Suspect Shot By Escambia Deputy Indentified

September 6, 2012

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office shot a felony suspect Wednesday night on Olive Road.

Escambia County Deputy Daniel Moore was attempting to serve felony warrants on 27-year old Justin Coon of Pensacola at the Hidden Village Town Homes in the 3600 block of East Olive Road, near 9th Avenue.

“While attempting to apprehend the suspect the deputy was forced to fire his weapon,” said Deputy Matt Baxter, spokesman for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office has not detailed the exact circumstances that led to the shooting.

Coon was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital with non-life threatening injuries and then transferred to the hospital unit at the Escambia County Jail.

The deputy was not injured.

Coon is being held without bond on outstanding warrants that include battery, interference with custody and probation violations. He is expected to face more charges in connection with Wednesday night’s incident.

Moore has been placed on paid administrative leave, which is standard procedure in an officer involved shooting. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement will be in the lead agency in the shooting investigation.

Pictured top: Escambia County Sheriff’s Office vehicles line Olive Road tonight near 9th Avenue following an office involved shooting. Reader submitted photo by Rachael Smith for, click to enlarge.


39 Responses to “Suspect Shot By Escambia Deputy Indentified”

  1. Emily on September 17th, 2012 7:13 pm

    Justin is a friend of the family and not a bad person at all. He takes care of his son an family the best way he can. I don”t believe open fire from the police dep was right. They seem to be using accessive force lately. Why noy tase him instead they shoot first an ask questions later. Where is that right? He has not been proven guilty of anything? Right?

  2. sniper on September 10th, 2012 8:03 am

    this guy got a little less than what he deserved. oh and to the people trying to back him up…good luck. One more thing…lets see that PhD. We all know thats a load of garbage.

  3. Doug Masters on September 7th, 2012 7:42 pm

    Let’s review; A fleeing felon with outstanding felony warrants runs into a house after being told to stop by a LEO. While in fresh pursuit of that fleeing felon the Deputy follows him into the house. NO SEARCH WARRANT is needed while in fresh pursuit of a felon. It is night time and the house is dimly lit. The felon reverses his direction and begins charging at the Deputy with an unknown object (at that time) in his hand. The felon still refuses to comply and is shot. Sounds open and shut to me. Good job Deputy. Maybe Justin will have time to reflect on his poor decision making skills everytime he looks at where his hand used to be, while sitting in prison where he belongs.

  4. CO on September 7th, 2012 7:20 pm

    Well put, Tim!

  5. Hounddog on September 7th, 2012 6:44 pm

    Pointing a cell phone at a deputy sounds like an attempted suicide by cop. Think about it, he gets shot in the hand, cell phone, and into the chest all with one bullet? I’ll bet he tried to do it because he is about to go to prison for a long time according to the clerk’s website. If a cop think’s he has a gun being pointed at him of course he’s not going to try to Tazer him.

  6. Tim on September 7th, 2012 2:04 pm

    The facts are that if Mr. Coon would of complied with the officer, this would’ve never happened. I’m so sick and tired of seeing people resist arrest, then complain about the force being used against them. My thoughts are that these officers never know when a little resisting could turn into a deadly situation. Taking that and adding it to the poor compensation……and damn right they should use extreme force. Once someone resist, they cop has the right to use whatever force he feels necessary to make sure he/she goes home to their family.

    Simply put……don’t run/resist/etc and you will not have to worry about it. I know they’re exceptions to every rule, but it seems this case is not one of them.

    Good Job Leo!

    PS. I hope Mr. Coon does major time for his crimes….it’s about time he pays up.

  7. Patriot on September 7th, 2012 12:23 pm


    So you readily admit that the media distorts your perception of law enforcement, yet you still allow that to shape your beliefs?

  8. Randy on September 7th, 2012 11:40 am

    1. A feeling felon is a danger to society and the job of law enforcement is to protect the citizens it serves. If this fine up standing citizen would have complied with law enforcement, things would have turned out much different. The deputy should be commended for protecting the citizens, but because we live in a time when law enforcement is always suspect, he is under investigation. Does anyone else see a problem here?

  9. Sad on September 7th, 2012 11:33 am

    “citizen” that is your constitutional right, but thanks for giving us your “policy”.

    “Mitchum” Coons clerk of court records says completely different… His past and current “open” charges show that he is without doubt a dope dealing dirtbag. Everything the deputy did was proper and lawful to ensure there was no danger to the community nor himself.

    Congrats ECSO for a job well done.

  10. citizen on September 7th, 2012 9:51 am

    It is my policy to never let LEO into my home. when they say “can we come in” always say no. once inside if they “observe” anything suspicious or iligeal they can arrest you as it is in plain sight and you invited them in so no warrant needed.
    it is sad that so many people including myself, a law abiding citizen (never even had a ticket 30+ years), distrust law enforcement. I blame the media for always showing the negative law enforcement does and not the positive. they help many but the negative always outweighs the good.

  11. CO on September 7th, 2012 9:06 am

    Bill, if you’re a law abiding citizen, they won’t have a reason to enter your home much less be there.

  12. CO on September 7th, 2012 8:57 am

    If your running and you have your cell phone in your hand, I’m sure the cop assumed it was a weapon. They are trained to shoot if their life is in danger… The cop was doing his job. I don’t see why people are making excuses for a felon. Hey idiot, don’t run and you won’t get shot.

  13. Bill on September 7th, 2012 8:02 am

    For those of you who think it’s alright for Deputies to shoot first and ask questions later, remember that the next time a Deputy enters “your” home.

  14. Josh. M. Mitchem on September 7th, 2012 1:03 am

    i happen to be best friends with justins two brothers, and other half brothers. was with them all the other night at there brother Jeremiah,s grave. glad for everyone to know justin is still kickin Thankfully. but for those of you who dont really know justin and ready to judge others so quickly know justin is a wonderful guy and great dad. noone is perfect. and also. Judge not yet thee be judged thineself….

  15. Good job on September 6th, 2012 11:23 pm

    Well it’s about time !!! You can only blame your actions on your bad family and loosing some one you loved for so long , come on ifwe all done stupid things when something bad happened in our life what would the world be today !!! I say he gets what he’s got coming to him ,, FACT is he is trouble and needs to be taken off the streets for good

  16. Broken vessels on September 6th, 2012 10:09 pm

    God doesn’t call complete, fully contained, self-actualized people who have it together. He calls the broken. I hope and pray that this young man realizes the chances the Lord has given him. The Bible is full of important individuals that God used to spread His message and most of them were broken vessels. Jesus had five women in His lineage. Three of the five…Tamar (who tricked her father in law to have sex with her and bear a child), Rahab (who was known as a prostitute) and Bathsheba (who we all know committed adultery with King David and then had her husband killed, although after God began to work in David and Bathsheba’s life she later went on to give birth to Solomon..known for his wisdom). Each one of these women were broken and living a life of sin, but God began to work in their life’s and they repented of their sins. Look how God used these women. Each one played an important role in the most important and precious gift God ever gave us, His sinless Son Jesus Christ who died on the Cross to save us from a life of torment and hell. I praise God for His use of broken vessels. I pray this young man opens his heart and soul to Jesus, so that he can use his story to spread the message of His story.

  17. P.J. Bear on September 6th, 2012 8:36 pm


    Yes, I too have met this individual. He is very well versed and the time I met him I believe he was wearing a sweater vest and khakis. Most people will not believe this but Mr. Coon holds a doctorates degree in medicine. So yes Candice you are correct you should not judge a book by it’s cover.

    Candice wrote:
    “I know it is difficult for most people but you shouldn’t always judge a book by it’s cover. I have actually met Justin a couple of times while out and about and hewas always very nice, polite and well-spoken. Also, note that the dates of his past offenses are not in the article as well. For all anyone knows, his previous charges could have been fifteen years ago. All i am saying is that people shouldn’t be so quick to judge.”

  18. mnon on September 6th, 2012 8:29 pm

    Bundy was polite and well spoken too and look what he did. Being polite and well spoken but leading the life this guy is leading is called a sociopath, plain and simple.

  19. LAZY JAY on September 6th, 2012 5:41 pm

    As I was leaving last night I saw a ton of cops pulling up and lights flashing like crazy, but no sirens.. Just alot of lights. I dont condone criminal activity at all. There might be a little more to this story though. I seen that guy standing out in front of that complex many times in the last few weeks. Anyway I came back a few hours later and there was double the cops.. Same thing just lights flashing. All im saying is This must have happand right as I was leaving. There was a cop that pulled into my driveway with lights on, no siren and I said hey you got to move so I can get out and he did. My point is. If a cop sent out a distress call and had fired his weapon, dont you think everyone would have there sirens on and flying down the road. I dont care though.. If hes guilty of all this stuff, he will get what hes got comeing..

  20. counywide on September 6th, 2012 5:23 pm

    great for the cops. Sorry the kids had to see it. Maybe this will get mom’s attition and gey kids out of what might be a bad home situation,ie…drugs,guns ect. If the poor boy fought with the police and got hurt, “well to bad.” I hope this time the attorneys for the county will step up to the plate and keep him in jail, not bond out! Seems everytime someone gets arrested the county bonds them out and we have to put up with it.(drugs,murder,abusing animals,ect.)

  21. Patriot on September 6th, 2012 4:59 pm

    You can be “nice, polite, and well-spoken” and still be a dangerous criminal, with no regard for the laws of society.
    He belongs in prison, and I suspect he will get there sooner or later.

  22. erica on September 6th, 2012 4:13 pm

    Another example of trash that keeps on getting chance after chance instead of going to prison where he belongs! Nice long record too his family must be so proud. His mother was on the news complaining about the police coming in there with kids around well why wasnt she concerned about the kids when hes involved in cocaine, robbing and fighting!!!!! what nerve!!
    stop letting these people off with probation, etc.

  23. Jerry A on September 6th, 2012 4:10 pm

    Candice, not likely 15 years ago. Have you never heard of statute of limitations?. Most all felonies with the exception of murder have a statute of limitations imposed on them. From looking at his record, most are drug related and would have expired in that amount of time.

    He may very well be a nice person, but his record certainly does not bear that out. They say never judge a book by its cover, well some of us here have already read his book(on the Clerk of Courts website) so we can judge him. He is a convicted felon and had an outstanding warrant to which Deputy Moore was attempting to serve.

  24. Klondike Kid on September 6th, 2012 4:02 pm

    I agree with Candice & some of the others. I have met this young man & also found him to be polite & well spoken. I also know he has had some extenuating circumstances in his life. I am glad the deputy is safe & Justin is still alive – people are quick to judge and have the “hang ‘em high” mentality. Remember when you read these news stories that person may be accused of a crime but is also someone’s son, brother,husband or father.

  25. Marshall on September 6th, 2012 3:51 pm

    Yo Candice…Convicted of Cocaine possession, found guilty, sentenced to comm control and probation in September 2011 – That ain’t 15 years…

    Seems he should have spent more time in jail and maybe he would not have the current warrants! He may be nice to some, but he don’t seem nice to some others. He made his bed and the Deputy made him lay in it! Good Job Deputy!!!!

  26. Candice on September 6th, 2012 3:23 pm

    I know it is difficult for most people but you shouldn’t always judge a book by it’s cover. I have actually met Justin a couple of times while out and about and hewas always very nice, polite and well-spoken. Also, note that the dates of his past offenses are not in the article as well. For all anyone knows, his previous charges could have been fifteen years ago. All i am saying is that people shouldn’t be so quick to judge.

  27. Patriot on September 6th, 2012 3:19 pm

    Justin has done time?? Not much relative to his crimes.

    This is a list of his felony charges, just in Escambia County…

    July 2002, Burglary, SAO drops charges
    Feb 2004, Aggravated battery, SAO drops charges
    May 2004, Aggravated battery, SAO drops charges
    Dec 2005, Felony battery, found guilty, sentenced to probation
    July 2006, Robbery, found guilty, sentenced to probation
    June 2007, Felony battery, SAO drops charges
    Oct 2008, Felony DWLS, found guilty, sentenced to 14 months prison
    Jan 2010 (15 months later…) Felony battery, SAO drops charges
    Oct 2010 Felony battery, found guilty, sentenced to community control and probation
    Jan 2011 Cocaine possession, SAO drops charges
    Sep 2011 Cocaine possession, found guilty, sentenced to comm control and probation

    Seems we need better prosecutors….

  28. April on September 6th, 2012 3:12 pm

    The deputy’s life was NOT in danger. He shot an UNARMED man who was NOT committing a crime in front of his nieces inside the home. You can’t shoot a man through the hand in the chest if he is running. There is no reason he couldn’t reach for his taser instead of his gun. That was just a poor decision, PERIOD. There are far too many recent cases of cops shooting unarmed people. I will never understand how you people think it’s ok to shoot first, ask questions later. I’m sure you’re all related to a convicted felon, do you think they deserve to be shot? Doubt it.

  29. Avail on September 6th, 2012 2:55 pm

    @ LeeAnna, Mr. Coon has done time (public info of the Fl. DOC.) I make no excuses but Justin has seen much heartache with his brother passing away unexpectedly, his best friend being murdered & few other personal events. He isn’t a “wanna be gangster”, Justin dresses in nice fitting clothing & treats the genuine people in his life with much love & respect. He has made his road harder with some bad decisions but here’s to extra prayer & God’s power that this will be a chance to fix what is broken & harness the good that is in him. Justin is also well spoken. Judgements maybe how some vent, I’ll stick with hope.

  30. LeeAnna on September 6th, 2012 2:48 pm

    I am sorry… But if you are bad enough to do the crime… Be big enough to do the time. He looks as if he may be one of the wanna be “Gangster” kind… Well babe, I bet now you have a true feeling of what it might be like… You have some stories now! “Takin’ out the po-po”, “Gettin lead”, and now the latest… “Doin hard time”!!! I cant wait for his side to come out… Really wish people would GROW UP!

  31. noneya on September 6th, 2012 2:32 pm

    Nice Mug….I bet his mother is proud of her baby boy.

  32. poohbear on September 6th, 2012 2:18 pm

    Bill, they were OUTSTANDING warrants. And yes he will soon be able to stand trial and say if he is guilt or not as the article said “the suspect was transported to a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries.”

  33. john on September 6th, 2012 12:56 pm

    @ Bill,
    It says “felony suspect”. I take that to mean “suspected of felonies”.

  34. Concerned citizen 44 on September 6th, 2012 9:07 am

    @ Bill , well he was putting the deputies life and innocent ppl life in danger By fighting and refusing to go . So I applaud the deputies actions. The deputy went home to his family and the guy will get his chance in court . Good work Escambia county deputy!

  35. Bill on September 6th, 2012 8:27 am

    The article says that they were serving “warrants” so I have to assume that the “accused” person hasn’t had a trial yet to determine if he is in fact guilty of a crime. Since he has been shot, I would guess that it will be some time before he is well enough to have a “trial” to determine if he is “guilty” of a felony or not.

  36. Enforce the Law on September 6th, 2012 2:00 am

    Good Going Deputy! You have a dangerous job and stood up to the situation.

  37. eeyore on September 5th, 2012 11:52 pm

    …good for the deputy! i hope he/she is alright! sometimes i think that these criminals should definately be permanently separated from society…they are too dangerous to be around and prey upon the innocents just so these selfish folks can somehow profit off of them…

  38. Doug on September 5th, 2012 10:10 pm

    The people of Escambia County need to support the men and women of PPD and ECSO who put their lives on the line every day to protect us. I’m glad the deputy is safe and well to go home to his family tonight. If the suspect would have peacefully complied with the court-ordered felony warrant, I believe we would not be reading about a shooting.

  39. Sandra Jordan on September 5th, 2012 9:12 pm

    This is way too close to home here. Shame that Pensacola and the surrounding areas have become this way. People….start being more smart than you are!!