, four more years of flying the dog in a separate plane to those vacations. Four more years of lies, four more years and no telling how many more trillions of dollars in debt. Four more years of Joe Bidens stupidity. Four more years of blaming Bush, four more years of job losses. Four more years, what can you do in four years? Well he won’t have to be worried about being re-elected in four years so just like other presidents on that second term they don’t really do nothing. Well I never voted for the first four and won’t be voting for the second four. America can’t afford him. We already have enough of his hope and change. Lets give this country some real hope and change by voting the all out. They keep talking about the rich people buy I don’t see the democrats turning lose of there money to help this country. All your rich liberal move stars spend their money in other countries, they even adopt foreign baby’s. Four more year of executive orders and disregard for the constitution.

  57. ronald higgins on September 7th, 2012 6:54 am

    he wants 4 more years because we still have our constitution that he wants to destroy,watch what happens after the election and he loses…all hell will break loose. he and the deamonrats will do as much damage as possible in about 2 months

  58. MITCHELL CARPENTER on September 7th, 2012 6:45 am

    Come on, people! Don’t we all need and want change? I want four years of change, too! I wanna change from him to Romney!

  59. whoah nelly! on September 7th, 2012 6:35 am

    I think that people are being so unfair to this guy. Look at the facts. 12 straight years before Clinton, republicans drove this country into the ground. In 8 years, Clinton took over in unstable economic times, and walked out WITH A BALANCED BUDGET AND ECONOMIC SURPLUS!!! For 8 years after that, what happened? Republicans took us from having a surplus to the one of the worst economic downturns in history.

    Republicans put is in this situation… period…. You have my vote for 4 more years to try to clean up what they destroyed…

  60. country girl on September 7th, 2012 6:28 am

    16 trillion dollars in debt? that’s about $51,000 per American.

  61. Not better off on September 7th, 2012 6:27 am



  62. Jane on September 7th, 2012 5:10 am

    He has not created jobs, our unemployment is still high and now we are over $16 trillion in debt. 4 more years??

  63. SMaxson on September 7th, 2012 4:36 am

    He can keep his hope and I will keep my change

  64. charlie w. on September 7th, 2012 4:16 am

    obama says, give me four more years and I will stay on vacation most of it after I give away trillions of dollars. He is the ultimate liar. Vote him OUT!