Texting And Driving Is Now Illegal In Alabama

August 1, 2012

It’s now illegal to text and drive in Alabama.

Beginning today, Alabama became the 38th state to ban texting and driving. The ban extends to most manual electronic communications — so email, Facebook, Twitter and instant messaging are out too on public highways.

The fine for violating the law is $25 for a first-time offense, $50 for a second offense and $75 for a third or subsequent offense. Those fines can easily reach $200 in some counties after court costs are added. Also, for each offense, it’s two points on a driver’s record, potentially leading to higher insurance rates.

The ban includes cell phones, PDA’s, personal computers and most any other electronic device used to send or receive messages or email.

Drivers can still send and receive messages using voice commands — such as with Siri on the iPhone. And drivers can also send text messages or emails while legally parked on the shoulder of the road.

The ban does not preclude the use of GPS devices, as long as the device destination is programmed before the vehicle is on the road.  Entering a phone number and talking on the phone are still legal.

Also, the ban does not extend to drivers obtaining emergency services.

Pictured top: Texting and driving is now illegal in Alabama. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


21 Responses to “Texting And Driving Is Now Illegal In Alabama”

  1. chris scott on July 16th, 2013 8:58 pm

    Well I am here to clear this issue of will you get punished for TEXTING&DRIVING.
    YES IS THE ANSWER!!!! I have a clean and perfect driving record up till receiving
    this and today I went to court for this today and was hit with a $650 fine and
    a ONE YEAR PROBATION!!! So be careful everyone.

  2. sam wiley on August 22nd, 2012 10:35 pm

    can a ticket for texting in alabama get as high as 400.00 1st time???

  3. No Excuses on August 3rd, 2012 11:18 am

    @ Brent,’

    Unfortunately, I believe you are correct. Young people tend to have an immortality complex and believe that it can’t happen to them.

    I am for less government involvement, but I would encourage our car manufacturers to continue exploring options that disable cell phones while the car is in motion. I know the technology is in prisons to circumvent the inmates who smuggle cell phones in to conduct business on an unmonitored line. If the phones don’t work, so what? No problem. The technology can even be turned on or off, depending on who is driving the car. It’s not sure-fire, but could help make a difference in accidents related to texting/talking while driving.

  4. brent on August 1st, 2012 6:35 pm

    This law will do absolutely nothing to stop people from TWD, it will do nothing more than generate a little revenue for the state. Want a litmus test? Ask the students at Northview High who lost a friend because of texting to honestly answer the question are they still texting while driving? This law means nothing to the mass populus who text while driving…you can pile all of them who are doing it on top of those who are driving uninsured…

  5. MIKE O. on August 1st, 2012 4:56 pm


    You are silly. I can guarantee that if you kill someone while texting, they will skip the $25 fine, and charge you with either vehicular homicide or neglegent homicide. You will go to prison for a very long time! You wont even have to worry about that measley $25.

    Get real people!!!

  6. ??????? on August 1st, 2012 3:25 pm

    I am not happy with this ruling at all.
    $25 – is not near enough of a fine to stop people from texting and driving. Especially the younger kids.
    So, if you kill someone else’s family while texting, we’ll fine you $25. Once again, what a joke!
    Maybe if Florida ever accepts this as law, they’ll make the fines alot stiffer and not make a joke out of this very serious issue.

  7. MIKE O. on August 1st, 2012 1:56 pm

    Im glad to see this. Hopefully FL will follow. And more than likely, no one will have to worry about this unless 1) you are blatantly texting right in front of the officers view, or 2) you are involved in an auto accident with injuries or death. In case 2, you can bet on phone records being pulled for time stamps.

    Id rather have a drunk person driving behind the whell than a person driving and texting. At least the drunk is trying not to crash, where as a person texting isnt even looking at the road.

    Mike against texting a driving. Save the children!!

  8. Bob hudson on August 1st, 2012 1:52 pm

    This law makes me very happy, now Fla. needs to do the same. In this case the government is not stupid, the people are, who do this. You see , the simple solution is to PULL OVER if you have to talk on your phone or text. Nothing in any one’s life is so important that you can not pull over and use your phone. I would have started with 500.00 dollar fines , then a thousand. Bet you will put them down then. Wonder what would happen if auto insurance companies start asking, Do you use a cell phone, or text when you are driving?

  9. Atmore G on August 1st, 2012 1:19 pm

    I am so glad that Alabama has taken this action.. I travel a good bit, and almost always see people who are trying to text and drive.. They slow down, speed up, and sometimes drift from one lane to the other.. You cannot tell me that they can react quickly to any hazard on the road while they are texting.. Great job Alabama!

  10. Res of Alabama on August 1st, 2012 1:10 pm


    I don’t drive……I’m always in the passenger seat……one shouldn’t be presumptuous…

  11. Sandra on August 1st, 2012 12:22 pm

    “Does this law include cops using their computors while driving? Anyone know or is this another onesided law?
    And the fines are way to small. Anyone caught texting while driving should be charged with attempted murder”

    CW, No it doesnt. Nor does it make illegal eating while driving, conversing with passengers etc. Make it an attempted murder charge? And we wonder why the government has to legislate stupidity.

  12. matt on August 1st, 2012 11:17 am

    Its sad there has to be a law for this dangerous action behind the wheel.So much for common sense.And people wonder why the govt has to hold us by the hand.Stupidity is why.I agree with one poster in here that says the fines are not expensive enough.People will gladly pay that like they do parking tickets.It should attempted murder if texter causes accident.

  13. c.w. on August 1st, 2012 8:48 am

    Does this law include cops using their computors while driving? Anyone know or is this another onesided law?
    And the fines are way to small. Anyone caught texting while driving should be charged with attempted murder.

  14. paul on August 1st, 2012 8:25 am

    It’s a first step but it really needs to be put on the same level as a DUI, people are dying from distracted drivers and not enough is being done about it. The ole it was an accident just doesn’t cut it in my eyes, it’s time to hold people accountable for their actions. Hang up and Drive like your life depends on it!!

  15. Patriot on August 1st, 2012 8:07 am

    In response to:
    how would you really know if someone was texting and driving or just dialing a phone number?

    Without an admittance by the driver or a search of the phone/ subpoena of the phone records, they wouldn’t.

  16. anonymous on August 1st, 2012 7:50 am

    how would you really know if someone was texting and driving or just dialing a phone number?

  17. Patriot on August 1st, 2012 7:20 am

    In response to:
    Woo Hoo! This makes me so happy! I have my cell and will be taking pictures of anyone I see driving and texting and a pic of their tag number – and sending it to the cops!

    Because taking photos while driving is SO MUCH safer….

  18. Jeff Bergosh on August 1st, 2012 5:54 am

    Alabama has it right–this seems like a no brainer. On a recent trip to California I made, everyone was talking about the ban on texting and driving there–and the heavy fines for those that are caught doing so. We need to do this in Florida! I recently had the opportunity to speak to one of our locally elected state representatives, and I asked him about possibly getting a bill started here to ban texting and driving–and frankly–I was surprised at the pushback I got from him. He said “there are already laws on the books that speak to distracted driving, so why do we need to add more” I respect this guy, but I disagree with his assessment. We need to ban texting and driving–too many wrecks, too many young kids that are inexperienced drivers already, trying to text while driving. It needs to stop.

  19. Res of Alabama on August 1st, 2012 4:18 am

    Woo Hoo! This makes me so happy! I have my cell and will be taking pictures of anyone I see driving and texting and a pic of their tag number – and sending it to the cops! Now if they’d only make it illegal to put on makeup while driving…..

  20. tomtom44 on August 1st, 2012 3:34 am

    Not going to stop them they are going to do it.

  21. bigbill1961 on August 1st, 2012 2:29 am

    Now if only Florida would wise up and do the same. I’m so sick of nearly being run off the road because some idiot feels it’s necessary to talk or text while driving. I was on my way to the doctor this morning, and the driver in the lane to my left was struggling to keep her vehicle in a straight line. As I drove past, I saw her looking at her cell phone as she was driving. In my opinion, a phone call or a text message is just not worth the risk.