Century Man Charged With Shooting At Car In Local Street

September 26, 2012

A Century man is jailed on charges he shot at a vehicle in a local street.

Roosevelt Lamont Dixon, 25, was booked into the Escambia County jail for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, discharging a firearm in public, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and smuggling contraband into a detention facility. He remained jailed Tuesday night with bond set at $44,500.

In June, Dixon allegedly fired a handgun at a vehicle occupied by two people in the 6800 block of Jefferson Avenue. The victims told deputies that they were forced to stop in the roadway in order to avoid hitting Dixon’s vehicle as he pulled out of a driveway. Dixon then allegedly got out of his vehicle, confronted the victims and pulled out a handgun. The victims sped away, at which time Dixon fired the weapon in their direction, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.

Deputies reported finding one 9mm round in the area at the location of the alleged incident.

Dixon was named the suspect in the incident after he was identified by the victims  from photo lineups. A warrant was issued for his arrest.

When Dixon was arrested and booked into the Escambia County Jail this week on the outstanding warrant, a detention deputy reported finding two methadone pills and a hydrocodone pill in his front shorts pocket.


23 Responses to “Century Man Charged With Shooting At Car In Local Street”

  1. jcellops on September 28th, 2012 6:03 pm

    i applaud marcus for being a straight shooter and telling it like it REALLY is- the whole world needs alot more men of integrity like him….thank you!

  2. Just Me on September 27th, 2012 10:38 pm

    Of course we all know……he must be a nice guy, I mean afterall, it wasn’t his fault for shooting at another car…..was it? Wonder how many one here defending this thug, would still do so if he hit someone they love or God forbid someones child.

  3. V.D. on September 27th, 2012 10:17 pm

    We grew up with Monie, ya’ll leave Monie alone. Everybody on here changing their names but we are all from Century and we know each other.

  4. Marcus on September 27th, 2012 9:36 pm

    I like how all these “tough guy criminals” shout out “don’t judge me, don’t profile me.” And get all offended when someone judges you. Selling drugs, carrying a gun, actin a fool, acting like a gangster, talking like a fool, but your really just a small boy. A boy who hasn’t grown up yet.

    How do I know your all still immature boys? Cause ya get all offended when someone judges you. You get all offended when your profiled or stared at. Get all offended and lawyer up when the cops slam you down, things your daddy should have done years ago to keep you in check. But your still acting like a child at age 30.

    A real man owns up to his crimes. A real man gets slammed and says “I deserved that.” A real man won’t make the same mistake twice. None of y’all have that.


  5. Marcus on September 27th, 2012 9:22 pm


    Since you are implying that you know who it is why don’t you come foward with that info and “clean up century.” Take more of a man to abide and assist the law then it takes for one to lie and cheat/skirt around it.

    Straight bafoon. If you don’t come foward with the information, your streets will never get cleaned up. Scared of retaliation from some drug dealing sucker? Cmon, stand up. No one ever got anything from sitting back behind a keyboard young guns.

    Where are you at? Calling you out and judging you all day. Don’t like it, then step up wit the info. Keyboard hero.

  6. R.I.P on September 27th, 2012 8:01 pm

    Their is more to the story I’m sure. If their is one thing I can’t stand is snitch that is a bigger pusher and user than the ones their busting. To the sister you right you can’t help what your family does but people still will judge you because that is how petty and shallow people are. Me I wouldn’t worry about it do what you do and the rest will fall in to place. Century needs to be cleaned up. Which will save lives of people and their families. And make a better community for all.

  7. Marcus on September 27th, 2012 5:03 pm

    Century -

    You need to be slapped. Hard. If you were my son or daughter, you’d have a mark.

    By saying just because he sells drugs and doesn’t kill anyone makes him a good person?

    What do you think those drugs are doing to the bodies of the people who are using them? That’s right, killing them slowly.

    Guess what, I’m JUDGING you. Century, your opinion and views on your friend are TRASH. I’m judging him and you now. Why is it bad to judge based on facts?

    This man is bringing down my community, my fellow citizens and the value of my house by selling drugs. Now we have high, irrational, doped up people driving around, in corner stores because you “friend” sold them methadone.

    You have got to be kidding me. You don’t even sound like an American. Your straight up trash. So is your friend, so are the drug users. JUDGED THEM ALL.

    We need to send trash drug dealers, gang bangers, hood rats, and anyone else with “hood” mentality out of the USA. Your selfish, trash WANNABE loser gangsters who live off ya momma are ruining my country.


  8. tw on September 27th, 2012 2:46 pm

    @century, he does all he has to do to take care of his family except get a REAL JOB, like a REAL MAN.


  9. century on September 27th, 2012 9:37 am

    @name required I’m not related to him I know him very well and if you read it right someone told the law he shot at them and 9 times out of ten it was a crackhead I did not say he sells drugs I sayd if he does all I’m saying is my opinion is I don’t think he did this and for people like you to quit judging hes a good person that does what he has to do to take care of his family nothug he wouldn’t hurt a fly.

  10. David Huie Green on September 26th, 2012 9:18 pm

    “I get so sick and tired of these petty flashlight cops and so called good Samaritans always judging somebody when they don’t even know them.”

    Petty flashlight cops? Sounds like an attempt to put down our law enforcement officers. I guess it would be irritating to have them shine a flashlight at you but it is still a strange way to characterize them.

    Truth of the matter is that they have NOT judged anyone, just decided they had probable cause to make an arrest and let the judge and jury sort it out. They’re actually legally obligated to do so, just as we’re legally obligated to neither buy nor sell illegal drugs.

    As to knowing them, if a person has broken a law, how would “knowing them” matter when considering the matter? Or do you mean they should know them and excuse breaking of the law?

    Note that I’m not judging this gentleman, just questioning a strange attitude.

    David for unfired weapons
    in the hands of responsible adults

  11. molino jim on September 26th, 2012 8:49 pm

    @MARCUS–You and have never met and may very well never meet. But your words are very very true. They could and should apply to many of our young people. Race is not a factor, there are so many young people of all races that want to look like a “bad boy” or “hood”. While it is true that there are so many “good” young people we tend to just see the losers. Again your words are well said.

  12. ! Name required on September 26th, 2012 8:24 pm

    “This man is no killer all you people know is what you read ive known him for years hes no harm if I say if he sells drugs hes no worse than whoevers using it if you know him you know hes a good person if you don’t then don’t judge him and read the next article.”

    So let me get this straight. Because Roosevelt has buyers for the drugs he’s selling than that’s ok? He’s no worse than they are? How about not selling drugs and then maybe nobody would be buying them! Wow, you and “suspect sister” must be related with that kind of logic. My dear friend if he is a good person then he wouldn’t be selling drugs in the first place or shooting at cars with people in them. Wait that kind of makes too much sense. Uh, never mind.

  13. Marshall on September 26th, 2012 8:18 pm

    I see what is happening here…Seems people just have different definitions of what a “Good Person” may be. To me…a Good Person has a “REAL” job, actually works for a living, pays their bills and is a productive member of their community.

    Seems others think “Good Person” means to sell drugs, dress like a gangsta’, shoot at people and carry drugs into a detention facility. Oh, almost forgot…also have a nice long crime record of felonies, domestic relations charges, drug charges and etc

    So see…it is just a simple misunderstanding, and like I said earlier…Roosevelt must be a poor misunderstood young man that was forced into his way of life.

    And I promise I will quit drinking and making ridiculous statements soon…or not…

  14. century on September 26th, 2012 6:51 pm

    This man is no killer all you people know is what you read ive known him for years hes no harm if I say if he sells drugs hes no worse than whoevers using it if you know him you know hes a good person if you don’t then don’t judge him and read the next article.

  15. Marshall on September 26th, 2012 6:11 pm

    Yo suspect sister…I guess all those other felony’s and domestic relations and others are just due to he is a misunderstood wonderful young man…right!!!!!

    Sounds like, to me anyway, that Century and the entire area is a safer place with old Roosevelt off the streets. Seems he should have spent more time in the slammer and less time on the streets for the crimes listed on his record….It is public record after all!

  16. Marcus on September 26th, 2012 5:48 pm

    Suspect sister -

    You have a lotand I mean a LOT to learn.

    I suggest reading books or continuing your education so you don’t make comments that make regular citizens think your ignorant.

    It does not say he ws charged with murder nor attemted murder. Your so sick and tired of petty flashlight cops? Sounds like you keep having negative involvement with the law and/ or police officers. That’s part of your problem sister.

    How is it that I’m black and have gone 56 years without negative involvement with police? How is it that my family CHOOSES to work for their money, honestly, CHOOSES not to dress like a gangster, act like a gangster and tout around like a gangster.

    SO YOUR SAYING HE’S A WANNABE? Pretty much my friend.

    Suspect sister, please please please stop bringing us down. Tell your brother to clean up his image, get rid of the gold, put something on other than a black T and baggy jeans and go look for a real job. Please please, you are killing us.

  17. Mark on September 26th, 2012 5:24 pm

    So, Suspect Sister, you said, “just because he wear nice clothes and rides in nice cars that doesnt mean he’s a ganster”.

    So tell me, what 40+ hour a week job does he hold down that provides him with all that money to buy those clothes and cars?

    Oh, and drug dealing is not a job..

  18. James Randall on September 26th, 2012 3:00 pm

    “i dont like how the police just took there word and ran with it without doing a proper ivestigation , it wasnt right that why this little case of there’s is going too fall all apart.”

    So this is a “little case”? Shooting at someone is a little case? If someone was shooting at you “Suspect sister” would that be a “Little case” ? I somehow don’t think you would think that was a “Little case”.

  19. someguy on September 26th, 2012 11:27 am

    “my brother is not a killer and would never harm a soul”

    So why is he slinging dope and shooting at cars? Or does he sell fake dope and miss his targets on purpose?

  20. suspect sister on September 26th, 2012 9:46 am

    okay , you guys are always so quick to get on northescambia and comment about someone you dont even know , my brother is not a killer and would never harm a soul , im asking that evrybody sit back and stop judging him off his exterior just because he wear nice clothes and rides in nice cars that doesnt mean he’s a ganster , i get so sick and tired of these petty flashlight cops and so called good samaritens always judging somebody when they dont even know them . why is it that everytime something goes on with the our police taking somebody down there using the help of a very WELL KNOWN CRACK , METH AND PILL USER FROM our community if you ask me there just as bad as him if they wake up every morning looking for drugs all day everyday , doesnt that mean there criminals too , i dont like how the police just took there word and ran with it without doing a proper ivestigation , it wasnt right that why this little case of there’s is going too fall all apart.

  21. Lisa on September 26th, 2012 7:35 am

    Century doesn’t have city police, ours is the county.

  22. anonymous on September 26th, 2012 6:52 am

    Its about time they got THIS one off the street. Everybody who lives in century and knows this guy even a little bit knows he sells every kind of drug there is, to any kind of person that will buy it. I mean c’mon, you dont have a job, you dont do a thing for anybody in your community yet you walk around in brand new clothes, driving brand new cars,without making an honest dollar in your whole life. Its people like this that make it unsafe for people in the community to coexist. Everybody wants to be gangster snoop dog, or young jeezy, but century isnt like the ” hood ” of south central l.a…. Nothing like it at all, ive seen it, so lets not turn it in to another gang infested, gun shot murdering, crack pedaling place like its becoming. Bout time the century police lifted a finger and arrested an actual criminal.

  23. j nice on September 26th, 2012 12:52 am

    people like that should be locked up for a long time they are thret to the desent people trying to work in live