FDLE Joins Probe Into Suspicious Voter Registration Forms

September 30, 2012

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is now investigating  potential voter registration fraud after reports of false forms were  reported in several Florida counties including Escambia and Santa Rosa.

State election officials have called in the FDLE to investigate allegations that a Virginia-based voter registration gathering firm hired by the Republican Party of Florida may have faked or destroyed voter registration applications.

Chris Cate, spokesman for the Florida Department of State, said the agency has turned over a complaint filed by the RPOF against Strategic Allied Consultants, which had been gathering applications from would-be voters under a $1.3 million contract.

The suspicious voter registration forms were first reported in Palm Beach County. Late last week, Escambia County officials reported irregularities with a  “significant” number of suspicious voter registration forms.

“There was enough suspicion about several of these to warrant us looking into them further and ultimately asking the State Attorney’s Office to get involved,”said Escambia Supervisor of Elections David Stafford.

About 100 of the irregular forms were also reported in Santa Rosa County.

State Attorney Bill Eddins says they suspect a large number of the applications were turned in by Strategic Allied Consultants.

The state party cut ties to the company earlier this week when the allegations were exposed, according to RPOF’s Executive Director Mark Grissom. On Thursday, the Republican National Committee followed suit, cancelling contracts with the company that was doing work for the RNC in at least four more states.

The complaint has not been released, and an agency spokesman said it was being reviewed to determine what portions could be released to comply with Florida public records law.

“Some documents regarding this matter are exempt from public records disclosure at this time,” Cate said. “The department will review any responsive records within its possession and provide any non-exempt documents.”


20 Responses to “FDLE Joins Probe Into Suspicious Voter Registration Forms”

  1. LEO GUY on October 2nd, 2012 9:00 am


    And you want four more years of what you just got?! No thanks! I’ll take the devil I don’t know over the devil I do. I will not vote for the last president of the United States.

  2. Mark on October 2nd, 2012 12:14 am


    You make a solid point, but one which democrats will not read because it doesn’t conform to their “liberal conspiracy theories”. Sorry, it’s republicans getting more votes and nothing else.

    Move it along, nothing to see here…

  3. Rufus Lowgun on October 1st, 2012 4:29 pm

    If only those people would have had proper ID’s……….well, it wouln’t have made any difference at all, really.

  4. BT on October 1st, 2012 12:28 pm

    Calling it voter fraud is kind of a stretch. This is not about getting people who are not qualified to vote.

    This is about a company getting paid for each registration they turn in. The more they turn in, the more they get paid, so, they made up some fake voters.

    The idea behind this scam was simple fraud…the company tried to get paid for work they did not do. It is not about getting illegal votes.

  5. PSU1Earl on October 1st, 2012 10:42 am

    LEO GUY, if you are still working then you are not making enough money not to have your taxes raised under the Ryan plan so that they can give more tax breaks to the top 1% and their corporate friends. After all they have to create more jobs so the middle class folks like ourselves can keep working (and paying taxes)until we die, because S.S. is so yesterday and has to go… I got an IRA and made a few killings in the market myself, but it still barely keeps up with the cost of living… A nice supplemental income in a brokerage fund, VA benfits and a 50 hour per week job should not add up to barely getting by (I own a small house and drive a 93 pickup)… under the Romney/Ryan plan I get the privilage of paying more taxes and BP gets a tax break… Thanks, but no thanks.

  6. David Huie Green on October 1st, 2012 9:51 am

    “The irony is so thick you could stand a spoon up in it…..”

    Irony has viscosity?

    I guess you believe those who want to stop voter fraud only want the fraud committed by the Democratic Party stopped.

    David for honest elections

  7. LEO GUY on October 1st, 2012 9:09 am


    First of all, thank you for your acknowledgement of my post. I am a member of the 53 percent. I already own stock in 3 oil companys. I have worked and paid taxes since I was 13 years old and have invested my money in the stock market through my 401K, thank you very much. I still work and pay taxes today, so you probably think I’m a rich man. My conscience does not both me, does yours bother you. Tell the truth or cry me a river.

  8. LEO GUY on October 1st, 2012 8:49 am

    @Klondike Kid

    “According to the main stream media,”. Are you serious? The main stream media has had a “slobbering love affiar” with you liberal democrats going back like, forever! Wait a minute, 90 percent of the “main stream media” are liberal democrats. Do you really think you can fool all the people all the time? You liberals believe your own propaganda. What a joke!

  9. PSU1Earl on October 1st, 2012 8:27 am

    DANG SHAME, unless the GOP has just turned liberal, you did not read the article at all… this is a GOP problem… Apparently thye have found about 100 more false forms in Escambia County too from the same group, Strategic Allied Consultants… LEO GUY how much do you expect the GOP to share unless you are a Billion Dollar Corporation or Bank? Buy yourself an Oil company and you can get your “fair share” (wink wink) from the GOP… ha ha

  10. ngd on September 30th, 2012 11:16 pm

    I do not know why people are upset about having to have I.D. to vote. Apparently they are up to no good or they wouldn’t mind showing an I.D.

  11. LEO GUY on September 30th, 2012 8:29 pm


    DUH? What do you think voter ID is all about? Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. Tpyical liberal hyprocrisy, all for me and none for you.

  12. huh on September 30th, 2012 5:36 pm

    Of course, this is the only way the GOP can win. They tried to pass the voter id laws, and now the voter fraud groups. They can’t win the normal way with votes because they don’t have them

  13. DANG SHAME on September 30th, 2012 4:56 pm

    It is a shame that liberals will do anything, just like ACORN, always loosing the military votes are just do not send them the paper work. Dead people voting ect!!

  14. PSU1Earl on September 30th, 2012 10:59 am

    Jimbo, ACORN was cleared of wrong doing in all the cases that have gone to court so far.. As for this company hired by the GOP it just may a few over zealous employees as with the ACORN cases.

  15. certifiableacct on September 30th, 2012 9:08 am

    Dang shame that honesty is almost dead in our society. It is truly sad.

  16. Klondike Kid on September 30th, 2012 8:49 am

    According to the main stream media, voter fraud is an urban myth like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. No dead people voting or people voting 4 or 5 times under different names in Chicago either. Surely the media wouldn’t try to influence the outcome of an election like the referees at the end of the Greenbay / Seattle game. Or would they ?

  17. James Broel on September 30th, 2012 7:33 am

    David I totally agree with that comment!!

  18. Jimbo on September 30th, 2012 6:32 am

    The Republicans finally said, “Two can play this game as well”? Try as they may, they’ll never match ACORN.

  19. dad on September 30th, 2012 5:51 am

    “So they finally found some voter fraud, eh? The irony is so thick you could stand a spoon up in it…..”

    Isn’t it though? It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.

  20. David Schwartz on September 30th, 2012 1:36 am

    So they finally found some voter fraud, eh? The irony is so thick you could stand a spoon up in it…..