Sheriff: Morgan Defeats Powell

August 15, 2012

Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan won the Escambia County Republican Primary Tuesday, defeating challenger John Powell.

Morgan, the incumbent, received 77 percent of the vote to Powell’s 23.

“It is truly a humbling experience,” Morgan said after the win. He has not yet officially won the position; he must face Mindy Lynn Pare, a write-in candidate, in November.

After defeating Powell, Morgan said he plans to continue to focus on gun crime and drugs.

“We are going to take a hard run on the problem with guns in Escambia County. Right now, it’s killing our children, it’s killing our families. So that’s at the forefront,” the sheriff said.

During a concession speech at the Happy Pig Cafe, a barbeque restaurant in Pensacola, Powell said that despite the loss his campaign made significant accomplishments.

“The issues that were brought forth are extremely important to the community. We want to make sure that we stay on top of things,” Powell said. “We live here. We have to put up with the high crime and the budget and all that.”

“We fought an outstanding fight,” Powell told his supporters and volunteers.

Pictured top, inset: Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan and his supporters celebrate a primary win Tuesday night. (Courtesy WEAR 3). Pictured below: Morgan (right) and challenger John Powell.


40 Responses to “Sheriff: Morgan Defeats Powell”

  1. SGT Stro on August 18th, 2012 12:53 am

    I am currently active duty Army and I can tell you that I’m not impressed with the militaria being worn on a civilian uniform, on the wrong side no less. I won’t dispute whether or not the Sheriff earned them, because it wouldn’t do any good to complain if he didn’t. The Stolen Valor Act doesn’t exist anymore.

    If you are a veteran holding or running for public office, put it on your resume for the public to see. Don’t parade around using your military service awards to garner votes. I see no awards for valor, combat, or even overseas service on his chest or neck (which would be customary for someone in his position, taking such a photo), so I see no need to make more of something than what it is. He served and we are all grateful for that, but it shouldn’t be used as propaganda or to make yourself “look pretty”.

    He has the badge on his chest and the stars on his shoulders. If I am I resident of Escambia County (which I am), that’s all I need to see to know that is my Sheriff.

  2. A-Z on August 17th, 2012 2:35 pm

    30 year Vet. so no I don’t have any metal or ribbons Marshall. Now as far as the ribbons being on the right side of his chest, it is possible it is a photographic mirror of his picture in which case his ribbons are actually on his left side. I just used a graphic program and flipped it myself using the mirror function so I can make his ribbons show up right or left side. But regardless, the civilian guidelines may be different.

    My point is that nationwide it is common practice/precedent for law enforcement, fire fighters and other public servants to wear military earned ribbons on their class “A” dress uniforms, I don’t have a problem with it if it is common practice. He looks sharp and i see no disrespect to my military heritage however if I was a political enemy or democrat i would expect those to raise a fuss.

  3. Jacob Winsinger on August 17th, 2012 7:38 am

    Thanks Marshall and somehow we’re being unpatriotic by asking that our sherriff wear his ribbons properly. And not in a boastful manner for political gain! But that’s ok our sherriff is good with what he’s doing.

  4. Marshall on August 16th, 2012 4:25 pm

    YO A-Z…Got a Question for ya…

    Being that the Ribbons are issued and regulated under DOD and UCMJ regulations…What gives the LAPD the RIght to issue Rules or Regulations about the wearing of Military Medals or Ribbons????

    Would bet you probably never earned any Military Ribbons….

  5. A-Z on August 16th, 2012 1:15 am

    Lots of precedent for wearing military ribbons on law enforcement uniform. i.e. LAPD. LAPD officers that are military veterans are highly encouraged to wear their military ribbons on their LAPD uniform. LAPD authorizes military and LAPD ribbons to be worn on our LAPD class A uniform during authorized events and inspections. Nothing wrong with it.

  6. D on August 16th, 2012 12:35 am

    oh and its cool hes wearin his medals but the badge needs to go. I believe there is a little bit of training that must be done to earn a LAWENFORCEMENT badge

  7. dusty on August 16th, 2012 12:33 am

    All i can say is garbage!! Who votes that the crime rate jumps another 150 percent now

  8. Jacob on August 15th, 2012 8:07 pm

    Thanks DW & Marshall at least a couple of you get my point. It seems that there are those that just don’t get it and that’s ok too. We’re not against his ribbons – I personally am against his wearing of the ribbons improperly and for the wrong reasons. Many of my friends died for those ribbons. So before you think it’s ok for him to wear them in the manner that he does. Think about the others that can’t wear them because they’re no longer here.

  9. Thom on August 15th, 2012 6:27 pm

    While it is certainly a prohibition against DOD (Department of Defense) policy to wear military awarded awards (exception is Medal of Valor) with any uniform that is not DOD uniforms, I can’t think why anyone should be disguntled if anyone does if they truly were awarded those medals for metorious service to our country. Those medals/awards are valid for life. Maybe some discretion might be displayed, however, not (in my opinion…) required. He earned those awards…period. If he chooses to remind us he served our nation with distinction…I have no problem with that. It might be a little distasteful, but, that is his choice and the only entity that can do or say something about it is the Department that awarded his them to begin with. Having said that, I believe his motives to be okay, not like he uses them to gain personally from those awards, but to remind us he served us…the American people, and continues to do so. What can be wrong with that? I served my country and will continue to do so (I serve in law enforcement for the state of Florida – not the county). Thank you Sheriff Morgan, for your metorious service to our nation and your continued efforts to serve our county. I did not vote for you, however, you have my support.

  10. Patriot on August 15th, 2012 6:15 pm

    For the record, I did NOT make the post at 2:51pm.

    With the limitless “names” available, it would be nice if someone didn’t use the same one that I have been posting under for the last couple of years.

  11. Marshall on August 15th, 2012 6:09 pm

    To those of you that find it OK for the Sheriff to wear his Ribbons need to understand that there is a respect for those ribbons from the ones that earn them. Wearing them in the manner that he has chosen shows a total lack of respect for the Ribbons and the reason they were earned. The issue with wearing them for political gain has already been posted, so here is the actual Air Force Regulation….

    ” Air Force Instruction 36-2903, paragraph 4-4 says that honorably discharged and retired Air Force members may wear full-size or miniature medals on civilian suits on appropriate occasions such as Memorial Day and Armed Forces Day. Female members may wear full-size or miniature medals on equivalent dress. As with the Army, medals should be placed in the approximate same location and in the manner they are placed on the Air Force Uniform.”

    You will see that it states they are only to be worn on specific days and in the same approximate location as on the uniform. There is NO Air Force Uniform, or any other US Military Uniform, where they are worn on the Right Side Chest! I earned my Ribbons/Medals and lost friends that did also. Anyone that has earned their Ribbons/Medals, should also expect the Sheriff to respect his and not wear them as he sees fit. I have no problem with anyone wearing their ribbons, as long as they follow the DOD/UCMJ regulations that are in place. And to me, the Veterans that think it is OK to wear them as he sees fit, are also showing a disrespect for the Ribbons/Medals and those that earned them.

  12. dw on August 15th, 2012 6:05 pm

    For the writer who cited the recent Supreme Court decision, I appreciate your efforts however, that particular ruling dealt ONLY with falsely representing him/her as a recipient of an Armed Forces member. I’ve not read anything indicating Sheriff Morgan falsely represents his ribbons, awards or medals.

    The ruling did not speak to existing rules for DOD or the Air Force regs.
    All those directive remain in full force and effect…..just saying

  13. dw on August 15th, 2012 5:50 pm

    Jacob, I’m in complete agreement with point. I get it and it gauls me. More so because he wears around that $1000.00 sham around his neck, not earned, purchased. What bothers me most, CMH winner is worn same way virtually anytime in virtually any attire. It is vainly misleading. Furthermore, (Mr Coe) Recommendations by the VA do not have the force and requirement of either DOD’s
    Rules and, in this, USAF rules and regs are controlling as to active duty AND retired Air Force Personnel; No political, not for personnel gain or betterment…. !!!

    Wrong place, time, purpose for those medals/awards earned or purchased.

  14. Patriot on August 15th, 2012 2:51 pm

    I didn’t make it up – The government did. But that’s ok he’s the sheriff he can do as he pleases.

    A-Z: What this guy said. And I did look it up. Looks straight forward to me. (BTW)Try to put a sentence together that makes sense next time.

    DoD Directive 1334.1 – It is DoD policy that: 3.1. The wearing of the uniform (ribbons are part of the uniform) by members of the Armed Forces (including retired members and members of Reserve components) is prohibited under any of the following circumstances:

    3.1.2. During or in connection with furthering political activities, private employment or commercial interests, when an inference of official sponsorship for the activity or interest may be drawn.

  15. hawghead on August 15th, 2012 2:32 pm

    I live in Santa Rosa county so I really don’t have a dog in this hunt……However I do keep up with local politics in Escambia county……I find it funny that until the election there has not been any scandals, corruption investigations etc…concerning the sheriffs dept. since Morgan took office….If my memory serves me right people wanted the sheriff’s dept. cleaned up and that’s why they voted for Morgan….Well it seems he has done exactly what the people wanted and now all of you complain about him….Maybe you should vote in another “Good Ole Boy” and go back to politics as usual…But then again that’s not what you wanted…..As far as blaming Morgan for the rise in crime…’s rising everywhere not just here….so I guess you can’t blame Morgan for that…oh wait….you already did…..just my two cents worth…

  16. A-Z on August 15th, 2012 2:18 pm

    Military ribbons are allowed on many law enforcement dept uniforms NATIONWIDE for formal occasions and inspections. Don’t believe me you could google it but those who are complaining have already shown their patriotic colors. Corrections and Law Enforcement have all been in a pay freeze status and realities of the budgets at Fed, State and County levels will not allow it yet. I for one just thank God for a job.

  17. Jacob Winsinger on August 15th, 2012 12:37 pm

    And he should be proud of the awards he received during military service. I am proud as are most of the vets that I know. But one doesn’t see us going around bragging about our awards and service record. We all know the real reason he has the medals displayed. You know it and so do I. The sherriff expects to gain from showing them off. I find that despicable. We didn’t do the right thing to gain from earning those medals and awards. We did the right thing because it was the right thing to do. That’s how I feel about it. I’m off the soap box now.

  18. Jacob Winsinger on August 15th, 2012 12:24 pm

    I didn’t make it up – The government did. But that’s ok he’s the sheriff he can do as he pleases.

    DoD Directive 1334.1 – It is DoD policy that: 3.1. The wearing of the uniform (ribbons are part of the uniform) by members of the Armed Forces (including retired members and members of Reserve components) is prohibited under any of the following circumstances:

    3.1.2. During or in connection with furthering political activities, private employment or commercial interests, when an inference of official sponsorship for the activity or interest may be drawn.

  19. Patriot on August 15th, 2012 12:19 pm

    In response to john:

    Powell got 22% of the Republican vote. What percentage of Democrats do you think would have voted for him? 40%?…. 50%?…. 60%?
    Assuming the turn out rate of Dems would be the same as Republicans (34%), Powell would need 66% of the Democrat vote. Highly unlikely, don’t you think?

    Furthermore, the Democrats will get their opportunity to vote in November. If they are that dis-satisfied with the current sheriff, they can cast a vote for the only candidate that the Democratic Party could muster…Mindy Pare, a recently fired deputy.

  20. screwed on August 15th, 2012 11:55 am

    having work for Morgan and aiken clan. we are screwed aiken will higher more family at 50k secretaries will get $5000-$8000 raise again as deputies go another year without one. 7 years straight btw. but chief aiken daughter got a raise making over 50k and chief aiken has gotten a 51k raises since Morgan has taken office. don’t get me started on his uniform . so crime will contuine to rise less deputies on road good job and the dog and pony show gun response team please . I’ve worked more shootings in the last 3 yrs then my first 15yrs in law enforcement . one of the worse admin every

  21. john on August 15th, 2012 11:37 am

    Here goes another rise in crime! If Democrats could have voted this joke would have lost

  22. Henry Coe on August 15th, 2012 11:35 am

    Congratulations Sheriff Morgan.

    On the medals, it isn’t illegal and it is somewhat encouraged by the VA from what I’ve read for Veterans to display medals or miniature versions of medals to show their service achievements and to support other Veterans. Sheriff Morgan has nothing to be ashamed about in regard to his service to our country or the medals he wears for photo’s.

  23. Bondo on August 15th, 2012 10:56 am

    I really dont have many complaints about Morgans last four years but hear a few. Morgan promised more deputies on the North, which has not happened, many nights two deputies work the entire northend of the county which is very unsafe. He has the K9s deputies scared to even work there dogs, with the possibilty of get wrote up or fired. He has a strict no chase policy, which he has broke before. Other than that get more deputies up North, let the guys do there job. Lets have another good four years.

  24. Jacob Winsinger on August 15th, 2012 10:53 am

    LOL it’s not a medal kick. It’s about honor and how we received the medals and not bragging about the medals and not gaining something from the medals. I could go on but it seems like many of the folks that comment about getting off of the medals don’t get it.

  25. Randy on August 15th, 2012 10:42 am

    1. Sheriff Morgan is the best sheriff this county has seen in a long time. He is proactive and involved. His military background is a plus for this position, so get off the medals kick and get behind the peoples choice. Congrats Sheriff Morgan, it has been an honor to serve under you.

  26. GoMorgan! on August 15th, 2012 10:40 am

    We haven’t had to file a lawsuit against the ECSO since he took office – not the case when McNesby and Lowman were in the seat. Go Morgan!

  27. Jacob Winsinger on August 15th, 2012 10:19 am

    You are absolutely correct Vulcanrider – Only allowed to wear the ribbons as part of patriotic functions. The DoD directive explicitly states that ribbons/uniforms are not to be worn for “political” gain. But hey he’s the sheriff so it doesn’t apply to him. He gets to enforce the rules when they’re to his benefit.

  28. smokey on August 15th, 2012 10:09 am

    I think I’m going to be sick.

  29. Vulcanrider on August 15th, 2012 10:01 am

    Interesting that the Sherriff’s official photo includes a USAF ribbon rack, I didn’t know you were allowed to display your military awards on a civilian uniform. Not saying it’s wrong, just something I wasn’t aware of.

    And, I know it’s AF, I have every one of those on my rack plus a few.

  30. BMR on August 15th, 2012 9:16 am

    If you get a chance to read this Sheriff, would it be possibl to get it into the budjet a few deputies to stay on highway 97 here in the northend it is a racetrac .thankyou.

  31. Bob on August 15th, 2012 8:53 am

    Agood day for North Escambia. Never in my life have we had such an influence from the Dept as we have under morgans rule. Lets hope this continues as more people bring on more problems. We need as citizens to pitch in and help law enforcement to keep our communities as crime free as possible.

  32. 429SCJ on August 15th, 2012 8:35 am

    The numbers speak for themselves.

  33. Ben on August 15th, 2012 8:32 am

    Maybe now is a good time for Morgan to stop and reflect on some of the criticism he received during the campaign. Some of the points made by both sides were petty, but correct what you can and move on.

    I hope Morgan hears and appreciates the criticism of wearing medals and decorations. The sheriff is primarily an administrator. A suit would be perfectly appropriate attire. Heck, he looks good in the polo shirt he is wearing at his victory celebration.

  34. bill on August 15th, 2012 7:55 am

    The good old boys are chewing nails and spitting out barbed wire, this morning. They’ll have to wait untill next time to try and get one of their favorite sons back in power.

  35. randy on August 15th, 2012 7:08 am

    sheriff Morgan as a member VFW 706 i like the miltary ribbons … if not part of the normal uniform please make them

  36. Lawson on August 15th, 2012 7:08 am

    Congratulations, sherriff Morgan. You have done a great job for us and we look forward to your next term.

  37. Jeb on August 15th, 2012 7:07 am

    Powell would have just been McNesby all over again and nobody misses him.

  38. Jane on August 15th, 2012 6:21 am

    The voters have made their choice. If you don’t vote, don’t complain. If you did vote, work to change what you think needs to be changed. If you don’t like what the winner is doing, let him/her know with emails, letters, phone calls, or talk to that person at a meeting.

  39. We change on August 15th, 2012 3:59 am

    If you thought it was bad before Just wait ,We will all be begging for the next election so things will get better (not that Powell could have done it) Lord help us all….

  40. JustMe on August 15th, 2012 2:17 am

    Once again I sure have never voted for a write in candidate, but after finding out more about this Mindy, I definitely might be. I always find it funny to see all of those military insignia on a sheriff. Wake up toto you’re not in Kansas anymore.