Another Human West Nile Case Confirmed

September 19, 2012

Another human case of the West Nile Virus was confirmed Tuesday in Santa Rosa County, bringing the  two-county area total to 12 cases and one death.

Two cases have been reported in Santa Rosa, while 10 cases with one fatality have been reported in Escambia County. A death from West Nile was also reported in Okaloosa County.

“The confirmation of a second case of West Nile virus in our county means that it is extremely important for people to follow the recommended precautions,” Sandra Park-O’Hara, administrator for the Santa Rosa County Health Department.

Residents are advised to attempt to avoid going outside between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are the most active, to use a mosquito repellent and to wear protective clothing. Residents should also work to remove any standing water around the outside of their homes.


4 Responses to “Another Human West Nile Case Confirmed”

  1. Bratt Mom on September 21st, 2012 12:06 am

    Maybe you could possibly speak to the coaches of the children about trying to schedule practices and games at a different time to take the necessary precautions to protect the children. Just a suggestion to help maybe resolve concerns, I certainly would. Take care of this together, Parents and Coaches of these children.

  2. Shasta on September 20th, 2012 7:09 pm

    I live in Mcdavid…. And the mosquito truck just came down our street. I really think that they should add a couple of sharp shooters on the back of the truck with shotguns loaded with bird shot…. Cause these skitters are big as hummingbirds round here. We almost NEVER go outside after 4:00 pm..scared a couple of them big boyz will pick us up and carry us off to the swamp!!!

  3. Gembeaux on September 20th, 2012 9:53 am

    Shannon, I am an absolute mosquito magnet – people like to have me around so I’ll act to deter the mosquitoes away from them – and I have learned to live with plenty of “Off Deep Woods” and similar repellants. Any repellant with plenty of DEET will do the trick! I ahte being coated with the stuff, but I hate thpse mosquitoes more!

  4. Shannon on September 19th, 2012 6:45 am

    Easier said than done when all the children’s sport practices are right at dusk!