Dogs, Cats Seized After Report Of Dog Remains In Freezer

September 26, 2012

Almost a dozen cats and dogs were seized from a Walnut Hill home Tuesday morning after officials received a report that the remains of a dog were in a freezer.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and Escambia County Animal Control responded to the apparently abandoned home that had no power in the 8000 block of Occie Phillips Road.

A spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office confirmed that a freezer was found outside the home on a back porch. However, there was no confirmation that any animal remains were in the freezer, and there was no criminal case opened.

Escambia County Animal Control said eight cats and kittens and three young dogs were removed from the property. All were reported to be in good health due to being fed by neighbors. Animal control said the department had previously responded to the home and posted a notice on the front door about the animals.

Neighbors said the residents of the home had moved out a few weeks ago.

Pictured above and below: Escambia County Animal Control works to remove dogs and cats from an abandoned home in Walnut Hill Tuesday morning. Pictured: One of kittens removed from the property. photos, click to enlarge.


22 Responses to “Dogs, Cats Seized After Report Of Dog Remains In Freezer”

  1. hmmm on September 29th, 2012 1:44 pm

    Some situations like this could be resolved with one thing…* Why isn’t there a place (tax paid or volunteer) that poor or poverty ridden people can just get their animals fixed for free or low cost (under $20.00)..every time I have taken a pet to be fixed @ a vet, you end up paying $200.00 to get all the vaccines, check-ups, etc. & this is a dog that just came up to my place & I decided to keep it, instead of turning it over to our “kill” shelters in Escambia County. It’s just like birth control..if you provide it free or low charge, you won’t have the long term burdens of taking care of something that could have been prevented in the first place. I’m not comparing people to animals; it’s just an analogy of the situation. This would ultimately prevent more tax $$ being spent in the long run.

  2. Lisa on September 28th, 2012 5:12 pm

    I have also been told there is a 35.00 fee for them to come get animals, alot Of People cant pay that.

  3. Steven Chandler on September 28th, 2012 9:14 am

    I dont care WHAT their circumstances were.. you just don’t leave animals to fend for themselves. This has nothing to do with children over animals or vice versa.

    They could have called the shetler and they would have picked them up. Would they be put down, probably but it beats starving to death while still having litter after litter.

    Why arent’ these people being charged with animal abandonment?

    And a huge thank you to the neighbors who fed these animals and kept them from starving,..

  4. occie res on September 28th, 2012 1:22 am

    (WVM) the goat got ran over

  5. WVM on September 27th, 2012 9:17 am

    Anyone remember when they had the Goat Chained up in the Front Yard ? I wonder what ever happened to that Goat ?

  6. Karen on September 27th, 2012 9:10 am

    Person: go to the pound and get them back. You do have tags and vaccination records for them, right?

  7. country life on September 27th, 2012 8:26 am

    I am also a neighbor of this situation and It has been a shame of the condition of this house and the animals involved. There has not been power their for weeks now even with very young children living there. So I for one am glad something was done!

  8. walnuthillgirl on September 26th, 2012 10:14 pm

    I was one the neighbors that was feeding these poor animals, wish I could have taken them on home with me. These babies didn’t deserve to be lefted like they were, they were so hungry for food and wanting a little love…hated that this has happened something needs to be done for leaving them to fend for themself..they are all very sweet and would make anyone a great new family member. Thanks to all the other neighbors that cared.

  9. Person on September 26th, 2012 4:38 pm

    Two of those cats were mine and now the pound has them I want them back!!! Who knows what those people did to Sugar and Mouse!!!

  10. Lisa on September 26th, 2012 3:50 pm

    Rick I just said what I was told, even though I thought It was crazy also, but that is what The lady said.

  11. Rick on September 26th, 2012 3:03 pm

    To Fred – Well said, Sir!! Talk is so cheap.

    To Lisa – Cats on a leash? In North County? Really?

  12. fred on September 26th, 2012 2:34 pm

    That’s a cute little grey and white cat. Why don’t we go down there and adopt some of these animals and put our words into action?

  13. AL on September 26th, 2012 8:56 am

    Tim Wetzel….. what emergency or crisis prevents a phone call to animal control to say “I have a crisis please pick up my animals that I am leaving behind so I can kmow they aren’t dying a slow agonizing death if starvation”???

    Yes, the life of a human takes precedence, but that is an excuse that does not negate our responsibility to care for those unable to care for themselves.

  14. Lisa on September 26th, 2012 8:37 am

    Those neighbors are responsible for those animals now since they fed them, because my kids found some kittens on our property we dont have a girl cat & since they fed them their our responsibility so animal control lady told me, their ours, we fed them.We also have a leash law up here in The northend she said including cats, I didnt know that I thought that was downtown but apparently not.

  15. Bratt Res on September 26th, 2012 8:22 am

    I do not believe in animal cruelty but who knows someone could have died or moved like the above wrote in a crisis, people are more important than animals, glad the neighborns were feeding them and the authorities got them to be taken care of, wished the law spent more time on helping the children that are being starved and abandoned. I am not going to pass judgment on this one.

  16. Atmore G on September 26th, 2012 8:22 am

    The cats may have been strays, but if they were pets, the right thing to do is to take them to the shelter if you have to move and cannot take them with you.. As for the dog in the freezer, that is another story.. I do know some folks who have taken their pets to a taxidermist.. Lets wait until all the facts are in before we rush to judgment..

  17. Bratt on September 26th, 2012 7:58 am

    @Tim W God said to be kind to his creatures. Animal abuse or abandonment is the same as child abuse or abandonment. They are both helpless and they look to adults for care. It don’t matter what these people’s situation was. They left animals to starve and die. Would you leave your 2 year old by themself for weeks let alone an hour?? I don’t thank so. Animals can’t control anything. It disgusts me how people thank. People may be more important to you but animals are innocent and don’t deserve the way they get treated. Quick to judge??? No I don’t think I am especially in this situation

  18. Bob Thorn on September 26th, 2012 7:49 am

    The animals were better off where they were, not the Escambia County Animal Control will kill the animals within 24/hrs.

  19. EYES IN THE BUSHES on September 26th, 2012 7:39 am

    Every one is Sooooooo Quick to judge………………………………. Maybe You sould Walk A Mile In There Shoes First…………….., You Never Know What Has Happend To Put People in hard times
    If You Have A Choices and can only provide food for one, Your Kids Or Your Animals ? , I WILL PICK MY KIDS ……………………….
    @ Tim Your Right People Are More Important Than Animals

  20. Tim Wetzel on September 26th, 2012 6:41 am

    Why are we so quick to rush to judgement? Their might have been a crisis situation where the people who lived there had to quickly move and did not have time to properly care for the animals. I may be old fashioned, but I still think people are more important than animals. mercy triumphs over judgement!

  21. Pet Abandonment is Illegal on September 26th, 2012 5:49 am

    I wonder why a criminal case is not opened here. Pet abandonment is illegal in Escambia County (and the entire State), besides being cruel and inhumane. Leaving animals to face death by starvation entails prolonged suffering and agony. That’s why it’s illegal!

  22. KET DENEUVE on September 26th, 2012 12:46 am

    Shame. Poor animals, allways suffering and people doesn”t mind. Is the end of civilization.