Bill Clinton Blasts GOP, Hails Obama At DNC

September 6, 2012

In a Democratic National Convention address that combined withering attacks on Republicans with a full endorsement of President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton delivered a point-by-point repudiation of the GOP case for defeating Obama and said the nation was better off now than when Obama was elected.

Clinton acknowledged that many people were still feeling the pain of a slow economic recovery, but said things were turning around.

“If you will renew the president’s contract, you will feel it,” Clinton promised.

He also discussed the Republican’s attempts to use the economic downturn as a reason to throw Obama out, laying blame for the crash on the GOP. Clinton summed up their case this way: “We left him a total mess, he hasn’t cleaned it up fast enough so fire him, put us back in.”

The campaign of GOP nominee Mitt Romney shot back, slamming Obama for looking to Clinton to validate his candidacy.

“Americans deserve a president willing to run on his own accomplishments, and not the record of a predecessor,” spokeswoman Amanda Hennenberg said.

In her own speech, Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, a star among the Democratic base for her work on consumer protection, also nodded toward the troubled economic times.

“People feel like the system is rigged against them,” Warren said. “And here’s the painful part: They’re right.”

Clinton formally placed Barack Obama’s name up for nomination on Wednesday night.  Obama will accept his nomination Thursday night during a nationally-televised speech. The speech was planned for the city’s 74,000-seat outdoor football stadium, but the threat of severe weather has moved the event back inside the Time Warner Cable Arena, the site of the rest of the week’s activities.

By The News Service of Florida


64 Responses to “Bill Clinton Blasts GOP, Hails Obama At DNC”

  1. David Huie Green on September 7th, 2012 11:37 pm

    “but it is my opinion that the Republicans should not have wasted an enormous amount of taxpayer money to investigate something that was never any of our business anyway.”

    Look at it this way: While they were squabbling, they forgot to spend money and accidentally took in more money than they paid out for the first time since 1957. After the fact everybody talked about their fine policies producing that result but the fact is they were all caught by surprise when it happened.

    Maybe we should impeach every president. (After this one, of course.)

    And notice your “but” there.
    Something was done wrong BUT nobody should investigate wrongdoing.
    Someone disrespected the judicial branch of the United States Government BUT that is okay because we like that someone.
    Someone got on national television and lied to the people who put him in office BUT that’s okay because he wasn’t one of those hypocritical Republicans.

    Just because A is wrong, does not mean B is right.
    Yes, the legislative branch of the United States Government should have let the Executive Branch do whatever he wanted because the American People don’t deserve honest leaders but — never mind, continue to worship him.

    I’m reminded of a football coach who was accused of doing similar things with one of the cheerleaders a few decades back. The only thing in the minds of many was how well he won football games. President Clinton was far more valuable than a football coach and all the many women seem to have been over 18 anyway.

    David for good people

  2. jesse on September 7th, 2012 5:29 pm

    Travis, your comment does not make any sense at all. If the rich are not paying taxes of course they are getting rich. I am tired of hearing that wealthy people do not need to pay their share of taxes because they will put the money back into the economy. The Bush 2 years prove that is not what happens. He cut the rich taxes to next to nothing and we went into a major recession, not economic growth.

    I am in agreement with Pete, I was much better off under Bill Clinton. The mess Bush 2 made placed us in this predicament, How do many of you (Bob Hudson, Jimbo) to name a few not remember the hard times we were placed in under George W? Hudson continues to carry on about abortion and gay marriage as if they were the only 2 issues facing America.

    David for whatever is next Huie Green, agreed that Clinton should have refused to answer about Lewinsky, but it is my opinion that the Republicans should not have wasted an enormous amount of taxpayer money to investigate something that was never any of our business anyway.

    Jesse for sick of this election

  3. David Huie Green on September 7th, 2012 12:44 pm

    “Would like to make a point here:
    Bill Clinton’s SEX LIFE was no one else’s business (same as yours or mine).“

    Easy to say, but he signed legislation making it the business of other people.

    Legally, it is sexual harassment to use a position of power to gain sexual favors. It is the job of the courts to determine if sexual harassment laws have been broken. When the courts tried to get the facts, President Clinton decided lying was preferable to trusting our government’s judicial system OR NOT ANSWERING.

    Further, he did not just lie to the federal judge, he decided to go on television and lie to you as well. You don’t care and that’s fine.
    Other people had their feelings hurt by being lied to by a man they trusted with their lives and futures.

    The President is above the law.

    He can pardon any crime he chooses to commit or have committed. The only law which applies to a sitting President is that he can be impeached of the House of Representatives votes to impeach and he can be removed from office if the Senate chooses to do so.

    Had he simply chosen to not answer, it would have gone no further while he was in office.

    David for honesty or silence

  4. David Huie Green on September 7th, 2012 11:10 am

    “When Clinton left office, they had a Medicare surplus. Read that right? A surplus… Bush came in and destroyed in 8 years only for his GOP”

    Well, that settles it, then.

    Wait a minute, HE isn’t running for office any more than is Honest Bill

    David for current considerations
    not blaming the Democrats
    for the Fascist tactics of Andrew Jackson

  5. fay fay on September 7th, 2012 10:25 am

    Would like to make a point here:
    Bill Clinton’s SEX LIFE was no one else’s business (same as yours or mine). Why he chose to lie about it, rather than say that, only he knows. How congress got involved in that aspect of his life is puzzling–except that seemed to be the only thing the Re-thug-licans could possibly use to try and oust HIM from office.
    Fortunately for Obama, he’s True Blue to his wife, and they have nothing to throw at him but a bunch of lies and NO-NO-NO to everything he would do for us commoners.

  6. Doug on September 7th, 2012 10:23 am

    It’s really amazing that some of you “so-called” Republicans are still hanging your hat on the false pretense that Obama is anti-American or some Muslim martyr. This was proven a lie years ago. It’s ridiculous that people still “pretend” to believe that garbage. When respected Republicans (like Donald Trump) go on the record spouting off with that trash, it makes the entire party look ignorant.

    RU-KIDN-ME?… In the famous words of “The Gambler” Kenny Rogers, “don’t count your money while you’re sitting at the table…” there’ll be time enough for counting when the voting is done. Most of America can’t even afford the Kool Aid the Republicans are selling. I suggest you look at the latest polls of actual registered voters.

    Why is anyone trying to “jam-up” Ray Nagin for what he did in New Orleans. He was a two term mayor who led that city through the absolute worse natural disater in US history. He probably would have won a third term if it weren’t for statutory limits. FEMA and the rest of the federal government caused most of the problems after Katrina – mostly due to inactivity and their initial passive response to a city that was definitely in need of emergency assistance.

    I hope this does not cause my comment to be censored, but it has to be said. People, we need to get past “race” before our comments can even be taken seriously regardless of the issue being discussed.

  7. RU-KIDN-ME? on September 7th, 2012 3:22 am


  8. Travis on September 7th, 2012 2:33 am

    This whole rich getting richer by not paying tax’s argument is dumb. Just because a large company does not pay tax’s does not mean the employees they pay do not. I know local company’s that paid no tax’s but employee a lot of people who pay tax’s on there income and spend a lot of money locally. These so called rich generate revenue and going after them is bad for business because some have already jumped ship because it is cheaper in other country’s. This applies to individuals as well as company’s. Obama is a ideal president in fair weather but currently we are in a storm and he is like the governor of New Orleans during a hurricane.

  9. Lawstudent1 on September 7th, 2012 12:48 am

    Don’t let the fear mongering and hate cloud the fact that this president has done a great job considering the fact that he was handed the wheel as this country was headed over a cliff after 8 years of Bush. He cares about helping regular hard working Americans who are struggling. He’s not trying to make millionaires richer like some folks. Why should middle class folks pay more in taxes so some millionaire pays less. Are all you folks bashing Obama on here millionaires or something? He said he’d get Bin Ladin. He did. He saved GM within weeks after taking office and it wasn’t a bailout. They paid back in full. He got us out of Iraq – another promise. Why all the hate for this decent, honorable and hard working president?

  10. Bob on September 6th, 2012 11:12 pm

    Say you no more issues than your party nominees. But you are consistant with the ignorant part. Gas has gone from $.25 In the 60s to the all most $4 a gallon today all that isn’t Obama fault. As for unemployed he’s put more back to work under his term than Bush 2 added in his eight years. The debt has grown about a trillion give or take a few billion every year since the great depression. Solyndra was a loss but not a great a loss as the recession Bush 2 created. The keystone pipeline is not the direction energy needs to be produced. Why give oil companies tax money we don’t have to allow them to make more from us. We already through your party give billions in tax breaks that need to end. What makes you think it’s a health care takeover. You must on stock in healthcare companies. Stop whinning about the past get your party to make a commitment as to how they need to correct the issues. Your like the leader of a marching band that can’t play a fight song. Reelect Obama 2012.

  11. Marcus on September 6th, 2012 10:40 pm

    Bottom line is the federal government needs to downsize significantly. When I say significantly I mean by 1/2.

    What kind of citizen are you making when they are given free food, free clothing, free medical care? A sloppy citizen who doesn’t know how to contribute or work for money.

    Department of Eduation needs to be cut by 3/4 the size. It is useless! Education should be the states responsibility.

    The EPA needs to be abolished and social security needs to be phased out along with medicare! Gone. Please research on your own to see why.

    Eliminate most of the red tape (some is good) small businesses and corporations have to make it easier for companies to grow and hire workers here in America.

    The bottom line is less/minimal/minicsule/small government can be held accountable and responsible. Monolithic/massive governments cannot be held responsible. They just fork the citizen over and over and over with higher taxes. FIGURE IT OUT PEOPLE!

  12. Charlie Zale on September 6th, 2012 8:23 pm

    The Democrats have made it possible for you to be republicans. Where would our country be if it were not for the New Deal offered by FDR or for the Kennedy’s civil right platform. As many of you crucify Bill Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky, remember the immoral acts of other presidents.

  13. huh on September 6th, 2012 7:38 pm

    When Clinton left office, they had a medicare surplus. Read that right? A surplus… Bush came in and destroyed in 8 years only for his GOP buddies to complain and want to get rid of it, After they have used it.

    These are types that dont want to pay for anything just use it all up and not care about others that are still paying in.

  14. David Huie Green on September 6th, 2012 7:34 pm

    “Bill Clinton is a Wolf in Sheep clothes !!!!! His wife is a Traitor who is trying to sign a Treaty with the United Nations to Take away all GUNS in this GREAT

    While it IS true President Clinton either lied to the American People and a Federal Judge or else has some fascinating definitions of the word “is”, we have no evidence whatsoever his lovely and likeable wife is in the least way disloyal to the nation which she has served admirably.

    Proof of charges of treason are spelled out in the Constitution. Simply being the Secretary of State and negotiating treaties — whether good or bad, real or imaginary — is not treason.

    Regardless, only the President can sign treaties and they are binding ONLY if the Senate approves: “He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur” (Article 2, Section 2, Paragraph 2)

    David for Hillary

  15. joe on September 6th, 2012 7:25 pm

    you have to consider the source prior to making a decision…….
    go back about 20 years……. “I did not have sexual relations with an intern”….
    can you really believe anything clinton says????

  16. Bob on September 6th, 2012 7:20 pm

    I proclaim Jesus Christ as my Savor, I believe he was sent here to save our souls in the name of Jesus.
    I believe that I am to spread the word of Christ.
    I believe the constitution allows me that right to worship without harassment. I do not believe that the constitution allows you or me to impose religion into government. I do believe it’s up to each to save there on sole and I can’t do it for you or judge you. I don’t believe in casting stones at govt. organization because I favor a certain religion even though I believe there’s is truly only one God. I do believe that because of my wrights under the US Constitution if I don’t believe that a party isn’t truthful that I can express my opposition to there untruths. Finally don’t judge my “moral compass” if it doesn’t match yours in the name of your God for influence  into govt. Every issue at hand is caused by both party’s not just Obama.. But I choose the party that actually has substance and possible improvements in economy.

  17. David Huie Green on September 6th, 2012 7:14 pm

    “And yes no one has the wright over a women’s decession on anything.”

    Which I assume means, “And yes no one has the right over a women’s decision on anything.” I’m not certain, the writing left much open to interpretation as to what was being said.

    I have little desire to exercise control over anyone other than myself, but please tell me would it be wrong to veto a woman’s decision to murder other women?

    Most wouldn’t do it but I’m wondering if her rights to act have any limits in your mind.

    David for good decisions

  18. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 5:41 pm

    Excellent Point, Simply could not make a better point. I’ll tell you what happened, Liberals, and the you owe us state of mind.

  19. PSU1Earl on September 6th, 2012 5:04 pm

    But MM in the GOP camp your fisherman just moved to, he will find out the banks of the pond are already claimed by the first campers and if you want ot fish there you have to give them half your catch and they don’t have to fish either but with more fish than they need they are going to store it on the other side of the pond so that nobody in the camp is the wiser…

  20. PSU1Earl on September 6th, 2012 4:47 pm

    Do I agree with everything that the Democrats have in their platform? No way! But At least they have the guts to put it out there and actually debate it… The GOP wants to have their cake a nd eat it too… Because it is impossible to have a platform which tells people how to live and in the next line say we want the government out of peoples lives and not telling them what to do… they are opposites! Then you have them saying they want to cut the deficit (who doesn’t) but they say they are going to increase military spending, cut taxes, etc., then how do you cut the deficit? It’s impossible! They are for keeping SS but fix it (that’s double speak for getting rid of it)…It’s also impossible… The GOP has no answers just double speak.

  21. MM on September 6th, 2012 3:40 pm

    What democrats need to do is go camping. When they get hungry, someone will eventually work to go catch a fish. Whatever it takes: build a boat, a net, a rod, and stay out on the lake catching some fish. Then, when he brings it in, the others will say, “You didn’t catch those fish”. Then they all take a fish and leave him with only 1 fish to feed his family. He soon loses all incentive to fish anymore. The camp goes hungry.

    Eventually, the fisherman will see the light and cross over to the other side where people are allowed to keep what they catch. Here, he works, he thrives, and his family survives. This new camp is now better off.

    The first settlers figured this out hundreds of years ago. What happened?

  22. Jimbo on September 6th, 2012 3:38 pm

    Bob. Please argue these points. DOJ covers for ATF in Fast and Furious gunwalker scandal. Holder is held in contempt of Congress. Obama claims executive privlilge. Obama’s above congress?
    8.3% unemployment. DHS approves work visas for 1000s of Haitian migrants? Does Obama fly them here as well? Google it.
    Solyndra gets $600 million dollars in Taxpayer loans. Now bankrupt. Solyndra’s CEO was a BIG O contributer in 08. Where is that money?
    Obama plays 100+ rounds of golf @ 3.5 hours each during working hours.
    Just 1 Hawaiian Vacation costs taxpayer $4 million dollars. The Obamas have taken 17 vacations since he took office. That’s about 5 per year.
    Under Obama, food stamp spending has doubled.
    During his 08 campaign, Obama promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Was this a lie, deception, or just words?
    Proof exists that Obama is a Muslim. There were 2 hours of Islamic Prayers preceeding the opening ceremonies of the DNC Convention… can you explain?
    If you or anyone else thinks Obama is a freedom and liberty loving American, you’ve not been paying attention, sir.

  23. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 3:22 pm

    Quick note, August 15, 2012, Forbes , Government owns 26% of G.M, 10.1 billion in stock , unrealized loss so far to this date, 16.4 million dollars. Fact. And it is in a slide down ward.

  24. LEO GUY on September 6th, 2012 3:15 pm

    Barry Obama, he saved the Chevy!
    I’m sorry, I thought it sounded funny. :-)

  25. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 3:14 pm

    O.K let me correct that, remove (large majority ) as far as the Fact goes it was only, 17,600 by June !st. Will try to find out what it is up to now. With our tax payer dollars,

  26. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 3:07 pm

    Bob going to have to correct you here, who do you think are buying a very large majority of G.M. Cars ? That would be our federal government. By the way Bob, those are our tax dollars, on top of the bail out, that they are using.

  27. LEO GUY on September 6th, 2012 3:03 pm

    I once heard an old man say, “If you pay taxes long enough, you’ll become a republican.” Obviously, a lot folk here haven’t paid any taxes, or haven’t paid them long enough.

    P.S. There are a lot of folk here who need to slow down in their typing and check their spelling, it’s not too hard.
    Just a thought. :-/

  28. Henry Coe on September 6th, 2012 2:52 pm

    @God Bless Us All. Calling yourself or your Dad “a hard core Democrat” doesn’t really work if you are against social programs that help the poor & disabled. I’m sure Disabled People including Disabled Veterans would take offense toward your comments, though you probably didn’t mean it that way, that is how it comes across when you don’t specify who you are complaining about.

    IMO, I think your type of Democrat would be “a Yellow Dog Democrat” which is an old school Conservative Democrat. Like Jim Barnett who ran for County Commissioner Dist 5 in 2008.

    And just my opinion, a Hard Core Democrat would use their real name when posting a comment about being a Hard Core Democrat.

    You more than have the right to call yourself what ever you want. I just didn’t think it was an accurate comment based on how you described yourself and in what you do and do not support.

  29. say_what on September 6th, 2012 2:47 pm

    Bob, here’s some facts to ponder – college tuition up 25%, gas increased from $1.85 to $3.78 a gallon, 23 million people unemployed, $6 trillion debt in 4 years, billions wasted on Solyndra & green energy scams, zero (0) free trade agreements, $1.7 trillion healthcare takeover, no Keystone pipeline to put people back to work, no oil drilling in Alaska or South Carolina to help make us energy independent, and the NO WORK for welfare. Exactly what is it that you don’t understand about Obama’s FAILED administration????

  30. Bob on September 6th, 2012 2:34 pm

    Just saw Romney on tv blowing smoke about job growth and income levels going down because of Obama when we all no the Repubs have said no to everything offered for job groth for two Years. And he’s your party nomination with no platform or offering resoulation to correct the issues at hand other than to repeal. Yep Hudson I am repeating some ideas and thoughts included in earlier post. Just think how many more jobs would have been lost had Obama took Romney suggestions to let GM go totally under.

  31. pete barentine on September 6th, 2012 2:25 pm

    As I posted in another article, I had money in my pocket under President Clinton. I was able to increase my savings under President Clinton. Since President Clinton I have the exact same job, same responsibilities, but have not had a pay raise. Instead I have taken 3 pay cuts, and depleted my savings account. Since President Clinton fuel has doubled in price,utilities, groceries, insurance, property taxes, drivers license, car tags and practically everything else has gone up drastically. Yet many of you bash Bill Clinton and praise the Republicans. It is my opinion that the job Clinton got was better than the jobs George Bush lost,

  32. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 2:15 pm

    Thanks for proving my point Bob, Any thing we say is wrong, Muslim, no, marxist he has read a lot about it, socialist , yes.(my opinion) But any way, thanks for pointing out that they have no use for the truth , because they do not agree with it. They proved on National T.V. they have no use for God. Now deny that. Or as the left would say, it was just a( miss-communication )? Kind of like (you did not build that) Really? Hey if the government is going to take most of your money to support the non-working. Why work? And Bob, why do the liberal left insist on calling the tea party, or republicans, or any one who does not agree with them (quote) (as I know first hand) Racist Nazi’s. ? Last night was the death blow to the party. Even Bill could not save that event.

  33. Big B little ill on September 6th, 2012 2:12 pm

    Looks like both sides need to do a little Fact checking before they open their mouths. If you can vote for Obama after what has just happened at the convention with the delegates jeering, booing shaking there fist in Gods face over the mention of the word God. Then your Moral compass is in as bad a shape as theirs. I will defend your right to vote for who ever you chose. But some of you have let so much just go by that right and wrong inside you can not tell the moral truth from a lie, you believe anything that the Liberals toss out. Just like they say, if you tell a lie enough then you will begin to believe it. Some of you need to get down on your knees and ask God to give you some in-site and straighten out your moral compass. For those of you that think Bill gave a great speech, you need to realize that someone wrote it for him and that when he was in office he didn’t know what sex was. After all he never had sex with that woman, if you believe that then I have some ocean front property for sell in Arkansas.

  34. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 1:48 pm

    Bob, you are repeating your earlier post. Just a point.

  35. Bob on September 6th, 2012 12:11 pm

    At least the Demo have a direction to go not like Romney where all he cares about wih his fellow Repubs is to go back to Bush bash days. And yes no one has the wright over a women’s decession on anything. Shut your flat if you didn’t see Clinton’s speech or read it. Thats the way Repubes do when they cant defend without deceit just like Bonner did with budget negotiations. What you felt in the econy after Obama became president was the after shocks from Bush and the Repubs that let markets run rapid without policy. You people spout “Nazi’s, Muslim/Marxist. He is anti-American, kill babies.Take God out of government, Declaration of Independence, 1776:, every fact we bring up on Obama , in the liberals eye’s , is a lie” all these quote in there related articles have no use but to cause mallis between Party’s and it’s use to inside the misguided. Finally YES all you rich gretty people that doesnt want to pay taxes in the US leave this country and leave it to people that love the US there’s no room here for you. Take you money to the cayman islands and enjoy.

  36. God Bless Us All on September 6th, 2012 12:11 pm

    My Daddy was a hard core Democrat, not caring about the issues are the person running for office. He voted the Democratic ticket all the way just as he had been taught by his Dad. I am a registered Democrat also. The only difference is that I vote on issues and candidates as my research and beliefs lead me. It certainly led me away from Obama in 2008 and I have never regretted it. I have worked hard all my life as my husband has too. We are not even considered middle income but we work hard for our money. We have no problem paying taxes as we know that it takes taxes to fund education, roads, Social Security for the elderly, and, yes, even wars if need be. Government needs the taxpayer’s money to simply operate. I do detest the thought of my hard earned tax money going to pay for a Socialistic government that hands it out to the so called “needy” who sit on their chairs drawing a check at my expense. This just leads to more and more apathy in our country that will eventually cause us to fail. Yes, I think God is very displeased with us but He hasn’t forsaken us and never will. Even if you don’t believe in God or a higher power than ourselves, you have to see that we are steadily going toward Socialism. People wake up and lets get this country moving in a new and better direction. As was said, Most all politicians are liars. It is up to us as citizens and voters to sort out the issues and vote accordingly!

  37. LEO GUY on September 6th, 2012 11:34 am

    Looking back over the last four years.
    Unemployment up.
    Credit rating down.
    National debt skyrocketed.
    Clinton says? FORWARD!
    Oh brother.

  38. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 11:30 am

    Very well put, David.

  39. Bob on September 6th, 2012 11:16 am

    The truth really hurts the Repubs. All you can comment is about issues in Clinton’s past initiated by the sicko part of the Repubs. Why can’t you people against Clinton’s speach give any rebuttals by facts you can prove he says Repubs are lying about. Don’t go blowing about the deficit and Obama, fact is every president both party’s have increased the debt every year. I’m like Biden I really believe they won’t the Demo in chains so they can control women’s choices and health care and take more from the middle class. You people spew dout about Demos and God then throw stones with your tongs with more fabricated untruths then call yourself Christians. The easy way for Repubs to feel good about themselves is to keep spouting discontent through lies.

  40. David Huie Green on September 6th, 2012 11:06 am

    From President Clinton‘s speech, 5 September 2012:
    “We champion the cause for which our founders pledged their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor – to form a more perfect union.”

    President Clinton’s history is a bit off.

    From the Declaration of Independence, 1776:
    “We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as free and independent states, they have full power to levey war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor”

    The Preamble of the US Constitution, 1787:
    “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

    David for educated, honest presidents

  41. HMMM.... on September 6th, 2012 10:51 am

    I understand how hard it is to decide on who to vote for. But I think that everyone needs to remember that even though the president comes up with a bill it does not mean that it will get passed. And most of the time certain things in a bill get changed. I think that our government needs to be redone, we need to get these older men and women out of our Congress and Senate and get some new people with fresh ideas. As far as abortions go, it’s up to you and you have to deal with it. I see enough on the news with children being born into bad situations and children being killed by their mother or father. Same sex marriages is fine with me. And I can and will put God where ever he is needed. As in praying for those women who are having abortions and praying for people who would like to marry the love of their life, who may be of the same sex. If it does not harm you or hurt you in anyway, then why does it matter so much to you?? ” Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

  42. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 10:42 am

    By the way Bob, every fact we bring up on Obama , in the liberals eye’s , is a lie. And why, because they say so.

  43. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 10:36 am

    Bob, why do the liberals keep comparing the tea party and the republicans to Nazi’s. ?And why do they loath the word God?(as seen last night at the convention)?What will the dem’s do when an if Obama goes in, and the rich(or as ya’ll call them) leave the country, and shut down their companies. You see Bob , you can not make people work to support his failed bankrupt government.? Where will they get the money then?Government can not exist with out tax’s. Government can not do any thing with out tax’s. So who will they tax then? Most people, who have money, do not have to put up with it. If you owned a company and they just keep taking more and more , what would you do. Me, I would shut down and quit.One more thing, this Idea, that, a woman in entitled to a abortion ( regardless if she can pay or not) is stupid , and I and many others do not wish to have our tax dollars going out to kill babies.Take God out of government, Run by a party that loath’s God, Well guess it will be open season on christains.

  44. mnon on September 6th, 2012 10:00 am

    “If you will renew the president’s contract, you will feel it,” Clinton promised.

    I don’t have to renew it, I’ve felt it almost every day within 6 months of him becoming president.

    After all these years there is one thing I’ve learned:

    Politics and voting boils down to voting for one of the two lesser evils. ALL politicians lie, cheat, and swindle. They are bards of storytelling and making people feel good about voting for them and they always have excuses if they do not complete what they stated they will do (usually asking to be re-elected to finish what they stated they will do).

    So in November keep that in mind and vote for the lesser evil, for me that is Romney.

  45. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 9:46 am

    And how did Bush fail in Katrina, Look, I watched as the then Governer , seem to have a break down on national T.V. And what a idiot they had as a mayor, Now the state must tell the government what it needs. It is also up to the state to prepare for these thing, it is also the fact that a lot of those folks in New Orleans acted like a bunch of wild animals in the after math. I lived over there for 8 years, they blew all the money they ever got for the levies on ever thing else.Known fact.

  46. PSU1Earl on September 6th, 2012 9:46 am

    You can say what you want about Bill Clinton, but he did leave office with a huge budget surplus that he was paying the debt down with… then ‘W’ let it waste away and then ran up the deficit with 2 wars in which Obama inherited… Sure the debt is high, because Obama at least has the guts to show the cost of the Wars in the budget, not like “W’ that never showed them in the budget by using nonappropriated war funding requests each quarter… Clinton was the only president to try to clean up the debt and balance the budget, and frankly, he did a great job of it…

  47. Bob hudson on September 6th, 2012 9:34 am

    The most amazing part was when the DNC showed its true spirit at putting God back in the platform, Any one who is a christian , and was undecided , well bet they lost that vote, you see you can not endorse the killing of babies (abortion) and same sex marriage and use Gods name. My, My, and the whole world saw it. In my 37 years as a registered democrat(so to be ex) I have never seen any thing so disgusting as that .3 times, yes 3 times it took to get it to pass. An No I did not listen to Clinton, not after that display. I will read it , some time. I feel certain that that was a death blow to the democrats. They do not deserve to be in the White House.They spat on every christian in this country.

  48. Bob on September 6th, 2012 9:32 am

    The truth really hurts the Repubs. All you can comment is about issues in Clinton’s past initiated by the sicko part of the Repubs. Why can’t you people against Clinton’s speach give any rebuttals by facts you can prove he says Repubs are lying about. Don’t go blowing about the deficit and Obama, fact is every president both party’s have increased the debt every year. I’m like Biden I really believe they won’t the Demo in chains so they can control women’s choices and health care and take more from the middle class. You people spew dout about Demos and God then throw stones with your tongs with more fabricated untruths then call yourself Christians. The easy way for Repubs to feel good about themselves is to keep spouting discontent through lies.

  49. xpeecee on September 6th, 2012 9:26 am

    I certainly agree with Dudley and Frank! I tried to watch the convention last night. Became nausiated at all the “in your face” lies. It is beyond me how some people believe in something they know is a lie. Keep in mind that telling a lie in order to further the cause of Islam will be rewarded, according to them. obama is a Muslim/Marxist. He is anti-American. His religion states that he will be rewarded, if he kills you and me. Duh! Sleep with the enemy? I think not!!!

  50. century/tally boy on September 6th, 2012 9:15 am

    Great speech by Bill. I am a college student, so why should I vote for Romney and he is trying to get rid of financial aid, that would be dumb of me. Bush messed up for 8 years but people dont talk about that. Obama has my vote. Bush didnt care about what was going on in New Orleans during Katrina. Might I add what president was able to have the troops find Sadam Husein (Obama was the one) my point exactly. And whoever has something negative to say about my post you can kick rocks.

  51. dgh on September 6th, 2012 9:01 am

    On the issues of Israel, Democrats should not have backed down on the issue of Jerusalem for Israel was originally not going to take the city over entirely. It is ironic that all this is based on a myth…a legend. Israel did not come out of Egypt per the Biblical writings. At best a handful of the tribe of Levi may have since they had some Egyptian names, but the majority of the people, per archeological evidence came down from the north. So all the divine aspects to this discussion are not true and only cloud any sound, reasonable solutions to the situation. Sooner or later, regardless of the politics of other issues, those effecting scientific studies, foreign policy, and actions taken to address global warming will need to get past those religious teachings that are based on myth or legend that hamper or literally block sound policy.

  52. Doug on September 6th, 2012 8:53 am

    What most of you fail to understand is the issues that you are mentioning do not directly affect the lives of middle class Americans. Yes, Clinton lied about having “sex” with Lu-Lu. In the bitter end, most middle class Americans don’t care. Yes, we care about the Dems opinion on religion – but will it really affect our bottom line? I’d say probably not. Gay marriage falls in the same boat – has zero affect on my income and the stability of my family.

    The real issues are all related to the economy. The Dems have done a good job of making it “appear” that the Republican Congress is the reason we are still in a recession. Romney and his cronies will do the same for this country that Pretty Ricky has done for FL (cut jobs to reduce costs with no regard to the people it affects). They’ll have half the middle class population wondering if they’ll have a job next year. Putting more money in the hands of large corporations does not necessarily translate to an improved economy.

  53. century/tally boy on September 6th, 2012 8:35 am

    Great speech by Bill. Romney wants to get rid of financial aid, I am a college student so why would I vote for someone who is trying to get rid of financial aid, that.would be stupid. Obama has my vote. Bush caused 8yrs of mess, and people expect Obama to clean it up in just 4 years, not so. Obama needs more time. And whoever want to comment on this status negatively you can kick rocks.

  54. frank on September 6th, 2012 8:15 am

    Dems succcessfuly passed after three trys to put God back in thier platform, Support for Gay marriege and srugled to get support for Israel on the platform?

    In the words of Mr. Cathy “laugh in the face of God”?
    and we do not think that God is going to say or do anything about it?


    Run as fast as you can in the other direction.

    God have mercy on America the land that I Love!

  55. say_what on September 6th, 2012 8:14 am

    So, I’m supposed to believe anything that slick Willie speaks as the gospel truth?? You have got to be kidding me. That was the worst debacle of adding God & Jerusalem back into the Democratic platform that I have ever seen. Three times voting with a whole lot of NAYS but the TelePrompTer told him to say that it had passed. The Democratic platform, without God & Jerusalem, had already been approved by Obama prior to the start of the DNC. He thought that he could slip it through without anyone noticing the omission of God. The Democrats don’t want God or Jerusalem but they do want abortion and gay rights!!! No thank you – my vote will be Republican.

  56. chris1 on September 6th, 2012 7:45 am

    Go to business insider and search on “The Untold Story Of How Clinton’s Budget Destroyed The American Economy”

    Its pathetic how people especially in the south worship this guy

  57. Kathy on September 6th, 2012 7:23 am

    See the republican lies and hatred!! All around us and there is no chance they will ever find or believe the truth. The upper class taught them well, suck the poison and kill the truth. The rich keep their money and the poor carry their lies.

  58. Dudley Herringtond on September 6th, 2012 7:02 am

    Bill Clinton is a Wolf in Sheep clothes !!!!! His wife is a Traitor who is trying
    to sign a Treaty with the United Nations to Take away all GUNS in this GREAT
    OUR CONSTITUTION in up for grabs if obama is re-elected. he just took the
    Pledge of Alegience out of our schools. Wake UP !!!

  59. Kathy on September 6th, 2012 6:29 am

    When the truth comes out and you see how the republicans lie how can you vote republican?

  60. THE DOER on September 6th, 2012 6:19 am

    To Stephen:
    You’re kidding, right? You mean it only took words from a former disgraced impeached president who openly lied to the American people under oath to sway your opinion about the current status and future status of our country?

  61. David on September 6th, 2012 5:54 am

    Bill Clinton’s speech was full of lofty rhetoric, but was highly inaccurate and long winded. It was a pitiful attempt by a former president to prop up the failed presidency of Barack Obama.

    The most outrageously disingenuous part of Clinton’s speech was when he feebly attempted to portray Obama as having honestly tried to “cooperate” with Republicans–laughable. Obama is the most divisive and partisan president in US history. I recall the words of Obama friend and staunch supporter, Rahm “Deadfish” Emanuel, during the healthcare debate, “We have the votes, so F….’em!” That is Obama’s idea of “unity” and “cooperation”.

    No folks, as I listened to Bill Clinton, time and again say, “Now listen to this…” as he wagged is crooked fingers at us, all I could think of was the time he went on the air, also wagging his finger and saying, “I did not have sex with that woman!”.

    Who could possibly believe anything Bill Clinton has to say. And, who can believe in Barack Obama, given the partisan way in which he has governed, and, more importantly, his total and utter failure on the economy.

  62. WOW on September 6th, 2012 5:50 am

    Lies disproven by the man that swore to AMERICA AND THE WORLD, “I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN.” Now there is someone to believe in.

  63. Stephen on September 6th, 2012 12:33 am

    It was an absolutely amazing sppech and endorsement from a man who has already been there and done that not once, but twice. I was on the fence, but after this speech and the outright lies that have been factually disproven I will be voting for President Obama.

  64. just tired on September 6th, 2012 12:26 am

    Great speech Bill Clinton and sooo true!