SWAT Team Standoff Ends

August 28, 2012

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team and multiple deputies responded to a home on Barksdale Street, just east of Chemstrand Road this afternoon.

A man inside the home called 911 about 12:13 p.m. and was threatening to kill himself, according to Melissa Rawson, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office. When deputies arrived on scene, they were unable to make contact with the man, and the SWAT team was dispatched.

After unsuccessful attempts to make contact with the man, SWAT deployed a robot inside the home and made entry where they found the man deceased.

Pictured: Deputies staged at East 10 Mile Road and Chemstrand Road in their response to a home on Barksdale Street. NorthEscambia.com photo by Kristi Smith, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “SWAT Team Standoff Ends”

  1. 429SCJ on August 30th, 2012 7:51 pm

    It is bad that this persons life came to an end. I would imagine that there are more and more people everyday, having difficulty coping in these troubled and difficult times.

    It seems like a large number of officers were on scene, but then I am not qualified to make that determination.

  2. Patriot on August 29th, 2012 3:40 pm


    If you’re concerned for your safety, go inside your house. If you need to evacuate, they’ll let you know.

  3. David Huie Green on August 29th, 2012 2:11 pm

    “This was a scary time for all of us neighbors ”

    It SHOULD have been a scary time.
    It was a dangerous time.
    Suicidal people aren’t thinking straight.
    Things were subject to change in a moment.
    I imagine they didn’t have time or permission to hand out incomplete information.

    David for not jostling the surgeon’s scalpel arm during surgery

  4. David Huie Green on August 29th, 2012 2:05 pm

    “I didn’t realize that suicide intervention involved a SWAT team.”

    SWAT means Special Weapons And Tactics. They aren’t just for killing peple but rather for avoiding killing if possible by being ready if needed. I was reading the other day where a couple of officers were faced by a person waving a 45 at them. In a matter of seconds, they sent 16 shots his way. Ten of those shots went into or through him. NINE other people were injured as well, all from their shots, none from his. They had to react quickly since they weren’t wearing body armor, face shields, et cetera. Had a SWAT type been facing him, it might have gone better.

    From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWAT
    “SWAT team members’ duties include: performing hostage rescues and counter-terrorism operations; serving high risk arrest and search warrants; subduing barricaded suspects; and engaging heavily-armed criminals. ”

    Sometimes suicidal people kill a number of other people ere killing themselves. I know this from personal experience.

    David for prepared people
    glad no one else was hurt there

  5. Ray on August 29th, 2012 1:18 pm

    Easy for you to say Jack you weren’t here to see them running around with m16 in hand .need for gossip i resent that, Concern for safty is not GOSSIP thank you very much..

  6. jack on August 29th, 2012 10:51 am

    Ray..If you were in danger, you would have been told. The police are not there to satisfy your need for gossip.

  7. Ray on August 29th, 2012 9:02 am

    This was a scary time for all of us nabors we couldn’t find out anything it looked like a war zone out here their must have been twenty to thirty sherriff ’s cars out here and swat teams and when i tried to find out what was happing a capatin of the sherriff office told me that he could’n't say anything because quote it was still Hot . What wood it had hurt to adviced us thats all we needed to know . I don’t think it was handled very well .

  8. molino jim on August 29th, 2012 8:21 am

    @Avis- The SWAT teams and the crisis negotiators work together on most calls of this nature. The negotiators try to talk the person down or offer some hope to them. Some times all the person needs is someone to talk with and the call out can end peacefully. If the negotiators can not talk the person down then some times the SWAT team will try to use “flash bangs” or other forms of distraction and make entry and try to disarm the person. It is a team effort with bothSWAT and negotiators trying to resolve the problem. Some times no matter what is tried or done the end result is what happened here. In many cases if the person calls to say they are going to kill them self. they are reaching out for help. If they want to end their life they do it and some one finds the body later. Very sorry for the family in this.

  9. William on August 29th, 2012 7:49 am

    >>William, Does anyone know if the house in the photo the same place the incident took place?

    No, it’s not. Like the photo description says, this is at 10 Mile and Chemstrand. The house was on a different street — Barksdale.

  10. M.H. on August 29th, 2012 7:47 am

    William, Does anyone know if the house in the photo the same place the incident took place?
    I drive past here every day on my way to work, just curious. Prayers going out to everyone involved.

  11. Avis on August 29th, 2012 2:19 am

    I didn’t realize that suicide intervention involved a SWAT team.

  12. Darlene Moye on August 28th, 2012 7:25 pm

    So sorry for the loss of this man, just found out he was my deceased cousins husband, praying for his mother, daughters and family.

  13. Freda Whaley on August 28th, 2012 4:44 pm

    What a shame. He took a temp. problem and made it final. Prayers for his family.