Three Injured in Hwy 97, Hwy 29 Crash

September 29, 2012

Three people were injured in a two vehicle crash at the intersection of Highway 97 and Highway 29 Saturday afternoon.

The wreck happened just after 1 p.m. and involved a Toyota Tundra and Chevrolet Impala.  At least one person was transported by ambulance to Pensacola hospital; none of the injuries were considered life threatening

The accident remains under investigation by the Floria Highway Patrol; further details have not been released.

The Molino, McDavid and Cantonment stations of Escambia Fire Rescue, Escambia County EMS, and he Escambia County Sheriff’s Office also responded to the crash. photos, click to enlarge.


35 Responses to “Three Injured in Hwy 97, Hwy 29 Crash”

  1. Michaelontherightatthecurve. on October 2nd, 2012 10:02 am

    Sorry ahead of time for the careful law abiding drivers that travel on 97 and 29, but really people…..speed bumps and a red light? are you serious, please do a study of traffic accidents where there are red lights……plenty of accidents and deaths. Here is a novel idea……PAY ATTENTION and learn the rules of the road. If you don’t think that people are the problem, let the power go out and watch the circus begin. just my thoughts.

  2. Toya on October 1st, 2012 5:52 pm

    To all the people saying I just pulled out in front of the truck no I didn’t . And regardless there needs to be a red light regardless. That intersection is DANGEROUS point blank period! I don’t care how long people have been driving at that intersection.

  3. mom on October 1st, 2012 7:44 am

    it sucks knowing that people don’t know how to drive anymore and its true you can’t fix stupid, however I would spend every one of my tax dollars on a redlight for all 3 of moliinos intersections on 29. If it meant that maybe one more life was saved it would be worth it. For someone to say that its not worth our tax dollars to save an innocent persons life from a careless driver is just ridiculous. it takes a pretty worthless person to put such a price on precious life. Just think about all those foggy mornings when u try to cross the road and u can’t see if a car is coming because they didn’t think to turn on their lights. That scares me to death everytime I have to drive in the morning with my children.

  4. BD on September 30th, 2012 10:10 pm

    SLOW DOWN AND PAY ATTENTION! Thats all you need.

  5. pay_attention on September 30th, 2012 6:16 pm

    I am so tired of hearing people say “this intersection needs a red light”. I go through this intersection 2-6 times a day everyday for years and years and it has NEVER been a problem for me. As long as you pay attention to what’s going on, there should be NO problem. It is definitely not confusing, rather very SIMPLE! We don’t need to ADD a stop light, we need to CUT DOWN on careless drivers!!!

  6. Darren T. on September 30th, 2012 3:44 pm

    I was on 29 N just approaching the intersection with 97 when this latest accident occurred. The driver of the gray car just pulled out in front of the pickup. There is nothing about this intersection particularly dangerous. I feel sorry most of the all for the pickup that was just minding his own business. This accident is about driver error pure and simple. There wasn’t even a lot of traffic. As I was approaching the intersection the gray car was going to pull almost in front of me and the thought was – hope she goes into the fast lane and not into my lane. But before that she pulled in front of the pickup. Bummer for all involved but hopefully the driver of the impala gets a fat ticket and her insurance goes way up. People who drive like that need to learn to think!

  7. GrandMeemee on September 30th, 2012 12:48 pm

    Sat. afternoon around 5 p.m. as I was getting out of car with 2 of my grand-children in Tom Thumb parking lot I noticed a white mini van (with a enclosed luggage compartment on the roof) headed south on Hwy. 97 going too fast to stop at the STOP SIGN!!! I told my grandchildren to look as it made NO attempt to slow down or STOP!!! As it cross over 29 and continued south -LUCKY for WHO was in that van- NO one was going in either direction of Hwy. 29 at that moment!! Perhaps they were pre-oppied by a unruley child or on a cellphone- GOD was with them- an 18 wheeler was coming!! Maybe some of those strips that make the roar sound(like the right-side white line would get their attention)so they would have time to apply brakes before the STOP SIGN !!!

  8. tw on September 30th, 2012 12:29 pm

    @ngd, I agree. My husband and I were going down Hwy 29 Friday and a man in a pickup with a long trailer just pulled out from Hwy 97 and my husband had to hit his brakes to keep from hitting the trailer. Of course the drunk was safely across but the idiot must’ve forgotten he had the long trailer behind him. It’s not the intersection that’s dangerous it’s these dumb drivers.

  9. ngd on September 30th, 2012 11:34 am

    I drove a bus to p’cola everyday for about 10 yrs and had to go through that intersection two times a day. In the a.m I was coming off of 97 and in the p.m I was turning off of 29…I never even had any close calls…On the other hand my husband and I went to p’cola the other day and three different times someone just ran out in front of us…People are not driving safely anymore…they all need to go to driving school…

  10. NewGQman on September 30th, 2012 10:24 am

    Strange, Ive been through this intersection dozensand dozens of times, often at the busiest time of day, and…miraculously i managed to not hit anyone, or get hit by anyone. But then, I dont text while driving, or talk on the phone while driving. I feel like, while im driving, I need to focus on just that..DRIVING.

  11. Brad on September 30th, 2012 7:09 am

    Come on people, there is not enough traffic at this intersection to warrant a light, and there is already appropriate traffic control at this intersection. The problem is that drivers do not pay attention, test people and flat our just do not take enough care when they drive. A traffic light will not fix stupid. The yellow light means proceed with caution. The flashing red light and stop sign means stop, then proceed with caution. If people follow the rules of the road, oh ya, no one does that anymore, even law enforcement, then everything will be fine. Do not waste my taxpayer dollars on people’s mistakes. A stop light will not fix mistakes. They occur at at stop lighted intersections too. People run red lights all the time. And no, it is not worth spending money to save one person’s life and inconvenience thousands because when the simple fix is to just pay attention and be cautious.

  12. Jane on September 30th, 2012 4:56 am

    Contact FDOT and tell them we want a traffic light and speed bumps on 29 and 97. Even people from Alabama know this is a bad intersection!

  13. MolinoLady on September 29th, 2012 10:40 pm

    So sad to continually have this occurance – it is just wrong. Please notice it is a Federal Road. If you complain to the wrong people nothing gets done – they do not have the authority.


  14. Ben & Donna Porter on September 29th, 2012 9:10 pm

    It will continue till we get a commissioner that cares for his people. Heads up Barry.

  15. George on September 29th, 2012 7:18 pm

    Why there isn’t a light there is beyond me. I guess the right person hasn’t been killed yet. You can bet that if a family member of someone important gets seriously injured or worse that money for a light will suddenly appear.

  16. Ricky boatwright on September 29th, 2012 5:48 pm

    Hey your not suppose to go in to tom thumb from 29 that should be exit only ….. your right we need red lights at every where two roads meet …. so pople won,t have to look to see what coming … look at 9 1/2 rd there has not been a wreck there since that light went up ….. ( right) ….. I worked in road const. for years I have been in traffic working pople do not look where they are going

  17. scenario on September 29th, 2012 5:47 pm

    If we didn’t have to try and guess what other drivers were going to do at this intersection, it might not so difficult. So let’s count the possibilities: If you are traveling north on 29, you can keep going north, turn left onto Atmore Hwy, turn left into the Tom Thumb, turn right onto Hwy 95A. If you are traveling south on Hwy 29, you can keep going south, you can turn right onto Atmore Hwy, you can turn right at the Tom Thumb, you can turn left through the median onto Hwy 95-A. So far, we have 8 choices. Now, if you are traveling south on Atmore Hwy, you can turn right onto Hwy 29 S, go straight across the median to Hwy 95-A or turn left across the median to Hwy 29 N. So now we are at 11 choices. If you are coming from Hwy 95-A, you can turn right onto Hwy 29 N, turn left across the median onto Hwy 29 S, go straight across the median to Atmore Hwy or straight across the median and then south to the Tom Thumb; and if my calculations are correct, that is 15 different choices where you have to guess what the other driver is going to do. There are way too many options for this to be just left up to chance, not to mention what happens if and when a person changes their mind in midstream. There is too much going on in this one little intersection.

  18. Old enough on September 29th, 2012 5:19 pm

    It’s not the turning lane, that’s a help. It’s that people don’t pay attention. There are stop signs and divided highway signs on 97 and FLASHING lights both ways. A vehicle has a steering wheel and brakes. Use them AND you brain, pay attention!

  19. AlabamaChick on September 29th, 2012 4:44 pm

    That new turn lane is just a way to get killed. I almost got hit trying to get in the Tom Thumb . Get a red light or get rid of that turn lane. Praying for the people in the accident

  20. mk on September 29th, 2012 4:28 pm

    Life flight almost always goes over our house when accidents happen thebe or on 97 – We were sitting on our porch and my husband said “another one” — We have 2 kids that live our there and immediately call to make sure they are ok — Why the state refuses to do something about this is appalling. Guess they want some people to die first. And, Kathy the turning lane was a really a stupid idea. All it will do is cause a bottleneck and make a bad situation worse. The DOT or whomever thought that up needs to be brought up on charges the very first time someone gets hurt because of it. Yes folks, we need a light there and maybe a permanent highway patrol officer also.

  21. Don't Understand on September 29th, 2012 4:27 pm

    What I do not understand is why everyone keeps blaming the intersection. I live north of the intersection and can’t count the number of times I have been coming thru that very spot and have almost been hit. It has everything to do with people doing the”California Roll” trying to beat the oncoming traffic. There is a bright red STOP sign at that intersection not to mention an acceleration lane for those people turning south. People need to simply follow the traffic laws and alot of the Crashes, not accidents would cease. Quit blaming the intersection and hold people accountable. If u do not think that 1/2 to 3/4 of the people Roll thru the intersection sit there for 30 to 45 min any given day and watch.

  22. bin on September 29th, 2012 4:18 pm

    glad there are no major injurys, but pavement, paint and signs do not cause crashes. been through there many times.

  23. Walnut Hill Roy on September 29th, 2012 4:17 pm

    They haven’t even determined the cause of the accident yet and we have no idea about who did what from where; yet people are already calling for a traffic light at the intersection. Incredible!

    Move the entrance to Crabtree Church Road and the gas station from a a point about 50 feet from the intersection and you have a start. What good will a light do if all of the traffic turning onto 97 is blocked by someone trying to make a left turn into Crabtree Church Road?

  24. Greg on September 29th, 2012 4:07 pm

    It’s dangerous,obviously, the problem is not a lack of a stoplight but a lack of careless driving. There alone lies the problem. Sure a stoplight will slow most of us down but someone will still blow through there with all of those easy targets just sitting there that would normally be way down the road, or pull out in front of someone…stoplight or not. A light will solve nothing because idiots are everywhere .

  25. Puzzled on September 29th, 2012 4:05 pm

    Why is it that a lot of people can’t seem to negotiate this intersection ? I deal with it on a frequent basis and it doesn’t seem to be all that confusing.

  26. WRM on September 29th, 2012 4:05 pm

    Kathy, as much as I agree with you..the FIX is called personal responsibility. Driving is a full time job. No highway marking nor intersection (unless it is blind…this is not the case here) causes accidents.If we rely on the Government to save us everytime for every situation…then heads up driving will desolve and more accidents will occur due to blame being presented on the roads, not the drivers. ALL accidents not involving equipment failure is due to someone not paying proper attention when behind the steering wheel. Many prayers for all involved.

  27. KJ on September 29th, 2012 4:00 pm

    Need those speed bumps in all the lanes on both roads there. Not real big ones – just high enough to make people become aware of what was going on on all sides around them.

  28. LuLu on September 29th, 2012 3:46 pm

    What we need is for people to pay attention.

  29. Jo on September 29th, 2012 3:45 pm

    This the exact same place I had my accident! When will a light get put up here? How many more wrecks have to happen?

  30. motherofnewdriver on September 29th, 2012 3:36 pm

    This is really sad, and I really hate to hear of another wreck. There have been so many wrecks here and so many people injured or killed in the process. How many more will it take before someone sees that there needs to be a redlight to give more clear direction on how the traffic flows? We have a school on this road and school buses full of children go through this intersection on a daily basis. This end of the county is growing by leaps and bounds, and there is so much more traffic than there used to be. A traffic study was done in August and we were told there simply isn’t enough traffic nor have there been enough wrecks there to warrant a traffic light. There is another study planned for the spring of 2013. I pray there won’t be anymore wrecks before this happens. I have a child who is driving now, and all I can do is pray and put it all the Lord’s hands, but I do pray that someone will see that we DO need this traffic light up here.

  31. Kim on September 29th, 2012 3:30 pm

    How many wrecks will it take before they put a red light there? It is getting too congested in that area not to have one!!!!!

  32. kathy on September 29th, 2012 3:07 pm

    Not sure if the new turning lane had anything to do with this but I think the new setup here is added danger to an already extremely dangerous intersection. How many cleanups, medical bills, insurence premiums etc. does the public have to pay before this is fixed?! The price is being paid in full injuries and even lives and still NOTHIN!!!

  33. kevin enfinger on September 29th, 2012 2:40 pm

    seems like every day i look on here theres and accident at this intersection. i live in georgia but visit this sight about 8 times a day to keep up with whats at home. we need to petition to have this intersection revamped. seriously

  34. Grandjoy on September 29th, 2012 2:32 pm

    So sorry to hear this AGAIN! Praying for these people and their loved ones. OK so you still think we do not need a redlight???? Well, if you think that, how about a full time Highway Patrol on duty? Help is surely needed!

  35. Angi B. on September 29th, 2012 1:52 pm

    Just made it through, looked like alot of damage.
    I hope and pray that all involved will be ok.