Century Could Replace Mobile Homes With $650,000 Grant

September 6, 2012

The Town of Century has voted to allow the replacement of mobile homes under a $650,000 grant, if it is awarded to the town.

Century started the application process for $650,000 in housing improvement grants.

If awarded, the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) will be used to rehabilitate or replace  homes that are currently occupied by persons of low or moderate income. Century has now modified guidelines to  allow mobile homes to be included in the program. If a mobile home is accepted for funding, it will be replaced with a conventional site-built home.

The town has also instituted an applicant guideline that states that a home must have been owned by the applicant for at least three years.

The town hopes to learn if their grant application is approved by the end of the year. Applications for assistance will not be accepted until grant approval.

Work is currently wrapping up in the Century on a $650,000 CDBG grant and a $100,000 hurricane retrofit grant that was awarded last year. About a dozen private homes were rehabilitated under the program. [Read more...]

The town has already been awarded $155,000 in grant money to harden homes against hurricanes. The Florida Division of Emergency Management awarded Century $105,000 in Residential Construction Mitigation Program Funds.   The Community Action Program Committee will provide an addition $50,000 in grant money, bringing the total dollars for hurricane retrofits to $155,000.

Pictured: One of about a dozen homes rehabilitated in Century last year using grant funds. NorthEscambia.com file photos, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Century Could Replace Mobile Homes With $650,000 Grant”

  1. Brutus on September 6th, 2012 8:27 pm

    C.w. wrote “Buts that is obamas way”

    It amazes how UNinformed some of you are! the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is NOT an Obama thing! It was actually passed through the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and took effect in January 1975 under former President Gerald Ford. Which BTW was a republican! I may not agree with these grants but atleast I do a little research before I blame the wrong person for it. But that seems to be par for the course on here. Blame Obama! We’re in debt because of him! Forget the trillions of dollars we have spent in the wars. (whether you agree with the wars or not isnt my point so dont try to turn this into how patriotic you are) The point is everything taking place now isnt Obama’s fault. Get over it already!

  2. JustMe on September 6th, 2012 7:21 pm

    To classify all the recipients of this assistance in a “too lazy to work” shows how blinded some of you are, or shall I say Jealous. I have been a recipient of assistance several years ago, now I didn’t get half of what some of these people got, but I did recieve about 7000 in repairs. I work 50 hours a week, sometimes more. Being my wife is a homemaker we qualified due to income. This help was well appreciated to us and without it we couldn’t have did the repairs ourselves.
    I look at assistance like this just like food stamps or whatever they call them nowadays. If you really need it, are working, and trying to make it but finacially you can’t…then I am all for it. These programs are in place for people like that, not for lazy people that are too sorry to hold a job but can afford a GMC 4X4 or a Cadillac.
    With that said I do not know if the people who are recieving these are lazy non working people or not, so I’m not defending them, just stating facts.

  3. Downtown Ronnie on September 6th, 2012 11:23 am

    How come century has all of these resources. we live in the city of pensacola we are disabled on a fixed income. our home is in bad need of repairs .because we are unable to do the work. our central unit has been out for 3 months, and my father is 80 years old. we called council on aging. no help. we call community action their reply was a 3 year waiting list. other places we called had no money.
    Hud won’t help because we own our home. So wheres the help for senior disabled citizens. When your sweating in sweltering heat its hard to understand.

  4. mee-maw on September 6th, 2012 10:19 am

    hey i being working ever since i was 18 a tax- payer also don’t blame OBOMMA lazy people yes if any thing is free and the need is there for me i want some too

  5. Sandra on September 6th, 2012 10:10 am

    Okay…I’m done. I will not make another repair to my home nor paint it for ten years. Then you guys can see me on here taking your hard earned income and having someone else repair or replace it. In this case I really didnt build that….you did !

  6. c.w. on September 6th, 2012 9:53 am

    Grants are tax payers money. Our money being wasted on people that are to lazy to work and that makes me mad. Buts that is obamas way. Century does not deserve to get funds from the tax payers (grants) to give away. Welfare and grants will stop this country just like the USSR was.

  7. trlrtalk on September 6th, 2012 9:15 am

    More tax-payer rip-off…..What ever happened to work ethic and integrity and earning for yourself what you have…
    If one actually WORKS FOR/EARNS with determination, steady working and saving and sacrificing, one has much more appreciation for whatever it is the sweat equity has earned….not by taking from others, but by working for it yourself! Then the person will care for and maintain BECAUSE of the price of hard work and saving….
    If they must, why not replace with like kind, just new…whole lot cheaper, and could help more individuals.

  8. Lifendason on September 6th, 2012 8:53 am

    Where the heck is all this money coming from? I mean it sounds like Century has a money well.

    They first rebuild/refab homes as you see above and now they are going to replace the entire home?

    No wonder we are trillion of dollars in debt as Just Me said.


  9. Clyde Jones on September 6th, 2012 8:15 am

    Let’s see, you have people that don’t take care of a Mobile Home, so let’s move it out and build them a new house that they won’t take care of either. Hmmm, just like someone else said, no wonder the government is so far in debt.

  10. Just Me on September 6th, 2012 7:42 am

    We wonder why people don’t want to work and why the government is trillions of dollars in debt!

  11. Walnut Hill Roy on September 6th, 2012 6:39 am

    Are those front stairs legal under the building code? I’m originally from Maryland, but I thought that it was pretty standard that all stairs have a platform (landing) at the top.