New Highway 97 To Highway 29 Turn Lane Almost Complete

September 24, 2012

Work is nearing completion to add a new right turn lane from southbound Highway 97 to southbound Highway 29. Contractor Anderson Columbia is expected to complete the project this month.

Pictured: A new turn land from southbound Highway 97 to Highway 29 as seen Sunday afternoon. photo, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “New Highway 97 To Highway 29 Turn Lane Almost Complete”

  1. Knksmommy on September 25th, 2012 8:13 am

    And I agree, the first time I saw this in use I was trying to go to the tom thumb by turning left onto crabtree church road and my husband and I both said to each other, how will this be possible when traffic is backed up from school letting out or people traveling to or from work, WITHOUT having to travel a mile down the road and u-turn or dare to cut across 29 with all this NON SENSE from this WASTE of time and money!

  2. Tina on September 25th, 2012 1:16 am

    Just today it was so clustered and crazy at that intersection…it was hard to tell what was going on….I don’t think the new traffic pattern is going to help…I think it just complicates things.

  3. dick tracy on September 24th, 2012 9:46 pm

    This intersection & the time it’s took to make this circus is as screwed up as a chicken soup sandwich………

  4. Lynn Hoskins on September 24th, 2012 4:51 pm

    exactly Greg!!!! my husband and I have been saying that for months!!!

  5. grandjoy on September 24th, 2012 4:16 pm

    RED LIGHT….did I spell that right? LOL that is all that was needed! Much cheaper and I think would take care of the problems…..but who am I? Just a grandmother with grandchildren,friends and families who travel that road daily and I love them all dearly. Lives are in danger without a redlight!

  6. 429SCJ on September 24th, 2012 4:05 pm

    We have far too many redlights as there is at present. I remember when you stopped at Cantonment and the next light was at Brent Lane. What we need is less growth and fewer people.

    With the job market in this area, you would think that most of these newcommers would just move on down the road.

  7. grandjoy on September 24th, 2012 3:59 pm

    When…when…what does it take to get a redlight put up at this intersection?
    Deaths and numerous wrecks makes no difference to the County,State or who is in charge for needed redlights? Molino Park School is located just down the road, not counting thousands of people who travel this road,this is not a simple reason for a redlight? Come on tax payers get together,sign petitions what ever it takes, we need a redlight. We love our children and families who are in danger! So, do we just protest with signs at this corner until we get a redlight? What is the answer? Stop giving the excuse of unresponsible drivers!! WE NEED A RED LIGHT. This is the first major intersection with a school,entering Escambia County, with high speeders coming from the North! Flashing light is no help. RED means STOP!

  8. barrineau on September 24th, 2012 2:34 pm

    Laughable !

  9. Rusty on September 24th, 2012 2:28 pm

    If this work was needed it should have been done when 97 was repaved. I am sure the cost would have been thousands less. .

  10. 429SCJ on September 24th, 2012 12:31 pm

    Hello Molino Living, just turn onto Molino Rd West and hang a right on Sunshine Hill Rd and a left when you reach crabtree and you avoid all the problems.

  11. molino living on September 24th, 2012 11:46 am

    Looks pretty, but crap! Turning onto Crabtree when facing towards Atmore is now a challenge! Who thought up this idea? Must be someone that has never been in Molino. Now a driver has to cross two lanes to turn into Crabtree. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP.

  12. blinded on September 24th, 2012 9:25 am

    Try pulling up to the intersection at night on 97 on the East side and if a car is on the West side their headlights are shining straight in your eyes. You can’t see anything. I was sitting in the “go straight” lane on the West side the other night and a car crossed over 29 and was so confussed they went up the right side of me into oncoming taffic in the turn lane.

  13. 429SCJ on September 24th, 2012 8:28 am

    Much better!

    The intersection is much more boring, thankfully. I always imagined the opening scenes of the Film, Dances with Wolves, where Kevin Kostner is standing on his horse, arms outstreatched, racing back and forth before the Confederated lines, troops firing at him. Thats how I always felt crossing that intersection, excited and exhillerated (exhilarated) and alive, after reaching the other side.

  14. Chris on September 24th, 2012 2:00 am

    > My favorite part is the bike lane splitting the turn lanes, anyone that dares cross this on a bike is my hero.

    I’ll do it. Lots safer for s bikes than getting right-hooked by a motorist who overtakes us, then turns across our path. Please watch for us, and we’ll be respectful of you.

  15. Molinodriver on September 24th, 2012 1:00 am

    My favorite part is the bike lane splitting the turn lanes, anyone that dares cross this on a bike is my hero.

  16. mom on September 24th, 2012 12:39 am

    I do not like the new road. I use to be able to turn right to make a u turn just to get to the church across 29, if I could not get across the highway because of busy traffic. Now I have to stay in the middle lane and stay there and wait until the traffic is empty. I cross 29 to head to the old highway many times. I think this will cause more problems. There are 2 cars that can turn at the same time, which can cause confusion. 29 is dangerous.

  17. Greg in Molino on September 24th, 2012 12:35 am

    Can’t believe all this money was spent and yet no problem was solved. There has never been a problem turning right off Hwy. 97 onto Crabtree Church Road or the Tom Thumb. Turning left off Hwy 97 onto 29 still requires you to stop as before and is just as dangerous without a stop light. What was needed is a turn lane when turning off of 29 north onto Hwy 97 onto Crabtree Church Road. When cars turn off 29 and then stop to turn onto Crabtree or go into the Tom Thumb traffic has to stop and is backed up onto 29 and has no way to pass. It would make a lot more sense to make the middle lane a turn lane off 29 onto Crabtree. Then cars could get out of the way and cars traveling onto 97 could continue without having to stop and block 29. Guess a few more people will have to die before they figure it out. Duh!!!