Southern Poverty Law Center Files Complaint Against Escambia Schools

August 7, 2012

The Southern Poverty Law Center announced Tuesday morning that it has filed a series of federal civil rights complaints against Florida School Districts, including Escambia County. The complaints alleged that the districts subject African-American students to harsh disciplinary policies at rates that are far higher than for white students.

The complaints, filed with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, describe how African-American students in the school districts in Escambia, Bay, Okaloosa, Flagler and Suwannee counties are suspended, expelled and arrested at school for relatively minor and non-violent conduct.

“Unforgiving disciplinary policies are cutting short the futures of countless African-American students across Florida and the entire nation,” said Stephanie Langer, a staff attorney for the SPLC’s Florida office. “If school districts truly want to provide a quality education to all of their students, they will reform these discriminatory policies.”

The complaints  explain how the school districts have imposed long-term suspensions on children as young as 8 years old for minor rule infractions such as tardiness, inappropriate cell phone usage, talking in class and dress code violations.

The SPLC said in Escambia County Schools, African-American students account for 65 percent of all out-of-school suspensions, but they represent only 36 percent of the student population.

The SPLC alleges that M.C., an African-American student in Escambia County, was suspended and arrested for “trespassing” after purchasing a hot meal at a neighboring high school. Before this incident, M.C. had no history of discipline issues.

Florida has amended its zero-tolerance discipline law to encourage schools to handle minor behavioral problems with in-school discipline rather than harsh policies that decrease a student’s time in the regular classroom, the SPLC stated in a news release.

“Local school districts and state officials must make reforms that improve the effectiveness of school disciplinary policies without forcing children out of the classroom,” said Tania Galloni, managing attorney of the SPLC’s Florida office. “School discipline should never deprive a child of an education, but that is happening in these school districts. What was once considered minor misconduct has become an opportunity to punish or even criminalize a student’s behavior.”

In addition to Escambia County, the complaints target Okaloosa, Bay, Suwannee and Flagler counties.


74 Responses to “Southern Poverty Law Center Files Complaint Against Escambia Schools”

  1. Offended parent on August 22nd, 2012 9:31 pm

    I’m a parent who have taken pride in raising my children to be respectful, but independent; outspoken to express their feelings, thoughts, likes and dislikes. I have four children who have been affected by Escambia County School system. The last but most fatal incident was with a local middle school which stripped my thirteen year old daughter of her captain title and postion on the cheerleader squad. I’m a witness that Escambia County School system is not fair to african american childrend. There are many more horrific stories to be told in Escambia County that have not been voiced. First of all I applaud those who had the courage to make a stand and I encourage others to do so. Until we do the trend will not be broken. I welcome a positive change.

  2. callie on August 14th, 2012 9:54 am

    Everyone on here is talking about blacks or not from African. We are not the one who came up with black African America. But you will see it on any job applications or on any thing that has to due with filling out paper work. So do not try to say where not black African america when a injustice has been done or when you all know that racism is still alive all over the world. And why every time a black person do something people put Obama in it leave that man out of this.

  3. J on August 10th, 2012 8:41 pm

    My son attended Okaloosa country schools last year for 5 months. I believe that there may be something to this case. We moved here from another state with the military. My son has an IEP. My son’s IEP was completely disregarded and before the staff at the school even met him or evaluated him he was placed in a secluded classroom at a school 30 minutes from our home. This practice is against federal law in the IDEA Act 2004. He started to have behaviors, we eventually had to pull him from the school for his own safety. First off, he was forced to wear pants with a belt in 90 degree heat outside, when he was on medication that inhibited his ability to control his body temperature. Then, one afternoon he banged his head 12-14 times against a desk, then complained that he could not see. The teacher told me it was because he had pink eye (diagnosed and treated some time before the incident). I took him to the ER to rule out a seizure and eye injury. I filed a complaint a few months ago. The school district wasn’t very happy, instead of calling me or my husband, they called the AFRC and attempted to use my complaint as means to fire an employee there. They gave out enough information on my complaint for the AFRC to deduce who had filed the state complaint, and I got a phone call. We are attempting to find a lawyer and file a lawsuit against the district for violating my son’s privacy rights. This district is extremely crooked. I have never experienced anything like this before in my life. For a long time I used to think discrimination was something that happened to someone else in 1950s and 1960s, and then it happened to my son. So don’t shrug it off as trumped up charge. FWIW, I’m white, my son is blonde haired, blue eyed, and I’m a conservative.

  4. Pete Barrentine on August 9th, 2012 6:29 pm

    Regarding Eeyore, from your comment I see you are named appropriately. Of course people say the race card is being pulled, when it actually is pulled. I am in agreement that if everyone were Americans rather than African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, we may not have a dived Country. Racism then may go away. Maybe.

  5. Bob hudson on August 9th, 2012 12:42 pm

    I worked in Warri , Nigeria for a while, great people , hard working, and very tough, but they where not fond of African Americans at all.. I ask them, and they where very out spoken about it.

  6. joan on August 9th, 2012 10:16 am

    It sure did not take long for the law suit to come through after dictator obama signed ANOTHER executive order

  7. David Huie Green on August 9th, 2012 9:49 am

    “I do not know anyone who was born in Africa,
    so therefore I do not know any African Americans!”

    I used to work in Africa, so I know plenty of Africans but none of them came to America, despite desperately wanting to do so.

    Anyhoo, a young African-American reporter was speaking to Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and asked him , “How do you as an African-American….”

    Thurgood interrupted him and said, “I am NOT an African-American. I am a black man.”

    People can call themselves whatever pleases them.

    David thinking to each his own

  8. joe on August 9th, 2012 4:04 am

    I laugh and applaud Mr DHG,
    I always read his notations but this time need to reply as well.
    if America is the Melting pot, why distinguish americans?
    I agree Africa is another place, are they african or american?
    this does not happen in other countries, in the UK blacks are not called african britians, or in france african frenchmen. So why the need to do it in America?
    This is why racism continues in this country. Blacks continue to feel the need to distinguish themselves from all of us plain old americans.
    I do not know anyone who was born in africa,
    so therefore I do not know any african americans!
    I only know lots of Americans!

  9. Pert - mother on August 9th, 2012 1:37 am

    I agree with Ashley, whose coment on August 7th. Our daughter went to public school for the first 5 years of elementary school. The experiences she had in those years were NOT so good. So instead of sending her to middle school, we sought private schooling. In this school every student was given a hand book and the rules APPLIED to ALL students regardless of your skin color. NO dresses or skirts shorter than 2 inches above the knee, NO plunging neck lines, BELTS to be worn with ALL pants at WAIST- not down on the fanny where underwear showed, and NO flip-flops, only sandles, shoes or sneakers. You know WHAT? There wasn’t any problem with the dress code, if you didn’t abide by the rules you were sent home! AND your parents KNEW this! Also the girls WEREN’T poured into their clothing, hanging our the tops or bottoms. We also sent our other children to this school. I have to tell you, OUR kids learned at any early age to RESPECT their elders, abide by the rules, and love others as GOD INTENDED!!! We’re a close family and my husband & I are very PROUD of our children! I highly recommend private education if One can afford it. We did without a lot of luxury items in order for out children to have the education they received. They’ve told us how much they appreciate the sacrifices we made. AND they have friends of other color – black, yellow, red, and white!!!

  10. Harsh? I think not! on August 8th, 2012 5:25 pm

    Harsher punishment for “african-american” kids? Really? The fact is that there are harsher punishments for repeat offenders…..a kid that does the same stuff over and over isn’t going to get a little slap on the wrist like the other kid who messes up once in a blue moon…come on people…get a grip…Racism is alive in the country…but its reversed!

  11. David Huie Green on August 8th, 2012 5:19 pm

    “African-American ? Just what the h— is that?”

    Africa is a continent. Those whose ancestors were recently in Africa are considered African if they wish to be.

    America is a nation. (North America is a Continent, but that’s another matter.) American citizens are called Americans.

    Now let’s put the two facts together. African-Americans is what some people call people who are American citizens who have African ancestry.

    Others can use the same system but usually don’t feel the need.

    David the Welsh-Scottish-German-Irish-Seminole-Whoknows-American

  12. David Huie Green on August 8th, 2012 5:12 pm

    “I got suspended for riding the bus home with someone. had a note written to the bus driver from my parents and yes still suspension for two days”

    Was it signed by school officials as the district requires?
    If so, why were you suspended?
    If not, why didn’t you follow rules?

    David wondering

  13. boat captain tom on August 8th, 2012 4:34 pm

    Lets see …..African-American ? Just what the hell is that? Is it African or is it American. How many of these poor students are from Africa? Either you’re African or you’re American. They (Southern Poverty Law) thinks punishment is unjust and harsh now………they should have been around in the 60’s when I went to public school…..Now that’s when punishment was harsh.

  14. William on August 8th, 2012 3:45 pm

    >>>>You are the most biased website that I have ever seen. People will say the most hateful & prejudiced comments on this site & you will print them. I pour out my thoughts with a logical and thought-provoking comment & you still refuse to print the comment.

    Nope. Your comment was not published because it was 578 words. Read the rules on every page…comments are limited to 300 words. At some number above 300 words, the system automatically deletes the comment.

    You did not follow the rules, or even come close, so a computer decided to delete it. That policy applies to everyone; it’s not bias.

  15. Sara on August 8th, 2012 3:36 pm

    You are the most biased website that I have ever seen. People will say the most hateful & prejudiced comments on this site & you will print them. I pour out my thoughts with a logical and thought-provoking comment & you still refuse to print the comment.

  16. Brittany on August 8th, 2012 3:06 pm

    Oh give me a break!!! I got suspended for riding the bus home with someone. had a note written to the bus driver from my parents and yes still suspension for two days and oh man here comes the crazy part! IM WHITE!! Florida schools have unjust punishments for everyone not just blacks. Get over yourselves already

  17. Bob hudson on August 8th, 2012 10:29 am

    Don’t care what the rest of the country thinks, that’s their problem. And they can keep it to them selves.

  18. David Huie Green on August 8th, 2012 9:27 am

    “Even in the 21st century, race is still a major problem in America. It is not going away until attitudes change — in the home, schools, churches, and civic organizations.”

    Which is to say, it is not going away because they aren‘t all going to change to suit you. Possibly none will.

    There is no need to limit the thought to America, though, not when people in other countries butcher each other for racial, ethnic, cultural or religious reasons.

    David for fewer genocides,
    more love and kindness,
    better children and parents,
    and the Easter Bunny

  19. scott on August 8th, 2012 8:45 am

    Even in the 21st century, race is still a major problem in America. It is not going away until attitudes change — in the home, schools, churches, and civic organizations.

    I am not surprise at the level of denial I have read here. It is with good reason that the rest of the country view us as backwards.

  20. RJ on August 8th, 2012 8:24 am

    @ northendbratt.

    There is a dress code in Escambia county FL schools. Whether it is enforced by a particular school or not is the question. I have children in 4 different schools (ESE, elementary, middle, and high) and can tell you they have the same handbook. My child in middle school has hers enforced strictly, my highschooler…..well lets just say “Pants on the ground, pants on the ground…looking like a fool with your pants on the ground” comes to mind everytime I drive him to school!

  21. Bob hudson on August 8th, 2012 8:21 am

    Another left wing liberal group , trying to change things to what they think it should be , when in reality, they do not have a clue what they are talking about. And we know that liberals are never wrong ( Ha , ha, ) What a joke!!!!!

  22. RJ on August 8th, 2012 8:20 am

    The problem is there is a culture out there the allows the fathers to have no responsiblity in raising a child. That is the root of the problems. This is a problem no matter what color the child is.

  23. The Truth on August 8th, 2012 8:16 am

    All of us have choices to make. It doesn’t matter what color you are, what age you are, what gender you are. If you make right choices and follow the rules, there will be no reason for discrimination when it comes down to receiving punishment. There will be no need for receiving punishment if all of us choice to obey.

  24. 429SCJ on August 8th, 2012 6:57 am

    The good students burden, the parent’s nightmare. Lyndon Johnson did the same thing for AA children as Obama is doing now, after 47 years are things better, no they are worse and it is all the white populace’s fault that AA children are still having problems today.

    If you can afford it, send your child to a private academy. You, your children and in many instances your grandchildren will be far better for your financial sacrifice.

  25. northendbratt on August 8th, 2012 6:22 am

    If you read the paper, watch the news, or get your information on, in the very near future, the SPLC will implode.Over the past few years several of these agencies, have. They don’t serve but one purpose, to cause problems,that really would not exist if some of the peons who are paid with our tax dollars, didn’t go around to the schools stirring up trouble, where there would be no trouble, if not for the SPLC. What if there was an SPLC for every ethnic group in our schools? Every kid would have someone following them around asking, did that teacher look at you wrong when you passed him in the hall six seconds ago?? To be continued, at a later date when Northescambia breaks the story about this agency falling in on itself!

  26. northendbratt on August 8th, 2012 5:46 am

    On the same note as David H. Green…….
    Child(boy) is sent to the office for improper dress, pants hanging below his buttocks,
    nothing but his underwear covering, said buttocks.He is sent home to change, or for the day or whatever. Of course this is refered to as racial because the child is black. And of course, he will not change his manner of dress because it is his right to dress in this fashion. A, lets say girl, is sent home because the thongs she is wearing is showing above the top of her low rider jeans, you bet your sweet behind she is gonna change clothes, the thongs are going in the trash, and this will not happen again! WHY? You ask, because Mom or Dad, was called, either at home or even on the job and had to pick little Susie up, take her home to change, take her back to school, and TALK TO, face to face, whoever it is at the school who deals with this particular infraction. So far, how much time has this taken out of a school day? To cut this short, has anyone ever read the dress code Escambia Acdemy has in affect, that every student, black, white, Hispainic has to adhere to? It takes a while to read the whole thing, but at the end of the day, every boy, girl, teacher, whover sets foot on that campus, on any given school day wears khaki, pants and a white, or a burgandy (not maroon) polo shirt with a belt, to hold those pants up on the waist where they belong. But of course, in Escambia County Fl, God forbid, oops did I say God, in reference to a County school? My bad, there is no dress code! Wouldn’t it be easier if we had a dress code in public schools? Wouldn’t that put an end to that particular distraction?

  27. eeyore on August 8th, 2012 1:21 am

    amazing! i just love the way some people here are deflecting any race issue by sweepingly saying that its a race card or its a parentling issue…when they themselves have not looked at the stats and numbers…some are even going to the extent of saying that its a liberal thing and the SPLC is at fault? if there was not a problem…then they would not be here…i understand that most folks here are still pretty mad that the “feds” told them their jim crow law was unconstitutional in the past but please dont ever say that racism doesnt exist here nor ignore the 14th amendment while spouting the 2nd amendment to keep your precious firearms…which kind of confuses me…i heard a lot of people say they want their weapons to protect them from the government…or those not like themselves…isnt that domestic terrorism? kind of like what that guy did in Wisconsin?

  28. Ronda on August 7th, 2012 11:49 pm

    The timing of this suit is troubling to me as it comes less than two weeks after President Obama issued yet another executive order, this one being titled The White House Initiative On Educational Ecellence for African American Students. Besides providing MANY opportunities to African Amercan students exclusively, the initiative calls specifically for “decreasing the disproportionate number of referrals of African American students by addressing the root causes of the referrals and erradicating discriminatory referrals”.
    Personally, I believe discrimination of any kind is deplorable. I believe it is ludicrous to think the color of a humans skin has any bearing on his/her intelligence, skills, character, or abilities.
    BUT!!!!!!, that being said, I find it deplorable that the very man who called himself ‘a color-blind president’ finds it acceptable to issue an executive order so discriminatory itself.
    I am in my late forties. I was in one of the first desegragated kindergarten classes in Escambia County. My African American peers have had the same educational opportunities as I have had due to our FREE public school education system. Their children have had the same educational opportunities my children have had. Our grandchildren will have the same educational opportunities as things stand.
    Please, someone explain how the personal choices some people make in their private lives,resulting in them, their children, or grandchildren not taking advantage of those same educational opportunities available to us all, means they should get MORE special treatment!!

  29. mom on August 7th, 2012 11:04 pm

    Not again!, Trying the race card again!!!

  30. Stephanie Small on August 7th, 2012 10:54 pm

    This is ridiculous. Behave, no matter what race you happen to be. My son has been in trouble, suspended, in-school as well as out of school, a few times… And he’s white! And better yet…. I TEACH in Escambia County. No special favors, and I wouldn’t expect any.

  31. billy on August 7th, 2012 10:05 pm

    They love that race card.

  32. JT on August 7th, 2012 10:02 pm

    “Unforgiving disciplinary policies are cutting short the futures of countless African-American students across Florida and the entire nation,” said Stephanie Langer, a staff attorney for the SPLC’s Florida office. “If school districts truly want to provide a quality education to all of their students, they will reform these discriminatory policies.”

    So your saying an unforgiving disciplinary policy cuts short the futures of trouble makers that interrupt the rest of the class and can not follow the rules. So in order to provide a quality education for all of the students they are supposed to leave trouble making children in the classroom because they are african American….Glad the SPLC cleared that up for us. They are good at fixing problems that aren’t problems.

  33. Mike on August 7th, 2012 9:57 pm

    They aren’t saying black kids aren’t causing discipline problems, they’re saying when the same discipline problems occur, black kids are suspended or expelled and white kids are sent home with a note to their parents.

    Why is the justice department involved? Because that pretty much mirrors the same pattern of behavior that white southerners displayed throughout the Jim Crow era and the civil rights movement regarding equal application of everyday laws. Both groups act and behave in the same ways, but white students rarely get punished similarly.

    The Constitution that many of you like invoking when you’re talking about your gun rights also includes the 14th Amendment which requires EQUAL protection under the law! Equal protection means what applies to one man (or in this case one child) applies to all others. A principle added to the Constitution specifically because southern white people couldn’t get it in their thinking that rules and the law applied to them as well as black people . . . pretty much the same as this situation!

  34. Seriously? on August 7th, 2012 7:04 pm

    What are teachers supposed to do with disruptive students? Let them continue to cause problems? This is not a racial issue; it is a parenting issue. We will not see any change in our youth until parents step up and be parents. And, if, upon further research, this is a problem in the Black community, then the leaders need to ask, “What is the root of the problem? How do we solve this problem?” Nothing will be accomplished by suing people at every turn. It’s the same as throwing money into a burning house: until the house is extinguished, throwing money on the house does nothing but waste it.

  35. Bob hudson on August 7th, 2012 5:35 pm

    I strongly recommend that you bing or goolgle Southern Poverty law Center and see for your self what they stand for and what they represent, Hey its their web site. And make your own mind up, But as for me, it puts the left in left wing liberal.

  36. Bob hudson on August 7th, 2012 5:28 pm

    Forgot one thing , when a black officer arrest a black for black on black crime , They are called racist, don’t believe me ? Ask one next time you talk to one. this has gone on to long and is ripping this country apart. Every one needs to get their chips off their shoulders,and go back to being decent to one another.

  37. do what? on August 7th, 2012 5:16 pm

    I say blame the parents…..if the kids were brought up right to actual go by the rules, they wouldn’t be whining about the unfairness of the consequences. When I was in school, I was too afraid to not follow the rules…fear of my parents being the main reason, and fear that I wouldn’t get to do the extra activities I was able to do… these days have no respect and they don’t care if they graduate.. let them be deliquents and get them out into the real world.

  38. jesse on August 7th, 2012 4:50 pm

    Like most of the stuff the The Southern Poverty Law Center complains about is racially motivated and does nothing, but keep the division between whites and blacks. A young teenage boy went into a fast food place and committed murder, Out came the media, and racial groups like this one to his defense and began screaming unfair treatment. When the Colorado movie theater shooter get his just punishment, white people will not be screaming foul. I as a human hope he gets the death penalty. he coin has flipped on racism in the past 50 years. The NAACP, Colleges such as Bethune Cookman, Tuskeegee, FAMU are all nothing more than racial. All of you other commenters that are sick of hearing racism every time something happens when a black gets in trouble, need to take a stand. The reason they do it is because it works for them.

  39. Bob hudson on August 7th, 2012 4:38 pm

    I so hope that the SPLC are reading this forum. My next question is , Do you think they will affront The Sheriffs department about young black robbers being treated ( Unfairly) as compared to young white robbers????? This is sure stupidity at its highest mark ! I am sick and tired , if you say one thing about a person of color you are a racist, Why you did not vote for Obama , your a racist, don’t agree with Obama , your a racist, As I know a few law enforcement officers, when they arrest a black for a black on black crime , some one is going to jail, well guess what ? They are called Racist. Really? This thing has gotten to far out of control, So why not just go to calling every one people, no color, involved. So if people act out people get punished. Once again the liberal left trying to make nothing in to something.

  40. George on August 7th, 2012 4:30 pm

    The southern poverty law center is a joke in itself..They are trouble makers, plain and simple, just harassing the northwest FL area (that’s is mainly republican).

  41. kelley Underwood on August 7th, 2012 4:22 pm

    This stuff happens.I have a ESE child that it has happened to. I feel better knowing other people are out there dealing with this I will take a stand if this happens again because it does not only help one race it helps all children because it opens peoples eyes.

  42. No Excuses on August 7th, 2012 4:15 pm

    I like Dennis Wiggin’s comment. We had a principal who screamed at us (the teachers) that 75% of the student body had been sent to the deans office for discipline that year. I raised my hand and asked how many of those were repeat offenders? He had no idea, but went an looked it up. Turned out it was more like 15% of the student population because many of the same kids were repeating multiple offenses, so the number was jacked up because of that.

    Now, if 65% of the expulsions AND suspentions, etc. are committed by a smaller percentage of students who are committing multiple offenses, then it’s not as big of a problem as they are making it out to be. It’s not racial – whites, hispanics, asians and other groups are in the mix as well. They are just focusing on the blacks because that is a large minority group around here, so more of them tend to get in trouble than some of the other smaller groups.

    Being black does not go hand in hand with getting into trouble. I had many black students that were kind, respectful and polite and who wanted to learn. It was really on a small handful of all races of students who were disruptive and needed “alternative” education. I had them removed so I could TEACH and my other students, both black and white, coule LEARN.

  43. David Huie Green on August 7th, 2012 2:47 pm

    “Student A, you’ve been sent to me for disrupting class. Do you have anything to say?”

    “Up yours!”


    “Student B, you’ve been sent to me for disrupting class. Do you have anything to say?”

    “I’m very sorry, Ma’am. It won’t happen again.”

    Both were sent to to the dean for the same infraction.

    After their responses, should both see the same results, the one who was still defiant and the one who was apologetic?

    David for ameliorative responses

  44. Spoon Champion on August 7th, 2012 2:43 pm

    I know “racism” gets thrown around alot; however, if you don’t think that it exists, then you’re fairly oblivious to the world around you.

  45. Curious on August 7th, 2012 2:36 pm

    What is relatively minor and non-violent ?
    I don’t recall that in my student handbook in the ’60s. We behaved because of FEAR OF CONSEQUENCES! !

  46. ABP on August 7th, 2012 2:14 pm

    What is so hard to understand when fairness is at issue. When i read the racist comments from the viewers, that Black Children have the disclinary problems and others don’t. What is missing from the statements children of all colors do things that are not excepted the punishment should be the same. There is no Statics out there that say Black Childrens commit more infraction than any other child but they receive the harasses punishment. How is this political? It not , but any issues some of the viewers comments make it just that. Black parents care about there children I know I’m a black parent and grandparent.

  47. bigR on August 7th, 2012 2:01 pm

    pick up just about any newspaper in the country and what do you see , you see young mostly teenage black kids in trouble for murder, be it another black for selling drugs on their turf or mabe even owing them some ridiculously small amount of money, or mabe its where they decide to rob a white kid in their own home minding their own business such as the miree kid in mobile, i could go on and on with examples. but the point is it needs to stop one way or another it should stop in their home when they are growing up and in school they need to be taught respect and you only get taught respect through punishment. if the SPLC is upset with the schools and want to sue them for punishing blacks, mabe they should sue the court systems for letting murdering teenage blacks off with little or no punishment. the naacp and splc have already won leniency in the courts for blacks committing heinous crimes so why not attack the school systems next. makes you wonder who they will go after next.

  48. Grad on August 7th, 2012 1:58 pm

    Well if everybody wasn’t so sue happy you might could still tear their tails up in school and they would get it again when they got home. I did and it was way worse when mom or dad did it. Now too many complain about good ol fashion disciplin. The in school suspension does not work, they are still around their friends because they are probably in trouble with them.

  49. NHS GRAD OF 2012 on August 7th, 2012 1:39 pm

    This past year at school all the arguments an all the fights are always between black students, it’s not not that whites are better than blacks! It’s that I’m more than sure that if we get in trouble at school you better believe we know it’ll be worse when we get home! Do the black students get that? Yes some do, but there’s more than a handful who don’t! They don’t get punished more than we do what happened is they repeat the same thing over and over an never learn there lessons from the first couple of times and the teachers get tired of it! I would be to school is a place to feel safe, learn, an to have some fun! But when disrespecting an violence come in! They have gotta put an end tO it somehow!

  50. John Sallers on August 7th, 2012 1:36 pm

    This is political correctness. PC is controlling America, a threat to Liberty and the constitution. This is the result of a bureaucracy of monolithic proportions out of Washin ton DC.

    Political correctness is a form of censorship. Not saying certain things because it may be offesive to others has been hijacked and spread into our very own daily lives. Most Americans are doing it now and not realizing it. In effect you have already been controlled.

    This runs dangerously close, if not parallel to Stalin, Hitler, Mao ect; and the basic forms of population control which is communisim, facisim and totalitarianism. (Which started many years ago.) The very opposite of individual liberty, the constitution as to which our Republic was formed.

  51. COMMON SENSE on August 7th, 2012 12:30 pm

    The numbers dont lie. I guess these folks think it does, or means the schools are racist. Im pretty sure there’s a pie chart some where to back this story up. I just dont think it that hard to believe that black kids are worse than white kids. These parents dont want to raise their kids right, and when the kid messes up and gets punished, not its a race issue. Give me a break people!! I guess Hispanic kids never get in trouble. I didnt see them mentioned. Should the white people also sue? I just dont understand the logic of this argument. If blacks and whites dont mix, its racist. If blacks and whites do mix, then have a disagreement, its racist. Its a no win situation, especially when the NAACP always puts their ‘word’ in.

    Goodmorning, D.H.G.!

  52. MolinoLady on August 7th, 2012 12:30 pm

    America must stand up to this president’s executive orders – he did this very quietly to get the vote from minorities. Few politians say the disruptions begin in the family and it occurs in every color family but is most prevelant is the single family homes.

    He wants the whites to be punished at the same rate as all of the races. Racism runs both ways.


  53. ragin cajun on August 7th, 2012 12:21 pm

    He’s my perspective. When I was in school I was constantly interrupted from what I was learning while the teacher disciplined other students. “The problem kids shouldn’t be taken out of class so they could learn”, If they stay in class NO ONE learns, and if they are being a problem in class they probably aren’t learning anyway. Take those problem kids out of class and group them together with other students that don’t behave and let a specialist teach them, but don’t call it special education because that would be demeaning, so how about Disciplinary Intensive learning.

  54. confused on August 7th, 2012 12:17 pm

    If you have statistics to back up your claim, how is it racism? I know this might come as a shock.. But what if black kids really just get in more trouble than white kids…would that just be impossible to comprehend?

  55. 429SCJ on August 7th, 2012 11:57 am

    The whole point is to keep diruptive students in the classroom to the detriment of all the other students regardless of race. Why do you think student performance has steadily declined in the last 45 years, we have a need to have armed Deputies posted at each school?

    Confusion is the objective and we know the author of that. SPLC, interesting people who serve an interesting agenda.

  56. smokey on August 7th, 2012 11:52 am

    Your shoes are the same as my shoes ,it’s the way you walk in them thats the problem

  57. stopcrying on August 7th, 2012 11:46 am

    Good Grief ,,, same old same old ,,,so sick of hearing racist crying ,,,get over it ,,, please this is the year 2012 … you where not a slave, neither was your parents ,,,, i did not make you a slave , neither did my parents ,, so get over it already and quit trying to make everybody pay for what others did in the past … who gives a crap ! got more important things to worry about in this screwed up world with out everyone of every color yelling racism.

  58. EscCo mom on August 7th, 2012 11:45 am

    Sounds like people are looking for someone other than themselves to blame for their children not becoming a beneficial part in society. Maybe if these children feared what would happen when then school called their parents as we did when we were in school the school wouldn’t have to go to such “extremes” I say bring paddlings back and there will be a whole new attitude when warned of going to the office. I know it only took once for me to get a paddling by the principal and then a good beating from my parents when I got home for me to change my behavior. Parents need to be more active in ther children’s life and have got to stop expecting the school system to raise their children.

  59. Ashley on August 7th, 2012 11:33 am

    Am I mistaken, or did they not deny that the students are acting inappropriately? They aren’t denying the crime, just complaining about the punishment? Seriously?? Maybe they should focus on why that many are getting into trouble on a consistent basis. I don’t care what your race is, if you are a distraction in any way to the classroom you are depriving the other children (including my child) their right to an education. Am I the only one that sees this? If the child is disruptive and does not want to act appropriately, they should be removed. It should become a parent issue at that point. Most of the infractions listed are banned in the student handbook given out the first few weeks of school. How many warnings would the SPLC like us to give the children and parents?

  60. Good grief! on August 7th, 2012 11:20 am

    My gosh people! I get so sick of hearing racism, prejudice! A freaking bad kid is a bad kid no matter if it’s white, black, green or purple! Look around, they’re everywhere! I see blackkids that are hellions and I’ve seen white kids that hellions! Just a freaking excuse to blame something on someone else! Mom & Dad are on crack and don’t care about the kid so why should the kid care! The bad kids don’t want to be in school anyway! They’d rather be on the corner pushing drugs or whatever! Kids need to learn discipline & respect at home BEFORE they ever attend kindergarten! There’s nothing wrong with respect! Try it sometimes!

  61. Bob hudson on August 7th, 2012 11:16 am

    Well well, take a note from Mr.Obama’s play book ! Funny how he just had the same idea. This is pure stupidity! So are they calling the School board racist? Really? What they should do is counter sue them. when this is proven wrong , based on what they have done and how they acted. I say about 5 million plus the cost that they have cause. We could use the money for real education. When you go to school , sit down , and shut up. You are there to learn , not to be entertained.

  62. Dennis HE Wiggins on August 7th, 2012 11:13 am

    Okay, SPLC. Help me with the math here. If 36% of the student population commits 65% of the infractions that should result in out-of-school suspensions, then shouldn’t 65% of the out-of-school suspensions be comprised of THOSE students? . . . That’s why math and law don’t mix!

  63. Renae on August 7th, 2012 11:13 am

    It’s easy to speak against it, until you’ve “walked” in OUR shoes. IT’s a FACT not a statement.

  64. Older Student on August 7th, 2012 11:12 am

    I am an older person that graduated from a local school. My parents were disciplinarians. If I got in trouble for ANYTHING minor or major at school, I got in trouble again at home. It did not matter if I was right or wrong. Parents backed up teachers so teachers could do their jobs. I promise if I got in trouble I KNEW what I was doing and knew I deserved the punishment. I agree that we need to move on and get over the racial excuses.Cying wolf for over 40 years just makes other not want to listen.

  65. jp on August 7th, 2012 11:10 am

    The simple answer is to return to the method that worked for hundreds of years,
    PUT THE BOARD OF EDUCATION ON THE SEAT OF KNOWLEDGE! I can’t understand how educated people think sending a student home is teaching
    them anything. They simply run the streets and do as THEY please. They spend
    no time in suspention studying their lessons missed while out of class, I assure you. Yet the school board punishes students for being absent or tardy. Someone
    tell me, how can you educate a child by not allowing them access to class study
    and homework? If this is the way educated people think today, I’m glad I don’t have much of one!

  66. Bully on August 7th, 2012 11:06 am

    The problem is not a racist issue due to prejudice. The statistics that no one is willing to show is that blacks are far more likely to get into trouble than whites. For instance, concerning the black to non-black ratios, look at the prison population compared to the general population anywhere in the country. The question then one must ask is, why are blacks far more likely to get into trouble? Well its same reason, particularly for school aged children either black or white, and that is the breakdown of the family. Where the family unit is broken, there is no stability or discipline or love etc. There is no amount of government school that can take the place of the family, yet this is exactly what the government thinks it can do. So, now we have two issues, breakdown of family and government thinking it can be the stablity factor. This is a never ending circle until we start to look at the root problem which is not a skin color issue.

  67. Justsayin on August 7th, 2012 11:04 am

    The thing is if everyone took pride in their children and taught them how to act not only in public but their home life is what’s most important. Stop acting a fool in front of them and pay more attention to them! Stop letting everyone raise your children and take responsibility first of your actions then maybe kids wouldn’t act that way and get in trouble! Its not a racist thing its called parenthood! Whoop their butts if they need it like our parents did us and teach them how to respect others!

  68. poohbear on August 7th, 2012 10:55 am

    The home life most of the time tells what kind of a child you have in the school system. If the parents didn’t respect adults, then neither will the child. Keep up the good work all of you that are doing good in school and make something of yourself.

  69. Toni on August 7th, 2012 10:54 am

    Really? Why are people always opening their mouths and proving how dumb they are? JUST ME!!!

  70. paul on August 7th, 2012 10:39 am

    Maybe it wouldn’t happen if they would understand what Zero tolerance meant..
    Having a clean prior record shouldn’t matter if you break the rules.

  71. BubbaRay on August 7th, 2012 10:31 am

    “School discipline should never deprive a child of an education..” If a child has self-discipline they do not have to worry about being deprived of anything..!!!

  72. just me on August 7th, 2012 10:25 am

    Really? More of this racist crap? Sooooooo tired of when someone black gets into trouble, it must be racism…….. Maybe a change of attitude will cure it all!! Time to get over it and move the hell on…..

  73. smokey on August 7th, 2012 10:12 am

    OMG! It never ends. Same ole’ same ole’

  74. Amanda on August 7th, 2012 10:11 am

    I agree that the way Florida schools punish the kids is absurd. I was a Florida student and I was punished for the most ridiculous things. one being sitting with a girl on a roller coaster ride that waved at a boy that was not with our school. She talked to him and asked him to meet her somewhere and I got ISS for being with her on the roller coaster not even when she asked the boy to meet her. I also was suspended from the bus because there where two rather large (and sweaty) boys in my seat . and the one across for me was empty we had a sub and I moved over (while the bus was at a complete stop). I don’t think its just African American subjected to ridiculous punishments its all Florida students