Second Mother Also Gets 25 Years In Fire Deaths Of Three Children

August 8, 2012

The second twin sister from Atmore accused of  murder after their three young children died home alone in a house fire last year is headed to prison.

Tekeevia Lajoseialan Abner has entered a plea of guilty to three counts of reckless murder and has been sentenced to 25 years on each count, to be served concurrently. Her sister, Akeevia Lajoseia Abner entered a plea of guilty last month and received the same sentence.

The sisters were charged in connection with the deaths of 3-year olds Aniyia Abner and Takia Abner, and 22-month old Michael Coleman in house fire last November on 1st Street in Atmore.

A State Fire Marshal’s investigation determined the fire was caused by an unattended stove. Authorities say the mothers had left the children home alone while they were elsewhere in the neighborhood.

“They showed an extreme indifference to these children’s lives and created a grave risk of death to the children by leaving them home alone on November 2, 2011,” the Escambia County (Ala.) District Attorney’s Office said in a prepared statement following the arrests.

Two of the children were found dead in a hallway while the third was found in a bedroom. And prosecutors said that a mattress was blocking the living room door.

Forensics evidence determined that three young children died from smoke inhalation, authorities said.

Pictured top: Three young children were killed in an Atmore house fire in November 2011. Pictured below: This photo shows the oven door propped open inside the kitchen of a home were three children died in a house fire. Pictured below: The scene of the fire the night of November 2, 2011. file photos, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Second Mother Also Gets 25 Years In Fire Deaths Of Three Children”

  1. Molino on August 11th, 2012 9:59 am


    the teen aged mothers were offered help all the time they refused the help. All they were worried about when they next party. They knew what they were doing when they left the kids home alone . I just wish the punishment would be worse they will be out on parole in 10 to 15 years

  2. David Huie Green on August 10th, 2012 3:01 pm

    “maybe if you went down there and helped the young ladies this wouldn’t have happened.”

    Please tell us more. What could we have done that you couldn’t have done?

    Could we have stopped them from having children before they were ready and able to care for them? How?

    Would they have listened to us if we told them not to leave children unattended in a building heated by an open oven?

    Should we have hired a babysitter to look after their children for them so they wouldn’t have to bother?

    Did we father the children and then abandon them into the hands of child mothers?

    Gripe at us for our failings all you want. I accept that it is all OUR fault. And then tell us how we could have stopped the horrible deaths of these children.

    David accepting blame
    for actions of others

  3. steven on August 10th, 2012 5:58 am

    they have lost there children and freedom thats enough. we all have mess up. the neg folks get a life. maybe if you went dwn there and help the young ladies this wouldnt have happen. what happen to helping tho neighbors but you reather sit here and talk dwn instead of going out and make sure this dnt happen again. go to there hurting family and see what you can do. but am sure no of you went to there family and said am sorry for your lost or started a fund to help teach young adults how care for kids no you didnt. so dont judge til you been in there shoes.

  4. Bill on August 9th, 2012 3:07 pm

    They’ll be out in 10-15 years. Disgusting.

  5. Molino on August 9th, 2012 12:03 pm

    I think they should face the same fate thier children face . lock them in a house and set it on fire

  6. brent on August 8th, 2012 5:14 pm

    both need to be put to death…too much of taxpayer money has already been wasted on those two and many like them

  7. Cantonment Mom on August 8th, 2012 9:45 am

    #chris1…. I agree 100%!

  8. David Huie Green on August 8th, 2012 9:20 am

    “75 years or less..Is that what the life of three innocent babies is worth these days?”

    Once again, concurrent means the three sentences will be served at the same time, 25 years maximum. The others are right that it means you are getting the same punishment for three crimes you would get for one crime, so it makes the other two seem like freebies or you can consider each day as punishment for three things.

    One benefit of concurrent sentences is that if two are thrown out for whatever reason, the third will still be in place.

    And, no, they are not trying to balance the scales of two big lives for three little lives. The judges are just trying to live within our system of laws. (I’d like to call it system of justice, but some days “justice” just doesn’t seem to fit.) Anyhoo, this gives them both twenty five years to consider their lives and attitudes and for someone else to question the statistics and punishments involved.

    David for The Resurrection

  9. SMaxson on August 8th, 2012 8:49 am

    75 years or less..Is that what the life of three innocent babies is worth these days? I’m sure the babies themselves would’ve enjoyed 75 years of life too. Sad,sad,sad…

  10. bigR on August 8th, 2012 7:24 am

    i’m just glad they didnt let them off with youthful offender status at least they have to do 25 instead of 1 year. how selfish can one be to want to go party and leave small children alone

  11. chris1 on August 8th, 2012 6:36 am

    Add sterilization and not able to adopt or care for children.
    Sadly , she will get out early and possible re-offend.
    google ” recidivism ”
    Society doesnt really honor children.
    Witness abortion on demand and this light sentence.
    We are Rome , with much more debt.

  12. Knock Me Over With a Feather on August 8th, 2012 4:39 am

    In my opinion this “concurrently” stuff is stupid…..It’s like they’re saying the deaths of these three precious children only count as one.

    I think this kind of sentencing started either because of the cost to have someone in prison for 75 years instead of 25 – or the lawyers passed it into law so they would have criminals on the street sooner and therefore more money in their pocket…. (repeat offenders) (public defenders get paid too)

    If I were a crook, I’d be sure and commit lots of crimes knowing that if I got caught, I’d really only have to do time for one.