ECUA Approves Water, Sewer Rate Hike

September 28, 2012

ECUA has formally approved a 4.25 percent rate increase Thursday for water and sewer customers.

The average water and sewer customer will see an increase of  $2.39 per month. The average customer with only water service from ECUA will pay an extra $1.08 per month. Average large commercial customers will see a rate increase of $17.23 per month.

Voting against the proposal were Dale Perkins and Lois Benson.

The rate increase was the final part of a three-year rate hike plan approved in 2010. Rates were originally set to increase 8 percent this year, but the ECUA board cut that hike nearly in half.

The increase, in part, will be used for infrastructure repairs and improvements.

The rate hike does not impact customers of smaller water companies in the North Escambia area, nor does it impact residents of the Town of Century.


8 Responses to “ECUA Approves Water, Sewer Rate Hike”

  1. Tax Payer on September 30th, 2012 9:22 pm

    Its time to throw all exsisting ECUA representatives up for re-election out of office in Nov. They should hav;e known the voters would not approve of the increase. Its time for the voters to revolt when election time comes around.

  2. Jim on September 29th, 2012 7:02 pm

    I also feel their pain about the lack of pay raises, but not as much as the state workers at the health department. Those people haven’t had a raise in 7 years! And they gave up the 3% so others could continue to work and get paid in the drop programs. It’s very sad the way the State treats their employees.

  3. Realville on September 28th, 2012 11:11 am

    Note to ECUA management: Place ad for employment and list starting pay at 10% less than current rate. Also, let applicate know you provide group insurance ,but employee pays 100%. In addition, a retirement plan is provided, but the plan is 100% employee self funded.
    Do this, and you’ll have several hundred applicants to replace the current ones that feel they are being taken advantage of.

  4. Dishearted on September 28th, 2012 10:01 am

    This is the same thing Gonzalez utilities in Cantonment said about there 18.6% increase a month and a half ago. the old saying is (if you lay with dogs you will get flees).

  5. BOB on September 28th, 2012 7:36 am

    ECUA does a wonderful job. I think they deserve more. Maybe we can all put in an extra dollar each month to give their wonderful employees also.

  6. ECUAhardworker on September 28th, 2012 7:36 am

    So now can we have a raise boss?? It’s been 4 years! (Not counting last years so called 3% to cover the 3% that Florida Retirement started forcing us to contribute).

    I would support the rate hike if it contributed to employee appreciation, but I have no confidence in that.

  7. OH MY on September 28th, 2012 7:18 am

    Why not give your workers a RAISE………Haven’t had one in YEAR’S and you people WORK THEIR REARENDS OFF………………..

  8. Ben That on September 28th, 2012 3:36 am

    I’m thinking of raising my rates, to be used for “infratructure repairs and improvments.” That’s also known as “pimping out my new crib.”