Woman Charged With Beating Boyfriend With A Golf Club

August 7, 2012

A Jay woman was arrested after she went to her boyfriend’s house, kicked in the door, and beat him with a golf club.

The incident started when 24-year old Tristan Danielle Watson was on the phone with her boyfriend when the conversation became heated. After the victim hung up on her,Watson then proceeded to drive  to her boyfriend’s home in Jay, kick in the backdoor, and hit him twice in the face with a golf club,  according to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office.

He fell to the ground and was able to get the golf club from Watson. Watson continued to punch the victim in the face before taking a few hundred dollars from the victim’s wallet. Watson then left her boyfriend lying on the floor and fled the scene. The victim had bruising and swelling around his eye and forehead, according to deputies.

Deputies recovered a “Kidpower” brand golf club at the scene, according to an arrest report.

Watson was located by deputies at a residence in Pace, and she admitted to attacking her boyfriend with a golf club after entering his home.

Watson was charged with home invasion robbery, burglary, felony battery and petit theft. She remained in the Santa Rosa County Jail Monday without bond.

Watson and the victim have a child together, according to he Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office.


23 Responses to “Woman Charged With Beating Boyfriend With A Golf Club”

  1. crazy stuff on August 8th, 2012 10:47 pm

    Well JAY made WABD crazy story list…Thanks lady……But truth be know,that lady which is a MOM better be thankful he did not kill her for busting in to his home. Her child does not deserve this type of drama in his/her life… wake the hell up its not about you anymore CRAZY lady…poor kid…( note to the guy they sell hockey mask at Walmart and boxing gloves….sorry dude for the crazy stuff going on in your life…)

  2. nodcoop on August 8th, 2012 12:40 pm

    as in most cases, someway she will become the victim and get away with it.

  3. Stephanie Small on August 7th, 2012 10:57 pm

    I say, answer the phone. No one enjoys being ignored or turned off like a light…. Just saying.

  4. David Huie Green on August 7th, 2012 8:02 pm

    “having a crazy woman chasing you and throwing things,etc.Sometimes there are circumstances where a man just can’t simply ‘walk away”. ”

    Suggestion: Don’t date crazy women.

    Suggestion: If you can’t simply walk away, RUN!

    David for nipping problems in the bud

  5. jw on August 7th, 2012 6:52 pm

    @ just saying How can you always ‘just walk away’ when your being hit with a golf club..or backed into a corner..or having a crazy woman chasing you and throwing things,ect.Sometimes there is circumstances where a man just cant simply ‘walk away”.

  6. MY2CENTS on August 7th, 2012 4:12 pm

    I Wonder, Thank You for this beautiful statement:

    Yes “real” men shouldn’t hit women, but a “real” woman shouldn’t hit a man either.

    Thank you for putting it out there for us to see. I agree 100% now that I have grown up.

    I too, was a hot headed, ill tempered individual that did not think before acting. On top of that, because I am female my thoughts were I could do anything that I wanted.
    I have been with the man that changed my mind for half my life now. Married to him 16 years. Believe me….He settled me down which is exactly what I needed and he did it not one moment too soon. It was not easy for him, but he managed. I still have a very wicked temper but I have learned to control it. So it can be done!

    Thankful to have him in my life.

  7. Doug on August 7th, 2012 3:31 pm

    I Wonder,

    I couldn’t agree with you more. Like you, I own weapons and feel that in today’s world they are almost a necessity for law abiding citizens (I wish it didn’t have to be that way). To often, people who would otherwise not harm anyone are put in a position that requires them to make a decision on whether or not to use deadly force. This case is a good example and I feel the guy made the right choice. The Stand Your Ground Law is based on whether or not an individual feels their life (or the life of someone else) is “threatened”. A good lawyer can make it look like you were threatened whether you really felt like you were or not. This guy obviously didn’t feel like he was in great danger, or he would have acted accordingly. Yes, my post was a joke. It was aimed at the law, which in my opinion gives us all a license to kill – as long as we can convince a jury that our actions were based on fear and not anger or malice. Personally, I don’t think I trust most people to have that level of integrity.

  8. jcellops on August 7th, 2012 3:29 pm

    i looked up the brand “kidpower” golf club…..seems that from what i read about them they are purposefully made lightweight (for kids) and some are flexible…obviously, they can still do some damage….shes going to need a good lawyer and he is going to need a new door..sorry the child is in the mix of this violent fiasco between the parents..

  9. Bigr on August 7th, 2012 2:52 pm

    I don’t believe in hitting women but if they hit you first all bets are off.

  10. David Huie Green on August 7th, 2012 2:49 pm

    If you can’t get along,
    get away.

  11. JimD on August 7th, 2012 2:10 pm

    No it doesn’t say if he hit her or not, but if she broke down the door, entered his home, and attached him, he would have had the right to protect himself, to include shooting her. She deserves everthing thing she gets…

    Have to agree…it is about time women get the same and “equal” treatment under the law. Jail her up…..

  12. I wonder on August 7th, 2012 1:50 pm

    No one said use deadly force on her, I know your email was kidding but I’m not sure if you were making a joke about the stand your ground law or the fact that the man should have defened himself from “a woman half his size.” It really doesn’t matter how big the person is who is attacking if there is INTENT. A few years back the King brothers were just children when they killed their father who I’m sure had to be more than twice their size. I bring that up just to show that no matter what the size or age, someone with a weapon is a force to be reckoned with. And the person being attacked should use what ever they can to DEFEND themself. A weapon changes the situtation drastically. I am not a person who thinks weapons, guns ect should be outlawed. I own several. However, if someone is using the weapon with intent to maime, or kill, then they deserve to get a dose of their own medicine. Who knows how many times this “woman” has attacked this man or any other person.Shes clearly hostile and I hope she is handled accordingly. Yes “real” men shouldn’t hit women, but a “real” woman shouldn’t hit a man either.

  13. Doug on August 7th, 2012 12:44 pm

    This just in from an NRA spokesman: This guy obviously did not know about the Florida Stand Your Ground Law. A woman half his size, breaking into his home screaming, and swinging a golf club. He had to feel his life was in danger. Either he or a bystander should have used deadly force. How dare he pass on a chance to use deadly force!!!

  14. Sandra on August 7th, 2012 10:02 am

    Physical violence is wrong…man or woman. No one should *hit* out of anger and men most certainly do have the right to defend themselves. She is where she belongs!

  15. Just sayin' on August 7th, 2012 9:59 am

    @ Jon H,

    I never said that he did hit her. I simply said that the only right thing to do is walk away. Sometimes that means taking a weapon away and sometimes it means simply walking away from the other person.

  16. micah2021 on August 7th, 2012 9:44 am

    I think Jon has the right of it. It only takes 5 lbs of pressure to crush a persons windpipe, and it can be easily done with the strength in one finger, so if she’s got her hands around your neck or wielding a weapon and blocking the exits, what are you to do?

  17. Jon H on August 7th, 2012 8:51 am

    To “Just sayin” I could be missing it but I dont see in the article where it mentions him ever hitting her. However, if someone hits you in the face with a golf club twice – the only way to remove yourself from the situation may involve hitting or pushing. Doesn’t matter how much of a “man” you are!

  18. i wonder on August 7th, 2012 8:38 am

    I want to comment on a previous post.

    Just Sayin’,
    I agree that men should not hit women, and I also think it is ridiculous that women now feel that they have a “free pass” to hit men. ( I am a woman and would never hit my husband ) But I do have a question. Since this woman, I use the term woman with caution here, brought a weapon to this mans house and proceeded to beat him with it wouldn’t that be a case of “in fear for his life?” Granted I don’t know this man he could be the incredible hulk, but if she hit him in the head that is a “deadly force area” and is life threatening. I personally think that if he had felt the need to use SOME (yes some… enough to protect himself from the weapon) force against her that he should not be punished. It is NEVER ok for a man to beat a woman or for a woman to beat a man, however I do believe you should be able to defend yourself when your life is threated by a WEAPON (yes I think a golf club is a weapon when it hits someone in the head).

    I hope this man fully recovers, and if he is a good parent maybe he can get custody of the child.

  19. Sippin on a cold Coke,amused...confused!! hmmm on August 7th, 2012 8:25 am

    I betcha he will think twice before he hangs up on anybody else! Poor guy!!

  20. superdook on August 7th, 2012 8:22 am

    i wonder if she yelled fore(head) before she swung?

  21. Just sayin' on August 7th, 2012 8:11 am

    Having been a victim of domestic violence myself, I’m a little offended by the two previous comments. It doesn’t matter who is doing the hitting, domestic violence is domestic violence and it is wrong!

    However, that said, even if a woman hits a man, if he were a MAN and not a boy playing at being a man, he would NEVER hit back. He would remove himself from the situation. Men are, in most instances, stronger than women and for him to hit is much harder than for her to do so. He can permanently damage her while the most she’s likely to do is give him a couple of bruises.

    Regardless, when a situation turns violent, the best solution is to walk away.

  22. just my words on August 7th, 2012 3:05 am

    i agree, there are women out there that well just will not drop things to the point they start with hitting, throwing, etc, but most times the man gets arrested, when it should have been the other way around, by the way i am a woman and i have witnessed this in the past from some friends, now for me i have fault with an x or two but we never called the cops we knew we were both in the wrong after all was said and done. however since i have gotten smarter with age i know there are better ways to handle a bad situation. to sum it up some women just need a good hard old fashion butt whipping..

  23. jw on August 7th, 2012 12:46 am

    Im glad he called the cops ..about time.Men are supposed to just stand there and take beatings from women??yea right.There is alot of women out there with anger issues that do this kind of thing and the man always either takes it or is the one that ends up in jail because he’s just had enough or her craziness and hits her back