Miller: 225 Years Under The Constitution

September 17, 2012

It was on September 17, 1787 that our United States Constitution was signed by thirty-nine men and sent to the states for ratification.  For 225 years this precious document has stood as the foundation upon which our great nation is governed, and for 225 years, it is what our nation’s service members have bravely and honorably committed themselves to protect and defend.

While we will celebrate the anniversary of its signing on Constitution Day, we must always remember the importance of the Constitution and that it is equally relevant today as it was more than two centuries ago.

The Constitutional Convention that was convened to draft this founding document took place over the course of four long months.  Each member of the Constitutional Convention realized the significance of the document they were drafting.  They knew that this document would forever bind the states of our nation together to form a “more perfect union.”  Our Founding Fathers realized the importance of ensuring that Constitutional powers were clearly defined and limited in nature.  They ensured that the Constitution provided for a system of checks and balances so that the separate branches of government could not expand their power to areas outside of their Constitutional authority.  And they ensured that the specific powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution would be reserved to the states and the people.

What the Framers did not intend for the Constitution to be is the Supreme Law of the Land that we can pick and choose to uphold at a time of our liking.  Whether by preventing the Legislative Branch from carrying out our Constitutional obligation to provide oversight, ignoring the role of the Senate in judicial and executive appointments, or simply using executive orders to pass legislation that has failed to pass Congress, the current Administration has repeatedly sought to overstep its boundaries.  This is not the freedom the Founding Fathers had in mind and for which they fought and enshrined in our Constitution.

After 225 years, the importance and meaning of the United States Constitution still holds true today, and it must not be abandoned.  As we celebrate its anniversary, we must remember why we are still the greatest nation on earth.  We must remember the sacrifices that have been made by those who have so bravely defended our freedom and those who continue to do so.  As long as we continue each and every day to honor and remember their sacrifice and adhere to the guiding principles enshrined in the Constitution, we will remain the world’s shining beacon of freedom, liberty, and justice for all and should not apologize for it.


37 Responses to “Miller: 225 Years Under The Constitution”

  1. 429SCJ on September 20th, 2012 1:32 pm

    The constitution has become irrelevent, our political leaders no longer serve the citizens, just special interest. Our tax dollars are squandered, our young soilders lives lost in vain. The American citizens have become cattle that are farmed for taxes and to buy consumer products, to go to fight and die, suffer in senseless wars of profit. The union is obsolete and has become obscene.

    I miss the old America that I once pledged my alegence to and prayed for. This new America is not the same as our once great America, one nation that was once under God. I pray for change, great change. Seperate us from these others Lord.

  2. Bob hudson on September 20th, 2012 11:22 am

    Kennedy said it best, their are those (a lot of the 47%) that do not ask what they can do for their country, but ask what the country can do for them.Hey Abe,on your (you did not build that) first you must have drive and a will to do better, government will not give that to you, all the so called aid is useless if there in no drive. So yes we who have done well, did build that,yes we did do better for our selves.Pretty much do not feel sorry for those who will not try, and I sure do not wish to support them, And Romney is right, why should I care for the 47% who pay no taxes, and mostly want to take the hand out from Uncle Sam. Funny how the White House will not even tell the truth about, why we have been attacked.Every body else seems to know the truth.

  3. LEO GUY on September 19th, 2012 10:10 am

    For all you Liberals,

    Maybe this will help explain my philosophy on life from a quote by:
    It’s pronounced “Leh-Nerd Skin-Nerd”.
    “Now Watergate does not bother me, does your conscience bother you?
    Tell the truth.”
    P.S. Never was a big Beatles fan. Just saying. :-/

  4. LEO GUY on September 19th, 2012 8:39 am


    No sir, I would not say that 53 percent of the time is a rarity. I graduated from Pensacola High School in 1975, and believe me, I could see the choices people were making then and there where they would end up, 53 or 47. It’s not rocket science. Even Barry started down that road, and he had sense enough to turn it around.
    The ship is sinking and 53 are bailing and 47 are wailing. We’re all going in the water. So cry me a river.

  5. Abe on September 19th, 2012 7:45 am

    @ Leo
    I’m happy for you. I think it’s great when someone in this country succeeds.
    Let me ask you this: did you get where you are today without any help from anyone? Were there circumstances or opportunities that presented themselves to you that allowed you to be in the place you are today? Did you put yourself through school without taking a government grant or loan? Were there no people that gave you a leg up to help you succeed? If so then indeed you sir are a rarity.

    Most people like Romney and some of the people here on this thread think that everyone had the same opportunities that you have had and that we are jealous of your money and success. You think that if the poor would just try harder then they would be better off. You think that it’s okay for us to give billions in handouts to corporations but you don’t think one dime should go to a citizen that’s in need. Most of the people that I know are humbled when they are forced to take money from the government for basic needs as they never thought that they would be in that position. I sincerely hope you never have to find out what it’s like.

  6. Abe on September 19th, 2012 7:27 am

    @ Brian, So now you’re trying to pass the Patriot Act off on our present president?
    I guess you will say that the Bush Tax Cuts are his too?

  7. B rian on September 19th, 2012 6:12 am

    Let’s straighten out some issues here and just go with the facts….. The state has the responsibility of health and health issues…. Not the federal government. So modeling Massachusetts Health care law on a national level is illegal. It’s the states responsibility! 2… “Obama is conservative compared to Europe”. That’s all fine and dandy…. But we aren’t in Europe! Europe is a continent, not a nation. And have you seen Europe lately! I don’t want a president more conservative than European nations. I want a president that abides by the laws of this nation! I want a president that doesn’t remove our rights (amendments 1,4,5,6,8,10,16) and remove habeus corpus, or otherwise. I want a president that doesn’t think I need his help more than he needs mine! If you are unaware of what those amendments mean and what habeus corpus means….. I highly suggest you find out before you vote for Obama! It’s most likely that if plan on voting for Obama, you have no idea what has been currently taken away from you! When u get in trouble and you think to yourself, “what are the police doing, I have rights?”. It’s gonna be a suprize for you to find out that you don’t! This is a fact! If you think I’m wrong, look up NDAA, PATRIOT ACT, and find out what the DHS is doing, as well as the NSA. Don’t trust me! Look it up!

  8. LEO GUY on September 18th, 2012 11:01 pm

    I am one of the 53 percent first string and I got there by not having a 47 percent second string attitude. And, my moma taught me it.

  9. Wilma Gibson on September 18th, 2012 3:24 pm

    I agree with 429scj Our constitution was meant for our country. Let others countries have their own form of government. How would we like for some of them to force their way of governing on us? We get involved in things that are none of our business. We have half, or more, of the world mad with us and try to buy favor with money. You would think by now we would know it does not work. I may not think the way my neighbor runs his household is the best way, but if he lets me run mine the way I want to, I should leave him alone to run it the way he sees fit. If our rights are infringed upon that is the time to take action-not before.

  10. Bob on September 18th, 2012 3:14 pm

    I am one of thoes 47% percent Americans that Romney isn’t going to wory about.
    I think LEO GUY and Bob Hudson need to rent a room Obama will pay for it.
    If you love your mama vote Obama.

  11. LEO GUY on September 18th, 2012 12:06 pm

    1. You may not “blindly” support Barry but, you say “Obama is not Liberal enough in my opinion”, so at a minimum you have to wear glasses.
    2. You will never ever vote for Romney, no matter what “his plan” is.
    3. Barry didn’t model anything. Nancy modeled Obamacare after Romneycare and “we had to pass it to see what is in it”. Remember?
    4. We pulled ALL those guys out of sunday school and put them in jail. Right?
    5. At least I say I’m voting for Romney and your saying, “Go fish.”
    6. I’m thinking you are that dense.
    P.S. No offense meant, just trying to get a straight answer. :-/

  12. Sane American on September 18th, 2012 11:47 am

    I am sick and tired of this idea of “fair share”. The only fair share you get is what you earn. If you’re not going to put an effort into making yourself better, then you get no share. The playing field has been level for so long and yet they still complain. Every person has had the opportunity at an education in this country for decades. But again, if you’re not going to try, then you’ve gained nothing. Knowledge is power, and gained through education and learning in life experiences. And for the love of God, if you keep digging in my pockets for my hard earned money that you have NO right to, I will cut off your hands. The only entitlements that are guaranteed in this country are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Whether or not you choose to use them is entirely up to you, and no one’s fault but your own if you don’t. So quit asking for handouts, get off your ass, and start trying to better yourself. If you aren’t going to do that, no one will ever want to help you. I remember the words of a great REPUBLICAN who said ” I have a dream”, his dream is a reality now that’s being wasted by the very ones he stood up for.

  13. Bob hudson on September 18th, 2012 9:28 am

    Had a sales person tell me once that all they wanted was their(fair share ) of the market, I ask him , what did he think was their( fair share)??? He said ,100%, and that is how most liberals think we should tax the so called (rich).

  14. Bob hudson on September 18th, 2012 9:13 am

    Yes , we enjoy all the tech that comes out of military spending, this spending makes us strong. And makes us feared. I like that. Sure cut all the aid to those who oppose us. Now if my tax dollars are to be used then use them to make this country strong,I find it odd,that those who would call the military the (killing machine ) have no problem with wanting the government to pay for the killing of unborn children.Now the government does not owe you ,anything, .well we do pay taxes (at least 51%) of us do.You get out of it what you pay in.S.S. is a good idea, because a lot of people are really to stupid to even think about the future, much less plan for it.It is much better to fund something, that we all benefit from, than to waste money on a group of people who wish to do nothing more than sit on their butt with their hand out.Law of nature.Their is a reason we put up signs that say( do not feed the animals ) This law applies to humans to.

  15. Dishearted on September 18th, 2012 9:06 am

    talk is cheep, if anyone has a copy of the Constitution please read what the 16th amendment, it says that the only TAX on the people would come from income, not all the taxes and fees put in place by our Gov. it also says in the writing that no one has to pay TAXES unless they agree too. see what our Leaders have done to the Country, and trying to get more out of the people..

  16. LEO GUY on September 18th, 2012 8:46 am

    Yes it is. Both men have a clear record. Is it that hard for you? Don’t let the trees get in the way of seeing the forest. Just saying. :-/

  17. Abe on September 18th, 2012 7:55 am

    @ Leo:
    So this decision is simple for you? Simple as black and white?

  18. 429SCJ on September 18th, 2012 7:34 am

    Perhaps the American people have had a gut full of fighting senseless wars for the last 60 years. We are tired of the Arab/Israeli conflict. If the Israelis want to steal the land of the Palestinian’s well fine, just don’t drag America into the deal, we have our own problems.

    The only thing these politicians care about is staying in office, they are the poodles of powerful lobbying groups such as APAIC ect ect. I am cofident though that after the economic collaspe, after the boondoggle of foriegn aid dries up and instability sets in, these devils will leave us in peace. America is a soveriegn nation, not a cash cow and troop supply for the world’s misadventures, get us out of the United Nations and let us follow our own best interest.

  19. Jane on September 18th, 2012 6:00 am

    I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said that “government is both a thing to be feared and a thing to be applauded”. The Constitution has checks and balances for a reason.

  20. LEO GUY on September 17th, 2012 7:59 pm

    All you guys make me tired. You take a simple choice and make it complicated. In a perfect world you could debate all the issues till the cows come home. It is a clear choice, Barry or Mitt. At least I can say for me, anybody but Barry. I am not gonna throw my vote away in some kind of protest vote for some stupid 3rd party candidate or not vote for someone at all.

  21. Otto on September 17th, 2012 6:56 pm

    Here is one for you Bob Hudson. This is a quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower’s 1961 farewell address:

    “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”

    Eisenhower, as a five-star general and President of the United States, certainly had the knowledge and experience to make such a statement.

  22. huh on September 17th, 2012 6:28 pm

    @ Lego Guy

    Nope, I don’t blindly support Obama and he does a lot of things I don’t agree with. Compared to most of Europe Obama is a conservative.

    Romney has no plan what so ever. And just flip flops on every topic, Obama modeled “obamacare” after Romneycare .

    Obama is not Liberal enough in my opinion , if so he would have cut trillions of dollars wasted on military spending and needless wars. America spends more than any other country on military. America, also jails more of its own citizens than any other country. Something is wrong with that

  23. LEO GUY on September 17th, 2012 2:46 pm


    You would not vote for Romney if he was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. So why do you pretend to be interested in any plan he or the GOP has? Just say you love Barry and get over it.

  24. LEO GUY on September 17th, 2012 1:47 pm


    I going to lay out the GOP plan real simple for you so that maybe you can understand it. ANYBODY but Barry. It may not work, but it is real simple. It all comes down to how people many are riding in the cart, and how people are pulling the cart. If you cannot figure out if you are a rider or a puller, how the heck do you expect me to explain it to you. Are you that dense? Sheesh! :-/
    P.S. I am a puller.

  25. mc on September 17th, 2012 12:15 pm

    Amen I want my tax dollars spent on killing people, rather than saving them.

  26. eeyore on September 17th, 2012 11:58 am

    …war machine country…sighs…and these are the average american voters? nice of mr miller to bring up the constitution…so how many times have the conservatives “bent” the constitution in their history to accommodate their religious mores and morals upon nonchristians? to set up a system where a person has to belong to some church to hold office? yeah…looks like to me that there are plenty of blantant violations against the constitution and non-christians today being justified by the christian majority and its elected officials…

  27. Bob hudson on September 17th, 2012 10:17 am

    I love my war machine country. and would much rather have my tax dollars going to the military . to keep us safe than waste billions in the great obamacare health scam.Obama sure has no respect for our constitution and he has made that point very clear.

  28. Taxpayer1 on September 17th, 2012 9:23 am

    Apologize….whats all this GOP apolgize business!!! this Great Country can’t be a “WAR” machine…look back at Germany and Russia…they wanted to be War Machines… they are broke………We will defend this country, we always have!!! this political mess has to end soon………

  29. huh on September 17th, 2012 8:34 am

    This guy wants to talk about the constitution?

    Thats the problem with the GOP now days they don’t have a plan. The only plan they have is to say the other guy is bad/no good. Well ok, so whats the plan? I have not seen any firm plan .

    No one wants to cut military spending , no one wants to raise taxes. So which is it? you can’t have both. If it were up to me I would cut military spending in half , and stop all of our money going to aid other countries . Will anyone aid our own country first?

  30. A Republicans View on September 17th, 2012 8:09 am

    Honorable Congressman Miller you and your fellow congressmen need to walk the talk you preach. We ain’t seen anything different on your end then from the Senate or Capital. You allowed the bail outs of Big Banks and Wall-Street at the expense of Main Street. You allowed the artificially low interest rates to mushroom real estate prices into an explosive bubble which has brought this country to its knees. Criticism only? No! Here are some solutions:
    Ban the Lobbyists
    Cut Antique Entitlements
    Get our troops out of Afghanistan
    Balance the budget at all cost
    Start Walking the Talk and I will support and once again be a proud American instead of an angry and disheartened one who watches the folly of our two parties slowly destroy this once great country.

  31. Abe on September 17th, 2012 7:15 am

    Mr. Miller,
    Where were you during the 8 years of GWB? Where was the Tea Party while the Country was be driven off the cliff. Where was your voice when the Supreme Court said that it was okay for corporations to have a say in the election process.

    It seems to me that you only care about the politics of party lines not what is truly best for this country. If our President has done anything that is unconstitutional then say it and get it off your chest. You’ll be the next laughing stock of the GOP.

  32. 429SCJ on September 17th, 2012 7:01 am

    From the sound of Mr Millers talk, sounds to me like someone is tryin to prep public opinion for a field trip? Iran perhaps.

    America’s constitution was meant for America, not a document intended that we should have our military force it down every other nation’s throat. If countries such as Libya and Egypt, Syria do not desire our presence, well who are we to impose ourselves? America is bankrupt and sick, America had better worry about getting well herself, before attempting to tell the rest of the world how to live.

    Don’t forget 99 years under the federal reserve, while we are tracking time spent.

  33. BT on September 17th, 2012 6:50 am

    Yeah, the Constitution’s great until it gets in the way of something you want. Refer to the recent debate about sponsored prayer at school events.

  34. freedom on September 17th, 2012 6:20 am

    funny you speak of the constituion jeff AND STILL had the gall to sign the NDAA, talk about hypocrisy……..if you do not know this act ,you had better look this up asap before they kick in your front door… had my vote for years but now you do not ……..i would have rather you had voted for the health care bill than this NDAA BILL… is ten times more freedom intrusive than the healthcare law……illegal as well, according to the CONSTITUTION…….

  35. Kathy on September 17th, 2012 6:20 am

    As bright as he is you have to wonder if he has even read the constitution!!

  36. SW on September 17th, 2012 4:34 am

    So tell us, Congressman Miller, how exactly have you supported or defended the Constitution, as ratified?

  37. CD on September 17th, 2012 2:01 am

    “or simply using executive orders to pass legislation that has failed to pass Congress” has a familiar ring to it……does it not?