County Commission To Consider Utility Bill Fee Increase

September 17, 2012

The Escambia County Commission will hold a public hearing Thursday to discuss a proposal that could mean an increase in electric and natural gas bills for residents of the unincorporated areas of the county. It’s a plan that Gulf Power is speaking out against.

The plan would costs consumers an extra $2.5 million to $3 million per year that would be used for economic development efforts.

In the 1990’s, Escambia County granted power franchises to Gulf Power and Escambia River Electric Cooperative, and a natural gas franchise to the City of Pensacola. As part of the franchise agreements, the companies are required to collect and pay the county five percent of gross revenue collected on the sale of electricity and natural gas up to a maximum amount for each category.  The county’s proposal would increase those caps by 50 percent.

“I don’t support the franchise fee increase,” Commissioner Wilson Robertson said during an August  meeting of the Escambia County Commission. He was the lone vote against setting the franchise tax increase public hearing, while commissioners Kevin White and Grover Robertson voted yes. Commissioners Gene Valentino and Marie Young were absent.

For residential customers and small offices, the maximum amount for the franchise fee on their bills would increase from $10 to $15 per month. Effectively, the increase would not kick in unless a customer’s gross electric bill exceeded $200 each month.

The county’s proposal would increase the maximum franchise fee paid by medium size offices and retailers for $75 to $112.50 per month, and  large offices and retailers from $300 to  $440. The largest electric franchise fee increase would be on large industrial users from $3,000 to $4,500 per month. And for gas, commercial users would see the monthly cap increase from $750 to $1,125, while industrial uses would see a potential monthly gas bill increase from $3,000 to $4,500.

The Escambia County Commission will hold a public hearing on increasing utility franchisee fees paid by consumers in the county at 5:31 p.m. on Monday September 17.


10 Responses to “County Commission To Consider Utility Bill Fee Increase”

  1. Bob on September 17th, 2012 12:29 pm

    Ive lived here in the same house for 27 years and my bill hasn’t been under 200.00 in 20 of those years. Both of us are retired. If this increase takes effect I’ll sell out move to Alabama where you don’t pay property tax if retired and they don’t have people like our cc in this county.

  2. old man on September 17th, 2012 12:08 pm

    i see mr white has struck again but of course the elections are over as for economic development they have not done a good job with what they had but with this money they can create more low paying job with no benifits too bad taring and feathering are no longer permited

  3. I. M. BROKE on September 17th, 2012 11:40 am

    So, our republican C.C. will raise this TAX by a mere 50%, Sweet!

    Most of us are having a pretty tough time with bills right now.

    The idea that they want to use it for Economic Development is laughable!

    I see the economic development fund as a much politer term for a SLUSH FUND.

    Its discretionary money and not very accountable at that.

    Sure, this is just what we need. (NOT!)

  4. S.L.B on September 17th, 2012 11:28 am

    $10-$15 increased more a month might not seem like much to the Escambia County Commissioners, but to families that are struggling every month to get by, this $180 a year more out of our budgets, is taking food and resources from our families, not to mention those of us who struggle to pay the property & fire taxes each year so that a lien won’t be placed on our property for someone else to steal!

  5. Jaz on September 17th, 2012 9:04 am

    It’s funny how these politicians will refuse to raise taxes, rightfully so, but turn around and try this.

  6. Jane on September 17th, 2012 5:33 am

    Oh and BTW, let’s make it a little harder for the retired and those who are having a hard time with our recession. No we aren’t doing any better with the economy no matter what the government says, the average person is still struggling.

  7. Jane on September 17th, 2012 5:29 am

    So who had the great idea of raising the rates on the unincorporated areas so they could spend it in Pensacola? Raising rates against Gulf Power’s wishes and the people’s wishes…GET THESE GUYS OUT OF OFFICE NEXT TIME YOU VOTE!!!

  8. sw on September 17th, 2012 4:50 am

    Of course, the election is over.

  9. c.w. on September 17th, 2012 4:16 am

    I like the statement, the CC “granted” GP the franchise fee. If I remember right, the CC forced GP to collect the tax for them. The CC thinks the public is their cash cow.

  10. Taxpayer on September 17th, 2012 12:10 am

    Keep those taxes and fees coming! It’s good for the BAD economy!